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Asked for fulfill one of the assigment of Qualitative research methods

Lecturer: Zul Aini Rengur, S. Pd., M. Pd.

Composed by Group 1:

Dwi Anggraini Lemba :211160042

Dini Ariyani : 211160045

Moh. Ahmadillah :211160091





Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Praise we pray to the presence of Allah SWT. Who have given grace and
guidance so that we can complete the group assignment entitled “Concepts and
Characteristics of Qualitative Research” on time.

Moreover, the purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill assignments in the

course “Qualitative research methods”. In addition, this paper also aims to add
insight into the science of Islamic education for readers and also for writers.

First of all, we think of thanking Zul Aini Rengur, S. Pd., M. Pd. as a lecturer
in the Qualitative research methods course who has given this assignment so that
we can add knowledge and insight according to the field of study that I am engaged

Then, I realized that the paper I was writing was far from perfect. Therefore,
constructive criticism and suggestions are needed for the perfection of this paper.

Waalakumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


FOREWORD............................................................................................... ii

LIST OF CONTENT…………………..………………………….……… iii


A. Background ………………………………………………….......... 1

B. Problem Formulation……………........………...…………...…….1

C. Purpose of Writing……....................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSIO…....…………………………….....................3

A. Concepts of qualitative research..................………………………..3

B. Characteristics of Qualitative Research ……...…………......……...3

CHAPTER III CLOSING CONCLUSION…………..............................8

REFERENCES ..................................................................... ........................1



Qualitative research is a research method used to understand social
phenomena with a deep approach. This method emphasizes a holistic and
contextual understanding of the experiences, perceptions, and meanings
given by individuals or groups in a specific context. In qualitative research,
the basic concepts and characteristics of qualitative research are important
foundations for understanding this approach in more depth.

Qualitative research is conducted in natural conditions and is

exploratory in nature. In qualitative research, the researcher is the key
instrument. Therefore, researchers must have a broad theoretical and
insightful knowledge to ask questions, analyze, and construct the object of
study more clearly.

Every research, whether quantitative or qualitative, always starts

from a problem. However, there are fundamental differences between the
“problem” in quantitative research and the “problem” in qualitative
research. In quantitative research, the problem to be solved through research
must be clear, specific, and considered unchanging. But in qualitative
research, the problem brought by the researcher is still ambiguous.
Therefore, problems in qualitative research are temporary and will develop
or change after the researcher is in the field.

Qualitative research emphasizes meaning and is value-bound.

Qualitative research is used when the problem is not yet clear, to uncover
hidden meanings, to understand social interactions, to develop theories, to
ensure data accuracy, and to investigate historical developments.

Further explanations will be elaborated in this paper. With the title
“Concepts and Characteristics of Qualitative Research.”


Based on the background of the problems The things that the writer
must be fulfill in formulating, the Problem are as follows:

1. Concepts of qualitative research

2. Characteristics of Qualitative Research


In line with the formulation of the problem above, this paper is

structured to know and understand.

1. What are the basic concepts of qualitative research?

2. What are the characteristics of Qualitative Research?




The general definition of qualitative research is a research approach

that uses descriptive data in the form of written or spoken language to
explain and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, perspectives,
beliefs, and thoughts. This method emphasizes understanding the meaning
and interpretation of the obtained data

Qualitative research is also intended to understand the phenomena

experienced by research subjects, such as perceptions, motivations, actions,
and others, through descriptive descriptions in the form of words and
language, in a specific natural context and utilizing various natural

In qualitative research, the instrument is a person, namely the

researcher themselves. The researcher is the key instrument, and in order to
become an instrument, the researcher must have extensive knowledge and
theoretical background to be able to ask questions, analyze, capture, and
construct the social situation being studied to be clearer and more

Experts have different definitions of qualitative research. Here are

the opinions of experts regarding the definition of qualitative research:

Mardalis, MetodePenelitianSuatuPendekatan Proposal. (Jakarta: BumiAksara, 2008, hal. 6)

According to Lexy J. Moleong, qualitative research is intended to
understand phenomena experienced by research subjects, such as behavior,
perception, motivation, actions, and others, holistically, through descriptive
descriptions in the form of words and language, in a specific natural context,
and utilizing various scientific methods.2

According to Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin, qualitative research

is intended as a type of research where findings are not obtained through
statistical procedures or other forms of calculation.3

According to Sugiyono in his book titled “Metode Penelitian

Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan R&D” (Qualitative, Quantitative, and R&D
Research Methods), qualitative research is based on postpositivism
philosophy, especially phenomenology. The researcher becomes the main
instrument in this research, and data collection and analysis techniques
emphasize meaning.4


Based on the literature review conducted by Moleong, synthesizing

the opinions of Bogdan and Biklen (1982:27-30) and Lincoln and Guba
(1985:39-44), there are eleven characteristics of qualitative research, which
are as follows:

Lexy J. Moloeng, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung, Remaja Rosdakarya: 2010), hal. 6
Anselm Strauss dan Juliet Corbin, Basics of Qualitative Research, Trj., (Yogyakarta, Pustaka
Pelajar:2003), hal. 4
Sugiyono. (2017). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan R&D. Alfabeta.

