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Grupa A Klasa .................... 140 min Data ................

Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 163 p. Ocena .............

Junior Explorer 6 --- 1. Keep in touch

1 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Speak _________, please. I can’t hear you.

A. up B. to C. down
2 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

How do you keep _________ touch with your friends?

A. from B. in C. with
3 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Do you like chatting _________ your classmates?

A. with B. for C. to
4 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Adam, you have to talk _________ the teacher.

A. from B. into C. to
5 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Does Alice often listen _________ the radio?

A. from B. for C. to
6 Podpisz poniższe rysunki. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter, które musisz wpisać. ( ... / 6 p.)

_a___p __a_g_r k__b__r_

__ea_e_s s_r__n ___

7 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Ann _________ her laptop every day.

A. uses B. use C. is using
8 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)
How _________ you keep in touch with your friends?
A. does B. do C. are

Grupa A | strona 1 z 8
9 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź A lub B. ( ... / 6 p.)

1. How do young people … Well, they mainly text each other.

A. say B. communicate
2. I sent you a text … an hour ago.
A. message B. photo
3. Your … expression shows that you are happy.
A. facial B. gesture
4. In the past, mobile phones did not have a … screen.
A. talk B. touch
5. A search … allows you to find the information that you are looking for.
A. engine B. chat
6. Deaf people can read somebody’s
A. lips. B. emoji.
10 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

My aunt and uncle _________ to a new house in June.

A. moves B. move C. are moving
11 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

What _________ to at the moment?

A. are you listening B. you listen C. do you listen
12 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

I _________ understand why people drop rubbish in the streets.

A. not B. don't C. am not
13 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Ann uses / use her laptop every day.
2 How do / does you keep in touch with your friends?
3 My aunt and uncle move / are moving to a new house in June.
4 What do you listen / are you listening to at the moment?
5 I don’t / am not understand why people drop rubbish in the streets.
6 Susan prefers / is preferring eating tropical fruit to local fruit.
14 W zdaniach 1–6 wstaw have to lub has to. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Susan _________ practice ballet dancing every day.
2 I really _________ go now.
3 Andrew doesn’t _________ get up early at the weekend.
4 What time do we _________wake up?
5 Kids in my school _________wear uniforms.
6 Aunt Maria _________ go to hospital.
15 W minidialogach 1–3 podkreśl poprawne słowa. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 A: Can you (1) speak / say up? I can’t hear you.
B: Sure. Can you hear me now?
2 A: I’d like to speak to Mr Forest.
B: I am (2) afraid / calling he is not here at the moment. Can I (3) take / give a message?
A: No, thank you. I will call (4) again / soon later.
3 A: Hello, is Anna there?
B: Hi. There isn’t any Anna here. I think you have the (5) wrong / right number.
A: Oh, I am (6) excuse me / sorry.

Grupa A | strona 2 z 8
16 Przeczytaj poniższy opis i podkreśl poprawne odpowiedzi zgodne z tym co przedstawia rysunek. ( ... / 5 p.)

It is a Saturday afternoon and it is raining. The family is in the (1) kitchen / living
room. In the middle of the room there is a sofa. The (2) parents / grandparents
are sitting on the sofa. Grandma is watching TV and grandpa is (3) reading / writing
a newspaper. Next to the sofa, there is an armchair where dad is sitting. He has
a smartphone in his hand and he is (4) calling / playing a game. In front of the sofa
the dog and the cat are sleeping on the carpet. On the left, there is a table where
the mum, a boy and a girl are sitting. Everybody is busy. The mum and the girl are
(5) using / fixing a laptop and the boy is playing a game on his (6) tablet / smartphone.
17 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź zgodnie z treścią nagrania. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Kate’s new smartphone isn’t slow / fast.
2 Kate got her smartphone from her mum and dad / her parents and grandparents.
3 Kate / Adam uses a cooking app.
4 Kate / Adam sends a lot of text messages.
5 Adam prefers a smartphone / a computer.
6 Adam says that online shopping isn’t hard / easy.
18 Połącz pytania 1–6 z odpowiedziami A–H. Uwaga! Dwie odpowiedzi są dodatkowe i nie pasują do ( ... / 6 p.)
żadnego pytania.

