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#include "FM.h"

namespace stk {

/*! \class BeeThree
\brief STK Hammond-oid organ FM synthesis instrument.

This class implements a simple 4 operator

topology, also referred to as algorithm 8 of
the TX81Z.

Algorithm 8 is :
1 --.
2 -\|
+-> Out
3 -/|
4 --

Control Change Numbers:

- Operator 4 (feedback) Gain = 2
- Operator 3 Gain = 4
- LFO Speed = 11
- LFO Depth = 1
- ADSR 2 & 4 Target = 128

The basic Chowning/Stanford FM patent expired

in 1995, but there exist follow-on patents,
mostly assigned to Yamaha. If you are of the
type who should worry about this (making
money) worry away.

by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995--2023.


class BeeThree : public FM

//! Class constructor.
An StkError will be thrown if the rawwave path is incorrectly set.
BeeThree( void );

//! Class destructor.

~BeeThree( void );

//! Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude.

void noteOn( StkFloat frequency, StkFloat amplitude );
//! Compute and return one output sample.
StkFloat tick( unsigned int channel = 0 );

//! Fill a channel of the StkFrames object with computed outputs.

The \c channel argument must be less than the number of
channels in the StkFrames argument (the first channel is specified
by 0). However, range checking is only performed if _STK_DEBUG_
is defined during compilation, in which case an out-of-range value
will trigger an StkError exception.
StkFrames& tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel = 0 );



inline StkFloat BeeThree :: tick( unsigned int )

StkFloat temp;

if ( modDepth_ > 0.0 ) {

temp = 1.0 + ( modDepth_ * vibrato_.tick() * 0.1 );
waves_[0]->setFrequency( baseFrequency_ * temp * ratios_[0] );
waves_[1]->setFrequency( baseFrequency_ * temp * ratios_[1] );
waves_[2]->setFrequency( baseFrequency_ * temp * ratios_[2] );
waves_[3]->setFrequency( baseFrequency_ * temp * ratios_[3] );

waves_[3]->addPhaseOffset( twozero_.lastOut() );
temp = control1_ * 2.0 * gains_[3] * adsr_[3]->tick() * waves_[3]->tick();
twozero_.tick( temp );

temp += control2_ * 2.0 * gains_[2] * adsr_[2]->tick() * waves_[2]->tick();

temp += gains_[1] * adsr_[1]->tick() * waves_[1]->tick();
temp += gains_[0] * adsr_[0]->tick() * waves_[0]->tick();

lastFrame_[0] = temp * 0.125;

return lastFrame_[0];

inline StkFrames& BeeThree :: tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel )

unsigned int nChannels = lastFrame_.channels();
#if defined(_STK_DEBUG_)
if ( channel > frames.channels() - nChannels ) {
oStream_ << "BeeThree::tick(): channel and StkFrames arguments are incompati
handleError( StkError::FUNCTION_ARGUMENT );

StkFloat *samples = &frames[channel];

unsigned int j, hop = frames.channels() - nChannels;
if ( nChannels == 1 ) {
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<frames.frames(); i++, samples += hop )
*samples++ = tick();
else {
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<frames.frames(); i++, samples += hop ) {
*samples++ = tick();
for ( j=1; j<nChannels; j++ )
*samples++ = lastFrame_[j];

return frames;
} // stk namespace


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