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Globally, the challenges of caring for the elderly are often underestimated. Informal

caregivers for the elderly frequently need support, a concern receiving significant attention in

developed countries. However, it remains a blind spot in post-Soviet countries, particularly

Central Asia. To address these issues, it is crucial to not only change behavior but also improve

communication between services. Ongoing informational efforts with healthcare and social care

workers about the needs of those providing care for the elderly are essential (Zhylkybekova et

al., 2023). According to Holmberg et al., (2022) despite the growing population of older adults

worldwide, nurses and health care professionals may harbor negative attitudes toward older

patients that might risk patient safety.

According to Pehlivan et al., (2019) healthcare professionals' attitudes toward their

elderly patients are a direct reflection of the growing issues associated with aging. The

experiences that an individual has with aging throughout the course of their lifetime are

significant when it comes to discriminating attitudes toward older individuals. In the Philippines,

various communication problems were identified, including BHWs' limited participation in the

barangay development plan, restricted access to communication technology, the absence of a

continuous skills enhancement program, insufficient knowledge of proper personal hygiene due

to the lack of contextualized communication materials, and inactive community participation in

health services (Gallegos et al., 2023). Elderly care focuses on addressing the social and personal

needs of senior citizens who require assistance with daily activities and healthcare while aspiring

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 1

to age with dignity. Due to the rising population of the elderly, there is an inadequacy in

healthcare services for this demographic. Many health workers possess limited knowledge of

common health conditions affecting the elderly. This lack of understanding contributes to

negative attitudes towards elderly care, potentially leading to significant issues in our society in

the near future (Udo et al., 2022).

Understanding the knowledge and behavior of barangay health workers concerning

elderly care is crucial for enhancing healthcare outcomes. This knowledge helps identify gaps,

enables targeted training programs, and ultimately improves the quality of care provided to the

elderly within the community.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains relevant literature and concepts providing significant insights and

comprehensive background to the present investigation.

Knowledge of the Care of the Elderly

Most health workers have very poor knowledge of health conditions which are common

with the elderly and lack of adequate knowledge triggers negative attitude towards the care of

elderly likely to result in serious problem in society in the near future (Elebiary et al., 2018)

According to Abdi et al., (2019) the number of older people with unmet care and support needs

is increasing substantially due to the challenges facing the formal and informal care system in the

United Kingdom. In order to develop effective solutions to address some of the needs, it is

important first to understand the care and support needs of older people. Therefore, teaching

health care workers staff to develop the improved knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding

physical restraint has become necessary (Eskandari et al., 2018).

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 2

The appointment of Barangay health workers (BHWs) lacks adherence to guidelines,

prioritizing personal connections over technical qualifications. Accreditation in formal and

structured training. This informal approach to appointing, accrediting, and training BHWs leads

to lack of quality assurance in the health services they provide (Hartigan-Go et al., 2023).

Furthermore, according to Koopmans et al., (2018) many European countries face challenges in

long-term care for older people, such as the growing number of older people requiring care, the

increasing complexity of their health care problems, and a decreasing workforce that is

inadequately prepared. Additionally, China is facing challenges in caring for older adults to

understand knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) regarding the quality of caregivers for

elderly in long-term care institutions in Zhejiang Province, and also to find related factors to

improve the quality of care (Zeng et al., 2019).

According to the study of Gallegos et al., (2023) Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) are

the lead health advocates who provide essential health care services at the grassroots level.

Hence, it requires them to have adequate skills and training. In a study conducted by Ajam

(2021) that nurses generally have low to average levels of knowledge regarding the physical,

psychological, and social aspects of aging, as well as the main clinical areas of geriatric nursing

care. According to Brabham (2018) this lack of knowledge has been observed in various regions,

including Florida, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Africa. In Florida, healthcare workers were

found to have limited knowledge about caring for elderly patients, while healthcare workers

demonstrated insufficient knowledge in the majority of cases. Similarly, A review of studies

conducted in Turkey revealed that a significant percentage of nurses lacked sufficient knowledge

in elderly patient care. This knowledge gap was also evident in Africa, where a large proportion

of healthcare workers were found to have inadequate knowledge in caring for elderly patients

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 3

(Muhsin, 2019). In the study of Argaw et al., (2019) in Ethiopia, studies have shown that less

than half of the nurses possess adequate or good knowledge in this area, with poor knowledge

being prevalent among nurses in Addis Ababa, West Shoa, and Bahir Dar.

According to the study of Roohi Moghaddam et al., (2019) there is a strong connection

between the education level of nurses and their attitude towards caring for older individuals.

Nurses with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree or higher were found to be almost three times

more likely to have a positive attitude towards elderly care compared to those with a diploma.

These findings align with a similar study conducted in Nepal.

Behavior of the BHW towards care of the elderly

Any nation's elderly patients are an essential component of the populace and should be

treated with the same dignity and consideration. Globally, the aging population is growing at a

rapid rate, which raises the demands on and complications with health care. In order to provide

older patients with high-quality treatment, it is crucial that healthcare professionals have the

appropriate attitude (Subba et al., 2020) Additionally, a study by Maximiamo et al. (2019) Older

people spend more time communicating with health professionals since they have more health

problems. As claimed by Lopez-Hernandez et al. (2021). In order to improve health outcomes in

the delivery of healthcare, one of the most crucial elements is effective communication between

clinicians and patients. Using the appropriate communication strategy can help accomplish

effective communication. Furthermore, According to Hansson et al., (2018), Frail elderly

patients who have multiple illnesses do not fare well in modern health care systems, mainly due

to a lack of care planning and flawed communication between health professionals in different

care organizations. Additionally, according to Naldan et al., (2018) Health professionals,

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 4

particularly those who offer health services, have been accused of having certain attitudes,

including a lack of patience with elderly people, loud and inflated speech, baby language,

disregarding their opinions, excessive compassion, and a maternal approach.

In light of this, Barangay Health Workers (BHW) engage in a great deal of interpersonal

communication with their community members. Since there isn't much research on BHW, it's

critical to comprehend the nature of their work by learning about the interpersonal

communication techniques they employ and how they address healthcare miscommunication in

their communities. (Camasin, 2023). Positive attitude of healthcare professionals towards elderly

care is likely influenced by their high level of education and comprehensive training. This

finding is consistent with the research conducted by Daniel et al., (2021) who concluded that a

majority of medical doctors exhibited a positive attitude towards caring for the elderly, which

can be attributed to their educational background and training. This aligns with the findings of

Muhsin et al., (2020) who also observed that nurses displayed a favorable and positive attitude

towards elderly individuals. Having a positive attitude towards the care of older individuals is

crucial and greatly beneficial for their overall healthcare and well-being. It is essential to

prioritize and foster positive attitudes towards elderly care to ensure better quality of life for

older people.

Positive attitudes increase the preference to work with older people and improve the

quality of care. Therefore, attitudes of physicians, nurses and other health professionals toward

older people are a significant factor affecting the care for them, their life quality and mood of

older people. A systematic review by Khagi et al., (2020) Nurses and health professionals

attitude towards elderly people is associated with the quality of care they provide. Negative

attitudes, behaviors, and communication of health professionals toward older people negatively

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 5

affect the quality of health (Omura et al., 2018). Actions taken by health professionals and

suggestions for improving care for elderly victims of violence (Alarcon et al., 2021). Improving

health literacy must be a priority target for more quality patient care and less complication. The

issues that caregivers and healthcare felt themselves insufficient should be taken in the identified

issues (Metin et al.,2019). For instance, Physicians and healthcare workers working in Saudi

Arabia belong to different countries and may have differences in knowledge and attitude towards

elderly (Al-Atram et al., 2018).

