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Nishtar Medical University, Multan

Teaching and the Teacher
Paper: I
(Short Essay Questions)

Roll No. ------------------------

Max. Marks: 15
Time Allowed: 45 minutes

Attempt All Questions.

1. What is concept of teaching, write down the 7 R’s in concepts of 05


2. Describe the levels of Teaching 05

3. Write down the Burton principles of teaching? 05

Nishtar Medical University, Multan
Teaching and the Teacher
Paper: I

Roll No. ------------------------

Max. Marks: 10
Time Allowed: 20 minutes

1. Learning is best described as:

a. A passive process.
b. An isolated event.
c. An active process.
d. A temporary state.
2. What role does motivation play in the learning process?
a. It has no impact on learning.
b. It is a hindrance to learning.
c. It is irrelevant to learning.
d. It plays a significant role in influencing learning.
3. Which characteristic emphasizes the idea that learning is ongoing and continues
throughout life?
a. Individual differences.
b. Transferability.
c. Continuity.
d. Adaptability.
4. Learning that occurs through direct interaction with the environment is termed:
a. Cognitive learning.
b. Experiential learning.
c. Affective learning.
d. Social learning.
5. What distinguishes learning from a mere change in behavior?
a. Duration of the change.
b. Intent or purposefulness.
c. The level of difficulty.
d. The external environment.
6. What is a key characteristic that emphasizes the diversity in how individuals
approach and engage in the learning process?
a. Motivation
b. Adaptability
c. Individual differences
d. Continuity
7. Learning that is applied in different situations and contexts is termed:
a. Continuous learning
b. Transferable learning
c. Experiential learning
d. Affective learning
8. Which term refers to the idea that learning can lead to changes in behavior or
a. Motivation
b. Adaptability
c. Transferability
d. Plasticity
9. Social interactions, collaboration, and communication enhancing the learning
experience illustrate the characteristic of learning as:
a. Passive
b. Experiential
c. Socially influenced
d. Individualized
10. What distinguishes learning from a temporary state or momentary change?
a. Intent or purposefulness
b. Adaptability
c. Transferability
d. Continuous nature

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