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Bitter + Sweet => Bittersweet Dalam + ke => ke dalam

Pahit + Manis => Pahit-Manis Out + Run=> Outrun

Blue + Berry => Blueberry Keluar + Lari => Berlari Lebih Cepat

Biru + Buah Beri => blueberry Work + Room => Workroom

Note + Book => Notebook Kerja + Ruang => Ruang Kerja

Catatan + Buku => Buku Catatan Break + Up=> Breakup
Brest + Food => Brestfood Putus + Atas => Putus
Terbaik + Makanan => Makanan Terbaik Stir + Fry => Stirfry
In + To => Into Aduk + Goreng => Oseng


Advertismen - Ad Matematika

Iklan Memorandum - Memo

Alligator - Gator Catatan
Buaya Photograph - Photo

Examination - Exam Foto

Ujian Public Home - Pub

Gasoline - Gas Rumah Umum

Bensin Raccoon - Coon

Gymnasium- Gym Rakun

Ruang Olahraga Reputation - Rep

Influenza - Flu Reputasi

Influensa Situation Comedy - Sitcom

Laboratory - Lab Situasi Komedi

Laboratorium Telephone - Phone

Mathematics - Math Telepon

Advertisement+Entertaiment=> Berbahaya + Bahan => Hazmat

Motor + Hotel => Motel
Iklan + Hiburan => Iklan Hiburan
Motor + Hotel => Motel
Biographical + Picture => Biopic
Prim + Sissy => Prissy
Biografi + Gambar => Biografi Gambar
Sopan + manja => bawel
Breakfast + Lunch => Brunch
Simultaneous + Broadcast => Simulcast
Sarapan + Makan Siang => Sarapan Siang
Bersamaan + Siaran => Siaran Langsung
Chuckle + Snort => Chortle
Smoke + Fog => Smog
Tertawa + Mendengus => Tertawa Besar
Asap + Kabut => Kabut Asap
Cybernetic + Organism => Cyborg
Spanish + English => Spanglish
Sibernetika + Organisme => Cyborg
Spanyol + Inggris => Spanyol Inggris
Guess + Estimate => Guesstimate
Spoom + Fork => Spork
Tebak + Perkirakan => Perkiraan
Sendok + Garpu => Spork
Telephone + Marathon => Telethon
Web + Seminar => Webinar
Telepon + Maraton => Teleton
Web + Seminar => Webinar
Hazardons+ Material=> Hazmat

Apr - April Dokter
April Jr. – Junior

Cm – Centimeter(S) Junior

Sentimeter Mr. – Mister

D. – Died, Died In Tuan

Meninggal, Meninggal Di Oz – Ounce(S)
Dept. – Department Ons
Departemen Sun. – Sunday
Dr. – Doctor Minggu
Yd – Yard(S) Halaman

Abbreviations spoke dan tulisan

A.M. – Ante Meridiem (In The Morning) JFK – john fitegerald kennedy
di pagi hari john

B.C.E. – Before Common Era OJ – orange juice

sebelum masehi jus jeruk

GOP – Grand Old Party (Republican PMS – premenstrual syndrome

sindrom pramenstruasi
partai republik
RSVP – repondez s’il voun plait
HIV – Human Immunodeficiency
tolong balas
virus immodefisiensi manusia
VIP – very important person
IE. – id est (that is)
orang yang sangat penting
itu adalah


ASAP – As Soon As Possible Asosiasi nasional dealer sekuritas kutipan

Sesegera mungkin
PIN – Personal Identification Number
AWOL – Absent Without Leave
Nomor identifikasi pribadi
Tidak hadir tanpa izin
Radar – Radio Detection And Ranging
Laser – Light Amplification By
Stimulated Emission Of Radiation Deteksi dan jangkauan radio
Penguatan cahaya dengan emisi radiasi Scuba – Self-Contained Underwater
yang distimulasi Breathing Apparatus

NASA – National Aerunautices And Alat bantu pernapasan bawah air mandiri
Space Administration
TESOL – Teaching English to Speakers
Badan penerbangan dan antariksa nasional of Other Languages
NASDAQ – National Association of Pengajar bahasa inggris untuk penutur
Securities Dealers Automated bahasa lain
Quotations Stock Market
WASP – White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

Protestan anglo-saxon putih

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