A review by Ayalon (2019) revealed that positive or negative actions and attitudes might

constitute age discrimination. Negative attitudes toward older people include treating them

disrespectfully and viewing them as sick and dependent, whereas positive attitudes toward older

people include showing them affection, knowledge, experience, and independence. For instance,

Lan and Chen (2019) identified that several reasons such as age, gender, cognitive and emotional

state, cultural characteristics, education and working area affect attitudes and behaviors of health

professionals toward older people.

A systematic review by Marques et al., (2020) stated that health professionals,

particularly those who offer health services, have been accused of having attitudes, including a

lack of patience with elderly people, loud and inflated speech, baby language, disregarding their

opinions, excessive compassion, and maternal approach. Studies conducted in Africa,

specifically in Zanzibar, Egypt, and Ethiopia, revealed gaps in the attitudes of nurses towards the

care of elderly patients. Findings from these studies indicated that a significant percentage of

nurses, ranging from 42% to 93.3% in Zanzibar and Egypt, and 54.3% to 78.1% in Ethiopia, held

ageist or negative attitudes towards elderly patient care. (Argaw et al., 2019).

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 6

The attitude of nurses and other healthcare professionals affect the preferences and the

care provided (Baes et al., 2020). A cross-sectional study conducted in Cameroon showed that

nursing students had a positive attitude but poor knowledge of older adults (Keutchafo and Kerr

2020). According to Manjavong et al., (2019) patients wished to know more about their illness

but nurses focused on relieving symptoms. Studies have shown that misconceptions about older

adults and the aging process could negatively influence one’s attitude towards this population.

However, a study by Rababa et al., (2020) who also reported nurses having low

knowledge and poor attitudes towards older adults. Nurses with > 5 years of working experience

had better knowledge of older adults. Their knowledge on aging may be from personal

experience as they grew older. Care providers must possess self-efficacy in order to cultivate a

good attitude toward their elderly patient, to boost job satisfaction. (Shrestha et al.,2021).

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored to Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Social

Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura.

Health promotion is defined as behavior motivated by the desire to increase well-being

and actualize human health potential. It is an approach to wellness. BHWs can use the model to

guide their efforts in promoting health among the elderly population within the community. This

theory suggests promoting their well-being by encouraging activities that enhance their overall

health, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and preventive healthcare measures.

Addressing modifying factors like social support and the physical environment is also crucial for

the elderly, as it can positively impact their health and quality of life.

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 7

Albert Bandura developed the Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes the influence of social

interactions, observational learning, and self-efficacy on human behavior. According to this

theory, individuals learn and acquire new skills by observing others and through their own self-

efficacy beliefs. In the context of the study, the SCI can be related by examining The knowledge

and behavior of Barangay health workers on care of elderly. The theory suggests that observing

and participating in community health activities can enhance BHW knowledge and self-efficacy

in applying community health nursing principles. The study can explore if there is a relationship

between BHW level of knowledge and behavior on elderly care.

Conceptual Framework

The schematic diagram of the study shows the knowledge and behavior of barangay

health workers on the care of elderly. The independent variables are the participants’ age,

educational attainment and years of service, While the dependent variable in the study is

knowledge and behavior on the care of elderly.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Profile Characteristics of the BHW

A. Age Knowledge and behavior on the
B. Educational Attainment care of elderly
C. Years of service
D. Position in the Barangay

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram Showing the Variables of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out the knowledge and behavior of barangay health workers in

the care of the elderly. Specially, this study sought to answer the following questions:

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 8

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of:

a. Age;

b. Educational Attainment;

c. Years of service; and

d. Position in the Barangay?

2. What is the participants’ level of knowledge on the care of the elderly?

3. What is the participants' behavior on the care of the elderly?

4. Is there a significant difference on the knowledge and behavior of the Barangay Health

Workers on the care of the elderly when grouped according to profile?


Ho 1. There is no significant difference in the participant's knowledge and behavior about

elderly care when grouped based on their profile.

Significance of the Study

The overall findings of this study would possibly benefit the following:

Department of Health (DOH): The findings of this study have the potential to improve the

quality of care given to the elderly through a number of means, including enhanced healthcare

delivery, disease prevention, early detection, empathetic development, resource optimization,

community health support, policy advocacy, interdisciplinary collaboration, equipping the

elderly with self-care skills, and community engagement in the promotion of health-conscious


Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 9

City Health Office: The findings of this study will enhance the knowledge and conduct of

barangay health workers, guaranteeing higher-quality healthcare, stressing disease prevention,

facilitating early detection, cultivating empathy, maximizing resource utilization, promoting

community health, and advocating for improved elderly care.

CHS Administration: The findings of this study will enhance the knowledge and conduct of

barangay health workers, guaranteeing higher-quality healthcare, stressing disease prevention,

facilitating early detection, cultivating empathy, maximizing resource utilization, promoting

community health, and advocating for improved elderly care.

Nursing Education: As a result, they gain specific knowledge and abilities that improve their

capacity to provide high-quality care, support evidence-based procedures, encourage

interdisciplinary teamwork, cultivate leadership qualities, provide advocacy training, impart

cultural and ethical competency, promote ongoing learning, assist community involvement, and

facilitate professional networking opportunities.

Nursing Students: This study's findings enhance nursing students' contributions to improving

elderly care for healthcare professionals by introducing new ideas, adopting the most recent

evidence-based practices, encouraging collaborative learning environments, encouraging a

continuous improvement culture, and assisting in the incorporation of cutting-edge methods into

elderly care.

Scope and Limitation

This study aimed to focus on the knowledge and behavior of barangay health workers in

Cotabato City regarding the care of the elderly. The research covered all the barangays in

Cotabato City, which consists of a total of 37 Barangay Health Stations. These are community

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 10

healthcare volunteers who are trained and assigned to provide basic health services, health

education, and health promotion activities within a specific barangay (village) or community.

However, limitations may arise from potential biases in self-reported data, variations in the

quality of care provided by different BHWs or barangay health stations, language or

communication barriers, limited generalizability beyond Cotabato City, and logistical challenges

in data collection across all barangays.

Definition of Terms

The following variables are described as used in this study.

Barangay Health Workers. These are community healthcare volunteers who are trained and

assigned to provide basic health services, health education, and health promotion activities

within a specific barangay (village) or community. They play a crucial role in implementing

primary health care initiatives, including the care of elderly individuals.

Behavior. Refers the actions, attitudes, and conduct exhibited by Barangay Health Workers

when providing care to elderly individuals. It involves their interactions, communication styles,

and the practical application of their knowledge and skills in addressing the physical, emotional,

social, and psychological well-being of the elderly.

Care of elderly. The provision of comprehensive and specialized attention to meet the specific

needs of aging individuals. It includes physical, emotional, social, and cognitive aspects of care,

with the goal of promoting healthy and dignified aging. This involves assisting with activities of

daily living, managing chronic illnesses, addressing social isolation, promoting mental well-

being, and ensuring overall quality of life for the elderly.

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 11

Knowledge. This would describe the understanding of the participants towards the physical,

emotional, and cognitive aspects of care provided to elderly.

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 12



This chapter presents the design of the study, the research setting and participants,

instrumentation, statistical measures used and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

This study employed a descriptive quantitative design. The knowledge and behavior of

barangay health workers on the care of the elderly are determined by using a survey

questionnaire. This method gathers data about varying subjects and is undertaken when the

investigator is after proving or exploring areas where little is known about the research problem.


