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Regional Science High School IX: “Home of Analytic Minds”

Performance Task Planning Template

Quarter III
Grade: 10th Grade Academic Year: 2023-2024

Subject Title: Science 10 (BIOLOGY) Teacher: Ms. Charisse Mariel B. Bucoy

Program Standard: Topic: Coordinated Functions of the Reproductive, Endocrine, and

This time, the students collaboratively use their learning to identify the Nervous Systems
common diseases associated with any of the three body systems and
their prevention

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learners demonstrate an understanding on how these feedback Create a brochure on diseases related to any of the three organ
systems and their prevention.
mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and


Performance Task Scenario (G.R.A.S.P)

Goal: Create an informative brochure that educates the audience

about diseases associated with the three body systems discussed
and provides valuable insights into their prevention.

Roles: You a the health education specialist responsible for

researching, designing, and gathering information on diseases
associated with the three body systems and prevention methods.

The target audience includes individuals aged 18-60, with a focus on

raising awareness among the general public about the importance of
reproductive, nervous or endocrine health.

Audience: The primary audience consists of adults aged 18-60,

including both men and women from diverse backgrounds. (Can be
neighbors, students from RSHS, or family members) Consider their
varying levels of health literacy and the need for accessible

Situation: The brochure will be distributed in the campus,

neighbourhood or to family members to maximize its reach. It
should be designed to capture attention and engage the audience in
learning about the common diseases and prevention.

Product: The final product is a visually appealing and informative

brochure. It should include sections on common diseases, their
symptoms, risk factors, and most importantly, practical tips for
prevention. Use clear language and visuals to enhance


A4 size bond paper


✔ Gather information on common diseases related to the 3

body systems.

✔ Collect data on causes, symptoms, and preventive

measures for each disease.

✔ Draft the content for the brochure using clear and simple

✔ Include images, diagrams, or illustrations to enhance


✔ Organize the information in a logical and easy-to-follow


✔ Create an eye-catching design for the brochure.

(Use color, fonts, and layout to make the information

visually appealing; Ensure that the design complements
the content and engages the reader.)

✔ Print 5 brochures for distribution.

✔ Identify and approach your target audience (neighbors,

classmates, or family members).

✔ Distribute the brochures, explaining the importance of the

information and encouraging them to share it with others.

✔ Provide proper documentation while disseminating

information from your brochure (to be done by 3s)

Product: Brochure

Rubric for Brochure

Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Total

4 3 1

Content (x5) Comprehensive Good coverage of - Adequate coverage of - Incomplete 4x5=

coverage of diseases in diseases in chosen diseases in chosen coverage of 20
chosen organ system. - organ system. - Clear organ system. - Some diseases in chosen
Clear and accurate information on information on organ system. -
information on prevention methods. - prevention methods. - Minimal
prevention methods. - Adequate use of facts Limited use of facts information on
Well-supported facts and statistics. and statistics. prevention
and statistics. methods. - Limited
or no use of facts
and statistics.

Creativity and Visually appealing and - Overall visually - Adequate layout but - Unappealing 4x2=
design (x2) engaging layout. - appealing layout. - could be more layout. - Limited 8
Effective use of images, Good use of images, engaging. - Moderate use of images,
colors, and fonts. - colors, and fonts. - use of images, colors, colors, and fonts. -
Consistent theme Consistent theme and fonts. - Theme Theme not related
related to the chosen related to the chosen somewhat related to to the chosen
organ system. organ system. the chosen organ organ system.

Clarity and Information is well- - Information is - Organization could be - Poor organization. 4x2=
Organization organized with a clear organized with a clear improved. - Headings, - Lack of clear 8
(x2) flow. - Headings, flow. - Headings, subheadings, and headings,
subheadings, and subheadings, and bullet points are subheadings, and
bullet points enhance bullet points present but may not bullet points. -
readability. - Logical contribute to enhance readability. - Disjointed
progression of ideas. readability. - Adequate Somewhat logical progression of
progression of ideas. progression of ideas. ideas

Video - Clearly demonstrates - Demonstrates the - Partially - Limited 4x2=

Documentation the dissemination of dissemination of demonstrates the demonstration of
information to 5 information to 5 dissemination of the dissemination. - 8
(x2) people. - Video is well- people. - Video is information to 5 Poorly edited video
edited, engaging, and adequately edited and people. - Video may with minimal
informative. - informative. - lack editing and be information. -
Demonstrates effective Communication skills somewhat informative. Communication
communication skills. are effective. - Communication skills skills need
are present but may improvement.
need improvement.

Engagement of Brochure and video - Brochure and video Limited engagement - Minimal 4x2=
audience (x2) effectively engage the engage the target with the target engagement with 8
target audience. - Clear audience. - Adequate audience. - Limited the target
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the audience. - Little
audience's needs and audience's needs and audience's needs and understanding of
interests. - Content is interests. - Content is interests. - Content the audience's
tailored to resonate somewhat tailored to may not fully resonate needs and
with the audience. resonate with the with the audience. interests. - Content
audience. does not resonate
with the audience.

Overall Outstanding overall - Good overall - Adequate overall - Poor overall 4

Presentation presentation with a presentation with a presentation. - presentation. -
polished and professional Demonstrates an Demonstrates
professional appearance. - acceptable effort and minimal effort and
appearance. - Demonstrates a attention to detail. attention to detail.
Demonstrates commendable effort
exceptional effort and and attention to detail.
attention to detail.

Time management The project was The project was The project was The project was 4
submitted on or before submitted one-two submitted 3-5 days submitted one
the deadline. days after the deadline after the deadline week (or more)
after the deadline

Highest Possible Score is 60

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