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Increased arterial pressure is monitored by the kidneys and would result in _____
renal excretion of fluid to _____ the blood volume
a. decreased, increase
b. decreased, decreased
c. increased, increased
d. increased, decreased

2. Hypertensive syndrome in a patient can occur by

a. Shifting the renal output curve to the right
b. elevated salt intake
c. increasing the sensitivity of baroreceptors
d. A and B
e. all of the above

3. The juxtaglomerular apparatus monitors

a. blood pressure
b. blood flow
c. rennin concentration
d. chloride ion concentration
e. sodium ion concentration

4. When arterial pressure is lower than normal, renin secretion is ______, aldosterone
secretion is ______, and renal retention of salt and water is _______
a. Increased, increased, increased
b. Decreased, increased, increased
c. decreased, decreased, decreased
d. increased, increased, decreased

5. Stimulation of the internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would occur during
a. normal quiet inspiration
b. normal expiration
c. forced inspiration
d. forced expiration

6. During inspiration pleural pressure ______ and alveolar pressure ______.

a. increases, increases
b. increases, decreased
c. decreases, decreased
d. decreases, increases
e. remains the same, decreases

7. What effect would decreased surfactant have on lung compliance?

a. lung compliance would be increased
b. lung compliance would be decreased
c. this would have no effect on lung compliance
8. Mr.Huff and Puff inhales as much air as possible and than exhales as much air as
possible. The volume of exhaled air is the
a. total lung capacity
b. tidal volume
c. functional residual capacity
d. inspiratory reserve volume
e. vital capacity

9. Blood flow to the lungs is

a. greatest at the bottom and least at the top
b. high enough to perfuse all regions of the lungs equally at all times
c. greatest at the top and least at the bottom
d. most efficient in the middle zone as this is the level closest to the level of the heart

10.The volume of inspired air that fails to reach the alveoli is called _____ volume
a. tidal
b. alveolar
c. anatomical dead space
d. physiological dead space
e. residual

11.Alveolar partial pressure of oxygen of 149 and carbon dioxide of 0 would indicate
that the ventilation to perfusion ratio is
a. normal
b. higher than normal
c. lower than normal

12. As air is moved into the alveoli and humidified the partial pressure of oxygen in the
inspired air
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains the same
d. how would I know

13.which of the following would best represent the amount of oxygen transported in
association with hemoglobin
a. 3%
b. 7%
c. 23%
d. 70%
e. 97%

14.If the total pressure of a mixture of gasses was 760mmHg and its composition was
20% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, 75% nitrogen and 5% water vapor, then the
partial pressure of oxygen would be ______ mmHg
a. 740
b. 30
c. 20
d. 148
e. 152

15. Which of the following increases the rate of exchange across the respiratory
a. increased fluid in the alveoli
b. increased thickness of respiratory membrane
c. increased surface area of the respiratory membrane
d. increased connective tissue in the alveolar wall

16.If there is an axxumulation of acidic products in plasma one would expect

a. an increase in respiration rate
b. a decrease in respiration rate
c. no influence of respiration rate

17.Blood oxygen levels

a. are more important than carbon diaxide in the regulation of respiration
b. need to change only slightly to cause a change in respiration rate
c. within the normal partial pressure ranges have little effects on the regulation
of respiration
d. in venous and arterial blood are about the same

18.Under normal conditions hemoglobin in blood passing thorough the pulmonary

capillaries becomes _____ saturated with oxygen
a. 25%
b. 40%
c. 75%
d. 100%

19.Under normal resting conditions what fraction of the available oxygen carried by
hemoglobin is delivered to tissues?
a. 25%
b. 40%
c. 75%
d. 100%

20.The peripheral chemoreceptors are located

a. in the pleural space
b. in the pulmonary trunk
c. in the aorta and carotid arteries
d. in the left atrium of the heart
e. kennesaw georgia

21.A FEV 1 that is 80& of the forced vital capacity would indicate
a. possible asthma
b. possible emphysema
c. pneumonia
d. pulmonary fibrosis
e. normal function

22.When the alveolar partial pressure of oxygen drops to 65 mmHg the

a. delivery of oxygen to the tissues if severely limited
b. saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen is reduced only slightly
c. saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen is reduced significantly
d. carbon dioxide transfer to the tissues if severely compromised
e. hemoglobin buffer system fails to operate properly