The researchers conducted the study within the 37 barangays into (7) clusters. This is by

the sub-city cluster system adopted by the city government for facilitating local administration

and management. Cotabato City has thirty-seven barangays. Cotabato City is divided into seven

clusters, each consisting of several barangays. In cluster 1, the barangays are Bagua I, Bagua II,

Bagua III, Bagua MB, Kalanganan I, and Kalanganan MB. Cluster 2 includes barangays Rosary

Heights I, Rosary Heights II, Poblacion V, and Poblacion VI. Cluster 3 consists of barangays

Poblacion I, Poblacion II, Poblacion III, and Poblacion IV. Cluster 4 includes barangays Rosary

Heights MB-A, Rosary Heights MB-B, Rosary Heights X-A, Rosary Heights X-B, Rosary

Heights XI, Rosary Heights XII, and Rosary Heights XIII. Cluster 5 consists of barangays

Rosary Heights VI, Rosary Heights VII, Rosary Heights VIII, Rosary Heights IX, and Poblacion

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 13

VIII. Cluster 6 includes barangays Rosary Heights III, Rosary Heights IV, Rosary Heights V,

and Poblacion IX. Lastly, in cluster 7, we have barangays Tamontaka MB, Tamontaka I,

Tamontaka II, Tamontaka III, Tomontaka IV, Tamontaka V, and Kalanganan II.

The city has a land area of 176.00 square kilometers or 67.95 square miles. Its population

as determined by the 2020 Census was 325,079. This represented 6.63% of the total population

of the BARRM region. The population density is computed at 1,847 inhabitants per square

kilometer or 4,784 inhabitants per square mile. The researchers chose Cotabato City as the locale

of the study since there is still little data related to the knowledge and behavior of Barangay

Health Workers on the care of the elderly which makes it very timely and relevant for the said



The study participants were all the Barangay Health Workers from the seven clusters,

regardless of their gender, age, years of service in the health facilities, and position in the


Sampling Size

The target population of this study consists of the barangay health workers of Cotabato

City. Based on the City Health Office of Cotabato city the total of barangay health workers were

the following: Bagua MB is (3), Bagua I (4), Bagua II (3), Bagua III (2), Pob MB (3), Pob I (2),

Pob II (2), Pob III (2), Pob IV (2), Pob V (2), Pob VI (2), Pob VII (3), Pob VIII (2), Pob IX (2),

MBRH-A (3), MBRH-B (2), RH I (2), RH II (2), RH III (2), RH IV (2), RH V (2), RH VI (30,

RH VII (3), RH VIII (2), RH IX (9), RH-X-A (2), RH-X-B (2), RH XI (2), RH XII (2), RH XIII

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 14

(2), Tam-MB-A (2), Tam-MB-Ext (2), Tam-I (2), Tam-II (2), Tam-III (2), Tam-IV (2), Tam-V

(1), Kal. MB (3), Kal. I (1), and Kal. II (3). The researchers identified (90) participants.

Sampling Technique

A census sampling technique is utilized in this study. All Barangay Health workers in

each Barangay were selected to participate in the fulfillment of the said study


The instrument used in the study was a researcher-constructed questionnaire to gather the

required data from the participants. The questionnaires had three (3) parts. Part I was about the

demographic profile such as the age, educational attainment, years of service as barangay health

workers, and position in the barangay. Part II determined the level of knowledge of the

barangay health workers in the care of the elderly. Part III identified the behavior or attitude or

action of the barangay health workers toward the elderly.

The following interpretation and description were used to give meaning to the data

gathered on the Level of Knowledge of the Barangay Health Workers in the Care of the Elderly.

Raw Score Interpretation Description

The Barangay health workers demonstrate

12-15 Highly knowledgeable deep understanding and expertise in elderly
10-11 Very knowledgeable The Barangay health workers exhibit a
strong understanding of elderly care.
7-9 Moderately knowledgeable The Barangay health workers show a
satisfactory understanding of elderly care
4-6 Fairly knowledgeable The Barangay health workers display basic
understanding but may lack depth in some

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 15

1-3 Poorly knowledgeable The Barangay health workers demonstrate
limited understanding and may require
further education.
The next mean, range and interpretation were utilized to analyzed the data gathered on the

behavior and attitude of the Baranga Health Workers as they provide care to the elderly:

Raw Score Mean Rating Interpretation Description

5 4. 50- 5.00 Always The participants

behavior, attitude and
care toward elderly is
4 3.50- 4.49 Often The participants
behavior, attitude and
care toward elderly is
very good
3 2.50- 3.49 Sometimes The participants
behavior, attitude and
care toward elderly is
2 1.50- 2.49 Rarely The participants
behavior, attitude and
care toward elderly is
1 1.00- 1.49 Never The participant's
behavior, attitude and
care toward the
elderly is poor
Data Gathering Procedure

Initially, the researchers reviewed the related literature as a basis for identifying variables

in Part I and Part II questionnaires forming the Likert-type scale. After the proposed study was

approved for data gathering by the panelist, the researchers wrote a letter addressed to the Dean

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 16

of the College of Health Sciences. Upon Approval, the researchers (will -delete) sent a letter to

the barangay chairman of the 37 barangays and sought their permission to allow us to conduct

the study in their barangay. Upon the approval of each Barangay Chairman, the researchers

(will-delete) asked for the assistance of the barangay officials to get the email address of each

participant to secure consent and ask them to fill out the survey questionnaire telling them the

purpose of the study. Upon the distribution of the questionnaire to the participants, the

researchers included a thorough explanation of how to fill up the questionnaire. (how did you

conduct this explanation???) The letter to the participants and consent form signed by the Dean

were also included and ask them to participate voluntarily. The participants were given ample

time to answer the questionnaire thoroughly. The identity of the participants and the data

gathered from them will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone.

Treatment of Data

For data collection, a total of 90 participants (will be answering) answered the survey

questionnaire face-to-face. This allowed a comprehensive analysis of the level of knowledge and

behavior of barangay health workers in the care of the elderly. The demographic profile was

analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution. The data gathered on the level of

knowledge and behavior towards the elderly were analyzed using the weighted mean and

standard deviations. To determine the difference in the knowledge and behavior of the

participants according to their profiles, the researchers used ANOVA.

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 17

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 18


The findings of this study are presented in tabular and descriptive form, analyzed and

interpreted to answer the research objectives.

Begin with a description of the table before you present the table. Kindly cluster the

age, years of service and educational attainment. You only have 90 participants; how come

you reach 97? Every profile must have a total. Why is it that position in the barangay was

added to the demographic profile? Were the nurses and midwives included in the data

collection? I thought only the BHW were the participants of the study?? Why there were

nurses and midwives? When you describe it, only highest and lowest only.

Table 1 Demographic Profile of the Participants

Demographic Profile f %


22 1 1.1

24 1 1.1

25 1 1.1

26 2 2.1

27 1 1.1

28 5 5.3

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 19

29 4 4.3

30 4 4.3

31 5 5.3

32 3 3.2

33 4 4.3

34 5 5.3

35 1 1.1

36 1 1.1

37 3 3.2

38 4 4.3

39 3 3.2

40 4 4.3

41 2 2.1

42 3 3.2

43 2 2.1

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 20

44 3 3.2

46 3 3.2

48 5 5.3

49 6 6.4

50 4 4.3

51 2 2.1

52 2 2.1

54 1 1.1

55 2 2.1

56 1 1.1

57 1 1.1

58 1 1.1

59 1 1.1

60 1 1.1

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 21

Years of Service

1 25 26.6

2 5 5.3

3 4 4.3

4 6 6.4

5 5 5.3

6 4 4.3

7 9 9.6

8 5 5.3

9 5 5.3

10 7 7.4

13 3 3.2

14 1 1.1

15 1 1.1

16 2 2.1

18 2 2.1

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 22

19 1 1.1

20 1 1.1

25 2 2.1

26 3 3.2

29 1 1.1

34 1 1.1

42 1 1.1

Educational Attainment

High School Graduate 17 18.1

Vocational 11 11.7

College Graduate 66 70.2

Position in Barangay

Midwife 37 39.4

Nurse 7 7.4

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 23

Barangay Health Worker 50 53.2

Total 94 100.0

Table 1 presents the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, years of

service, educational attainment and position in barangay. This further reveals that 6 or 6.4% of

the respondents aged 49, 25 or 26.6% are working for one year, 66 or 70.2% are college

graduates, and 37 or 39.4% works in the barangay as midwives.

