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Dir Sir/Madam

I have just heard an announcement about the idea of closing

the health clinic for young people in favor of building additional
parking lots. Unsurprisingly as an younger citizen in the idea, I
am writing to express my disapproval.

Firstly, I am against the plan because this clinic supports young

people , ensuring their safety, and is a very good use of
taxpayers' money. Unfortunately, teenagers often require
medical services such as suturing a wound or dressing a
sprained ankle. In these situations sometimes happens that
teenegers have no one to drive them to the health centre in the
next town, where there are usually huge queues as well. In
addition, as a representative of teenagers, I assure that children
very often need professional mental support, which they cannot
always get from their peers or are unable to turn to mom or dad
for help. Obviously, this makes the health clinic a high priority.

Secondly, it seems to me that building more parking lots in our

city is not a good idea. Certainly, car exhaust fumes have an
unequivocal negative impact on the environment by polluting
the air. Clearly a better solution will be to build a bike rental
station that will take up less space and encourage young
people to choose an active means of transport. In addition
maitaining such a rental, will be less expensive than building
the parking lot, and will help protect the environment.

To sum up, i think that the new mean of transport is an excellent

idea. Hopefully the council will listen to my suggestions, and will
cancel its plans to clinic closure.

Yours faithfully,
Maja Wilczko

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