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Fourth Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium: Strength and slope stability

in Canadian soft clay deposits

Utliversitd de Sherbrooke, Sl~erbrooke,P.Q., Cat~adaJ I K 2RI
Received October 3, 1980
Accepted April 7, 1981
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It is generally admitted that the long term stability of clay slopes should be analysed in terms
of effective stresses, which necessitates the knowledge of the pore pressure conditions and of the
relationship between the shear strength and the effective stresses. This paper deals with the
determination of shear strength for stability analysis of clay slopes in Eastern Canada. First
the various concepts pertinent to slope stability in soft clay are examined and a certain justifica-
tion of the use of the post-peak or large strain strength is demonstrated. In a second part, 14
case records of natural slopes or permanent excavation slopes are presented and analysed in
terms of the post-peak strength. Finally, values of post-peak strength determined in the labora-
tory for more than 30 sites are presented and it is attempted to derive correlations by which the
shear strength parameters could be readily approximated from other properties such as the
apparent preconsolidation pressure or the vane strength.

I1 est gCnCralement admis que la stabilitk ?I long terme des talus argileux doit &treCtudike en
contraintes effectives, necessitant la connaissance des conditions de pressions interstitielles et de
la relation entre la rbistance au cisaillement et les contraintes effeciives. Cet article traite de la
determination de la resistance au cisaillement Dour fin d'analvse de la stabiliti des talus argileux
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de l'est du Canada. Dans une premikre l'examen de.diffirents concepts pertinen& ?I la

stabiliti. des pentes amkne une certaine justification de l'utilisation de la resistance ?I grande
deformation. L'article prisente ensuite 14 Ctudes de cas de pentes naturelles ou de pentes d'ex-
cavation permanente qui sont analysies en utilisant la resistance ?I grande dkformation. Finale-
ment, dans une troisikme partie, des valeurs de resistance ti grande deformation Cvaluees en
laboratoire pour plus de 30 sites sont utilisies afin d'etablir des correlations avec d'autres
propriete's comme la pression de preconsolidation apparente et la resistance au scissomktre.
Can. Geotech. J., 18, 420-442 (1981)

Introduction a linear relation defined by the cohesion intercept c'

It has been generally admitted since Bishop and and the apparent friction angle 0'. Different methods
Bjerrum (1960) that the long term stability of clay to evaluate the shear strength in the laboratory have
slopes should be analysed in terms of effective stresses, recently been proposed (Lefebvre and La Rochelle
which necessitates the knowledge of the pore pressure 1974; Lo and Lee 1974; Mitchell 1975) and have
conditions and of the relationship between the shear given rise to considerable discussion. Laboratory
strength and the effective stresses. tests are in fact an attempt to simulate the soil condi-
Pore pressure data used in the analysis often tions in the field and due to difficulties related to
involved considerable approximation. Conditions in sampling, stress path, time effect, etc., it has to be
the slope are most often extrapolated from piezom- concluded that the simulation will never be perfect.
eter readings at the top of the slope or, at best, at the A method to evaluate the shear strength in the
top and the toe of the slope. The analysis of per- laboratory will give a certain degree of confidence in
manent excavation slopes necessitates the prediction the profession only when it has been tested with
of the final equilibrium pore pressure based on numerous and well documented back analyses of
conditions that exist prior to excavation. While iiz sit11 slopes. A certain number of back analyses of
approximations of the pore pressure conditions are natural slopes in Champlain clay have been presented
necessary in some cases, they should be restricted or in the literature (Crawford and Eden 1967; Eden and
used with great care when dealing with back analyses Mitchell 1970; Lefebvre and La Rochelle 1974; Lo
of failures where the purpose is to derive the mobi- and Lee 1974; Mitchell 1975); however for several
lized shear strength at failure. cases, assumptions had to be made with respect to
The relationship between the shear resistance and the pore pressure conditions. Very few case records
effective stress is generally defined by laboratory tests of long term cuts in Champlain clay deposits have
on representative samples and is usually expressed by been reported.
@ 1981 National Research Council of Canada/Conseil national de recherches du Canada

This paper deals only with the determination of which remains constant with further strain will be
shear strength for the stability analysis of clay slopes identified as the large strain strength or the post-peak
in Eastern Canada. First the various concepts per- strength. Failure envelopes can be defined for either
tinent to slope stability in soft clay are examined and the peak or the post-peak strength. Because clay
a certain justification of the use of the post-peak or elements are always overconsolidated under a slope,
large strain strength is demonstrated. In a second the material will be strain softening for all slope
part, 14 case records of natural slopes or long term stability problems in clay deposits, which means that
cuts, where pore pressure conditions were carefully the assumption of a rigid plastic material implicitly
evaluated, are presented and analysed in terms of assumed in our limit equilibrium method leads to
post-peak strength. Finally in a third part, values of difficulties in clay slopes. The problem is general but
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post-peak strength determined in the laboratory are more evident for highly overconsolidated clays like
presented for more than 30 sites and an attempt is London clay, or for structured clays such as found
made to derive correlations by which the shear in Eastern Canada.
strength parameters could be readily approximated
from other properties such as the apparent precon- Progressive failure
solidation pressure or the vane strength. The problem of using the limit equilibrium method
of analysis for strain softening materials has been
recognized for a long time and has led to the concept
Part I. Review of concepts related to slope stability of progressive failure. The concept was first devel-
and post-peak strength in soft clay oped for highly overconsolidated materials (Skemp-
ton 1964; Bjerrum 1967), and has been extended to
L i t ~ i tequilibri~im soft clays (Lo 1972; Lo and Lee 1974; Lefebvre and
Methods of stability analysis for slopes make use La Rochelle 1974).
of the concept of limit equilibrium. At the moment
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The progressive failure concept assumes that the

of incipient failure, it is assumed that soil elements in peak strength is reached in an overstressed zone
a slope reached the maximum strength simulta- along the potential failure surface. Due to the strain
neously. This is equivalent to assuming rigid-plastic softening behaviour of the material, the mobilized
material behaviour and that the actual stress-strain shearing resistance decreases to the post-peak strength
relationship does not enter into the method of in that zone, resulting in a transfer of stresses to the
analysis. neighbouring zones where in turn the peak resistance
Overcotzsoli~/citionof clciy slol~esurzd brittle fciihtre may be overcome and decrease to its post-peak value.
Slopes in clay deposits have been either naturally At the moment of incipient failure, the mobilized
eroded or man-excavated. Even for a normally con- resistance has decreased to its post-peak value on
solidated deposit, the clay underlying a slope is most of the failure surface. The classical concept of
overconsolidated, i.e., the vertical stress applied to a progressive failure assumes that, at a certain moment,
soil element under the slope is smaller than the one the peak strength has been mobilized on most of the
existing prior to erosion or excavation. Laboratory failure surface. Lo (1972) has presented a simplified
tests to determine the stress-strain relation of the theory for the solution of progressive failure in clay
intact clay should be performed under stress condi- slopes.
tions representing the itz situ state of stress and con- Purticlil(irity of soft strrict~irec/clcr)t
sequently should be in the overconsolidated range of Structured clay of Eastern Canada behaves like
stress. Under such a state of stress an intact clay highly overconsolidated clay in the sense that both
specimen, if truly undisturbed, will exhibit the typical materials are highly strain softening and their strength
behaviour of overconsolidated clay, i.e., it will be decreases rapidly after failure to a more or less con-
strain softening. The stress-strain curve will exhibit stant value. The value obtained for overconsolidated
a strength which will peak at a certain deformation London clay after large shearing deformation has
and then decrease with increasing deformation. been referred to as residual strength and has been well
In intact specimens of Eastern Canada clay, the documented by Skempton (1964). Similarly, the post-
failure is generally sudden and brittle, and it occurs peak strength of the structured clay of Eastern
at about 1% of axial deformation; the resistance Canada is sometimes referred to as residual strength
decreases rapidly thereafter but more or less stabi- (Lo and Lee 1974; Lefebvre and La Rochelle 1974).
lizes to a constant value with further strain. The As several case records of long term failure in
strength at failure will be identified, in this paper, as London clay have been well documented (Skempton
the peak strength while the value of the strength 1964, 1970, 1977), it is tempting to apply the London
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100 - -


80 -
DAYS 70-4


40 --/
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FIG.2. Comparison of drained creep tests with conventional triaxial tests (after Philibert 1976).