1. Where did you go on holiday? A. It was tiring.

2. How did you get there? B. Some clothes and cosmetics.
3. How long was the journey? C. Yes, I did.
4. What did you take with you? D. It took 9 hours.
5. Who went with you? E. Tom went alone.
6. Did you enjoy your holiday? F. To Sopot
G. By train.
H. I went alone.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____
19 W zdaniach 1–6 podkreśl poprawne odpowiedzi. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Speak up / to / down, please. I can’t hear you.
2 How do you keep from / with / in touch with your friends?
3 Do you like chatting for / with / to your classmates?
4 Adam, you have to talk from / to / into the teacher.
5 Does Alice often listen to / for / from the radio?
6 If you don’t speak English, you can’t communicate about / of / with British people.

Grupa A | strona 3 z 8
20 W zdaniach 1–6 podkreśl poprawne formy czasownika. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Ann uses / use / is using her laptop every day.
2 How do / does / are you keep in touch with your friends?
3 My aunt and uncle moves / move / are moving to a new house in June.
4 What do you listen / are you listening / you listen to at the moment?
5 I not / don’t / am not understand why people drop rubbish in the streets.
6 Susan prefer / prefers / is preferring eating tropical fruit to local fruit.
21 W zdaniach 1–6 wstaw have to lub has to. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Susan has to practice ballet dancing every day.
2 I really _________ go now.
3 Andrew doesn’t _________ get up early at the weekend.
4 What time do we _________wake up?
5 Kids in my school _________wear uniforms.
6 Aunt Maria _________ go to hospital.
22 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 uzupełnij brakujące informacje zgodnie z treścią nagrania. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Kate has got a new ______________ .
2 Kate’s new smartphone was a present from ______________ and her grandparents.
3 Kate uses a ______________ application every day.
4 Adam video-chats with his _______________.
5 Adam helps his ______________ with online shopping.
6 Online shopping is ______________ and convenient.
23 Przymiotniki w zdaniach 1–6 zamień na przysłówki. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 You should ride your bike (careful) _______________.
2 My dad does the shopping very (quick) _______________.
3 The kids are in the pool and they are playing (loud) _______________.
4 My English teacher speaks English very (good) _______________.
5 Everybody in the library is reading (quiet) _______________.
6 Tina read the message (happy) _______________.
24 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i wpisz T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych, F (False) obok zdań fałszywych i ( ... / 6 p.)
DS (Doesn’t say) obok zdan, o których nie ma informacji w tekście.
Dear Nicole,
You write that you want to buy either a new laptop or a new mobile phone and you are not sure what to
choose. I will try to help you, but you must make the final decision.
Let’s start with the smartphone. First of all, today’s smartphones are like mini computers. You can do a lot of
things with them. You can create documents, visit different websites, watch films and listen to music. If you
like, you can play games and take good quality photos. Secondly, smartphones are rather small. You can just
keep your smartphone in your pocket, which is very convenient. Finally, the price. It is possible to buy a good
smartphone for 350 – 500 PLN, so the price is acceptable. Of course, you can spend a lot of money on a
smartphone, but I would not suggest that. Now laptops. To start with, they are faster, and have a bigger hard
drive where you can keep your documents. Nicole, you are interested in graphic design, so a laptop is perfect
for that. What is more, you write a lot, and every laptop has a keyboard, which makes writing faster and
easier. Finally, the screen. If you like watching films, a laptop is better than a phone. However, laptops aren’t
as small as smartphones and they will not fit into your pocket. They are also more
expensive. You have to spend at least 2000 – 2500 PLN to buy one.
Well, my classmates prefer smartphones, but I am more into laptops and PC computers.
Anyway, that’s what I think. I hope it helps you to make a decision.
Take care,
1. Nowadays, smartphones are as good as computers. T F DS
2. Smartphones are convenient because they don’t take too much space. T F DS
3. A keyboard helps you to prepare documents. T F DS
4. Nicole likes designing posters. T F DS
5. Jack watches a lot of films on his laptop. T F DS
6. In Jack’s class, laptops are more popular. T F DS

