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River Pollution

Nama : Fattan Radhiyya Sufa

Kelas: XI MIPA 1

Rivers are very important to our planet. They provide us with food, water, transport routes and are
also used as an energy source to power watermills and hydroelectric plants. The water in rivers
provides the home for fish, plants and animals.

There are many different causes of water pollution, Farmers put pesticides and fertilizers on their
crops to help them grow better. When rain falls, it washes these pesticides and fertilizers through the
soil and they end up in the rivers. These harrnful substances encourage algae to grow and turn the
water green, leading to pollution.

Acid rain is another cause of water pollution. Fumes that contain nitrogen oxides are produced from
vehicle exhausts. Power stations that burn coal produce sulphur dioxide. When these two substances
mix with water in the air, they turn into acids, then fall as acid rain. Acid rain damages trees and
buildings and also kills wildlife in rivers.

Millions of fish and sea birds are killed when ships leak oil into the seas and oceans, creating a water
slick on the surface. This is called accidental pollution. People also pollute rivers by pouring things
like paint and used car oil into drains.

In many parts of the world people dump toxic (poisonous) chemicals and other dangerous waste
products into rivers and seas. These chemicals are often difficult to treat. Factories often use water
for cooling processes. Warrn water is then discharged back into the rivers raising the temperature of
the water and lowering the level of dissolved oxygen.

Over 70% of the world is covered in water, but most of this water is salty and not suitable for
drinking, Over 1 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water.

1. what is the social function of the text?

- The social function of the text is to raise awareness about the importance of rivers, highlight various
causes of water pollution, and emphasize the impact of pollution on ecosystems and human

2. what is the generic sturcture of the text?

- The generic structure of the text appears to be informative and educational, presenting facts about
rivers, their significance, and the threats they face from pollution. It follows a descriptive and
explanatory pattern, outlining causes and effects of water pollution.
3. write down two sentences in present tense?

- “Pesticides and fertilizers wash into rivers, encouraging algae growth and causing pollution” .

- “Millions of fish and sea birds are killed annually due to oil leaks from ships, creating water
slicks on the surface” .

4. write down two passive sentences in your text?

- “Toxic chemicals and dangerous waste products are often dumped into rivers and seas, causing
extensive pollution” .

- “Water used in cooling processes by factories is discharged back into rivers, raising water
temperatures and lowering levels of dissolved oxygen” .

5. write down two conjuctions used in the text?

- And

- But

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