(CID) tests were first performed to establish the peak

SAMPLE # N - 7 4 - B L O C - 3 0 9 and post-peak strength envelopes. Triaxial CID creep
u; = 10 * P O
(5,-ojl 7 2 r p o 0 7 7 ( u l . u 3 1 1
tests lasting up to 100 days were carried out on
specimens loaded to various deviatoric stresses ex-
pressed as a percentage of the peak resistance (Fig. 2).
Depending on the stress level, axial deformation
SAMPLE # N - 7 4 - B L O C - 3 0 7 either started to increase after a certain number of
u;: I O k P , days and ended up in failure of the sample or tended
IU, -U3 I 5 4 * P a :O.SBLU,

to stabilize (Fig. 3) in a manner very similar to that

reported by Singh and Mitchell (1968).
The creep tests indicated that the peak strength is
reduced significantly with time especially for tests
with very low reconsolidation pressures where the
peak is well defined and appreciably higher than the
FIG.3. Drained creep test, Nicolet clay (after Philibert post-peak strength. In fact, the 8 creep tests that were
conducted under reconsolidation pressures varying
from 5-25 kPa indicated that failure will occur with
Under low stresses, where the clay is structured, the time if the stress level is higher than the post-peak
shear strength varies significantly with the rate of strength and that the sample will remain stable if the
deformation (Lo and Morin 1972; Tavenas and stress level is below the post-peak strength, as shown
Leroueil 1977). By contrast, overconsolidated clays in Fig. 4 for the Nicolet clay.
such as London clays are less sensitive to time effects. The creep tests, while limited in number, indicate
Bishop and Lovenbury (1969) concluded from long that the peak resistance decreased significantly with
duration triaxial creep tests that time effects alone time but, more importantly, that there exists a
are not sufficient to reduce the strength of the London stability threshold. Shear stresses above the threshold
clay from peak to residual values. Philibert (1976) will eventually result in failure while for shear stresses
performed similar tests on specimens cut from block below the threshold the soil will remain stable. From
samples obtained at Nicolet, Quebec, not far from the a practical point of view it is most interesting to
large 1955 landslide (BCland 1955). A series of con- realize that the stability threshold coincides with the
ventional triaxial consolidated isotropically, drained post-peak strength and that the peak resistance ob-
424 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 18, 1981

-,- -- -T -
stable with time than the cohesion components of
TPEAK ENVELOPE the strength (Schmertmann and Osterberg 1960;
Schmertmann 1976).
The concept of the post-peak strength at equilib-
POST-PEAK ENVELOPE rium with the effective stress in a sample is easily
visualized by looking at the results of a series of
'/ 0 NO FAILURE UNDER CREEP consolidated drained triaxial tests on clay specimens
+ F A I L U R E UNDER CREEP where the potential failure plane has been precut.
Two series of identical triaxial tests were run on
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Champlain clay block sanlples from Rosemkre,

25 km north of Montrial; one series of tests was
FIG.4. Comparison of creep test results with peak and
post-peak strength envelopes, Nicolet clay. carried out on intact specimens, and the other series
on specimens with planes precut at 60' to the
horizontal, coincidingmore o; less with failure planes
served in conventional CID tests is not mobilized of the intact specimens (Lefebvre and Chahde 1978).
for long duration loads. In Fig. 5 the stress-strain curves of the precut plane
Equilibrium strength specimens are compared with those of the intact
When the stress-strain curves show a certain specimens for tests run at cell pressures of 5 and
stabilization after peak failure (Fig. 2), the mobilized 30 kPa. The shear resistance on the precut plane is
strength attains a certain equilibrium with the effec- gradually mobilized as axial deformation occurs, and
tive stresses in the sample and, to a certain extent, at large deformation becomes more or less equal to
with the void ratio or water content of the soil. The the post-peak strength.
For personal use only.

strength mobilized at peak, however, is much higher The post-peak strength represents the shear re-
than it should be according to the effective stress or sistance that can be mobilized under a given state of
void ratio of the sample, a large portion of the stress and does not include the cohesion component
strength being due to cohesion bonds existing be- attributed to bonding or structural effects which, as
tween particles. It has long been recognized that seen previously, is a function of the rate of loading
strength due to friction between particles is more or load duration.

CT3 = 5 k Po


60 -
50 -



0.0 I

FIG.5. Comparison of CID stress-strain curves of precut plane specimens with those of intact specimens, Rosemkre clay.

1. Comparison of axial strain for CID creep and conventional CID tests, Nicolet clay

Conventional CID tests

Creep tests
Consolidation Peak strength Post-peak strength
pressure (61 - ~~311 (51 - 0 3 ) ~ Er Stress level max Duration Stability
@Pa) (%I &Pa) (%) (days) condition
4.9 92.2 36.3 1.04 54.9 1.95 41 Failure
73.6 1.08 I Failure
9.8 94.1 51 1.10 56.9 0.58 35 Stable
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71.6 1.83 24 Failure

14.7 101 68.7 1 60.8 0.75 57 Stable
81.4 1.33 3 Failure
24.5 110.8 91.2 1.5 67.7 1.08 87 Stable
90.2 2.46 70 Failure

Strain crirerion major role in the failure of clay slopes in Eastern

Failure, or more generally the passage from an Canada (Lo 1972).
almost elastic behaviour to a nearly plastic be- The recognition of the effect of time and of the
haviour, is usually predicted in terms of stress but existence ofUa stability threshold has a major bearing
could also be based on strain (Mitchell 1970; on slope stability analysis based on the limit equilib-
Tavenas and Leroueil 1977) or on strain energy rium method for brittle clays. Contrary to the
(Tavenas et al. 1979). Similarly, strain should also be assumptions of the classical progressive failure model,
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a good indicator of the stability threshold beyond the peak strength that is observed in conventional
which failure will occur with time. laboratory tests is not necessarily mobilized in the
Results of the Nicolet triaxial creep tests are com- field at a certain time. The stresses do not have to
pared with the conventional CID tests in terms of exceed the peak strength and to decrease from peak
axial strain at failure in Table 1. These few tests to post-peak values to bring the slope to failure. In
indicate clearly that for samples which have remained other words, the concept of progressive failure,
stable with time, the maximum axial deformation developed to account for the failure of highly over-
under creep has remained lower than the value consolidated materials like London clay, is not
recorded at failure in conventional triaxial tests. necessary to explain slope failures in ~ a n a d i a nsoft
When the axial deformation in the creep tests ex- clays.
ceeded the failure strain of the conventional test The post-peak strength, as measured in a conven-
instability developed. In other words, failure oc- tional consolidated drained triaxial test, appears to
curred with time, at axial deformations of the order provide a good evaluation of the stability threshold
of 1.5-2.0%, or as soon as the axial deformation stresses above which failure will occur with time.
exceeded the one recorded at peak in a conventional The post-peak strength is in fact a measure of the
CID test. shear resistance available under a given state of stress
If the creep strain is sufficiently high, the structure and does not account for the high cohesion due to
of the clay will collapse and rapidly cause failure bonding or cementation, which is time dependent
(Leonards 1979). In a clay slope where stresses are at and not available under loads of long duration.
or close to the stability threshold any increase in
shear stress, due for example to toe erosion, or any
decrease in effective normal stress, due for example Part 11. Analysis of case records
to seasonal water table variation, will accelerate The examination of various concepts relevant to
deformation and bring the slope closer to failure the stability of clay slopes appears to justify the use
(Bjerrum and Kenney 1968; Leonards 1979). of the post-peak strengths in stability analyses. Any
The effect of time on the stability of a slope and test or laboratory simulation and any engineering
on the shear strength which can be mobilized at method of analysis always contains some inaccuracy
failure is generally recognized (Ter-Stepanian 1977; or assumption. It is only after extensive calibration
Saito 1965, 1969). Soft clays of Eastern Canada are with well documented case records that laboratory
known to be extremely sensitive to time and it should simulations and methods of analysis may be consid-
not be surprising that time effects and creep play a ered reliable.
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2. Characteristics of the case records of excavation slopes

Inclina- Safety factor Number of Type

Height tion PC' L W cm' 4m' piezom- of
Site (m) (0) Excavation Failure (kPa) (%) (%) (kPa) (") Failed Stable eters sample Reference
Rosemkre 11.9 24 March 1972 July 1974 160 61 72 8.0 35 1.05 12 Block Lefebvre and Chahde (1978)
For personal use only.