Grupa A | strona 4 z 8
25 Wpisz T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych i F (False) obok zdań fałszywych zgodnie z treścią tekstu. ( ... / 6 p.)
Dear Nicole,
You write that you want to buy either a new laptop or a new mobile phone and you are not sure what to
choose. I will try to help you, but you must make the final decision.
Let’s start with the smartphone. First of all, today’s smartphones are like mini computers. You can do a lot of
things with them. You can create documents, visit different websites, watch films and listen to music. If you
like, you can play games and take good quality photos. Secondly, smartphones are rather small. You can just
keep your smartphone in your pocket, which is very convenient. Finally, the price. It is possible to buy a good
smartphone for 350 – 500 PLN, so the price is acceptable. Of course, you can spend a lot of money on a
smartphone, but I would not suggest that. Now laptops. To start with, they are faster, and have a bigger hard
drive where you can keep your documents. Nicole, you are interested in graphic design, so a laptop is perfect
for that. What is more, you write a lot, and every laptop has a keyboard, which makes writing faster and
easier. Finally, the screen. If you like watching films, a laptop is better than a phone. However, laptops aren’t
as small as smartphones and they will not fit into your pocket. They are also more expensive. You have to
spend at least 2000 – 2500 PLN to buy one.
Well, my classmates prefer smartphones, but I am more into laptops and PC computers. Anyway, that’s what I
think. I hope it helps you to make a decision.
Take care,
1. Nicole wants to buy both a laptop and a smartphone. T F
2. The smartphones that you can buy today are really good. T F
3. All smartphones are cheap. T F
4. Jack thinks it is better to pay a lot for a smartphone. T F
5. Preparing documents and creating graphics are easier on a smartphone. T F
6. Jack’s friends in his class like smartphones more than laptops. T F

26 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrazami z ramki. Uwaga! Dwa słowa zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do ( ... / 6 p.)
żadnego zdania.

communicate gesture engine message vision lips touch facial

1 How do young people ___________ ? Well, they mainly text each other.
2 I sent you a text ___________ an hour ago.
3 Your ___________ expression shows that you are happy.
4 In the past, mobile phones did not have a ____________ screen.
5 A search ____________ allows you to find the information that you are looking for.
6 Deaf people can read somebody’s _____________.
27 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrazami z ramki. ( ... / 6 p.)

communicate engine message lips touch facial

1 How do young people ___________ ? Well, they mainly text each other.
2 I sent you a text ___________ an hour ago.
3 Your ___________ expression shows that you are happy.
4 In the past, mobile phones did not have a ____________ screen.
5 A search ____________ allows you to find the information that you are looking for.
6 Deaf people can read somebody’s _____________.

Grupa A | strona 5 z 8
28 Opisz poniższy rysunek. Skorzystaj z wyrazów podanych w ramce. Napisz przynajmniej 5 zdań. ( ... / 5 p.)

sit on the sofa watch TV read a newspaper use a phone call use a laptop
play a game on the tablet sleep on the carpet

It is a Saturday afternoon and it is raining. The family is in the living room. In the middle of the room there is
a sofa. Grandma and ...
29 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–3 wyrazami z ramki. ( ... / 6 p.)

again afraid sorry wrong take speak

1 A: Can you (1) __________ up? I can’t hear you.

B: Sure. Can you hear me now?
2 A: I’d like to speak to Mr Forest.
B: I am (2) _________ he is not here at the moment. Can I (3) _________ a message?
A: No, thank you. I will call (4) _________ later.
3 A: Hello, is Anna there?
B: Hi. There isn’t an Anna here. I think you have the (5) _________ number.
A: Oh, I am (6) _________.
30 W zdaniach 1–6 wstaw odpowiedni przyimek. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Speak ..... , please. I can’t hear you.
2 How do you keep touch ..... with your friends?
3 Do you like chatting ..... your classmates?
4 Adam, you have to talk ..... the teacher.
5 Does Alice often listen ..... the radio?
6 If you don’t speak English, you can’t communicate ..... British people.
31 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach w czasie present simple ( ... / 6 p.)
lub present continuous.
1 Ann ____________ (use) her laptop every day.
2 How ____________ you ____________ (keep) in touch with your friends?
3 My aunt and uncle ____________ (move) to a new house in June.
4 What ____________ you ____________ (listen) to at the moment?
5 I ____________ (not / understand) why people drop rubbish in the streets.
6 Susan ____________ (prefer) eating tropical fruit to local fruit.

