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Dera Sir/Madam

I am writing this letter with regard to the considerations of the council

concerning the circulation of private vehicles in the town centre. I am going to
express the advantages as well as the disadvantages of the issue.

To begin with, there is surely an enhancing problem with pollution in town,

and some measures regarding the use of vehicles will certainly have a crucial
impact on the matter. Moreover, individuals do not seem to be aware of how
pressing the issue really is, thus they do not devote to any agreement. People
are not only too lazy to walk but they are also not willing to use other means of
transport. Even though the government made use of numerous founds to
modernize the public means of transport and implemented cycling lanes
individuals do not use them. Should these restrictions be implemented there
will surely be a great change in the state of the environment.

In contrast there are people who believe that these measures might have a
devastruos impact on the local economy, given the fact that the majority of
people who use their care to come to the centre are doing it in order to go
shopping of to eat at a restaurant. However, these problems can easely be
diminuated by persuading people to use the bus of bike in order to commute.

As for me, there measures will assure a quiet and pollution free town, which will
be a great home for future generation.

I hope that you will appreciate my point of view and that the restrictions will
transform the town in a beautiful place.

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