Lachute 1 7 23 Autumn 1974 Spring 1977 130 55 80 8.5 29.2 1.23 19 Block Lefebvre et al. (1980)
Lachute 2 7 25 Autumn 1974 Autumn 1975 185 60 60 7.0 29.3 1 .ll 11 Block Lefebvre et a[. (1980)
Lachute 3 6.7 24 Autumn 1974 Stable 129 63 70 7.0 27.8 1.39 11 Block Lefebvre et al. (1980)
Ste. Genevikve 8.2 18 Spring 1975 Stable 124 60 75 8.0 27.1 1.54 9 Block Lefebvre et al. (1980) 0
de Batiscan
St.Coeurde 7.3 24.5 1973 Stable 260 40 50 7.0 37.5 1.60 10 Block - 5
La Baie 12.0 24.5 1970 Stable 360 30 45 5.0 41 1.47 6 Block - +2
3. Characteristics of the case records of natural slopes fi

Inclina- Date Safety factor Number of Type <

Height tion of PC' WL crn1
W 4m' piezom- of p
Site (m) (O) failure (kPa) (%) (%) (kPa) (O) Failed Stable eters sample Reference -

St. Vallier de Bellechasse 1

St. Vallier de Bellechasse 2




May 1969
185 60 59 8 30 1.07


Block Lefebvre (1970); Lefebvre
and Larochelle (1974) -
Yamaska 12.2 28 Nov. 2, 1974 58 65 (7) (31) 1.04 4 Block
St. Leon 12.0 32 230 53 57 8 35 0.98 4 Block Lefebvre (1969b)
Gatineau, rue Le Coteau 24 31 April1971 78 66 5 43 0.99 5 Tube Lafleur (1978);Lafleur and
Lefebvre (1979)
Hull, Leamy Creek ( 1 ) 30 17 April 1974* 65 38 6 38 1.64 6 Block Eden (1972);Lefebvre
(1974);McRostie and
St-Louis (1980)
Chicoutirni, rue Angouleme 15.8 26 Stable 475 44 38 9 38 1.37 5 Tube Lefebvre (1979a)
*Superficial failure in heavily fissured weathered crust, 111volvingonly the zone o f water table variation.

of laboratory tests, with different stress paths, were

0 DOCUMENTED STABILITY performed to determine the shear strength. Iso-

tropically consolidated drained triaxial tests were
STRENGTH performed for all sites with exactly the same pro-
cedure. The samples were mounted with porous
stones at each end with lateral paper-strip drains, and
with prophylactic membranes. Axial compression
was applied at a rate of about 2% per day with no
correction to the deviator stress for the rigidity of the
membrane or the paper-strip drain. Tests were con-
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ducted up to axial deformations of the order of 10%

and the post-peak strength was defined at or around
8% axial deformation. The post-peak envelope was
mostly defined on samples reconsolidated under pres-
sures varying between 5 and 30 kPa. In this range of
FIG.6. Localisation map of the varlous sites considered in stress the post-peak envelope is nearly linear, as
the study. Numbers refer to Tables 4 and 5. shown in Fig. 7.
The stability of each slope was analysed using the
This part of the paper presents 14 case records of modified Bishop method and a computer program
which half are natural slopes and half are permanent allowing the pore pressure distribution to be consid-
slope excavations. Anlong the seven excavations ered in the form of equipressure lines. Tension cracks
studied, three have failed and four have remained full of water were considered in all cases.
stable. Six of the natural slopes which are presented In Tables 2 and 3 the number of piezometers in-
For personal use only.

have failed and only one stable natural slope is stalled at each site, the type of sample obtained, the
i analysed. height and inclination of the slope, and some geo-
The principal characteristics of the 14 case records technical information such as the apparent precon-
are presented in Tables 2 and 3 for the excavated and solidation pressure, water content, and Atterberg
limits are presented. The parameters c,,, and +,

natural slopes respectively. As indicated on the loca-
tion map in Fig. 6, the slopes are all located in the describing the linear portion of the post-peak envel-
St. Lawrence valley, with the exception of three sites ope defined in the laboratory are also presented.
in the Saguenay-Lac St. Jean area in the Laflamme Where applicable the dates of excavation and failure
sea deposits which formed an extension of the are tabulated. The factor of safety calculated from
Chanlplain sea. The soil profiles for all the case measured pore water conditions and post-peak
records of Tables 2 and 3 present a certain homoge- strength parameters are presented for both the failed
neity such that the failure has or could develop in the and the stable slopes.
same soil layer and thereby allow a back calculation The detailed study of each case record has been
of the shear resistance. previously reported elsewhere as indicated by the
Very detailed analyses were conducted for all the references in Tables 2 and 3. The site conditions and
seven excavation slopes. Block samples were obtained the results of the analysis will be summarized briefly
at each site, the water level and the flow pattern were in the following paragraphs. The slope profile, pore
defined by (generally) more than 10 piezometers, and pressure contours, and critical slip circles are shown
the geometry was easily determined, the slope being in Figs. 8 and 9.
relatively uniform. For the natural slopes, laboratory
tests were run on tube samples for two of the case Sunzmary o f crrse recorrls; Pernzanetzt excavation
records, while at a third site (Yamaska) the shear slopes
strength is assumed to correspond to the strength The seven case records listed in Table 2 were
determined on block samples obtained at the St. studied at the University of Sherbrooke in collabora-
Louis site 15 km upstream. Piezometers were used at tion with the Ministkre des transports du QuCbec to
each site to define the pore pressure but their number develop a practical method of analysis for long term
was generally limited to five. excavation slopes.
The number of piezometers and the period of Rosemkre (Fig. 8c1) is located 25 km north of
observation were generally sufficient to define repre- Montreal. The excavation was terminated in May
sentative conditions of the water table and pore 1972 and was adjacent to an exit of Autoroute 640.
pressure distribution. At many sites different types A natural slope existed at this location and the
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1 I
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FIG.7. Typical post-peak strength envelopes.

excavation resulted in the removal of about 5 m of fall of 1974 and failure occurred in the spring of 1977,
material from the natural slope. The final excavation again more than 2 years after completion. The
slope has a height of 11.9 m and an angle of 24" with Lachute 2 site is also located on the east side of the
the horizontal at the location of the failure. The river along a secondary road which parallels the river
failure occurred in July 1974, more than 2 years after and passes under Autoroute 50 in an excavation. The
the completion of the excavation. excavation was terminated in the fall of 1974 and two
The city of Lachute is located some 55 km west of small failures developed in the fall of 1975 on the east
Montreal. Three sites of permanent excavations, side of the road. The Lachute 3 site is on the west side
numbered Lachute 1, 2, and 3 (Fig. 8b, c, and (I), of the river along an underpass excavation very simi-
were chosen in the area where Autoroute 50 crosses lar to that on the Lachute 2 site. The excavation was
the Rivikre du Nord River. The site Lachute 1 is terminated in the fall of 1974 and has remained stable
located along the north side of Autoroute 50, where up to now. The geometry at the three Lachute sites is
an excavation was necessary to lower the profile of similar, with a height of about 7 m and an angle with
the autoroute in order to approach the bridge from the horizontal of 24". The investigations clearly
the east side. The excavation was terminated in the indicated that the stability at the Lachute 3 site
i.-. -- --- ,- -- -

- 1

i H E n 0 0'


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I I I 1 I I

FIG. 8. Slope profiles, pore pressure contours, and critical slip surfaces for: (a) Rosemkre; ( 6 ) Lachute 1 ; (c) Lachute 2;
(d) Lachute 3 ; (e) Ste-Genevibve de Batiscan; (f) St-Coeur de Marie; (g) La Baie. NOTE:F.S. = factor of safety.