Table 2 Level of the knowledge of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the care of Elderly Per
Item Scale
Item Number Correct Incorrect
(include the statement) f % f %

1 9 9.6 85 90.4

2 3 3.2 91 96.8

3 32 34.0 62 66.0

4 26 27.7 68 72.3

5 23 24.5 71 75.5

6 76 80.9 18 19.1

7 17 18.1 77 81.9

8 52 55.3 42 44.7

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 24

9 65 69.1 29 30.9

10 44 46.8 50 53.2

11 71 75.5 23 24.5

12 46 48.9 48 51.1

13 39 41.5 55 58.5

14 41 43.6 53 56.4

15 45 47.9 49 52.1

16 44 46.8 50 53.2

17 56 59.6 38 40.4

18 18 19.1 76 80.9

19 39 41.5 55 58.5

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 25

20 39 41.5 54 57.4

Table 2 presents the Level of the knowledge of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the

care of Elderly Per Item Scale. This further reveal that most of the respondents got correct

answers in item numbers 6, 8, 9, 11, and 17 while most of the respondents got incorrect answers

in item numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20.

Table 3 Level of the knowledge of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the care of Elderly
(Interpretation should be after the percentage)

Score Interpretation Description (No need to f %

include these in the table)

17-20 Highly The Barangay health workers 0 0.0

knowledgeable demonstrate deep understanding
and expertise in elderly care.

13-16 Very The Barangay health workers 8 8.5

knowledgeable exhibit strong understanding
elderly care.

The Barangay health workers

9-12 Moderately show satisfactory understanding 33 35.1
knowledgeable of elderly care concepts.

5-8 Fairly The Barangay health workers 48 51.1

knowledgeable display basic understanding but
may lack depth in some areas.

1-4 Poorly The Barangay health workers 5 5.3

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 26

knowledgeable demonstrate limited
understanding and may require
further education.

Total 94 100.0

Table 3 presents the Level of the knowledge of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the

care of Elderly. This further reveals that 48 or 51.1% of the respondents are fairly

knowledgeable, 33 or 35.1% are moderately knowledgeable, 8 or 8.5% are very knowledgeable,

5 or 5.3% are poorly knowledgeable, and 0 or 0.0% are highly knowledgeable.

Table 4 Behavior of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) in the Care of the Elderly (The
description should be highest and lowest only and the overall mean)

Statement Mean SD Interpretation

As a barangay health worker, I am:

1. actively seeking feedback from elderly 4.57 .978 Always
individuals to improve the quality of care provided
to them.
2. providing emotional support to lonely elderly 4.55 .825 Always
3. involving elderly individuals in decision- 4.43 .849 Often
making regarding their own care and treatment.
4. reporting signs of elder abuse or neglect. 4.46 1.094 Often
5. facilitating social activities or programs for the 4.66 .784 Always
elderly to promote socialization and community
6. providing nutritional guidance to ensure the 4.80 .597 Always
elderly maintain a healthy diet.
7. communicating effectively with elderly patients, 4.74 .621 Always
considering their unique needs and preferences.
8. providing clear and understandable explanations 4.77 .594 Always
of medical conditions and treatment plans to
elderly individuals.
9. encouraging and supporting elderly patients to 4.72 .694 Always
engage in physical activities suitable for their
10. ensuring the privacy and dignity of elderly 4.79 .566 Always
patients during medical examinations and

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 27

11. inquiring about the emotional well-being of 4.80 .597 Always
elderly individuals and addressing their mental
health concerns.
12. coordinating and collaborating with other 4.83 .455 Always
healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive
care for the elderly.
13. respecting the cultural and religious beliefs of 4.89 .373 Always
elderly patients when planning and delivering care.

14. actively involving family members or 4.76 .599 Always

caregivers in discussions and decision-making
related to the care of the elderly.
15. taking measures to prevent and address issues 4.76 .651 Always
related to elder abuse.

Overall Mean 4.70 .685 Always

Table 4 presents the Behavior of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the Care of the

Elderly. This further reveals that most of the respondents always do the following items with an

overall mean of 4.70 and an overall standard deviation of .685.

Moreover, statement number 13 “respecting the cultural and religious beliefs of elderly

patients when planning and delivering care.” got the highest rated mean of 4.89 which is

interpreted as always. This is followed by statement number 6 “providing nutritional guidance to

ensure the elderly maintain a healthy diet.” and 11 “inquiring about the emotional well-being of

elderly individuals and addressing their mental health concerns.” with a mean of 4.80 which is

interpreted as always. The third of which is statement number 10 “ensuring the privacy and

dignity of elderly patients during medical examinations and procedures.” with a mean of 4.79

which is interpreted as always.

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 28

On the other hand, statement number 3 “involving elderly individuals in decision-making

regarding their own care and treatment.” got the lowest rated mean of 4.43 which is interpreted

as often. This is followed by statement number 4 “reporting signs of elder abuse or neglect.” with

a mean of 4.46 which is interpreted as often. Finally, statement number 2 “providing emotional

support to lonely elderly individuals” got the third lowest mean of 4.55 which is interpreted as


Table 5 Difference in the knowledge and behavior of the Barangay Health Workers on the care
of the elderly when grouped according to profile

Factors N Mean SD F p Interpretation Decision

Knowledge 22 1 9.0000 . 1.002 .488 Why there is

and Age no decision???

24 1 11.0000 .

25 1 13.0000 .

26 2 10.5000 2.12132

27 1 13.0000 .

28 5 9.6000 3.36155

29 4 6.7500 2.62996

30 4 9.5000 2.38048

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 29

31 5 7.6000 4.15933

32 3 8.0000 2.64575

33 4 8.2500 2.87228

34 5 9.2000 1.78885

35 1 6.0000 .

36 1 7.0000 .

37 3 9.6667 2.88675

38 4 10.0000 2.16025

39 3 10.3333 2.08167

40 4 8.0000 2.44949

41 2 6.5000 3.53553

42 3 5.0000 3.00000

43 2 7.0000 .00000

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 30

44 3 9.0000 2.64575

46 3 10.3333 2.08167

48 5 9.0000 3.74166

49 6 6.6667 2.42212

50 4 7.5000 1.00000

51 2 5.5000 .70711

52 2 9.5000 3.53553

54 1 5.0000 .

55 2 8.0000 Not

56 1 9.0000 .

57 1 10.0000 .

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 31

58 1 8.0000 .

59 1 7.0000 .

60 1 8.0000 .

62 1 13.0000 .

65 1 6.0000 .

Behavior 22 1 74.0000 . .654 .912 Not Significant Accept

and Age
24 1 75.0000 .

25 1 75.0000 .

26 2 75.0000 .00000

27 1 75.0000 .

28 5 69.4000 8.44393

29 4 71.5000 7.00000

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 32

30 4 74.0000 2.00000

31 5 66.0000 8.42615

32 3 70.6667 7.50555

33 4 69.5000 9.71253

34 5 72.4000 3.20936

35 1 75.0000 .

36 1 75.0000 .

37 3 75.0000 .00000

38 4 73.2500 1.70783

39 3 70.0000 8.66025

40 4 74.0000 1.41421

41 2 68.5000 9.19239

42 3 69.6667 4.04145

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 33

43 2 63.5000 3.53553

44 3 71.6667 5.77350

46 3 73.6667 1.52753

48 5 69.2000 11.88276

49 6 62.8333 12.27056

50 4 69.2500 7.04154

51 2 66.5000 12.02082

52 2 68.5000 9.19239

54 1 61.0000 .