Grupa A | strona 6 z 8
32 Z podanych grup wyrazów (1–6) utwórz poprawne zdania. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Susan / have to / practice / ballet dancing / every day
2 How often / Frank / have to / help at home?
3 Andrew / not have to / walk the dog / in the afternoon.
4 What time / they / have to / wake up?
5 Kids / in my school / not have to / wear uniforms.
6 Why / aunt Maria / have to / go to hospital?

33 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–3 wyrazami z ramki. Uwaga! Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i ( ... / 6 p.)
nie pasują do żadnego dialogu.

again answer afraid sorry see wrong take speak

1 A: Can you (1) _________ up? I can’t hear you.

B: Sure. Can you hear me now?
2 A: I’d like to speak to Mr Forest.
B: I am (2) _________ he is not here at the moment. Can I (3) _________ a message?
A: No, thank you. I will call (4) _________ later.
3 A: Hello, is Anna there?
B: Hi. There isn’t an Anna here. I think you have the (5)_________ number.
A: Oh, I am (6) _________.
34 Opisz poniższy rysunek. Napisz przynajmniej 5 zdań. ( ... / 5 p.)

It is a Saturday afternoon and it is raining. The family is in the living room. In the middle of the room there is
a sofa. Grandma and ...
35 Wpisz T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych i F (False) obok zdań fałszywych zgodnie z treścią nagrania. ( ... / 6 p.)

1. Kate’s smartphone is old. T F

2. Kate got her smartphone from her grandma. T F
3. Kate uses the dictionary application every day. T F
4. Adam hasn’t got a computer. T F
5. Adam plays online games on his smartphone. T F
6. Adam thinks doing online shopping is not hard. T F

Grupa A | strona 7 z 8
36 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź zgodnie z treścią tekstu. ( ... / 6 p.)
Dear Nicole,
You write that you want to buy either a new laptop or a new mobile phone and you are not sure what to
choose. I will try to help you, but you must make the final decision.
Let’s start with the smartphone. First of all, today’s smartphones are like mini computers. You can do a lot of
things with them. You can create documents, visit different websites, watch films and listen to music. If you
like, you can play games and take good quality photos. Secondly, smartphones are rather small. You can just
keep your smartphone in your pocket, which is very convenient. Finally, the price. It is possible to buy a good
smartphone for 350 – 500 PLN, so the price is acceptable. Of course, you can spend a lot of money on a
smartphone, but I would not suggest that. Now laptops. To start with, they are faster, and have a bigger hard
drive where you can keep your documents. Nicole, you are interested in graphic design, so a laptop is perfect
for that. What is more, you write a lot, and every laptop has a keyboard, which makes writing faster and
easier. Finally, the screen. If you like watching films, a laptop is better than a phone. However, laptops aren’t
as small as smartphones and they will not fit into your pocket. They are also more
expensive. You have to spend at least 2000 – 2500 PLN to buy one.
Well, my classmates prefer smartphones, but I am more into laptops and PC computers.
Anyway, that’s what I think. I hope it helps you to make a decision.
Take care,
1 You can / can’t do a lot with a smartphone.
2 Smartphones are / aren’t easy to take with you.
3 All / Not all smartphones are cheap.
4 Nicole likes watching films / doing graphic design.
5 A keyboard makes writing documents quicker / not so fast.
6 Jack likes laptops / smartphones more.

Grupa A | strona 8 z 8
Grupa B Klasa .................... 140 min Data ................
Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 163 p. Ocena .............

