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how I survived the great rape of 2023

Here’s a bloody confession I’ve been keeping close to the chest:

2023 was a tough year for yours truly on Twitter.

Hell… It still is.

Even though I have (supposedly) 162k followers…. 2023 was by far the worst year for my

Just to give you an idea of how bad the great algo rape of 2023 was…..

When I had less than 100k followers, I was averaging 100-150 likes per tweet on an average

Now I am lucky to scratch 50 likes.

It took me almost six months to gain a couple thousand followers….. It used to take me a month
to gain five thousand followers.

The result? I started spending less time on Twitter. As far as my slanty eyes can tell, there are
only two ways to get decent engagement these days:

> You play into current events by creating viral memes or create content around topics with viral
potential (politics, culture, current events etc)

> You spend 3+ hours a day engaging with people on Twitter.

I’m not judging anyone who does either of this btw….

The guys and gals I know who continue to crush the Twitter game still love the platform and are
doing tremendous work executing this strategy.

It’s just not how I want to run my business.

For me, business is about freedom first and munny second and that’s always been the case.

So if I have to sacrifice my freedom just to squeeze a bit more engagement from Twitter?

It just ain’t worth it.

Now onto the good news:

Decide this algorithmic bloodbath…. I was still able to make a decent amount of money.

For instance, I did not do a single launch that netted me under $10,000 last year.

Which is pretty damn good considering my engagement got nuked by more than 50%...

That’s right….

More than half of my traffic disappeared thanks to Elon and his new algo.

Yet, I was still able to make a good amount of cashola AND spend way less time on Twitter and
way more time doing things I want to do like reading books, taking royal afternoon naps and
laying by the pool.

Bottomline is this:

I don’t want to be beholden to an algo that continues to rape my impressions.

And I’m not going to bend down to it.

Which is why I’m going all in on my email list. It’s the one asset that gives me more leverage,
freedom and joy every year….

So it’s the one thing I’m focused on in 2024 and beyond.

And guess what?

You can do it too.

So here’s some good news:

In a little over a week on Monday April 1st, I’m running a 5 day email list building challenge.

The goal of this challenge is simple:

Show you what I did to engorge my 14,000+ email list.

The exact email list which allowed me to earn over $20k/month during the great algo rape of

So if you think you have what it takes…. Then tap this link below to secure a limited spot at the
=====> F*ck the Twitter algo. I want to engorge my email list.

Your man

Eddy “algo rape victim” Quan

P.S: There are a few time sensitive bonuses attached to the challenge. The first one is gone and
the second one will be close to gone if you don’t take action fast.

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