23.Which of the following conditions would present with a decreased maximum

expiration flow rate, decreased total lung capacity and a decreased residual volume
a. asthma
b. emphysema
c. tuberculosis
d. exercise induced asthma
e. none of the above

24.Which of the following conditions would benefit the least from oxygen therapy
a. emphyseam
b. asthma
c. carbon monoxide poisoning
d. anemia

25.Normal resting breathing is regulated by the

a. apneustic center
b. pneumotaxic center
c. dorsal respiratory neurons
d. ventral respiratory neurons

26.The residual volume in an average size male is _____- ml

a. 500
b. 1200
c. 3500
d. 4600
e. 5800

27.the amount of oxygen blood can cary is determined mainly by the

a. solubility of oxygen in plasma
b. need of cells for oxygen
c. amount of hemoglobin available
d. amount of carbon dioxide in blood
e. thickness of the respiratory membrane

28. This ion is the major extracellular ion and exerts a major effect on osmolarity and
extracellular fluid volume
a. potassium
b. sodium
c. calcium
d. magnesium
e. nitrogen

29. Furosemide (Lasix) is considered a diuretic because it

a. is considered a look diuretic
b. increases the water secretion in the distal convoluted tubule
c. inhibits Na/K/Cl co-transport in the luminal membrane
d. inhibits the Na/K pump in the thick ascending limb

a. acts on the collecting tubule and duct by secreting sodium chloride
b. increases water reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule
c. its absence is considered addisonʼs disease
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

31.An example of a primary active transport would be

a. sodium potassium pump
b. facilitative diffusion
c. Glucose-sodium symport in the tubular membrane
d. none of the above
e. all of the above

32.Aldosterone-antagonist diuretics may lead to hypokalemia

a. true
b. false

33.The countercurrent mechanism in the kidney is dependant upon:

a. active transport of Na and co-transport of K/Cl in the thick ascending limb
b. thick ascending libʼs impermeability to water
c. the renal medullaʼs high osmolarity
d. all of the above
e. a and b one

34.the juxtaglomerular apparatus

a. is involved in the auto regulatory feedback for GFR
b. contains the macula densea
c. contains juxtaglomerular cells
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

35.Which is not a function of the kidney

a. secretion
b. reabsorption
c. filtration
d. micturation
e. all of the above are functions of the kidney

36. IN a normal EKG, which waves are positive

a. R,T
b. Q,R,S
c. P,Q,R,S,T
d. P,R,S

37.The total lung capacity is the sum of

a. expiratory reserve volume and tidal volume
b. residual volume and functional residual capacity
c. functions residual capacity and inspiratory capacity
d. tidal volume and inspiratory capacity

38.Concerning functional residual capacity (FRC), which statement is false

a. is the volume of air that is contained in the lungs during normal respiration
b. is the volume of air left in the lungs at the end of each normal expiration
c. can be measured by a spirometer
d. can be used to figure out a patients residual volume (RV)
e. its value changes markedly during some types of pulmonary diseases

39. Concerning nicotinic receptors location, which statement is false:

a. found in the autonomic ganglia
b. found on all effector cells that are stimulated by the ANS
c. used in non autonomic nerve endings
d. used in neuromuscular junctions in skeletal muscle

40.When glomerular filtrate is formed, its osmolarity is about the same as that of plasma
a. True
b. false

41.Concerning the proximal convoluted tubule, which statement is true

a. sodium, potassium and chloride are avidly reabsorbed
b. fluid becomes more dilute
c. it contributes to the hypertonic medulla interstitial fluid
d. solutes and water are reabsorbed in equal amounts relative to blood

42.The final adjustment of water levels in the filtrate

a. occurs in the distal tubule/collecting duct when Angiotension II is around
b. is dependent upon ADH levels in the collecting duct/distal tubule
c. occurs in the proximal tubule via aquaporin
d. none of the above

43.Which will not lead to the releases of renin

a. decreased renal blood flow
b. an increase in blood pressure
c. decrease in glomerular filtration rate
d. decreased NaCl delivery to the juxtaglomerular apparatus
e. decreased ultrafiltrate

44. Creatinine
a. is used by the muscles for fuel
b. is a byproduct of aerobic glycolysis
c. is sued to measure glomerular filtration rate
d. is used to measure renal plasma flow

45.Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) is

a. used to measure renal plasma flow
b. is almost completely cleared from the plasma
c. is used to measure glomerular filtration rate
d. all are correct
e. a and b are correct only

