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Timeline of the Arab and

Israel Conflict

By: Mr. Cote

Late 1800’s to WW 1
 Zionism:
 Theodore Herzl, a
leading Jewish
sympathizer, states
that a Jewish
homeland is needed to
stop the violence
against the Jews

 Arabs are defeated in

World War I by
Britain, France, and
Between the World Wars
 Britain takes control
of the Palestinian

 Balfour Declaration:
 Says Palestine is to be used for
a Jewish homeland
 Made by Britain
 680,000 Jews start to move to
 Hitler and the Holocaust
 Adolph Hitler comes to
power in Germany
 6 millions Jews were killed
during his time in power
all over Europe
 Equal to 2/3 of the total
Jewish population in
 Hostilities between Jews
and Arabs in Palestine
Turn to a Partner
 Discuss this question:
 Do you believe the
Jewish people should
have their own
 United Nations:
 An agreement is made to
end hostilities between
Arabs and Jews.
 Palestine is to be split in 2.
 650,000 Palestinians are
to be moved from Jewish
controlled areas.
 1948: Israel declares
independence from
1948 War of Israel Independence
 Israel is attacked by
Syria, Lebanon,
Jordon, Egypt, and
 Israel defeats all of
the Arab countries
back and gains
more territory.
Turn to a Partner
 Discuss this question:
 Why do you think the
Arab countries
attacked Israel?
Suez Crisis- 1956
 Egypt attempts to
control a Canal from the
Mediterranean Sea to
the Red Sea to stop
supplies getting to
 Britain and France send
troops to stop Egypt.
 Israel joins in and attacks
 This heightens
tensions between
Egypt and Israel.
 Palestine Liberation
 Formed in 1964
 Aim is to free Palestine
from Israeli control
through force
 Leader is Yasir Arafat
 PLO leads many
attacks on Israeli
civilians and military
6 Day War- 1967
 Seeing Egypt, Syria,
and Jordon are getting
ready to attack Israel,
Israel attacks all 3
countries at the same
 Israel is able to quickly
defeat all three
 Israel takes land from all
3 countries
 Israel doubles in size
Yom Kippur War- 1973
 Egypt and Syria attack Israel on the Jewish
holiday of Yom Kippur
 Israel again successfully defends itself with no
changes in borders.
 Middle Eastern countries agree to stop sending oil to
Western countries like the United States.
 Gas shortages occur
 Spill over into US and Russia
 Russia supplies Arab countries with weapons
 US supplies Israel with weapons
 Tensions rise between US and Russia
Turn to a Partner
 Discuss this question:
 Why do you think the
Israeli’s were able to
defend itself so well?
Peace Process Starts 1978
 Camp David Accords
 US President Jimmy Carter
meets with leaders from
Israel (Begin) and Egypt
 Israel agrees to give back
territory to Egypt
 Egypt agrees to recognize
Israel’s independence
 Sadat is assassinated
shortly afterward by Muslim
extremists who don’t want
Intifada 1980’s
 Groups of regular
Palestinian civilians
begin an uprising
against Israel’s
military occupation.
Israel and Iraq- 1981
 Fearing Iraq may be
making nuclear
weapons, Israel
destroys Iraq’s
nuclear factories.
Israel Invades Lebanon- 1982
 Invades because PLO
headquarters is in
Lebanon’s capital,
 Israel’s attacks to stop
the PLO’s attacks
Peace Agreement- 1988
 Israel and the PLO
agree to cease-fire
and for Israel to return
to their pre 6 Day War
Oslo Peace Process- 1993
 US President Clinton meets with Israeli leader
Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasir Arafat.
 West Bank and Gaza Strip are to be given to
Palestinians to run.
 Israel is promised peace
Rabin is Assassinated- 1995
 During a peace rally
following the Oslo
Accords, Rabin is
assassinated by an
Israeli militant who
was against peace.
Turn to a Partner
 Discuss this question:
 Why do you think that
after each peace
agreement, one of its
leaders are
Modern Violence 1995-2005
 Second Intifada:
 More violence against Israelis for their
continued military presence in Palestinian
 Israel reacts:
 Israel sends troops to West Bank and Gaza
 Israel starts building fence around the Gaza
Hezbollah in Lebanon- 2006
 An extremist group
called Hezbollah
takes control of
 Israeli soldiers
 Rocket attacks start
 Israel invades
Lebanon to stop the
 Invasion succeeds and
attacks stop
Hamas in the Gaza Strip- Today
 In retaliation of
Israel’s continued
military presence in
the Gaza Strip, the
group Hamas starts
launching rockets into
 Israel reacts by
bombing the rocket
sites and sending
troops into Gaza.
Turn to a Partner
 Discuss these
 What do you think is
going to happen
 What would you do
to end the violence?

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