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Trương khắc tuấn anh

Nowadays there’s an argument about whether reading for pleasure helps people to develop
imagination and better language skills than watching TV. I truly believe this idea is true since
this concept was proven effective by scientists.
Admittedly, reading books is really helpful for developing imagination and having a better
language skills. By reading books, it is more likely that we acquire more knowledge than
watching tv and this is even more effective if we read the book with enjoyment. Watching TV is
also a type of entertainment and also considered an activity, while reading book is considered
a form of learning. Reading also encourage readers to simulate the story and visualise
characters throughout the whole book, this is really helpful with developing people’s
imaginative skills. Also, our language skills can also be improved by reading regularly.
On the other hand, watching TV barely triggers people’s imagination and language skills at all
since every single information is shown on the screen. While reading, people have time to
imagine the story and understand the context of the story. Meanwhile, when watching TV, the
images and conversations are usually spoken really fast, therefore leading to the lack of
information during the show, let alone learning anything new from it. Also, TV is full of
advertisements which are the most distracting factor while we’re trying to absorb an amount of
In conclusion, I believe that reading books is actually a more effective way of praticing your
imaginative and language skills, while watching TV is just a type of entertainment.

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