resulted from hydraulic conditions that were better was terminated in the spring of 1975 and has re-
than those at the Lachute 1 and 2 sites. mained stable up to now.
The village of Ste. Genevikve de Batiscan is located The St. Coeur de Marie site (Fig. Sf) is located on
about 100 km west of Quebec City and about 10 kril Road 169 between the villages of St. Coeur de Marie
north of the St. Lawrence River. The clay was ex- and St. Jean de Taillon, in the Lake St. Jean area,
cavated in the spring of 1975 to lower the profile of a some 240 km north of Quebec City. The road profile
road at the eastern approach of the bridge across the had to be lowered by excavation on the eastern
Batiscan River. The maximum height of the cut is approach to the bridge across the Rivikre des Chicots
8.2 m and the slope is 18" (Fig. 8e). The excavation River. On the south side of the road the excavation
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5 0 i I I I~
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100

-5 - _1

0 - -

5 - -

E - -
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C ' = 9 k b
15- +'.37- -
20 -


l l l
- l l I l I l I

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


30 -

FIG.9. Slope profiles, pore pressure contours, and critical slip circles for: (a) St-Vallier 1 : (b) St-Vallier 2; (c) St-Leon;
(d)Yamaska Village; ( e ) Gatineau, rue Le Coteau; (f)Chicoutimi, rue Angoulkme; (g) Hull, Learny Creek. NOTE:F.S. =
factor of safety.

resulted in a slope 7.3 m high and with an angle of 1970, has a maximum height of 12 m, is inclined at
24.5". The excavation was terminated in 1973 and 24.5" to the horizontal, and is stable.
has remained stable since.
The La Baie site is located on Road 372 at the S ~ m m a r yof case recorcls: Natural slopes
western entrance to the city of La Baie, formerly St. Vallier de Bellechasse is located along the St.
known as Port Alfred, on the Saguenay River some Lawrence River some 45 km east of Quebec City.
220 km north of Quebec City. The excavation was The two case records of St. Vallier (Fig. 9a and b) are
necessary to flatten the transition between the higher in fact of the same slide which has regressed. The
clay plateau and the city of La Baie, almost at the natural slope first failed in May 1968 and then re-
Saguenay River elevation. The slope, terminated in gressed in May 1969. The geometry was well known

after the initial slide and, since the first regression the figure. The slope analysed is 24 nl high and in-
occurred one year after the initial slide, the analysis clined at 28" to the horizontal.
of this regression is probably a valid case record. The The city of Chicoutimi overlooks the Saguenay
laboratory tests were performed at Laval University River some 200 km north of Quebec City. The site
by the author. The investigation of the St. Vallier investigated (Fig. 9f) lies along a narrow valley cut
slide was described by Lefebvre and La Rochelle by a small stream and is adjacent to Angoukme
(1974). The initial slope had a height of 10.7 m and Street. The piezometer installations, the surveying,
an inclination of 31" to the horizontal. and the 7.5 cm diameter tube sampling were carried
The village of St. LCon is located some 30 km west out by a Chicoutimi investigation firm; the labora-
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of Trois-Rivikres and about 10 km north of the St. tory testing and the stability analysis were performed
Lawrence River. The failure (Fig. 9c) took place on at the University of Sherbrooke. The slope, 15.8 m
the bank of the river, close to the bridge at the high and inclined at 26" to the horizontal, is stable
entrance of the village. The piezometer installation and there is no sign of instability in the surrounding
and the topographic survey were done by the area.
Ministkre de l'tnergie et des ressources du QuCbec;
the block sampling, the laboratory testing, and the Lentny Creek
stability analysis were performed at the University of The site Leamy Creek is located on the north side
Sherbrooke. The slope before failure had a height of of the valley cut by Leamy Creek and is just opposite
12 m and a dip of 32". Normandie Street in Hull, near Ottawa. The slopes
The village of Yamaska is located about 80 km east on both sides of Leamy Creek are about 30 m high
of Montreal, and about 10 km south of the St. with an inclination of about 17". Superficial in-
Lawrence River. The slide took place in the fall stability developed in 1969 and 1971 at the top of the
of 1974 in the village and affected a bank of the slope on the south side of the creek. Geotechnical
For personal use only.

Yamaska River (Fig. 9 4 . Two houses were destroyed studies were carried out by the Ministkre des richesses
by the slide. The topography before failure was well naturelles du QuCbec. Piezon~eterswere installed in
known from a survey performed a few years before. the affected slope and also on the intact slope on the
The piezometers were installed by the Ministhe de other side of the valley. In April 1974, a superficial
1'Cnergie et des ressources du QuCbec. Identification failure developed in the upper half of the slope, on
tube sampling was performed by the University of the north side, within the instrumented zone (Fig. 9g).
Sherbrooke. However, the shear strength was not This slide was studied in detail at the University of
determined at this site but was assumed similar to Sherbrooke with the assistance of the Ministkre des
that of block samples at St. Louis de Bonsecours richesses naturelles du QuCbec. The minimum factor
(Lefebvre 1970; Lefebvre and La Rochelle 1974), a of safety was evaluated for the entire slope, which
site located also on the Yamaska River but some may be considered stable; the factor of safety corre-
15 km upstream. The slope at Yamaska was 12.2 m sponding to the observed local failure was also
high and inclined at 28" to the horizontal. evaluated.
Le Coteau site is located on Le Coteau Street, in
the tit? of Gatineau, near Hull. Several slides took Analysis of the results
place at this site in early April 1971 and are well As summarized in Table 2, the height of the seven
described by Eden (1972) and McRostie and St-Louis excavation slopes varies between 6.7 and 8.2m,
(1980). In 1974 laboratory testing and slope stability except for the sites of Rosem&reand La Baie which
analyses were conducted at the University of Sher- are 12 m high. The excavation slopes are all inclined
brooke (Lefebvre 1974). Piezon~eterswere installed at about 24" to the horizontal (2.2 horizontal to 1
by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) vertical) except for the Batiscan site which is flatter.
in 1971 immediately after the initial slide, and the It is impossible to ditTerentiate the failed sites and the
piezometric observations published by Eden (1972) stable sites from the geometry alone without a con-
were used for the analysis. Additional piezometers sideration of the different hydraulic conditions and
were installed in 1974 in a boring located at mid-slope the variation of shear strength.
and these observations confirmed the NRC ob- Compared to the overconsolidated and stiff Lon-
servations. don clay, the soft Canadian clay appears more
Considerable landscaping had been done at the resistant with respect to slope stability. It is generally
site in 1970 and in fact the section shown in Fig. 9e accepted that in London clay, slopes excavated
could as well be classified as an excavation slope since steeper than 3: 1 are not stable under long term con-
considerable excavation was carried out, as shown in ditions (Skempton 1977) while most of the cuts
432 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 18, 1981

because the slope has been affected only by super-

ficial and localized failures. The slope as a whole has
not been involved in a failure and the analyses indi-
cated a factor of safety of 1.50. Conventional an-
alysis, based on post-peak strength parameters
evaluated on specimens of intact clays, gives a factor
of safety of 1.69 for the superficial observed slip
surface. Several conditions particular to the Leamy
Creek case have not, however, been considered in the
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analysis. The failure has involved only the heavily

fissured crust and was contained in the zone of
seasonal water variation. Organic matter was often
identified in the fissures, and due to water table
variation, a certain desaturation of the soil was
identified. Studies on the influence of those particular
conditions are still in progress.
0.0 10 20 30
For long term excavation slopes, the calculated
factors of safety for the slopes which failed were 1.05,
FIG.10. Comparison of the field critical shear stress en- 1.11, and 1.23, i.e., slightly higher than unity. For the
velope with laboratory failure envelope, Lachute 1. four cases where no failure occurred the calculated
factors of safety varied between 1.39 and 1.60.
analysed in Canadian soft clay up to heights of 12 m While the number of back analyses is limited, they
have remained stable at a slope of 2.2 :1. suggest that the use of post-peak parameters permits
For personal use only.

