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The table illustrates the number of people who watched for type of

sports on television in four different countries.

Overall, tennis is the most popular sport, while motor racing is the least
favourite one in all four countries. Besides, the USA has the biggest
number of people who like watching these sports on TV.

Among four sports, tennis is the most favorite one so, it ranks first with
the 25.9 millions people watching on TV in four countries, especially
the USA with the highest number of viewers being 7 milillons .
Meanwhile, motor racing is the least popular with 12.7 milions viewers
in total. However, this kind of sport is very popular in Uk with 6.4
million people watching it, while the figures for Autralia, the USA and
Canada are 3.7 million, 1.5 million and 1.1 million, respectively.

Concerning the remaining sports, although golf is the most popular

sport in the USA, at 11.2 million people, it is not popular in the other
countries. Finally, athletic is the sport which has figures ranging from 3
million to 5.5 million in each country.

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