Junior Explorer 6 --- 1. Keep in touch

1 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Speak _________, please. I can’t hear you.

A. down B. to C. up
2 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

How do you keep _________ touch with your friends?

A. in B. with C. from
3 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Do you like chatting _________ your classmates?

A. to B. with C. for
4 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Adam, you have to talk _________ the teacher.

A. to B. from C. into
5 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednim wyrazem (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Does Alice often listen _________ the radio?

A. from B. to C. for
6 Podpisz poniższe rysunki. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter, które musisz wpisać. ( ... / 6 p.)

_a___p __a_g_r k__b__r_

__ea_e_s s_r__n ___

7 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

Ann _________ her laptop every day.

A. use B. is using C. uses
8 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)
How _________ you keep in touch with your friends?
A. are B. does C. do

Grupa B | strona 1 z 8
9 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź A lub B. ( ... / 6 p.)

1. How do young people … Well, they mainly text each other.

A. say B. communicate
2. I sent you a text … an hour ago.
A. message B. photo
3. Your … expression shows that you are happy.
A. facial B. gesture
4. In the past, mobile phones did not have a … screen.
A. talk B. touch
5. A search … allows you to find the information that you are looking for.
A. engine B. chat
6. Deaf people can read somebody’s
A. lips. B. emoji.
10 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

My aunt and uncle _________ to a new house in June.

A. moves B. are moving C. move
11 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

What _________ to at the moment?

A. you listen B. are you listening C. do you listen
12 Uzupełnij zdanie odpowiednią formą czasownika (a-c). ( ... / 1 p.)

I _________ understand why people drop rubbish in the streets.

A. am not B. not C. don't
13 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Ann uses / use her laptop every day.
2 How do / does you keep in touch with your friends?
3 My aunt and uncle move / are moving to a new house in June.
4 What do you listen / are you listening to at the moment?
5 I don’t / am not understand why people drop rubbish in the streets.
6 Susan prefers / is preferring eating tropical fruit to local fruit.
14 W zdaniach 1–6 wstaw have to lub has to. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Susan _________ practice ballet dancing every day.
2 I really _________ go now.
3 Andrew doesn’t _________ get up early at the weekend.
4 What time do we _________wake up?
5 Kids in my school _________wear uniforms.
6 Aunt Maria _________ go to hospital.
15 W minidialogach 1–3 podkreśl poprawne słowa. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 A: Can you (1) speak / say up? I can’t hear you.
B: Sure. Can you hear me now?
2 A: I’d like to speak to Mr Forest.
B: I am (2) afraid / calling he is not here at the moment. Can I (3) take / give a message?
A: No, thank you. I will call (4) again / soon later.
3 A: Hello, is Anna there?
B: Hi. There isn’t any Anna here. I think you have the (5) wrong / right number.
A: Oh, I am (6) excuse me / sorry.

Grupa B | strona 2 z 8
16 Przeczytaj poniższy opis i podkreśl poprawne odpowiedzi zgodne z tym co przedstawia rysunek. ( ... / 5 p.)

It is a Saturday afternoon and it is raining. The family is in the (1) kitchen / living
room. In the middle of the room there is a sofa. The (2) parents / grandparents
are sitting on the sofa. Grandma is watching TV and grandpa is (3) reading / writing
a newspaper. Next to the sofa, there is an armchair where dad is sitting. He has
a smartphone in his hand and he is (4) calling / playing a game. In front of the sofa
the dog and the cat are sleeping on the carpet. On the left, there is a table where
the mum, a boy and a girl are sitting. Everybody is busy. The mum and the girl are
(5) using / fixing a laptop and the boy is playing a game on his (6) tablet / smartphone.
17 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź zgodnie z treścią nagrania. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Kate’s new smartphone isn’t slow / fast.
2 Kate got her smartphone from her mum and dad / her parents and grandparents.
3 Kate / Adam uses a cooking app.
4 Kate / Adam sends a lot of text messages.
5 Adam prefers a smartphone / a computer.
6 Adam says that online shopping isn’t hard / easy.
18 Połącz pytania 1–6 z odpowiedziami A–H. Uwaga! Dwie odpowiedzi są dodatkowe i nie pasują do ( ... / 6 p.)
żadnego pytania.