All the natural slopes referred to in Table 3 have a good prediction of the state of stability of natural
slope inclinations varying between 26 and 32" except slopes (Table 3). The use of post-peak parameters
the Leamy Creek case which has a slope angle of 17". seems to slightly overestimate the factor of safety for
The only stable natural slope included in the study excavation slopes but is still acceptable for practical
had an inclination of 26" (2: 1) and a height of 15.8 m. purposes (Table 2). However, the excavation slopes
All the case records reported in Tables 2 and 3 con- which were analysed were generally not very high.
firm that the shear strength which can effectively be The slopes at Lachute 1 and 2 were 7 m high. As a
mobilized in clay slopes of Eastern Canada is appre- result, and as indicated by the position of the ob-
ciably higher than that generally considered in stiff served slip surface in Fig. Sb and c, the layer of soil
overconsolidated London clays. The effectively mo- which was involved in the failure was not much
bilized shear strength in Canadian clay slopes has to thicker than 2 m , resulting in very low normal
be relatively high and definitively in excess of the fully stresses on the failure plane.
softened strength (Skempton 1977) or the normally In contrast to the excavated slopes the heights of
consolidated strength. The cohesion intercept is also the natural slopes analysed were of the order of 12 m,
significant as indicated by the back analyses of the resulting in a much higher normal stress on the
failures. failure planes. As discussed before, the post-peak
As previously indicated, the shear strength was shear strength parameters c,,' and 6 ,' were always
determined using exactly the same procedures. The defined within the same range of stresses, assuming
parameters c,' and + ', have been defined from that the envelope is linear. For very small normal
samples reconsolidated usually between 5 and 30 kPa stresses, the assumption of linearity is not totally
and at axial deformations of about 8%. For case justified and may lead to a slight overestimate of the
records reported in Tables 2 and 3, c,,' varied insig- shear resistance; this will be discussed by studying in
nificantly, being around 8 kPa, while + ', varied from more detail the cases of slides in the Lachute area.
27-43". This variation of the post-peak resistance In order to define the critical slip surface, shown in
will be discussed in the third part of the paper. Fig. 8b for Lachute 1, the factor of safety was calcu-
The stability analyses of the natural slopes (Table lated for several circles. For each calculated circle,
3) resulted in factors of safety very close to unity for the averaged shear stress and the averaged normal
all the five cases of slope failure. The analysis of the stress have been computed. The averaged shear stress
slope on Rue Angoulkme in Chicoutimi, which has was then plotted as a function of the averaged normal
remained stable, resulted in a factor of safety of 1.37. stress, defining an envelope of the critical shear stress
The case at Leamy Creek appears very particular, (Kenney and Ali 1968). In Fig. 10, the averaged

from Fig. 11, the extrapolation of a linear approxi-

mation to the cohesion intercept may significantly
overestimate the shear strength for shallow slip
The post-peak envelope often shows a tendency to
curve toward the origin at low stresses. At all sites,
the post-peak envelope has been defined by a linear
approximation based on tests performed at lateral
stresses varying between 5 and 30 kPa. While a linear
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by SNCLAVALININCBF on 11/30/20

approximation does not introduce significant errors

for stresses in the 5-30 kPa range, the results of tests
performed at lateral stresses equal to 5 kPa are gener-
ally below the linear approximation. In Fig. 7, the
FIG.11. State of stress on the observed slip surface, Lachute 1. tendency of the post-peak failure envelope to curve
toward the origin can be recognized for the Lachute
stresses for the calculated critical circle are repre- For very low stresses, it appears necessary to con-
sented by a black triangle while the averaged stresses sider the curvature of the failure envelope. Actually
for a circle verv close to the observed failure surface this fact has been recognized for a long time in brittle
are represate; by a black dot. The shear strength material, especially in rock mechanics (Sirieys 1964).
envelope determined by laboratory tests and defined The practical problem that has to be solved is to
by ' ,c = 8 kPa and 4,' = 29" is also shown in the define the curvature of the envelope that should be
figure. The factor of safety can then be readily calcu- used in the analyses. In a first attempt, it was tried to
For personal use only.

lated by evaluating the ratio of the available shear define a bilinear envelope for the Lachute sites. For
strength to the shear stress for a given averaged the three sites, nine tests were performed on block
normal stress, and amounts to 1.23 for the calculated samples under low stresses, i.e., at lateral stresses of
critical surface at Lachute 1. Also in Fig. 10 it may 5 and 10 kPa which were used to obtain a linear
be observed that the averaged normal stress on the envelope valid for low stresses. The test data and the
calculated critical circle i r much larger than the parameters, obtained by linear regression and valid
averaged normal stress on the observed slip surface, only at low stresses, are shown below.
which is only of the order of 6 kPa. In Fig. 11, a
Mohr circle representing a normal stress at failure of
6 kPa has been plotted for a failure envelope with cm' b' Number of tests at
Site ("1 5 or 10 kPa
effective stress parameters c' = 8 kPa and +' = 29". -
In Fig. 11 it is seen that for the failure envelope Lachute 1 2.5 45 4
plotted, the minor principal stress must be negativq Lachute 2 2.6 40 2
or tensile in order to have a normal stress as small as Lachute 3 1.9 45 3
the averaged normal stress on the observed slip
surface; the tensile stress will be larger for all normal The available data are limited but the results are
stresses smaller than the average value. It should be consistent for the three sites, giving a cohesion inter-
realized that when a linear envelope with a significant cept of about 2 kPa and a friction angle of 40-45".
cohesive intercept is assumed in stability analysis it The strength of the Lachute clay can then be de-
implies that the soil can take significant tension at scribed by a bilinear envelope.
low normal stress. In slope stability analysis it is not When the bilinear envelopes defined at each of the
reasonable to assume that the soii can resist tensile three Lachute sites are compared with the field
stresses under long term conditions, especially in the critical shear stresses shown by dashed lines in Figs.
shallow superficial zone which is known to be 10, 12, and 13, it is seen that the critical irz situ shear
fissured. The failure envelope has to be curved to- stress envelopes become tangential to the steeper
ward the origin, as shown by a dashed line in Fig. l l , portion of the failure envelope for sites Lachute 1
if tensile stresses are to be avoided. The Mohr circle and 2. It is also interesting to note that the point of
that represents the maximum normal stress on the tangency coincides with the averaged normal stress
observed slip surface is also represented in Fig. 11 existing on the observed failure surface. For these
for the same failure envelope; the minor principal two failed sites, the use of the bilinear envelope has
stress is seen to be of the order of 8 kPa. As noted resulted in a calculated factor of safety of unity
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 18, 1981

0 00
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0 I
0 10 20 30 40

FIG.12. Comparison of the field critical shear stress envelope with the laboratory failure envelope, Lachute 2.

I I I - I
For personal use only.

5 20- -
V) 0



FIG.13. Comparison of the field critical shear stress envelope with the laboratory failure envelope, Lachute 3.

instead of the slightly higher values of 1.23 and 1.11 failure envelope is significant and should be consid-
calculated previously by considering only a linear ered in accurate analyses. The curvature observed in
approximation. Moreover the critical sliding surface the post-peak strength envelope appears to ade-
coincides with the observed failure surface. quately model the field behaviour of the soil.
At the Lachute 3 site (Fig. 13) the bilinear envelope As evidenced by slope angles as high as 30" and by
remained higher than the critical shear stress envel- all the case records presented in this paper the maxi-
ope and the minimum calculated factor of safety is mum strength mobilized in the field is appreciably
still valid. higher than the remolded strength or the strength of
The analyses of 14 case records suggest that the use the destructured clay, generally defined by c' = 0
of the post-peak strength parameters permits a good and 4' of the order of 27".
prediction of the state of stability of natural or long
term excavation slopes in Canadian soft clays. Part 111. Generalization of the post-peak
In analyses where the normal effective stresses are strength parameters
very low, i.e., in the case of low slopes with the water From the analysis of two sites in the St. Lawrence
table at the surface, the effect of the curvature of the valley, Lefebvre and La Rochelle (1974) observed that

4. Clay properties and post-peak strengths evaluated on block samples

cu I -urn (kPa)
w vane PC'
Site (7%) ID @Pa) o, = 5 o, = 10 o, = 20 a, = 30
1. St. Louis
2. St. Vallier
3. Grande Baleine digue 39
4. Grande Baleine digue 12
5. Outardes
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by SNCLAVALININCBF on 11/30/20

