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Chapter One: The Continent of Oerik

Decline and Fall

Despite Vecna’s control over such a
wide berth of land, his actual grasp did
not extend far from his own Rotted Tower,
said to be located in the Rushmoors, or
the now-ruined town of Tycheron, along
the northern banks of the Velverdyva, not
far from modern Dyvers.

Kas the Bloody-Handed rose to the

fore among Vecna’s lieutenants and he
was elevated to the position of supreme
commander of all of his forces within a
year of the destruction of Fleeth. As the
arch lich’s body weakened, Kas became
his instrument of rule. Though still
supreme in his power, Vecna took less
and less interest in the daily affairs of
his kingdom. Kas pronounced Vecna’s
judgments, presided over the Council in
Vecna’s name, and heard the reports from
Lord Vecna’s foul army.

The Bloody-Handed commanded legions

of undead, humanoid tribes and several
tribes of debased Flan, who were all too
happy to carry out the orders of Kas as
though they were Vecna’s. Many otherwise
good-spirited tribes, however, lived under
the depravity of Vecna because all but
subservience to the Whispered One led to
certain death.

After several centuries, Vecna made

his ultimate arcane discovery: a means
to achieve apotheosis. Vecna intended to
become a god!

In addition to an unnaturally elongated

life, Vecna had granted Kas with a weapon
of exquisite beauty and a heart as dark as
the lich-lord’s soul. This blade, the Sword
of Kas, whispered dark ambition into Kas’
ear, urging him to make a move for the
lands his master had held for so long.


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