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Student Name: Dumapias, Bernice A.

Date Submitted: February 20, 2024

Grade & Section: 11- Kotler (ABM) Teacher: Bai Cessna Andong Sibal
Subject: Empowerment Technology (E-Tech)

Autobiography: A Memory that I Cherish

My name is Bernice, and I was born on December 04, 2006, in Toril, Davao City. I am

the youngest in the family, my older sister has family now, while my other sister is still studying

in college. My parents’ names are Fe and Bernardo, but they are not married because they don’t

have enough money to get them married, my mom is the daughter of a farmer, while my dad is

just the son of a tricycle driver. Both of my grandfather was dead when I was a child, they both

died because of their bad habits of drinking alcohol and smoking.

When I was young, my favorite thing was when we went to the province where my

mother lived in Davao Oriental. We go there when there is a fiesta or maybe when there is an

occasion like birthdays, Christmas, etc. I remember before that I was always excited when we

went to the province because during fiesta there were many vendors selling toys or foods, there

are also sport like basketball and beauty pageants. It is not just that because I am also excited to

see my relatives on my mother's side, my cousins who I always play with. What I really like

there is the view, nice place, fresh air, and no toxic people. Also, I can do things in the province

that I cannot do in the city. And it is just sad because when we came back to the province it was

not because we went to party but because my uncle died due to an accident, I cried a lot because

out of all my mom's siblings, he is my favorite.

In conclusion, now that I am getting old, I have come to appreciate the values and lessons

that my parents have taught me when I am growing up. Even though that we are not rich, I still

cherish the memories and experiences that we had as a family. It is important to remember the

simple things in life. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to experience a balance life between

in the city and in the province, as each offered different experiences and taught me valuable

lessons. In the end, it is not the material things in life that matter most, but the relationships and

experiences that we have. I have learned that the best things in life are often the simplest, and I

am grateful for the lessons that have been taught to me along the way.

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