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Chronicles of the Proterozoic: Tales from Earth's Ancient Dawn

Long ago, in the universe can be found a place called stellar Sistema (solar system) consisting of 8
magical tales, one of which is the tales of the Earth's ancient dawn. One of those is the Chronicles of the

Part 1: Thee creator thy destroy/From the maker's hand is the unmaker's touch./ to live is also to die
(The rise of Oxygen)

One of the heroes who plays and influence from this tale is Cyano, Cyano is an anaerobic cyanobacteria
a tribe who first lived in the Earth. His kind doesn’t need oxygen but only photosynthesizes sunlight and
convert it into energy and release oxygen as a waste product. Cyano and his tribe continue to that
activity as it is the key of their survival. But one day, One of the members of his tribe died, everyone is in
shock including him and whats more terrifying is that they don’t know the cause of it. With their death
the tribe offer there respect and continue to live in their way, as the day moves on Cyano is still in
shocked of what happened and wondering what might cause of it until something happened. Ana one of
his friend came rushing at him saying that another member loses its life without knowing what
happened . Both of them rushed to scene and found is the truth that the tribe did indeed died but one
thing for certain there is oxygen present in the area of the scene. With both happening at the same day
Cyano’s tribe began to worry of what will happen to them. As for Cyano, he tried to go back to the place
where the first victim died, when reaching there its not a mistake that he feel also the presence of
oxygen in the area and then mumbled “it doesn’t make sense, how-” he stop midway when Ana called
him and ask what is he doing there, he replied saying it was nothing and wave at Ana goodbye. The next
morning Cyano was disturbed by the scream of a member, he rushed in and saw countless of his tribe
laying on the floor, lifeless including his friend Ana but this time Cyano is not mistaken, Oxygen is
present but this time a abundant of oxygen is present. He shouted “EVERYONE PREPARE TO MOVE
OUT!” while looking at his tribe he saw countless of expression showing in them some of them are
confused, scared, shock, terrified and much more “Don’t you see? The oxygen is the one killing them”,
“it doesn’t make sense” one of his tribe replied “how could our waste product can kill us” they added.
Even for him it doesn’t make sense “its better than sorry” he mumbled. As he recollect his thoughts he is
determine to lead his tribe into a place where of low-oxgyen environements and there they will hide. As
he waits for the others to set on the journey Cyano pays respect for the lves they’ve lost and promised
them that it will never happen again. As they venture to the place that is safe they eventually fill the
ocean with oxygen and prevent there kind to mass extinction.

Part 2: In primordial dance, eukaryotes' bold advance (first Eukaryotes)

In this tale, another tribe arose which was name of Eukaryotes and within this tribe rose a philosopher
who seeks for the truth of their existence which was named Euka. Euka always wonder the purpose of
thing they do on their daily basis, she always wonder “why are we doing this” and “does this give a
meaning?” maybe she can’t answer those things unless she, herself try it out thus she moved from her
place and start doing things her tribe is doing as this is the beginning of her journey to seek and
understand of her truth. As she keep doing those she learned something that the activities she’s doing is
all about producing and maintaining “of what?” she asked no matter how she look and discover in the
end she can’t answer such question or maybe not yet. As she concluded everything she learned about
their existence she is hoping that one day this knowledge can pass and expound to different generation.
Euka didn’t give up she just knew that no matter how long you doubt you still need to have conclusion
for it to end. For Euka, she also believed that this is only the end of her beginning.

Part 3: In crystal domains, where stillness reigns (Snowball Earth)

As both Eukaryotes and anaerobic cyanobacteria tribes foster the earth and Eukaryotes create life, a
catastrophe suddenly happened, Earth came to a phase of a “Glacial epoch” creating frozen seas, white
lands, and crystalized domains. This catastrophe was caused by an increase in oxygen in the atmosphere
resulting in a significant reduction of atmospheric methane level, thereby reducing the greenhouse
effect of the atmosphere and causing global glaciation. But all hope is not gone despite it being true that
it creates frozen seas, what underneath it is not. Life in water manages to adapt and survive to the
world. As it continues for years that seems forever, It seems that its now the time to end as the stillness
of the ocean began to roar, and as the land paint the white canvas it's given upon. Earth is now ready as
it will ever be.

Part 4: Cell in harmony is also Life’s symphony (Multicellular life)

Part 5: Ozone's sweet embrace, Earth's saving grace (Ozone stabilization)

After everything that happened, Earth is now ready to accept to accept more life to live and enjoy the
beauty it has to offer but before that it need to create something that could embrace life in the first
place with the help of everything that surrounds it It creates the atmosphere of what we knew today.

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