1. Where did you go on holiday? A. It was tiring.

2. How did you get there? B. Some clothes and cosmetics.
3. How long was the journey? C. Yes, I did.
4. What did you take with you? D. It took 9 hours.
5. Who went with you? E. Tom went alone.
6. Did you enjoy your holiday? F. To Sopot
G. By train.
H. I went alone.
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____
19 W zdaniach 1–6 podkreśl poprawne odpowiedzi. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Speak up / to / down, please. I can’t hear you.
2 Does Alice often listen to / for / from the radio?
3 If you don’t speak English, you can’t communicate about / of / with British people.
4 Adam, you have to talk from / to / into the teacher.
5 How do you keep from / with / in touch with your friends?
6 Do you like chatting for / with / to your classmates?

Grupa B | strona 3 z 8
20 W zdaniach 1–6 podkreśl poprawne formy czasownika. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Ann uses / use / is using her laptop every day.
2 Susan prefer / prefers / is preferring eating tropical fruit to local fruit.
3 My aunt and uncle moves / move / are moving to a new house in June.
4 I not / don’t / am not understand why people drop rubbish in the streets.
5 What do you listen / are you listening / you listen to at the moment?
6 How do / does / are you keep in touch with your friends?
21 W zdaniach 1–6 wstaw have to lub has to. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Susan _________ practice ballet dancing every day.
2 I really _________ go now.
3 Aunt Maria _________ go to hospital.
4 What time do we _________wake up?
5 Kids in my school _________wear uniforms.
6 Andrew doesn’t _________ get up early at the weekend.
22 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 uzupełnij brakujące informacje zgodnie z treścią nagrania. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Kate has got a new ______________ .
2 Kate’s new smartphone was a present from ______________ and her grandparents.
3 Kate uses a ______________ application every day.
4 Adam video-chats with his _______________.
5 Adam helps his ______________ with online shopping.
6 Online shopping is ______________ and convenient.
23 Przymiotniki w zdaniach 1–6 zamień na przysłówki. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 You should ride your bike (careful) _______________.
2 My dad does the shopping very (quick) _______________.
3 The kids are in the pool and they are playing (loud) _______________.
4 My English teacher speaks English very (good) _______________.
5 Everybody in the library is reading (quiet) _______________.
6 Tina read the message (happy) _______________.
24 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i wpisz T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych, F (False) obok zdań fałszywych i ( ... / 6 p.)
DS (Doesn’t say) obok zdan, o których nie ma informacji w tekście.
Dear Nicole,
You write that you want to buy either a new laptop or a new mobile phone and you are not sure what to
choose. I will try to help you, but you must make the final decision.
Let’s start with the smartphone. First of all, today’s smartphones are like mini computers. You can do a lot of
things with them. You can create documents, visit different websites, watch films and listen to music. If you
like, you can play games and take good quality photos. Secondly, smartphones are rather small. You can just
keep your smartphone in your pocket, which is very convenient. Finally, the price. It is possible to buy a good
smartphone for 350 – 500 PLN, so the price is acceptable. Of course, you can spend a lot of money on a
smartphone, but I would not suggest that. Now laptops. To start with, they are faster, and have a bigger hard
drive where you can keep your documents. Nicole, you are interested in graphic design, so a laptop is perfect
for that. What is more, you write a lot, and every laptop has a keyboard, which makes writing faster and
easier. Finally, the screen. If you like watching films, a laptop is better than a phone. However, laptops aren’t
as small as smartphones and they will not fit into your pocket. They are also more
expensive. You have to spend at least 2000 – 2500 PLN to buy one.
Well, my classmates prefer smartphones, but I am more into laptops and PC computers.
Anyway, that’s what I think. I hope it helps you to make a decision.
Take care,
1. Smartphones are convenient because they don’t take too much space. T F DS
2. Nowadays, smartphones are as good as computers. T F DS
3. Nicole likes designing posters. T F DS
4. A keyboard helps you to prepare documents. T F DS
5. In Jack’s class, laptops are more popular. T F DS
6. Jack watches a lot of films on his laptop. T F DS