6. Shawinigan
7. St. Lion

8. St. Alban
9. St. BarnabC
10. Nicolet
11. Rosemere
12. Matagami-Olga

13. Rupert-7
14. Hull, Leamy Creek
15. Batiscan
16. Lachute No. 1
For personal use only.

17. Lachute No. 2

18. Lachute No. 3

19. St. Coeur de Marie

20. La Baie

the post-peak parameters were similar. Lo and Lee performed on both tube and block samples and these
(1974), using assul~lptionson the water table and pore results will be compared to evaluate the influence of
pressure distributions, has back analysed several case the sampling techniques on the post-peak parameters.
records of natural slope failures using the same All the results will be used to define relationships
post-peak parameters and has obtained a factor of between the post-peak strength and other routinely
safety close to unity at each site. determined properties. When trying to establish rela-
Considering the observations that some high steep tions to obtain c', and c),,', one must realize that the
slopes in Champlain clays remain stable while other Coulomb envelope is not very sensitive to the ulti-
lower and flatter slopes have failed, it must be con- mate strength defined in a drained triaxial test be-
cluded that the operative shear strength in slopes of cause the drained stress path and the Coulomb
Champlain clays varies. This is confirmed by the envelope are both inclined in the same direction. A
parameters determined for the 14 sites listed in much more accurate approach would be to establish
Tables 2 and 3. a relation with the measured post-peak strength on
However, it is known that the properties of clays samples reconsolidated at a given pressure.
are interrelated and that the post-peak shear strength All the sites for which the post-peak shear strength
parameters should bear some relationships to other parameters and other related properties have been
properties. Such relationships, if derived from suffi- determined are shown in Fig. 6, and listed in Tables
cient measurements, could prove to be of great utility 4 and 5 for block samples and tube samples, respec-
for at least preliminary analyses or verifications. tively.
In addition to the 14 case records presented in The sites reported in Tables 4 and 5 cover most
Tables 2 and 3, additional measurements of post- regions of the Province of Quebec. Most of the sites
peak parameters were carried out on block or tube are located in the Champlain clays and extend from
samples at several other sites. Post-peak parameters Hull, near Ottawa, to Chutes aux Outardes, in the
were obtained on block samples at 20 sites and on east of the province. A few sites are located in the
tube samples at 16 sites. At several sites tests were Laflamme Sea clays in the Chicoutimi-Lac St. Jean
436 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 18, 1981

5. Clay properties and post-peak strength evaluated on tube samples


cu I -u (kPa)
w vane PC'
Site (%I ID (kPa) (kPa) u, = 5 u, = 10 u, = 20 u, = 30
51. Chicoutimi

52. Rivikre Petite Nation

Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by SNCLAVALININCBF on 11/30/20


53. St. Philippe

54. St. Louis

55. St. Vallier
56. Rigaud

57. Outardes

58. Rivibre des Prairies

For personal use only.

59. Le Coteau, Hull

60. Nicolet

61. Matagami-Olga

62. Rupert-7
63. Hull (rue Normandie)

64. Batiscan
65. Lachute No. 2
66. Lachute No. 3

area, and a few others in the northern deposits of the pressure evaluated in a standard oedometer test, and
province, i.e., in the lacustrine clays of the ancient the in situ vane shear strength. The post-peak devi-
lake Barlow Ojibway (Olga site) and in the marine ator is seen to decrease with increasing natural water
Tyrrel clays around James Bay and Hudson Bay content and plasticity index. The tendency is clear
(Rupert and Grande Baleine sites). As indicated in enough but the dispersion is rather large as indicated
Table 4, the post-peak deviator for specimens recon- by the correlation coefficients (r2)which are 0.27 and
solidated at the same cell pressure varies significantly 0.18 respectively. The post-peak deviator clearly
from site to site, and by significantly more than would increases with increasing in situ vane strength and
be anticipated from looking at the shear strength apparent preconsolidation. The dispersion is very
parameters. Each series of test results corresponding acceptable especially for the apparent preconsolida-
to a given cell pressure has been correlated to various tion pressure. The correlation coefficient r 2 with pre-
clay properties. In a first attempt, correlations will consolidation pressure is 0.81 as compared to only
be limited to block sample results. 0.23 with the vane strength. Very similar conclusions
In Fig. 14, all values of the post-peak deviator for were obtained for the tests run at u, equal to 5, 20,
tests performed on block samples at a u, of 10 kPa and 30 kPa, which confirm that a valid relation can
have been plotted against the natural water content, be established with the apparent preconsolidation
the plasticity index, the apparent preconsolidation and to a lesser extent with the in situ vane strength.


27 ;:,,,,f REFER

2 ,0,18 .5 N A T U R A L WATER CONTENT, W %

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-: ,nn- .6

u 20
z 10 20 30 40
f 120- r2=0.81

-"r/ !
: '. APPARENT P R E c o N s o L l D A T l o N PRESSURE PC .I
For personal use only.

20 I I I I I I I I
20 40 60 80 100 120

FIG.14. Correlation of the post-peak strength with various FIG.15. Correlation of the post-peak strength with the
properties for specimens reconsolidated at 10 kPa. apparent preconsolidation pressure.

The correlation of the post-peak deviator with the 0.85, and 0.73, while with the in sit11 vane strength
apparent preconsolidation pressure is presented in the correlation coefficient r 2 is respectively 0.23,0.39,
Fig. 15 and with the vane strength in Fig. 16 for each and 0.39. The results indicate that the post-peak
cell pressure. In all cases, the correlation was estab- strength correlates much better with the apparent
lished by linear regression and the correlation co- preconsolidation pressure.
efficient r 2 is indicated in each figure. Using the correlations shown in Figs. 14-16 it is
The dispersion is far greater for tests run at possible, for a given value of preconsolidation or vane
a, = 5 kPa than it is for tests at 10 kPa or higher. strength, to obtain the post-peak strength for speci-
This dispersion for low consolidation stresses is con- mens reconsolidated at 5, 10, 20, and 30 kPa, and to
sidered to be related to the curvature of the envelope, reconstruct a Mohr envelope which will be an aver-
as previously discussed in detail for the Lachute sites. age envelope for all the 20 sites considered in the
If the Mohr envelope is not linear at low stresses, with studies. Such strength envelopes are presented in
a curvature which can vary from site to site, then the Figs. 17 and 18 for selected values of preconsolida-
deviator of samples reconsolidated at low stresses tion and vane strength. The resulting strength envel-
will also show a larger variation. For specimens opes are remarkably well defined. Due to the lower
reconsolidated at 10, 20, or 30 kPa the correlations correlation coefficient for vane strengths, only the
are well defined, linear, and with a relatively small envelope derived from the correlation with precon-
dispersion. With the apparent preconsolidation pres- solidation will be discussed in more detail.
sure, the correlation coefficient r 2 is respectively 0.81, Four averaged strength envelopes are presented in
438 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 18, 1981
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(k P o )
For personal use only.

20 40 60 80 100 1 2 0 140 (kPa)

FIG. 17. Post-peak strength envelopes deducted from corre-

lations for selected values of p,.
considered and should take into account the range of
FIG. 16. Correlation of the post-peak shear strength with
the vane shear strength. the operative stresses in the field. Values of the shear
strength parameters ,c and 4, were computed by
6. Post-peak strength parameters for linear regression and are presented in Table 6 for
selected values of p, selected values of apparent preconsolidation pressure
and for specimens reconsolidated at 5-20 kPa or
Range of reconsolidation PC 5-30 kPa. It is first noted that when the stress range
stress (kPa) (kPa) is increased, the linear envelope is slightly rotated
due to the curvature of the envelope, resulting in an
increase of the cohesion intercept and a decrease of
the friction angles. It is also of interest to note that
for a given range of stress, the cohesion intercept
remains constant for all sites considered but that
friction angle increases significantly with the values
of the apparent preconsolidation pressures. For
example, for specimens reconsolidated between 5
and 20 kPa, which is the operative range of stress for
Fig. 17, plotted for clays with an apparent precon- most clay slopes in Eastern Canada, the cohesion
solidation pressure p,' of 100, 200, 300, and 400 kPa. intercept is constant at 7.5 kPa and the friction
All the strength envelopes are curved, especially gradually increases from 28.7' for a p,' of 100 kPa
toward the origin, and confirm the previous discus- to 43.6' for a p,' of 400 kPa.
sion for the Lachute sites. The curvature of the strength envelope at a given
The use of a linear approximation appears satis- state of stress has to be related to the apparent pre-
factory but will vary with the range of stresses consolidation pressure. For example, the state of
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by SNCLAVALININCBF on 11/30/20

7 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ( kPo)



For personal use only.