55 2 74.5000 .70711

56 1 75.0000 .

57 1 74.0000 .

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 34

58 1 61.0000 .

59 1 71.0000 .

60 1 75.0000 .

62 1 75.0000 .

65 1 75.0000 .

Knowledge 1 25 9.5600 2.82961 1.394 .151 Not Significant Accept

and Years

of Service 2 5 7.8000 3.56371

3 4 8.0000 1.41421

4 6 6.5000 1.22474

5 5 9.8000 2.04939

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 35

6 4 10.2500 2.50000

7 9 7.6667 2.00000

8 5 8.0000 3.53553

9 5 9.6000 2.50998

10 7 8.1429 3.18479

13 3 8.6667 3.21455

14 1 7.0000 .

15 1 7.0000 .

16 2 4.0000 2.82843

18 2 6.0000 .00000

19 1 7.0000 .

20 1 11.0000 .

25 2 5.5000 .70711

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 36

26 3 8.3333 .57735

29 1 12.0000 .

34 1 9.0000 .

42 1 5.0000 .

Behavior 1 25 72.7200 4.91189 1.402 .147 Not Significant Accept

and Year of
2 5 69.0000 7.38241

3 4 70.0000 7.57188

4 6 70.1667 4.35507

5 5 71.8000 4.14729

6 4 72.5000 4.35890

7 9 69.5556 8.90381

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 37

8 5 69.6000 7.40270

9 5 71.4000 6.06630

10 7 66.0000 11.41636

13 3 69.0000 9.53939

14 1 75.0000 .

15 1 62.0000 .

16 2 73.5000 2.12132

18 2 73.5000 2.12132

19 1 48.0000 .

20 1 74.0000 .

25 2 59.0000 8.48528

26 3 74.6667 .57735

29 1 75.0000 .

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 38

34 1 74.0000 .

42 1 72.0000 .

Knowledge High 17 7.3529 2.69122 3.529 .033 Significant Reject

and School

Educational Graduate


Vocational 11 7.2727 3.28910

College 66 8.9091 2.52816


Behavior High 17 71.6471 6.42204 2.333 .103 Not Significant Accept

School Ho
and Graduate

Attainment Vocational 11 66.3636 9.92243

College 66 70.9242 6.43622


Knowledge Midwife 37 9.0000 2.59272 2.610 .079 Not Significant Accept

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 39

and Position Nurse 7 9.5714 3.45722 Ho

in Barangay

Barangay 50 7.8600 2.62647


Behavior Midwife 37 70.8378 6.86178 .525 .593 Not Significant Accept

and Position
Nurse 7 72.7143 4.85504
in Barangay

Barangay 50 69.9800 7.38307


Table 5 presents the difference in the knowledge and behavior of the Barangay Health

Workers on the care of the elderly when grouped according to profile through One Way Analysis

of Variance (ANOVA) test. This further reveal that there is no significant difference between

Knowledge and Age (F = 1.002, p = .488), Behavior and Age (F = .654, p = .912), Knowledge

and Years of Service (F = 1.394, p = .151), Behavior and Year of Service (F = 1.402, p = .147),

Behavior and Educational Attainment (F = 2.333, p = .103), Knowledge and Position in

Barangay (F = 2.610, p = .079), and Behavior and Position in Barangay (F = .525, p = .593). On

the other hand, there is a significant difference between Knowledge and Educational Attainment

(F = 3.529, p = .033) which shows that Nurse got the highest rated mean of 9.5714 compared to

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 40

other workers in the barangay. This further shows that nurses in the barangay shows higher

knowledge than the midwives and barangay health workers.



This chapter presents the discussion of the result on the knowledge and behavior of

barangay health workers on the care of elderly. This further shows the summary of the major

findings of the study, conclusion drawn, recommendations, and suggestions for future research.

Barangay health workers (BHWs) program extends the accessibility of health care

services at the community level. The participants of this study are ninety-four (94) barangay

health workers ??? in all barangay in Cotabato City. Each barangay consists of three (3)

participants.. Aligned with this, BHW shall abide by the rendered services regardless of

Educational background, Age, and position in the barangay. The study revealed that the majority

of the Barangay health workers are working for one year, are college graduates, and work in the

barangay as midwives and nurses (what do you mean by these??) how can they work as

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 41

nurses or midwives if they are BHWs??? Furthermore, in terms of educational attainment,

(missing information) According to the study of Goldstein et al., (2024), many healthcare

practitioners have trouble with numeracy even with their high degree of education. While it is

common for training courses to incorporate numeracy, there are differences in the instructional

style, competencies covered, learner satisfaction, and efficacy of these educational interventions.

The training curriculum may be one factor contributing to the barangay health workers'

reasonably deep knowledge in geriatric care, but shallow understanding in other areas. Rather

than going in-depth into particular facets of caring for the elderly, the training they get could

concentrate more on general knowledge and foundational principles. Furthermore, they might

not be able to learn a subject in-depth during training sessions due to a lack of resources or time

restrictions. Additionally, although barangay health workers may have a basic understanding of

aged care, the intricacies of the field may not be fully covered by the practical experience they

have received from direct engagement with the elderly in their communities.

On the other hand, In support of (Gretrich et al., 2023) immigrants' health care system,

which they are systematically marginalized by. (??????) Because of their widespread

employment in service roles and skill sets, recipients are ideally positioned to address these

socioeconomic and political determinants of health. However, specific obstacles about status

ambiguity and the training and licensing procedures impede their ability to reach their full

potential in health-related fields.

Moreover, drawing from the findings presented in Table 3 presents the Level of the

knowledge of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the care of Elderly. This further reveal that

48 or 51.1% of the respondents are fairly knowledgeable, 33 or 35.1% are moderately

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 42

knowledgeable, 8 or 8.5% are very knowledgeable, 5 or 5.3% are poorly knowledgeable, and 0

or 0.0% are highly knowledgeable.

In terms of the behavior of Barangay health workers, the findings show that they keep

respecting the cultural and religious beliefs of elderly clients when planning and delivering care.

This is a good indicator that BHWs demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the

cultural backgrounds of elderly. They take into account their traditions, customs, and beliefs

when providing care. This also demonstrates that the participants strive to incorporate their care

plan, taking into consideration any dietary restrictions based on religious beliefs in regards to

nutritional support for elderly. they ensure that the care plan respects and incorporates the

elderly’s religious values and preferences. The elderly not only have physical and mental needs

but also spiritual needs. Taking care of their spiritual well-being is a crucial aspect of providing

care for them. Spiritual needs can have an impact on their overall health and quality of life

(Zadworna-Cieślak, 2019). According to Sivertsen et al. (2019), healthcare protocols should be

adapted to consider the cultural, religious, and spiritual backgrounds of the elderly, in order to

improve the quality of care and enhance satisfaction among both the elderly and healthcare

providers. Additionally, engaging in prayer and seeking a connection with a higher power can

play a significant role in improving the quality of life and meeting the spiritual needs of

individuals. This finding aligns with the results of Brandt et al.'s study (2019), which emphasized

the importance of religious practices, such as praying, in fostering spiritual connections.

The results also reveal that the BHWs provide nutritional guidance to ensure the elderly

maintain a healthy diet. This shows that the BHWs always provide nutrition programs and

activities to address the unique nutritional requirements of the elderly. They actively participate

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 43

in these initiatives, ensuring that the specific nutritional needs of older adults are taken into

account and met. This is connected to the findings of the National Center for Chronic Disease

Prevention and Health Promotion (2021), It is important to consider the specific nutritional

needs of the elderly population and provide appropriate guidance to ensure they receive the

necessary nutrients to maintain their health.