1. Qualitative research uses natural settings or the context of a whole
Qualitative research focuses on studies conducted in natural
situations without manipulation or environmental control. For example,
a researcher interested in understanding the life experiences of a refugee
will conduct field research by directly interacting with the refugees.
2. The instrument in qualitative research is a human, either the
researcher themselves or with the assistance of others:
Qualitative research involves humans as the main instrument in
data collection and analysis. For example, a researcher interested in
understanding the experiences of parents in educating their children will
conduct in-depth interviews with the parents.
3. Qualitative research uses qualitative methods:
Qualitative research uses a more descriptive and interpretive
approach in collecting and analyzing data. Common qualitative methods
used include interviews, observations, and content analysis. For
example, a researcher who wants to understand the public’s perception
of climate change can use interviews to gather their views.
4. Qualitative research uses inductive data analysis:
Qualitative research does not use pre-determined hypotheses or
theoretical frameworks. Instead, researchers collect data first, then
analyze and draw conclusions based on the findings that emerge from
the data. For example, a researcher interested in understanding
individuals’ experiences in coping with anxiety can collect data through
interviews, then analyze the findings that emerge from the interviews.
5. Qualitative research emphasizes the development of substantive
theories based on data:
Qualitative research aims to develop new theories that emerge
from the collected data, rather than testing or confirming existing
theories. For example, a researcher interested in individuals’

experiences in dealing with stress can develop new theories based on the
findings that emerge from the research.
6. Qualitative research collects descriptive data (words, images)
rather than numbers:
Qualitative research tends to collect data in the form of
narratives, quotes, images, or documents that can depict individual
experiences and perceptions. For example, a researcher interested in
understanding nurses’ experiences in caring for critically ill patients can
collect data through interviews, field notes, and images that depict the
situation in the hospital ward.
7. Qualitative research prioritizes the process over the results:
Qualitative research places greater emphasis on the process of data
collection and analysis rather than the final results. This process
involves reflection, iteration, and a deep understanding of the collected
data. For example, a researcher interested in teenagers’ experiences in
coping with academic pressure may pay special attention to the process
of interaction and interpretation of the collected data.
8. Qualitative research requires boundaries based on the focus that
arises as a problem in the research:
Qualitative research has research limitations based on the
emerging focus of the research problem. Researchers must understand
these limitations and remain focused on the predetermined topic. For
example, a researcher interested in women’s experiences in building a
career in the business world may limit their research to women working
in that sector.
9. Qualitative research redefines validity, reliability, and objectivity
compared to what is commonly used in classical research:
Qualitative research has different ways of assessing validity,
reliability, and objectivity. Validity in qualitative research refers to the
accuracy of interpretation and understanding of the data. Reliability
focuses on consistency in data collection and analysis. Objectivity in

qualitative research acknowledges that researchers have an influence on
the interpretation and analysis of data. For example, a qualitative
researcher can ensure validity by triangulating data, which involves
comparing findings from various data sources.
10. Qualitative research develops a design that is continuously adjusted
to the realities in the field (temporary in nature):
Qualitative research has a flexible research design that can be
adjusted to changes that occur in the field. This research design focuses
on a deep understanding of the phenomena being studied. For example,
a researcher conducting qualitative research on the experiences of
pregnant women can modify their research design if new findings arise
that need further exploration.
11. Qualitative research requires that the understanding and
interpretation obtained be discussed and agreed upon by the
humans who serve as the data source:
Qualitative research values the perspectives and experiences of
research subjects. The understanding and interpretation obtained need
to be discussed and agreed upon with the research subjects to ensure the
accuracy and relevance of the interpretation. For example, in a study on
the experiences of students learning online during the COVID-19
pandemic, the researcher conducts interviews with students as research
subjects to understand their experiences. After collecting the data, the
researcher analyzes and interprets the findings.5

Melong,L. J. (2007). Metodelogi Penelitian Kualitatif. PT Remaja Rosdakarya.




In the discussion of the basic concepts and characteristics of

qualitative research, it can be concluded that qualitative research is a deep
approach to understanding social phenomena. Qualitative research uses
descriptive data in the form of words or language to explain and analyze the
phenomena under study. Qualitative research also involves humans as the
main instrument in data collection and analysis.


Some characteristics of qualitative research discussed include the
use of natural settings in research contexts, the use of qualitative methods,
inductive data analysis, a focus on the development of new theories, the
collection of descriptive data, an emphasis on the process rather than the
results, research boundaries, redefinition of validity, reliability, and
objectivity, flexible research design, and the importance of collaboration
and agreement in data interpretation.


Mardalis, MetodePenelitianSuatuPendekatan Proposal. (Jakarta: BumiAksara,

2008, hal. 6
Lexy J. Moloeng, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung, Remaja
Rosdakarya: 2010), hal. 6
Anselm Strauss dan Juliet Corbin, Basics of Qualitative Research, Trj.,
(Yogyakarta, Pustaka Pelajar:2003), hal. 4
Sugiyono. (2017). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan R&D. Alfabeta.
Melong,L. J. (2007). Metodelogi Penelitian Kualitatif. PT Remaja Rosdakarya

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