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Class : Caterpillar

Aspect : Math (Cognitive)

Competency : Student is able to count and identify number 1 to 2.

Expectation : - Student will be able to count number 1 to 2

- Student will be able to identify number 1 to 2

- Student will be able to color number 1

Tools/Teaching Material : Video that provided in google classroom

Assessment : Photo (Landscape)

Day/Date : 03 and 06 August 2020

Sample Question Instructions Activity

1. Can you count number 1 to 2? 1. Parents will guide the child Parents will guide to see the video.

to follow the instructions on

the power point.

2. Parents will assist the child Parents will guide the child color

2. Can you color number 1? to color number 1 and take the photo of child

number 1. when doing the activity and result of the

task. (Math worksheet page 1)


How to send the assesment?

1. Please submit the photo to the Homeroom Teacher via Google Classroom.
2. The latest of submission is at 16;00 PM, Saturday, 8 August 2020.
Thank you

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