46.Which of the following does not lead to hyperkalemia

a. hyperosmolarity
b. insulin
c. acidosis
d. exercise
e. cell lysis

47.Concerning acid-base balance in the body, which statement is false?

a. 2/3 of the chemical buffering in the body occurs via intracellularproteins
b. acidosis can inhibit the Na/K pump
c. the kidneys and the respiratory center are primary [H+] regulators
d. bicarbonate buffer system is the most important intracellular buffering

48. Choose the correct order of filtrate flow

a. afferent arteriole-collecting duct-proximal convoluted tubule
b. minor calyx - major calyx - collecting duct
c. loop of henle - distal convoluted tubule - renal pelvis
d. glomerulus - thick ascending limb - proximal convoluted tubule
1. Electrolyte disturbances are most likely to occur when ion transported is impaired
across the WORD membrane of cell in the ______
a. proximal convolute tubule
b. proximal straight tubule
c. thick ascending Henleʼs Loop
d. Distal convolute tubule

2. Which of the following substances regulates mineral balance in the body?

a. Renin
b. Aldosterone
c. Anti-Diuretic Hormone
d. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme

3. Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding plasma proteins

a. plasma proteins osmotically help maintain blood volume
b. albumin deficiency can cause edema
c. histamine causes oncotic pressure of the pleura to increase
d. liver damage can cause hypoalbuminemia

4. Sympathetic stimulation will NOT cause which of the following effects?

a. positive inotropic effect
b. capillary constriction
c. veno-constriction
d. Only A and B
e. A, B and C

5. The urine concentration mechanism does NOT involve the participation of which of
the following structures
a. loop of henle
b. vasa recta
c. peritubular capillaries
d. collecting duct

6. A person with Hyper-aldosteronism will present with which of the following?

a. low blood volume
b. hypokalemia
c. hypertension
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

7. Which of the following starling forces causes filtration of plasma components to from
urinary ultra-filtrate in the golmeruli?
a. capillary hydrostatic pressure
b. interstitial oncotic pressure
c. capillary oncotic pressure
d. interstitial hydrostatic pressure

8. Which of the following will cause systemic blood pressure to increase

a. Hypo-aldosteronism
b. ADH deficiency
c. Excessive renin secretion
d. increase in vagal tone

9. Pacemaker activity and conduction velocity in the heart can be suppressed by which
of the following conditions
a. hypernatremia
b. hypercalcemia
c. hyperkalemia
d. hypermagnesemia

10.Parasympathetic stimulation will cause which of the following effects?

a. Bradycardia
b. Arteriolar dilation
c. veno-dilation
d. increased cardiac output

11. WORD hormone is synthesized in the _____ of the hypothalamus and acts on
______ to conserve water
a. paraventricular nuclei; collecting duct
b. Supra-optic nuclei; collecting duct
c. supra-optic nuclei; Distal tubule
d. Paraventricular nuclei; distal tubule

12. Which of the following substances responds to changes in plasma osmolality and
regulates water balance in the body?
a. aldosterone
b. renin
c. Angiotensin I
d. ADH

13. Plasma proteins are repelled from entering the urinary ultra-filtrate by the presence
of electrical charge lining the _______
a. Glomerular capillary membrane
b. Podocyte foot processes
c. bowmanʼs capsule
d. support cells

14.Plasma concentration of which of the following hormones will be expected to

increase, as a compensation, when the blood pressure rises?
a. aldosterone
b. anti-diuretic hormone
c. atrial natriuretic peptide
d. oxytocin

15.Plasma circulating levels of which of the following will be elevated in response to

a. aldosterone
b. anti-Diuretic Hormone
c. Renin
d. Rennin

16. Which is correct regarding the myocardium

a. muscle contraction are always preceded by muscle cation potentials
b. hypercalcemia will cause stroke volume to decrease
c. ventricular contractions open the cuspid valves
d. the heart sounds occurs during the period of isovolumetric relaxation

17.Which of the following conditions will cause hypoatremia AND hypertension

a. hyperaldosteronism
b. excessive rennin secretion
c. excessive ADH secretion
d. increase in vagal tone

18.Respiratory activity is regulated by changes in CSF concentration of which of the

a. bicarbonate ions
b. hydrogen ions
c. carbon dioxide
d. oxygen

19.Which part of the nephron is lined with Brush boarder epithelium?

a. Glomerular filtration barrier
b. proximal convoluted tubule
c. thick, ascending limb of henleʼs loop
d. distal convoluted tubule