100 200 300 400 500 600

FIG.18. Post-peak strength envelopes deducted from corre-
lations for selected values of C,,. FIG.19. Comparison of post-peak strength evaluated on
tube samples with the correlations established on block
stress at failure for a sample reconsolidated to 30 kPa samples.
will be almost in the normally consolidated range if
p,' is of the order of 100 kPa, but it will be well into Eastern Canada, either for preliminary analysis or to
the structured or overconsolidated state if y,' is of the check laboratory test results.
order of 300 kPa. For this reason, when considering The values of peak strengths for Eastern Canada
the range of stresses in Fig. 17, the curvature toward clay are more or less a function of the sampling
the orgin appears better defined at higher values of technique. The post-peak strength defined using good
apparent preconsolidation pressures. For a p,' of quality commercial tube samples is considered to be
300 kPa, the initial portion of the envelope, for 0,' quite acceptable and very close to results obtained
smaller than 10 kPa, is defined by a c' of 3 kPa and from block samples (Lefebvre and La Rochelle 1974).
a 4' of 47". Up to now the correlations established here are based
The validity of the average strength envelopes solely on testing programs using block sample speci-
that are presented can be checked by examining the mens. It is, however, of great interest to the practising
individual cases in Tables 2 and 3, where the indi- engineer to verify the quality of the results that can
vidually measured shear strength parameters have be obtained on commercial tube samples. Post-peak
been compared to the in s i t u observations. The strengths have been determined on tube samples at
measured parameters in Tables 2 and 3 are in good 16 sites and the characteristics of the deposits and a
agreement with the averaged values estimated from summary of the results are presented in Table 5. The
correlation against p,' in Table 6. Considering that post-peak strengths evaluated on tube samples re-
good triaxial tests are difficult to perform, especially consolidated at 5, 10, 20, and 30 kPa are presented
at very low confining pressures when experimental as a function of the apparent preconsolidation pres-
errors like piston friction become important, and sure in Fig. 19 and are compared with the correla-
that drained triaxial tests conducted to large deforma- tions previously established for block samples (Figs.
tions last almost a week, the use of such a relation 14 and 15). The individual values of the post-peak
should be useful in stability analyses of clay slopes in deviator obtained from tube samples generally agree
440 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 18, 1981

well with the correlations established for block have indicated that the post-peak strength allows a
samples except that at very low confining stresses reasonable estimate of the stability of the natural
( 0 , = 5 kPa), tube samples tend to show a lower slopes in Champlain clays. In this paper 14 case
value. As the determination of the apparent precon- records have been analysed in terms of the post-peak
solidation pressure is not significantly influenced by strength at sites where the hydraulic conditions had
tube sampling (La Rochelle and Lefebvre 1971), the been evaluated from piezometer observations. The
comparison, which is based on evaluations at 16 study confirms that the post-peak strength permits a
different sites with varying clay sensitivities, shows reasonable evaluation of the stability of natural
that good quality tube samples allow for a reasonably slopes and the stability of long term excavation
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good evaluation of post-peak strength. slopes. However, for low slopes with the water table
The good correlation of the post-peak strength at the surface, the effective stress mobilized on the slip
with the apparent preconsolidation pressure suggests surface is very small and an accurate analysis should
that the soil always keeps some structure effects when in such a case consider a post-peak strength envelope
sheared in the overconsolidated range of stress. The that is curved toward the origin as indicated by
fully softened strength or the strength of the com- laboratory test results. Practically, the curvature can
pletely destructured clay should thus not be used in be approximated by a bilinear envelope with a rather
the analysis of clay slopes. steep first segment and a very low cohesion intercept.
The use of a unique linear approximation for the
total range of stresses is sufficient for most analyses,
Conclusions but in the case of low slopes with the water table a t
Due to important time effects the strength of clay the surface, the factor of safety can be overestimated
decreases with a decreasing rate of loading, especi- by 1620%.
ally for soft clays of Eastern Canada. The operational Good quality triaxial tests are difficult to realize
For personal use only.

strength in permanent clay slopes can be appreciably especially under low confining stresses and the defini-
lower than that measured in the laboratory by con- tion of the post-peak strength, at an axial deforma-
ventional tests. Drained triaxial creep tests on tion of 8%, requires a test duration of 5-6 days. A
Champlain clays have indicated the existence of a correlation of the post-peak strength with the
stability threshold above which failure will occur with apparent preconsolidation pressure is presented that
time. If a soil element is near that threshold a small is based on results of a laboratory testing program
increase in stresses will accelerate deformations, in- performed on block samples obtained at 20 different
crease pore pressures, and rapidly bring it to failure. sites and covering most of the clay deposits of
The stability threshold established by laboratory Eastern Canada. The relation of the post-peak
creep tests has been found to coincide fairly well with strength to the apparent preconsolidation pressure is
the post-peak strength defined at 8% of axial de- obvious as indicated by correlation coefficients (r2)
formation in consolidated drained triaxial tests. The as high as 0.8. Based on these correlations, a linear
peak resistance evaluated in the laboratory is due in approximation of the post-peak strength envelope in
part to bonding or cementation between particles the stress range most appropriate for slope stability
and is not at equilibrium with the void ratio or with problems indicates a constant cohesion intercept of
the effective stress in the samples. The post-peak 7.5 kPa for all deposits. The friction angle varies
strength on the other hand, as indicated by tests on from 29-43' as the apparent preconsolidation pres-
specimens with pre-cut shear planes, represents the sure increases from 100 to 400 kPa.
maximum resistance which can be mobilized, after The examination of laboratory test results on tube
the breakdown of the time-sensitive bonds, for a samples obtained at 16 different sites in the Province
given void ratio and a given effective stress. In other of Quebec has confirmed that good tube sampling
words the post-peak strength is at equilibrium with permits a reasonably accurate determination of the
the stress and the void ratio of the clay. The use of post-peak strength, as evidenced by the comparison
post-peak strength is justified in slope stability with the correlation established from block samples.
analysis not because progressive failure is taking Engineers have learned that slope stability prob-
place in the field but because it coincides with a lems should be approached with great humility. The
threshold stress above which failure will occur with determination of the correct hydraulic conditions
time. and of the operative strength will always remain a
It is well known that the use of the peak strength difficult task. The methods of analysis generally
in slope stability analysis grossly overestimates the available cannot take into account many of the char-
factor of safety. Previous analyses of case records acteristics of the material, especially in brittle clay.

It is only with extensive calibration with in sit11 case BISHOP,A. W., and LOVENBURY, H. T. 1969. Creep charac-
records that a methodology can acquire a certain teristics of two undisturbed clays. Proceedings, 7th Inter-
national Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
reliability. Engineering, Mexico, Vol. 1, pp. 29-37.
The ;xamination of principles relevant to the BJERRUM, L. 1967. Progressive failure in slopes of overcon-
stability of clay slopes have indicated some justifica- solidated plastic clay and clay shale. ASCE Journal of the
tion for the use of the post-peak strength. Its use in Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, 93(SM5), Part 1,
pp. 1-49.
14 case records has confirmed that it can predict BJERRUM, L., and KENNEY, T. C. 1968. Effects of structure o n
reasonably well the stability of clay slopes in Cham- shear behavior of normally consolidated quick clays. Pro-
plain clays. Moreover, good and consistent correla- ceedings, Geotechnical Conference on Shear Strength of
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by SNCLAVALININCBF on 11/30/20

tions with the apparent preconsolidation pressures Soils and Rocks, Oslo, Norway, Vol. 2, pp. 19-27.
of the clays have indicated that the post-peak CRAWFORD, C. B., and EDEN,W. J. 1967. Stability of natural
slopes in sensitive clays. ASCE Journal of the Soil Mechanics
strength reflects the basic properties of the clay. and Foundatio~isDivision, 93(SM3), pp. 419-436.
Keeping in mind all the difficulties in the analysis EDEN,W. J. 1972. Some observations at Le Coteau landslide,
of a slope, it is thought that the use of the post-peak Gatineau, Quebec. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 9,
strength to represent the in sill! operative strength is pp. 508-514.
EDEN,W. J., and MITCHELL, R. J. 1970. The mechanics of
at least as accurate as the assunlptions generally made landslides in Leda clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 7,
about hydraulic conditions and in the methods of pp. 285-296.
analysis. KENNEY, T. C., and ALI, M. S. 1968. Discussion of paper by
Crawford and Eden: Stability of n a t ~ ~ rslopes
al in sensitive
Acknowledgements clay. ASCE Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Division, 94(SM5), pp. 1185-1190.
Al.1 the case records of cuts have been studied in a LAFLEUR, J. 1978. Intl~lencede I'eau sur la stabilitC des pentes
research program funded by the Ministkre des naturelles d'argile. Doctoral thesis, UniversitC de Sher-
transports du Qutbec. Other case records and several brooke, Sherbrooke, P.Q.
For personal use only.

