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AS_Written Assessment (20%)

Course Name CMC 3503 Faculty Name

Social Media
Project Title AS_Written Due Date Week 5
Section Date Submitted

Student Name Student ID

This assessment will assess the following Learning outcomes:

CLO1 Understand a variety of social media networks and their influence on stakeholders' communication.
CLO2 Evaluate the role of social media in reputation management

Declaration; Individual:

§ No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or student, an
internet source or a book)
§ When another person’s words are used, this is shown in the text with “…” and referenced.
§ No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person.
§ I have a copy of this assignment that I can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged.

Name ………………………………………………… Signature …………………………………………….

N.B. The marker may choose not to mark this assignment if the above declaration is not signed.

§ If the declaration is found to be false, appropriate action will be taken.

§ Plagiarism is copying and handing in someone’s work as your own. Any student found guilty of this
type of cheating will be dismissed from the college.

Received By……………………………………………… Date ……………………………

AS_Written Assessment (20%)
DUE: Week 5

a) Please construct responses using complete sentences. Provide elaborate explanation and
examples wherever possible.
b) The assignment is worth 20% of the overall grade for the course.

Examine the social media accounts of a LOCAL company of your choice. Answer the below:
(Minimum 300 words)
a) Identify at least three social media platforms they use - Provide the social media handles
for each platform.
b) Is the organization consistent with how it portrays itself visually across the social media
platforms? You may need to look at the last 10-12 posts for this across platforms.
c) Describe their social media activities, and the type of messages they design.
d) What do you think people feel about the brand and its services? What percentage of posts
about the brand are positive? Or Negative? You may look to the last 10-12 posts and their
comments section. Provide at least one example (screenshot) to support your opinion.
Essay 2:
In today's business world, companies have no option but to be on social media. Those who are
not on social media are not reaping the same benefits others are. What do companies use social
media for? Identify all five areas and explain each one. Provide screenshots whenever possible.
Provide references and link your essay to lectures. (Minimum 300 words)
Scenario 3:
Imagine yourself to be a small business in the UAE in any sector. You could be a restaurant,
hotel, ice-cream shop, furniture dealer etc.
a) How can UGC or crowdsourcing help you? Mention any two ways.

b) Using your choice of software (EX: Illustrator/Canva/PowerPoint) create a

UGC/crowdsourcing post for your company. You are allowed to be creative. You will
receive marks for content and not how well you use the software.

Case 4:
Social Media is used as a tool for managing reputation. Search social media platforms for an
example of how a company mitigated a crisis or any negative situation to handle the situation.
Specifically, you must follow the steps to construct your essay:
a) Paste a screengrab of the situation
b) Analyse the situation by describing the events
c) Analyse the response of the company – here you may write an opinion on why you are
satisfied or not with the response. You may post an ideal response here as well.
(Minimum 200 words)

How to get started?

Attempt the assessment based on the understanding that you will be graded on:
• Extent to which you researched and applied course learning
• Quality of research and level of detail
• Quality of professional writing
Notes: Please ensure
- It is an individual assignment
- Each essay should be organized well and contain an introduction, body, and conclusion
- No plagiarism or help taken from external sources.
- No copy/paste – direct ZERO
- APA style references ONLY (in-text, reference list)
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