Grupa B | strona 4 z 8
25 Wpisz T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych i F (False) obok zdań fałszywych zgodnie z treścią tekstu. ( ... / 6 p.)
Dear Nicole,
You write that you want to buy either a new laptop or a new mobile phone and you are not sure what to
choose. I will try to help you, but you must make the final decision.
Let’s start with the smartphone. First of all, today’s smartphones are like mini computers. You can do a lot of
things with them. You can create documents, visit different websites, watch films and listen to music. If you
like, you can play games and take good quality photos. Secondly, smartphones are rather small. You can just
keep your smartphone in your pocket, which is very convenient. Finally, the price. It is possible to buy a good
smartphone for 350 – 500 PLN, so the price is acceptable. Of course, you can spend a lot of money on a
smartphone, but I would not suggest that. Now laptops. To start with, they are faster, and have a bigger hard
drive where you can keep your documents. Nicole, you are interested in graphic design, so a laptop is perfect
for that. What is more, you write a lot, and every laptop has a keyboard, which makes writing faster and
easier. Finally, the screen. If you like watching films, a laptop is better than a phone. However, laptops aren’t
as small as smartphones and they will not fit into your pocket. They are also more expensive. You have to
spend at least 2000 – 2500 PLN to buy one.
Well, my classmates prefer smartphones, but I am more into laptops and PC computers. Anyway, that’s what I
think. I hope it helps you to make a decision.
Take care,
1. Jack thinks it is better to pay a lot for a smartphone. T F
2. The smartphones that you can buy today are really good. T F
3. Nicole wants to buy both a laptop and a smartphone. T F
4. Jack’s friends in his class like smartphones more than laptops. T F
5. All smartphones are cheap. T F
6. Preparing documents and creating graphics are easier on a smartphone. T F

26 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrazami z ramki. Uwaga! Dwa słowa zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do ( ... / 6 p.)
żadnego zdania.

communicate gesture engine message vision lips touch facial

1 How do young people ___________ ? Well, they mainly text each other.
2 I sent you a text ___________ an hour ago.
3 Your ___________ expression shows that you are happy.
4 In the past, mobile phones did not have a ____________ screen.
5 A search ____________ allows you to find the information that you are looking for.
6 Deaf people can read somebody’s _____________.
27 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 wyrazami z ramki. ( ... / 6 p.)

communicate engine message lips touch facial

1 How do young people ___________ ? Well, they mainly text each other.
2 Your ___________ expression shows that you are happy.
3 I sent you a text ___________ an hour ago.
4 Deaf people can read somebody’s _____________.
5 In the past, mobile phones did not have a ____________ screen.
6 A search ____________ allows you to find the information that you are looking for.

Grupa B | strona 5 z 8
28 Opisz poniższy rysunek. Skorzystaj z wyrazów podanych w ramce. Napisz przynajmniej 5 zdań. ( ... / 5 p.)

sit on the sofa watch TV read a newspaper use a phone call use a laptop
play a game on the tablet sleep on the carpet

It is a Saturday afternoon and it is raining. The family is in the living room. In the middle of the room there is
a sofa. Grandma and ...
29 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–3 wyrazami z ramki. ( ... / 6 p.)

again afraid sorry wrong take speak

1 A: Can you (1) __________ up? I can’t hear you.

B: Sure. Can you hear me now?
2 A: Hello, is Anna there?
B: Hi. There isn’t an Anna here. I think you have the (2) _________ number.
A: Oh, I am (3) _________.
3 A: I’d like to speak to Mr Forest.
B: I am (4) _________ he is not here at the moment. Can I (5) _________ a message?
A: No, thank you. I will call (6) _________ later.
30 W zdaniach 1–6 wstaw odpowiedni przyimek. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Speak ..... , please. I can’t hear you.
2 How do you keep touch ..... with your friends?
3 Do you like chatting ..... your classmates?
4 Adam, you have to talk ..... the teacher.
5 Does Alice often listen ..... the radio?
6 If you don’t speak English, you can’t communicate ..... British people.
31 Uzupełnij zdania 1–6 poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach w czasie present simple ( ... / 6 p.)
lub present continuous.
1 Ann ____________ (use) her laptop every day.
2 How ____________ you ____________ (keep) in touch with your friends?
3 My aunt and uncle ____________ (move) to a new house in June.
4 What ____________ you ____________ (listen) to at the moment?
5 I ____________ (not / understand) why people drop rubbish in the streets.
6 Susan ____________ (prefer) eating tropical fruit to local fruit.