On the other hand, the BHWs often give the elderly individuals decision-making

regarding their own care and treatment being the lowest. This indicates that the BHWs need to

enhance training, provide resources, and foster a supportive environment. BHWs can improve

their ability to involve elderly individuals in decision-making regarding their own care and

treatment. This would promote autonomy, dignity, and person-centered care for the elderly

population. The findings also reveal that the BHWs need to improve by receiving extensive

training in both geriatric care and communication skills. This training would enable them to

actively connect with older individuals, grasp their preferences, and equip them with the

information they need to make well-informed choices. (Kindly recast your presentation in this

section. When you discuss you draw out the meaning of the data. You interpret it and then

support it with RRL. You also discuss the findings in the context of the theory you used.)


Within the context of Cotabato City's Barangays Health Workers respondents, this study

endeavors to investigate the intricate interplay of the knowledge and behavior of barangay health

workers. The findings unveiled herein encapsulate the pivotal discoveries unearthed throughout

our rigorous inquiry.

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 44

1. Notably, our study reveals that out of the respondents surveyed, that most of the respondents,

In terms of knowledge of barangay health workers on the care of elderly , few of the questions

they got correct and most of the answers of the respondents were incorrect. The respondents are

fairly knowledgeable, moderately knowledgeable, very knowledgeable, are poorly

knowledgeable, and are highly knowledgeable. The result revealed that the highest frequency is

that the respondents are fairly knowledgeable in taking care of elderly.

2. Similarly, in terms on the Behavior of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the Care of the

Elderly, it revealed that the highest mean of the respondents they respect the cultural and

religious belief of elderly patients when planning delivery of care which was always interpreted.

Furthermore, involving elderly individuals in decision-making regarding their own care and

treatment was interpreted as often

3. The null hypothesis of the study is accepted where there is no significant difference in the

knowledge and behavior of barangay health workers on the care of elderly when some are

grouped according to profile. On the other hand, there is a significant difference between

Knowledge and Educational Attainment which shows that a Nurse got the highest rated mean

compared to other workers in the barangay. Nurses in the barangay show higher knowledge than

midwives and barangay health workers.


Based on the results presented in the tables, the Barangay Health Workers (BHWs)

program extends the accessibility of healthcare services at the community level. Aligned with

this, BHWs are expected to provide services regardless of educational background, age, and

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 45

position in the barangay. With the present results, the researchers conclude that Barangay Health

Workers are fairly knowledgeable in taking care of the elderly. The behavior of the Barangay

Health Workers indicates that they respect religious beliefs and cultural practices when planning

and delivering care. The participants most frequently engaged are the nurses compared to other

workers in the barangay. This further shows that nurses in the barangay exhibit higher

knowledge levels than midwives and Barangay Health Workers. The results of the survey

questionnaire show that many of the answers to the questions were incorrect.


Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the following are

1. Create Thorough Training Programs Create and carry out thorough training

initiatives that are especially suited to provide barangay health workers with the

know-how and abilities needed to provide senior care that is both efficient and

effective. Topics including cultural sensitivity, medication management,

communication skills, and senior health challenges should be covered in these


2. Continuing studies put in place systems to encourage chances for barangay health

workers who work in the field of elder care to continue their studies and grow as

professionals. Access to workshops, seminars, online courses, and other materials

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 46

to stay current on developing trends and best practices in geriatric healthcare

could be part of this.

3. Establish procedures for tracking and assessing the effectiveness of barangay

health workers in providing care for the elderly, including regular evaluations of

their knowledge, abilities, and conduct. It is important to use feedback methods to

pinpoint areas that require improvement and to allocate resources and targeted

help accordingly.

4. Organize volunteer opportunities, support groups, and awareness campaigns to

increase community involvement in senior care activities. Involving the

community promotes a sense of accountability and ownership for the well-being

of the elderly and can help barangay health professionals in their caregiving


5. Recognize and Reward Excellence: Acknowledge and reward barangay health

workers who demonstrate exemplary dedication and performance in elderly care.

This could include certificates of recognition, professional development

opportunities, or incentives such as bonuses or additional training grants.


The following are the recommendations for further study which are not included in the


1. Knowledge and behavior of of the Level 4 Nursing Student on the Care of Elderly

Conducting Research

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 47

2. Harmonizing Knowledge and Compassion for Elderly Wellbeing

3. Wisdom in Action Strengthening Knowledge and Behavior for Elderly Suppor

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 48


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instructors and nursing students towards the care of elderly patients (a systematic
review). Journal of Gerontology, 4(2), 34-44.

Shrestha S, Alharbi RJM, While C, Ellis J, Rahman MA, Wells Y. Self-efficacy of direct

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 52

care workers providing care to older people in residential aged care settings: a
scoping review protocol. Syst Rev. 2021 Apr 10;10(1):105. doi:
10.1186/s13643-021-01655-z. PMID: 33836838; PMCID: PMC8035725.

Subba, H. K., Subba, R., & Poudyal, S. (2020). Attitudes towards Older Patients among

Udo, H. I., Udofia, N. M., & Jona, I. N. (2022). Knowledge, attitude and practice of
care of elderly among health workers in tertiary health facilities in
UyoMetropolis. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social
Science, 06(08), 51–57.

Zadworna-Cieślak M. Spirituality, satisfaction with life and health-related behavior of older

residents of long-term care institutions—A pilot study. Explore. 2019;16(2):123–129. doi:

Zeng Y, Hu X, Li Y, Zhen X, Gu Y, Sun X, Dong H. The Quality of Caregivers for the

Elderly in Long-Term Care Institutions in Zhejiang Province, China. Int J Environ
Res Public Health. 2019 June 19;16(12):2164. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16122164.
PMID: 31248074; PMCID: PMC6617400.

Zhyl Kabakova, A., Koshmaganbetova, G. K., Grjibovski, A. M., & Glushkova, N.

(2023). Perception of informal care for elderly by healthcare and social care
workers in Kazakhstan. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_2).

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 53

Notre Dame University
College of Health Sciences
Cotabato City
March 17, 2024


Dean of College of Health Sciences

Dear Dean Balawag,

We are the researchers from the Level III BSN students of the College of Health Sciences
of Notre Dame University and we are currently conducting a study entitled “Knowledge and
Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the care of elderly”.
As part of the fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Nursing. This study aimed to assess the current Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health
workers towards providing care and support to the elderly population in their Barangay, identify
knowledge gaps and Evaluate information resources on practices in elderly care. Rest assured That
all the participant’s information will remain strictly confidential and will only be used for
academic purposes. We will guarantee that the procedure will incur no foreseeable risks or harm
and participation in this study is all voluntarily and the participants will have the right to withdraw.