laboratory test results were part of projects funded LAFLEUR, J., and LEFEBVRE, G. 1979. Back analysis of a slide
in the weathered crust of the Champlain Sea deposits.
by the Ministkre de l'tnergie et des ressources, Proceedings, 6th Pan-american Conference on Soil Mechan-
Hydro-QuCbec, and la SociCtt d'tnergie de la Baie ics and Foundation Engineering, Lima, Vol. 1, pp. 317-329.
James. Parts of the study were also funded by the LAROCHELLE, P., and LEFEBVRE, G . 1971. Sampling disturbance
research grants received from the National Sciences in Champlain clays. American Society for Testing and
Materials, Special Technical Publication 483, pp. 143-163.
and Engineering Research Council of Canada and LEFEBVRE, G. 1970. Contribution B 1'Ctude de la stabilitC des
from the Formation de chercheurs et d'action con- pentes dans les argiles cimentkes. D.Sc. thesis, departement
certCe program of the Ministkre de l'tducation du de genie civil, UniversitC Laval, QuCbec, P.Q.
QuCbec. Most of the data presented in this paper were 1974. Slope stability analysis at Le Coteau, Hull,
parts of theses prepared by graduate students in the QuCbec. Internal Report, McRostie, Genest, Middlemiss
Geotechnical Section of the University of Sher- and Associates, Ottawa.
19790. Analyse de la stabilitC des talus au site de la rue
brooke. This study would not have been possible Angoulkme B Chicoutimi. Rapport interne, Laboratoire Sol
without these young engineers, among them Messrs. et BCton de Chicoutimi inc., Chicoutimi, P.Q.
Alain Philibert, Jean Lafleur, Joseph Chahde, Martin 19796. Paraniktres de la resistance au cisaillement des
Tremblay, and Claude BCdard. The technicians of argiles de St-Alban, St-BarnabC, St-Leon et Shawinigan.
the soil mechanics laboratory, Messrs. Claude Poulin, Rapport Geo-79-12, section gkotechnique, UniversitC d e
Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, P.Q.
Gtrard Chevrier, Georges Lalonde, and Jean-Guy LEFEBVRE, G., and CIIAHDE,J. 1978. Analyse de la rupture
Lemelin have to be thanked for their skilled and d'une pente de dCblai dans la rCgion de Rosemere, QuCbec.
precious collaboration. Finally the author is indebted Rapport Geo-78-03, section de giotechnique, UiliversitC d e
to his colleagues in the Geotechnical Section, Messrs. Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, P.Q.
Jean-Paul Morin, Gtrard Ballivy, and Claude Lu- LEFEBVRE, G., and LAROCHELLE, P. 1974. The analysis of two
slope failures in cemented Champlain clays. Canadian
pien, for advice and constructive discussions, and Geotechnical Journal, 2, pp. 89-108.
also to Mr. Jacques Locat and Peter Rosenberg for LEFEBVRE, G., BEDARD, C., and TREMBLAY, M. 1980. Analyse
reviewing the text. de la stabiliti des pentes de dCblai B cinq sites dans les
rCgions de Lachute, Batiscan et Melbourne. Rapport
BBLAND,J. 1955. Nicolet landslide. Proceedings of the Geo- Geo-80-04, section de geotechnique, UniversitC de Sher-
logical Association of Canada, 8, pp. 143-156. brooke, Sherbrooke, P.Q.
BISHOP,A. W., and BJERRUM, L. 1960. The relevance of the LEONARDS, G . A. 1979. Stability of slopes in soft clays. Pro-
triaxial test to the solution of stability problems. Proceed- ceedings, 6th Pan-american Conference on Soil Mechanics
ings, American Society of Civil Engineers Research Confer- and Foundation Engineering, Lima, Vol. 1, pp. 225-274.
ence on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, CO, Lo, K. Y. 1972. An approach to the problem of progressive
pp. 437-501. failure. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 9, pp. 407-429.
442 CAN. GEOTECH. 3. VOL. 18, 1981

Lo, K. Y., and LEE,C. F. 1974. An evaluation of the stability SCHMERTMANN, J. H., and OSTERBERG, J. 0. 1960. An experi-
of natural slopes in plastic Champlain clays. Canadian mental study of the development of cohesion and friction
Geotechtiical J o ~ ~ r n a11,
l , pp. 165-181. with axial strain in sat~iratedcohesive soils. ASCE Research
Lo, K. Y., and MORIN,J.-P. 1972. Strength anisotropy and Conference or1 Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder,
time effects of two sensitive clays. Canadian Geotechnical CO, pp. 643-694.
Journal, 9, pp. 261-277. SINGH,A,, and MITCHELL, J. K. 1968. General stress-strain-
MCROSTIE,G . C., atid ST-Lours, M. W. 1980. Lessons froni time function for soils. ASCE Journal of the Soil Mechanics
Le Coteau landslide, Gatineau, Quebec. Conference on atid Foundations Division, 94(SM1), pp. 21-46.
Slope Stability Probletns in Urban Areas, Toronto, Ont., SIRIEYS, P. M. 1964. Rhiologie et mecanique des sols. Edited by
April 1980. Kravtchenko and Sirieys, Springer-Verlag, Grenoble, pp.
MITCHELL, R. J. 1970. On the yielding and mechanical strength 396-404.
of Leda clays. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 7, pp.
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SKEMPTON, A. W. 1964. Long-term stability of clay slopes.

297-312. GCotechnique, 14, pp. 75-102.
1975. Strength parameters for permanent slopes in 1970. First-time slides in over-consolidated clays.
Champlain Sea clays. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 12, GCotechnique, 20(3), pp. 320-324.
pp. 447-455. 1977. Slope stability of cuttings in brown London clay.
PHILIBERT, A. 1976. Etude de la resistatlce au cisaillement Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Soil Mechan-
d'une argile Champlain. M.Sc. thesis, facult6 des sciences ics and Foundation Engineering, Tokyo, Vol. 3, pp. 261-270.
appliquees, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, P.Q. TAVENAS, F.. and LEROUEIL, S. 1977. EtYects of stresses and
SAITO,M. 1965. Forecasting atid time of occurrence of a slope time on yielding of clays. Proceedings, 9th International
failure. Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Soil Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Montreal, Vol. 2, Tokyo, Vol. 1, pp. 319-326.
1969. Forecasting time of slope f a i l ~ ~by
r e tertiary creep. and ROY,M. 1979. The use of strain energy as a yield and
Proceedings, 7th Internatio~lalConference on Soil Mecha- creep criterion for lightly overconsolidated clays. GCotech-
nics and Foundation Engineering, Mexico, Vol. 2, pp. nique, 29(3), pp. 285-304.
677-683. TER-STEPANIAN, G. 1977. Correlation between the rheological
SCHMERTMANN, J. H. 1976. The shear behaviour of soil with properties of soils and the behavior of landslides. Pro-
For personal use only.

constant structure. Laurits Bjerrum Memorial Volume, ceedings, 2nd International Symposium o n landslides and
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, pp. 65-97. their control, Tokyo, pp. 45-53.

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