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Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills

than those who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reading books and watching TV are the hobbies of an individual. Some are of the opine that watching tv
is likely to develop imagination and language skills than reading books. I partially agree with the view
because watching Tv provide us with the sound effects along with visual effects that also enhance the

First and the foremost, reading books fails to provide with real visual and sound effects that can be
fulfilled by television. Because of the absence of such effects, the reader might have difficulties to
understand the actual context. This may create misconception among the reader and the concept the
writer is trying to convey may be distorted. Moreover, the way a person speaks, and the pronunciation
of a word can be easily developed through hearing especially the context of the statement can be
understood easily while listening than reading. For instance, a person speaking in a loud voice indicates
either that person is angry or frustrated.

On the other hand, there are various context that is better understand through reading than watching
Television. The actual spelling of a word and the vocabulary is better improved through reading.
Therefore, in school’s teachers emphasize on English novels as teaching material. Students are asked to
read the story and capture the keywords to answer the questions in the exam. For example, reading a
fantasy novel that contains mythical creatures one would normally see the appearance of those
characters in their mind while following the plot.

To recapitulate, reading books helps to boost imagination and language skills by creating an imagine
through reading and improving vocabulary. Whereas television bridges the gap between writer and the
view by helping to understand the actual context.

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