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How Plant tissues work to a young and growing plants

To a growing plant it undergoes meristematic tissue which is a group of cells, which have the
ability to divide (cell division) and give rise to permanent tissue. It has a small cuboidal densely
packed cell that keeps on dividing to form new cells and also stretching, enlarging the difference
into other types of tissues as they mature. The plant tissues provide mechanical strength to both
the internal and external organs. They also help in the flexibility and elasticity to the organs and
helps in transportation of materials throughout the plants and prevents water loss, produce new
growth and build the mass of the plants. In order for a plant to grow it has a long process to
have so in the fist tissue is the Dermal tissue system where it protects the soft tissues of plants
and controls the interaction with the plant’s surroundings. The tissues that cover the plant are
the epidermis and periderm where the epidermis are the outermost layer of the primary plant
body. And the Ground tissue synthesizes the organic compounds and supports the plants by
storing the produced products and primary function is storage and support of the plant. There
are the three types of ground tissue where Parenchyma cells help in the synthesis and storage of
synthesized food products and also control the plants metabolism and play as a wound healing
and regeneration of plants. The Collenchyma cells specialized the support to plants by not
restraining growth, and the last is Sclerenchyma Cells rigid, non-living cells that provide strength
and support to plants with the help of hardening agent. And to transport the water and minerals
throughout the plant and that is the vascular tissue that is found in the veins of the leaves. The
two types of vascular tissue is the xylem role to transport water and dissolved nutrients from
roots to all parts of the plant and the phloem that transport dissolved organic food materials.
When there is a problem in one system it will affect the growth of the plant. In order for a plant
to grow, every plant tissue has a distinctive function and can be united with different tissues to
form organs like roots, stalks, leaves, and flowers.

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