In line with this, we would like to ask permission from the good office to allow us to
conduct this research study among the Clinical Instructors, Faculty, and Administrators of Notre
Dame University, College of Health Sciences. We hope for your positive response to our request to
be granted. Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang

Researcher Researcher

Morsida G. Sarip Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher


Adviser/ Dean, College of Health Science

Notre Dame University

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 54

College of Health Sciences
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Bagua

Dear Mr. Pasawiran

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.
The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response
at your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:



Notre Dame University

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 55

College of Health Sciences
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024,


Barangay Captain, Bagua I
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Midtimbang

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Notre Dame University

College of Health Sciences
Cotabato City

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 56

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Bagua II

Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Singh,

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response
at your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Notre Dame University

College of Health Science
Cotabato City

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 57

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Bagua III

Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Deguchi

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Notre Dame University

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 58

College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Kalanganan
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Pasawiran

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Notre Dame University

College of Health Science

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 59

Cotabato City
March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Kalanganan I
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Kato

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approve by:


Dean, College of Health Science

Notre Dame University

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 60

College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Kalanganan II
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Ayunan

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the currentunderstanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approve by:


Dean, College of Health Science

Notre Dame University

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 61

College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Poblacion
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Usman

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Notre Dame University

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 62

College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Poblacion I
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Mangelen

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 63

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Poblacion II
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Madag

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Scie

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 64

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Poblacion III
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Toti

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 65

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Poblacion IV
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Ayunan

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.The
primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current understanding
and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly members of our

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 66

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Poblacion V
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Pasuka

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 67

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Poblacion VI
Cotabato City
Dear Mr. Ayunan

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 68

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captainin, Poblacion VII
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Adtong

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 69

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Poblacion VIII
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Sema

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 70

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Poblacion IX
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Mohammad

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:
Mary Jane K. Balawag RN, MAN, PHD

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 71

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Arumpac

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 72

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights I
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Morales

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 73

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights II
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Coraza

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 74

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights III
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Pasawilan

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 75

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights IV
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Omar

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.
The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.
Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 76

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights V
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Espino

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.
The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.
Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Heal

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 77

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 1, 2024


Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights VI
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Oyod

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 78

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights VII
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Sema

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 79

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights VIII
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Arumpac

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 80

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights IX
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Datukaka

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 81

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights X
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Sinarimbo

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 82

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights XI
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Binangon

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 83

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights XII
Cotabato City

Dear Ms. Ayunan

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 84

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Rosary Heights XIII
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Sinarimbo

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current

understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 85

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024


Barangay Captain, Tamontaka
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Sema

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 86

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Tamontaka I
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Urak

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 87

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Tamontaka II
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Pangilan

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this
research within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable
response at your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 88

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Tamontaka III
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Kasan

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 89

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Tamontaka IV
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Gayak

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 90

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

March 17, 2024

Barangay Captain, Tamontaka V
Cotabato City

Dear Mr. Diocolano

Greetings of peace!

We, the level 3 nursing students of Notre Dame University are currently undertaking the study
entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly”.

The primary goal of this study is to identify the knowledge gaps and assess the current
understanding and behavior of Barangay Health workers on practices in caring for the elderly
members of our community.

I kindly ask for your support and cooperation in granting permission to carry out this research
within your barangay. Your endorsement will significantly aid in the success of my study.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to receiving your favorable response at
your earliest convenience. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


Dean, College of Health Sciences

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 91

Notre Dame University
College of Health Science
Cotabato City

Dear Participant,

Greeting of peace!

We, the Level III nursing students of Notre Dame University, College of Health Sciences are
currently conducting a study entitled “Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers
on the Care of Elderly, as part of the fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science
in Nursing.

This study aims to assess the current Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health workers
towards providing care and support to the elderly population in their Barangay. The study
procedure includes responding to a questionnaire about the demographic profile in terms of years
of service, educational background and we will give specific instruction to answer the
questionnaire. Participants in this study will take approximately 10-20 minutes.

Your participation in this study is voluntary without obligation to participate. Furthermore, you
have the right to withdraw anytime if you feel your rights as participants are violated.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 92

Respectfully Your

Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra Morsida G. Sarip

Researcher Researcher

Bai Aloha Mae P. Sepi

Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W.


Approved by:



Dean, College of Health


Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 93


Knowledge and behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the care of Elderly

Part I. Profile of theParticipants

Instruction: Kindly fill out all the necessary information needed and put your answer on the given
space provided. Please do not leave an item unanswered.

Name (optional): _____________________________ Age: _______

Years of service: ___________________

Educational Attainment:

High School Graduate


Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 94

College Graduate
Position in the Barangay, Please Specify __________________________

Part II. Level of the knowledge of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the care of Elderly.

Instruction: Please read carefully the statements and kindly put a check [✔] to the corresponding
letter of your choice in the box. The statements describe the physical, emotional, social, and
cognitive aspects of care provided to elderly. Kindly answer as objective as possible the following
items based on your understanding. Please do not leave an item unanswered.

1. All but ONE are the most common health conditions that occur in the elderly.
● A.) Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
● B.) Hypertension
● C.) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
● D.) Congenital Heart defects

2.What is the recommended frequency for monitoring blood pressure in elderly individuals?
● A.) Once a week
● B.) Once a month
● C.) Once every six months
● D.) Once a year

3.Which of the following activities can help improve mobility and balance in the elderly?
● A.) Swimming
● B.) Yoga
● C.) Walking
● D.) All of the above

4.How often should elderly individuals engage in strength training exercises?

● A.) Twice a week
● B.) Once a week
● C.) Every day
● D.) Once a month

5.How often should falls risk assessments be conducted for elderly individuals?
● A.) Every 6 months
● B.) Every year
● C.) Every 2 years
● D.) Only when requested by the individual

6.What can help promote mental stimulation and social interaction for the elderly?
● A) Watching TV alone for several hours a day
● B) Engaging in hobbies and activities they enjoy

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 95

● C) Avoiding contact with friends and family
● D) Limiting exposure to new experiences
7. What should Barangay health care workers do if they suspect that a patient has been abused?
● A.) Notify the proper authorities
● B.) Conduct further assessment
● C.) Communicate with the patient
● D.) Refer a client for rehabilitation therapy

8.What is a potential consequence of prolonged immobility in the elderly?

● A) Increased muscle strength
● B) Improved joint flexibility
● C) Pressure ulcers (bedsores)
● D) Decreased risk of blood clots

9.Which of the following is NOT a recommended method for prioritizing safety and security for
● A) Identifying and removing physical risks in their environment.
● B) Installing home modifications to enhance navigation safety.
● C) Implementing security systems, new locks, and emergency call buttons.
● D) Encouraging seniors to take risks and explore new activities.

10.What groups of the older adult population would physical activity NOT be recommended?
● A.) Frail elderly patients with sarcopenia
● B.) Patients with > 2 cardiac risk factors
● C.) Patients with severe arthritis
● D.) Patients with unstable medical condition

11.What are some common signs of elder abuse?

● A.) Unexplained bruises or injuries
● B.) Withdrawal from social activities
● C.) Sudden changes in behavior
● D.) All of the above

12.When communicating with older adults, the BHWs should remember that their perception may
be altered by normal psychological changes that occur with aging. The following are challenges in
communicating with older adults: 1. Stroke 2. Dementia 3. Diverse cultural background 4. Diverse
social background.
● A.) 1 and 2
● B.) 2 and 3
● C.) 1, 2, and 3
● D.) 1, 2, 3, and 4

13.Which of the following should best be considered when communicating with an elderly client?
● A.) Lean and shout at the ear of the client

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 96

● B.) Open mouth wide and over-enunciate while talking to the client
● C.) Use a low-pitched voice
● D.) Use a high-pitched voice

14. Late adulthood is the time of life after age:

● A.) 65
● B.) 60
● C.) 70
● D.) 55

15.One issue that can cause serious psychological and physical issues in late adulthood is:
● A.) Isolation
● B.) Financial freedom
● C.) Remarriage
● D.) Retirement

16.If an elderly individual states the following, it may indicate a problem regarding their mental
health. The following are included, except:
● A.) "I feel extremely sad and hopeless all the time."
● B.) “ I miss my daughter and son, maybe they miss me too.”
● C.) "I have lost interest in activities I used to enjoy."
● D.) "I have thoughts of self-harm or suicide."

17.In your understanding, This following are things that increase the risk of developing dementia
in elderly include, EXCEPT:
● A.) Age (more common in those 65 or older)
● B.) High blood pressure (hypertension)
● C.) Depression.
● D.) Being underweight

18.What are the most common mental conditions for elderly?

