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We all have experiences or events that taught us important lessons.

For me this experience

was one years ago during my water polo training. After that experience I learned a valuable lesson
that I will never forget.

First of all, as I mentioned this event took place at my training time one years ago. It was just
a normal water polo lesson and we had to swim a lot. I didn’t really pay attention to my work and
just wanted to finish swimming, but meanwhile my teammate was trying his hardest, every set we
did he always did his best. At that time I didn’t understand why he was trying his hardest. After a few
lessons he stopped showing up to our water polo lessons. Later that day I asked my coach were my
teammate was and he answered that he was way too good for this team and he got into a better club.

At that time I was confused. Why did he get accepted and not me in that club? What was I
lacking that he wasn’t? The answer is simple, I was too lazy to do things at my best. Since that day I
have been working on that laziness, and I am getting better and better each day. I started focusing on
my water polo training and eventually made it into a better club. This also helped me to focus on my
school studies better.

In conclusion, we all have had these kinds of events that teach us things. For me, it appears
that I was just lazy. This event taught me that laziness shouldn’t interrupt you in doing things that
you can do at your best.

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