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2023- Social Media Report


In The Partial Fulfilment of The Degree Of

Master Of Business Administration

Submitted by:

Shah Bhakti HiteshKumar (22044311131)

Shah Tirth RajeshBhai (22044311136)

Submitted to:
Prof. Pratima Talreja

(October 2023)


We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Professor Pratima Talreja, our esteemed faculty
guide, for her unwavering support and invaluable guidance throughout the course of this project. Her
expertise, insightful feedback, and dedication have been instrumental in shaping this report.

We would also like to extend our appreciation to the V.M. Patel Institute of Management at Ganpat
University for providing the resources and environment conducive to academic excellence.

Furthermore, we want to acknowledge the contributions of my peers and classmates who provided
valuable insights and constructive critiques during the development of this report. Your collaborative
spirit greatly enriched the quality of this project.

This project would not have been possible without the collective efforts and support of these
individuals and institutions.

Shah Tirth RajeshBhai

Shah Bhakti HiteshKumar

✓ 24ADGPS0628D1ZV

Letter-Head of the Company

Visiting Card

(Rear View)

(Front view)

Payment Method: Bank Transfer

Table of Content

Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................7

List of Existence of Business on social media ...................................................................................10

Digital Marketing Strategy .................................................................................................................18

Implementation ...................................................................................................................................19

Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................................20

Future Plan of the Company ...............................................................................................................24


Established in 1994, SHARDA TRADING COMPANY has been a trusted name in the world of
wholesale distribution. With a rich legacy spanning over two decades, we have consistently
delivered top-quality industrial products to our valued customers.

Our Product Range

Pillow Block Products: We offer a wide range of pillow block products designed to meet the
diverse needs of our customers. Our pillow block products are known for their durability and
precision engineering.

Rotavator Blade: Our high-quality rotavator blades are essential tools for efficient farming. They
are designed to withstand tough working conditions and deliver exceptional performance.

Thresar Blade: Thresar blades are a crucial component in the agricultural industry, and we provide
reliable and sturdy options to ensure smooth farming operations.

Tungsten Carbide Tips for Boring Purpose: When it comes to boring, precision and durability
are key. Our tungsten carbide tips are engineered to deliver exceptional results in drilling and boring

V-Belt: V-belts are essential for power transmission, and we offer a wide selection of V-belts to suit
various industrial needs.

Bearing: Bearings are vital components in machinery and equipment. We supply high-quality
bearings that ensure the smooth operation of your systems.

Why Choose Us?

Quality Assurance: At SHARDA TRADING COMPANY, quality is our top priority. We source
our products from reputable manufacturers, ensuring that you receive only the best.

Reliability: With decades of experience, we have built a reputation for reliability and
trustworthiness. You can count on us to fulfill your industrial product needs consistently.

Customer-Centric Approach: Our customer-centric approach means that we prioritize your

satisfaction. We offer competitive prices, timely deliveries, and exceptional customer service.

Industry Expertise: Our team consists of experts with in-depth knowledge of the products we offer.
We can provide you with valuable insights and guidance to make informed purchasing decisions.

List of Existence of Business on social media

1. Instagramme



2. LinkedIn




Instagram (Boost Post)



Digital Marketing Strategy

✓ Website Optimization:

✓ Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

✓ Social Media Marketing:

✓ Email Marketing:

✓ Customer Reviews and Testimonials:


Website Optimization:

Let's say we sell pillow block products. Start by ensuring our website is optimized for search
engines (SEO). This includes using relevant keywords in our product descriptions, meta tags, and
headers. Additionally, we can create informative and user-friendly product pages with high-quality
images, detailed specifications, and customer reviews.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

Suppose we want to run a SEM campaign for "tungsten carbide rips for boring purpose." We can
create Google Ads campaigns specifically targeting this keyword. Craft compelling ad copy that
highlights the benefits of our product, such as durability and precision. Include a call-to-action
(CTA) that encourages users to click through to our product page.]

Social Media Marketing:

Use platforms like LinkedIn or Instagramme to showcase our products. Share posts about the latest
additions to our product catalog, industry news, and customer success stories. For instance, we can
create a post highlighting how our V-Belts improved the efficiency of a customer's manufacturing

Email Marketing:

Build an email list of interested prospects and existing customers. Send out a monthly newsletter
that includes product updates, promotions, and valuable content. For example, we can create an
email campaign showcasing a special discount on our rotavator blades for the upcoming farming

Customer Reviews and Testimonials:

Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on our Google our business page or a dedicated
testimonials page on your website. Share these positive reviews on our social media profiles and
in your email newsletters. For instance, we can post a customer testimonial video where a farmer
talks about how our thresar blades increased his crop yield.


Implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for SHARDA TRADING COMPANY

can significantly enhance our online presence, engage with our target audience, and ultimately
drive sales. By optimizing our website, utilizing search engine marketing (SEM), harnessing the
power of social media marketing, leveraging email marketing, and showcasing customer reviews
and testimonials, we can effectively promote our wide range of industrial products.

Consistency, relevance, and data-driven decision-making are key to success in digital marketing.
Regularly assess the performance of our campaigns and adjust our strategies as needed to stay
competitive and meet our business objectives.

With a well-executed digital marketing strategy, SHARDA TRADING COMPANY can strengthen
its brand, reach a wider customer base, and continue to thrive in the competitive world of wholesale

Future Plan of the Company

Market Expansion: Evaluate opportunities for geographical expansion. Conduct market research
to identify potential growth areas.

Sustainability Initiatives: Consider implementing sustainability initiatives, such as offering eco-

friendly products or adopting environmentally responsible business practices. Many customers
today value companies that prioritize sustainability.

Digital Transformation: Continue to invest in digital technologies and tools to streamline

operations, improve customer service, and enhance online presence.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implement a CRM system to better understand

our customers’ needs and preferences. This can help us tailor our products and services to meet
our expectations.

Supply Chain Optimization: Focus on optimizing our supply chain to reduce costs, improve
efficiency, and ensure timely deliveries to our customers.

Marketing and Branding: Invest in branding and marketing efforts to further establish our
company's presence in the market. Consider innovative marketing campaigns and strategies to
differentiate our brand from competitors.

Customer Engagement: Develop strategies to engage with our customers more actively. This
could involve loyalty programs, regular communication, and seeking feedback to continually
improve our offerings.

Market Research: Stay attuned to market trends and customer preferences through ongoing
market research. This will enable us to adapt to changing market dynamics.

Thank You!


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