● A.) Depression
● B.) Memory loss
● C.) Bipolar Disorder
● D.) Anorexia

19.The loss of intellectual function is properly termed as:

● A.) Intellectual disability
● B.) Bipolar disorder
● C.) Stroke
● D.) Cognitive impairment

20. At what age in life does cognitive aging typically begin?

● A. It begins at birth and continues throughout the lifespan

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 97

● B. After age 35
● C. After age 50
● D. After age 65

Part III. Behavior of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) on the Care of the Elderly

Instruction: Please read carefully the statements and kindly encircle to the corresponding number
of your choice. The statements describe how you were able to identify the behavior of Barangay
Health Workers in the care of the elderly. Kindly answer as objective as possible the following
items based on your understanding. Please do not leave any items blank.

As a barangay health worker, I Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never


1. actively seeking feedback

from elderly individuals to
improve the quality of care 5 4 3 2 1
provided to them.

2. providing emotional 5 4 3 2 1
support to lonely elderly

3. involving elderly 5 4 3 2 1
individuals in decision-
making regarding their
own care and treatment.

4. reporting signs of elder 5 4 3 2 1

abuse or neglect.

5. facilitating social activities

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 98

or programs for the elderly 5 4 3 2 1
to promote socialization
and community

6. providing nutritional
guidance to ensure the
elderly maintain a healthy 5 4 3 2 1

7. communicating effectively
with elderly patients,
considering their unique 5 4 3 2 1
needs and preferences.

8. providing clear and

explanations of medical 5 4 3 2 1
conditions and treatment
plans to elderly

9. encouraging and
supporting elderly patients
to engage in physical 5 4 3 2 1
activities suitable for their

10. ensuring the privacy and

dignity of elderly patients
during medical 5 4 3 2 1
examinations and

11. inquiring about the

emotional well-being of
elderly individuals and 5 4 3 2 1
addressing their mental

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 99

health concerns.

12. coordinating and

collaborating with other
healthcare professionals to 5 4 3 2 1
provide comprehensive
care for the elderly.

13. respecting the cultural and

religious beliefs of elderly
patients when planning and 5 4 3 2 1
delivering care.

14. actively involving family

members or caregivers in
discussions and decision- 5 4 3 2 1
making related to the care
of the elderly.

15. taking measures to prevent

and address issues related
to elder abuse. 5 4 3 2 1


Personal Data

Name : Aubrey Nicole S. Bonaobra

Age : 22

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 100
Address :blk 4 lot 13 Virgo subd rh9 Cotabato City

Date of Birth : December 04, 2001

Place of birth : Cotabato City

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil status : single

Contact Number : 09161982883

Name of father :Norman M. Bonaobra

Name of mother :Rhodora S. Bonaobra

Educational Attainment

Elementary: Notre Dame University -ETD

High School: Notre Dame of Cotabato

Senior High: Notre Dame of Cotabato

Seminar Attended

-Seminar on Research

Name : Sittie Aisha Mae-Ann W. Midtimbang

Age : 20

Address : Tambunan1, Talayan Maguindanao

Date of Birth : May 15, 2003

Place of birth : Tambunan1, Talayan Maguindanao

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 101
Nationality : Filipino

Religion :Islam

Civil status : Single

Contact Number : 09453542318

Name of father : Michael E. Midtimbang

Name of mother :Sahara Watamama

Educational Attainment


Notre Dame RVM College of Cotabato

High School :

Notre Dame RVM College of Cotabato

Senior High:
Notre Dame RVM College of Cotabato

Seminar Attended

-Seminar on Research

Name : Morsida G. Sarip

Age : 23

Address : Prk, Bayabas, Barakah Upper Sang-An Labangan Zamboanga Del Sur

Date of Birth : January 23, 2000

Place of birth : Pasayanon Bukidnon

Nationality : Filipino

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 102
Religion : Islam

Civil status : Single

Contact Number : 09360365556

Name of father : Javar A. Sarip

Name of mother : Aisa M. Macao

Educational Attainment


Tamontaka Central Cotabato City

High school:

Dinas National High School

Senior high school:

Saint Columban College

Seminar Attended

-Seminar on Research

Name : Bai Aloha Mae Piang Sepi

Age : 21 years old

Address : Brgy. Rebuken, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao del Norte

Date of Birth : August 26, 2002

Place of birth : CRMC, Cotabato City

Nationality : Filipino

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 103
Religion : Islam

Civil status : Single

Contact Number : 09365002506

Name of father : Mujeeb Bitayo Sepi

Name of mother : Mohanie Piang Sepi

Educational Attainment


Rebuken Elementary School

High School:

Sultan Kudarat Islamic Academy

Senior High:
Cotabato State University Laboratory-Senior high school

Seminar Attended

-Seminar on Research


This study determined the knowledge and behavior of barangay health workers on the care

of elderly utilizing the descriptive quantitative design measuring knowledge and behavior among

the selected participants. Knowledge and behavior of barangay health workers concerning elderly

care is crucial for enhancing healthcare outcomes. This knowledge helps identify gaps, enables

targeted training programs, and ultimately improves the quality of care provided to the elderly

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 104
within the community. The study employed census sampling techniques from all barangay health

workers in 37 barangays in Cotabato city and answered by 90 respondents. The knowledge and

behavior were obtained through a researcher made questionnaire. This quantitative research

employed standard deviation to determine the mean and utilized the knowledge and behavior of

barangay health workers on the care of elderly. According to the profile, through the One-Way

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test. This further reveal that there is no significant difference

between Knowledge and Age, Behavior and Age, Knowledge and Years of Service, Behavior and

Year of Service, Behavior and Educational Attainment, Knowledge and Position in Barangay and

Behavior and Position in Barangay. On the other hand, there is a significant difference between

Knowledge and Educational Attainment which shows that a Nurse got the highest rated mean of

compared to other workers in the barangay. This further shows that nurses in the barangay show

higher knowledge than the midwives and barangay health workers, thus the researchers

recommend that they plan community outreach initiatives, support groups, and volunteer

opportunities to raise awareness about elder care. Involving the community can assist barangay

health workers in providing care for the elderly and foster a sense of ownership and accountability

for their well-being.


First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Allah, the Most Merciful, and to

Almighty God, for his abundant blessings and unwavering strength that guided us through the

completion of this study.

Knowledge and Behavior of Barangay Health Workers on the Care of Elderly 105
We would also like to extend our gratitude to the individuals who took part in offering their

ideas and provided us encouragement and guidance throughout the study.

To our panelists, Nancy U. Guinta RN, MAN, Hanna Teresa C. Salgado RN, MAN, Zaida

M. Dimacisil RN for their constant support and guidance. Their encouragement and guidance have

significantly contributed to the completion of this paper.

To the dean of the College of Health Sciences, Mary Jane K. Balawag PhD, RN for the

approval of the conduct of the study. We are also deeply thankful to her as our research adviser for

their invaluable guidance, unwavering support, and insightful feedback throughout the course of

this research project. Their expertise, encouragement, and dedication have been instrumental in

shaping our work and ensuring its quality. Her suggestions and supervision were instrumental in

the successful writing of this study.

To our statistician Mr. Jericho Y .Baybayan MOS, CSPE, LPT, MAED-MEc for their

expertise and invaluable assistance in the statistical analysis of our research data. Their meticulous

attention to detail, insightful suggestions, and proficiency in statistical methodologies have

significantly enhanced the rigor and reliability of our findings.

To our respondents, who generously dedicated considerable time, patience, and effort in

completing our questionnaires. Their support greatly facilitated the achievement of this study's


To our family, friends, and loved ones who supported us physically and emotionally

through all the breakdowns and hardships that we went through to accomplish this study.

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