20.Which of the following conditions will NOT cause hyperkalemia

a. exercise
b. acidosis
c. cell lysis
d. insulin

21.Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding juxta-medullary

nephrons ?
a. They represent approximately 85% of the total number of nephrons
b. their glomeruli are located in the inner third of the renal cortex
c. their loops of henle are associated with vasa recta
d. they ensure that the urine is concentrated as needed

22. Slow Ca2+ influx

a. Causes rapid repolarization phase of any action potential
b. causes rapid depolarization phase of plateau action potentials
c. causes resting potential phase of rhythmic action potentials
d. causes partial depolarization phase of plateau action potential
e. causes rapid depolarization phase of rhythmic action potentials

23. Rapid Ca2+ influx

a. Causes rapid repolarization phase of any action potential
b. causes rapid depolarization phase of plateau action potentials
c. causes resting potential phase of rhythmic action potentials
d. causes partial depolarization phase of plateau action potential
e. causes rapid depolarization phase of rhythmic action potentials

24. Rapid Na+ influx

a. Causes rapid repolarization phase of any action potential
b. causes rapid depolarization phase of plateau action potentials
c. causes resting potential phase of rhythmic action potentials
d. causes partial depolarization phase of plateau action potential
e. causes rapid depolarization phase of rhythmic action potentials

25. Slow K+ efflux

a. Causes rapid repolarization phase of any action potential
b. causes rapid depolarization phase of plateau action potentials
c. causes resting potential phase of rhythmic action potentials
d. causes partial depolarization phase of plateau action potential
e. causes rapid depolarization phase of rhythmic action potentials

26. Rapid K+ efflux

a. Causes rapid repolarization phase of any action potential
b. causes rapid depolarization phase of plateau action potentials
c. causes resting potential phase of rhythmic action potentials
d. causes partial depolarization phase of plateau action potential
e. causes rapid depolarization phase of rhythmic action potentials

27. Acclimation to high altitude involves which of the following

a. increased erythropoiesis
b. increased ADH secretion
c. increased renin secretion
d. none of the above is correct

28. Respiratory activity is primarily under the control of

a. hypothalamic neurons
b. pneumotaxic center in the pons
c. respiratory neurons in the medulla
d. none of the above

29. Immediate compensation for metabolic acidosis occurs by which of the following
a. hypoventilation
b. hyperventilation
c. increased renal proton secretion
d. decreased renal proton secretion

30. Which of the following is most likely to be evident in the laboratory data of a patient
with diabetic ketoacidosis?
a. hypoglycemia
b. hypokalemia
c. decreased bicarbonate in plasma
d. decreased CO2 in plasma

31. Quiet, passive inhalation involves contraction of which of the following muscles?
a. internal intercostals
b. external intercostals
c. diaphragm
d. all of the above

32. Most of the carbon dioxide produced by cells is transported in blood in which of the
following forms?
a. dissolved CO2
b. Carboxyhemoglobin
c. carbaminohemoglobin
d. bicarbonate ions

33. Deamination of which amino acids is important to buffer protons that are secreted
into the urinary filtrate?
a. glycine
b. glutamate
c. glutamine
d. cysteine

34. The enzyme that regulates reabsorption of bicarbonate ions in the tubular nephron is
a. monomania oxidase
b. carbonic anhydrase
c. renin
d. angiotensin converting enzyme

35. The substance that acts as the urinary buffer to prevent damage by the secreted
proton is:
a. hydrogen ions
b. amino-acids
c. ammonia
d. urea

36. Stimulated aldosterone secretion

a. plasma proteins
b. glucose reabsorption
c. bicarbonate ion reabsorption
d. chloride reabsorption
e. hyperkalemia

37. requires Na+/H+ exchange

a. plasma proteins
b. glucose reabsorption
c. bicarbonate ion reabsorption
d. chloride reabsorption
e. hyperkalemia

38. blocked by loop diuretics

a. plasma proteins
b. glucose reabsorption
c. bicarbonate ion reabsorption
d. chloride reabsorption
e. hyperkalemia

39. depends upon Na+ reabsorption

a. plasma proteins
b. glucose reabsorption
c. bicarbonate ion reabsorption
d. chloride reabsorption
e. hyperkalemia

40. concentration higher in the efferent arteriolar blood

a. plasma proteins
b. glucose reabsorption
c. bicarbonate ion reabsorption
d. chloride reabsorption
e. hyperkalemia

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