Grupa B | strona 6 z 8
32 Z podanych grup wyrazów (1–6) utwórz poprawne zdania. ( ... / 6 p.)
1 Susan / have to / practice / ballet dancing / every day
2 How often / Frank / have to / help at home?
3 Andrew / not have to / walk the dog / in the afternoon.
4 What time / they / have to / wake up?
5 Kids / in my school / not have to / wear uniforms.
6 Why / aunt Maria / have to / go to hospital?

33 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–3 wyrazami z ramki. Uwaga! Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i ( ... / 6 p.)
nie pasują do żadnego dialogu.

again answer afraid sorry see wrong take speak

1 A: Can you (1) _________ up? I can’t hear you.

B: Sure. Can you hear me now?
2 A: I’d like to speak to Mr Forest.
B: I am (2) _________ he is not here at the moment. Can I (3) _________ a message?
A: No, thank you. I will call (4) _________ later.
3 A: Hello, is Anna there?
B: Hi. There isn’t an Anna here. I think you have the (5)_________ number.
A: Oh, I am (6) _________.
34 Opisz poniższy rysunek. Napisz przynajmniej 5 zdań. ( ... / 5 p.)

It is a Saturday afternoon and it is raining. The family is in the living room. In the middle of the room there is
a sofa. Grandma and ...
35 Wpisz T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych i F (False) obok zdań fałszywych zgodnie z treścią nagrania. ( ... / 6 p.)

1. Kate got her smartphone from her grandma. T F

2. Kate’s smartphone is old. T F
3. Adam hasn’t got a computer. T F
4. Kate uses the dictionary application every day. T F
5. Adam thinks doing online shopping is not hard. T F
6. Adam plays online games on his smartphone. T F

Grupa B | strona 7 z 8
36 W każdym ze zdań 1–6 podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź zgodnie z treścią tekstu. ( ... / 6 p.)
Dear Nicole,
You write that you want to buy either a new laptop or a new mobile phone and you are not sure what to
choose. I will try to help you, but you must make the final decision.
Let’s start with the smartphone. First of all, today’s smartphones are like mini computers. You can do a lot of
things with them. You can create documents, visit different websites, watch films and listen to music. If you
like, you can play games and take good quality photos. Secondly, smartphones are rather small. You can just
keep your smartphone in your pocket, which is very convenient. Finally, the price. It is possible to buy a good
smartphone for 350 – 500 PLN, so the price is acceptable. Of course, you can spend a lot of money on a
smartphone, but I would not suggest that. Now laptops. To start with, they are faster, and have a bigger hard
drive where you can keep your documents. Nicole, you are interested in graphic design, so a laptop is perfect
for that. What is more, you write a lot, and every laptop has a keyboard, which makes writing faster and
easier. Finally, the screen. If you like watching films, a laptop is better than a phone. However, laptops aren’t
as small as smartphones and they will not fit into your pocket. They are also more
expensive. You have to spend at least 2000 – 2500 PLN to buy one.
Well, my classmates prefer smartphones, but I am more into laptops and PC computers.
Anyway, that’s what I think. I hope it helps you to make a decision.
Take care,
1 You can / can’t do a lot with a smartphone.
2 Smartphones are / aren’t easy to take with you.
3 All / Not all smartphones are cheap.
4 Nicole likes watching films / doing graphic design.
5 A keyboard makes writing documents quicker / not so fast.
6 Jack likes laptops / smartphones more.

Grupa B | strona 8 z 8

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