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Q and A: If the shoe fits

 Confessing your feelings (crush) to your best friend.

- Hello Crystal, even though we've been friends for so long, I haven't told anyone
about my crush on you, but this Ruvince that I saw at Leni Rally/Campaign at
Makati and became friends online and got some bonding on Twice Concert Day 2
October 1, 2023, I will never forget this scene that I’ve meet him personally. Even
though I haven’t known him personally but it seems that I had a crush on him.
Like u can tell, he’s academically awardee, a hardworking, smart as well, know
how to take care of himself, and a good looking and has a smell of a soft launch
vanilla over all he met my standard, hahahahahahaha. Anyway, that’s all thank
you for listening.

 Tell your parents about your failing grades in some of your subjects.

- Mama, I’ve been hiding this for a week deciding if I should say this to you or not. I
don’t know how to say this properly cause definitely you’ll be disappointed as far
as u knew me, I’ve been academically awardee since Kinder but for now I failed to
be on it. I received 3 failing grades on my 3 subject of course. I hope you won’t get
mad knowing this thing. I’ll be better next time, I promise! It just that these days it
has been so hard on me lately and don’t know what to do. I feel so lonely and
with no one to talk on how my feelings if it still okay it just happened that
pressure and my personally problems crumpled to each other and caused me too
not properly take my academics and lose focus on it. with that I received a failing

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