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1- What is the scientific Research/Method ?

The scientific method is the way used by scientists to understand the universe and its changes.

2- What are the steps of the scientific methods?

1. Observations
2. Hypothesis
3. Experiment
4. Theory (model).
5. Prediction
6. Experiment

3- What is the observations? Give an example.

Natural phenomena and measured events; if universally consistent, they can be stated as a law.
- It can be qualitative or quantitative.

- Color change, odor, .. etc.
Milkmaids don’t contract smallpox.

4- What is the Hypothesis (Prediction)? Give an example.

Tentative explanation that explains observations.
- Trying to explain the observation.

Example: Having contracted cowpox, milkmaids have a natural immunity to smallpox.

5- Define the term ‘experiment’ in the scientific methods. Give an example.

Procedure to test hypothesis; measures one variable at a time.
- Performed to test the validity of the hypothesis, (is it correct or not?).
- Experiments always produce new information.
If the experiment results do not support the hypothesis; then the hypothesis will be revised.

Example: intentionally expose a healthy child to cowpox and later to smallpox.

6- Define the Model(Theory) in the scientific methods. Give example of a model.

Set of conceptual assumptions that explains data from accumulated experiments; predicts related phenomena.
Model: Because child did not contract smallpox, immunity seemed to have resulted from cowpox exposure.

7- Further experiments take place after the model step, explain why, and give an example.
To test the Hypothesis based on model.
When the results do not support the model, then the model will be altered and modified as needed.

Example: many humans inoculated with cowpox virus, conforming the model.
1- What are the uses of scopus and google scholar?
They are very efficient tools for academic visibility and for the tracking of citations and publications.

2- What is Scopus?
It is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature

3- What type of data exists on scopus?

Scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, with bibliometrics tools to track, analyze and visualize
research [individual, collaborative and interdisciplinary].

4- What types of fields exists on Scopus?

Engineering, science, technology, medicine, health sciences, and Arts and Humanities.

5- What can users achieve using scopus?

Through Scopus, users can search for:
A document, an author, a journal, a journal index , ranking and citations.
They can also search for:
Affiliations, compare journals, find analyses of citations and obtain results in numerical and graphic forms
(cited documents, cited authors, cited journals, cited affiliations, etc.).

6- Define the ORCID ID.

ORCID or (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), it
provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from
every other researcher.

7- Define the Author H-Index.

An index that evaluates the author from the number of published works and number of citations in other

8- The registration with Scopus.

It is an easy way, and free.

9- State 10 different research databases.

Wiley online library, ProQuest, Scopus, google scholar, Wilson web,

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