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Ảnh hưởng (Impacts of the air pollution)

3.1. Ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe con người (Impacts on humans’ health)
Air pollution is a major environmental issue in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The main cause of this poor air quality is the high number of cars and
motorbikes pouring into the city center daily. The World Health
Organization (WHO) reports that air pollution in Hanoi can lead to
diseases such as stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, COPD, and
respiratory infections. Poor air quality causes negative effects for
people with chronic lung disease and asthma.
Air pollution in Hanoi has a number of serious health
consequences, including:
- Respiratory problems: Air pollution can irritate the lungs and
airways, leading to a variety of respiratory problems, such as asthma,
bronchitis, and COPD. Air pollution can also worsen existing
respiratory conditions, such as asthma and COPD.
- Cardiovascular diseases: Air pollution can damage the heart and
blood vessels, leading to cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack,
stroke, and high blood pressure. Air pollution can also worsen existing
cardiovascular conditions, such as high blood pressure and coronary
artery disease.
- Cancer: Air pollution is a known carcinogen, meaning that it can
cause cancer. Long-term exposure to air pollution is associated with
an increased risk of lung cancer, as well as other types of cancer, such
as bladder cancer, leukemia, and breast cancer.
- Neurological problems: Air pollution can damage the brain and
nervous system, leading to neurological problems, such as dementia,
Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. Air pollution can also
worsen existing neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis
and autism spectrum disorder.
- Reproductive problems: Air pollution can damage the reproductive
system and reduce fertility. Air pollution can also increase the risk of
miscarriage and premature birth.
- Premature death: Air pollution is a major cause of premature death.
A 2020 study by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated
that air pollution causes approximately 2,855 premature deaths in
Hanoi each year.
Air pollution is especially harmful to children, pregnant women,
and the elderly. Children are more vulnerable to the effects of air
pollution because their lungs are still developing. Pregnant women
exposed to air pollution have an increased risk of giving birth to
premature or low-birthweight babies. And the elderly are more likely
to have underlying health conditions that make them more susceptible
to the effects of air pollution.

3.2. Ảnh hưởng đến môi trường sống (Impacts on environment)

Air pollution in Hanoi has many negative impacts on the
environment, including:
- Reduced visibility: Air pollution can reduce visibility, making it
difficult to see and drive. This can lead to accidents and traffic
- Acid rain: Air pollution can produce acid rain, which can damage
plants and animals, as well as buildings and other infrastructure.
- Damage to plants and animals: Air pollution can damage plants
and animals by interfering with their ability to photosynthesize,
reproduce, and grow.
- Climate change: Air pollution can contribute to climate change by
trapping heat in the atmosphere.
In addition to these direct environmental impacts, air pollution can
also have several indirect environmental impacts. For example, air
pollution can reduce crop yields and damage forests. This can hurt
biodiversity and food security. Air pollution can also damage water
quality, making it more difficult to access clean water.

3.3. Ảnh hưởng đến nền kinh tế (Impacts on economy)

Air pollution in Hanoi has a significant impact on the economy.
For example, a study by the World Bank estimated that air pollution
costs Vietnam approximately $13.2 billion each year in lost
productivity and health care costs. Air pollution can also reduce
tourism and foreign investment.
Here are some specific examples of the economic impacts of air
pollution in Hanoi:
- Lost productivity: Air pollution can cause workers to miss work
due to illness, or to be less productive when they are at work. This can
lead to lost productivity for businesses and the economy as a whole.
- Increased healthcare costs: Air pollution can lead to a variety of
health problems, which can increase healthcare costs for individuals
and businesses.
- Reduced tourism: Air pollution can make Hanoi a less desirable
tourist destination. This can lead to lost revenue for the tourism
industry and the economy as a whole.
- Reduced foreign investment: Air pollution can make Hanoi a less
attractive place to do business. This can lead to reduced foreign
investment and economic growth.
In addition to these direct economic impacts, air pollution can also
have some indirect economic impacts. For example, air pollution can
damage crops and livestock, which can lead to higher food prices. Air
pollution can also damage infrastructure, such as roads and bridges,
which can lead to higher maintenance and repair costs.
3.4. Ảnh hưởng đến những mặt khác
Air pollution in Hanoi can have a number of other impacts, including:

- Reduced quality of life: Air pollution can make it difficult to enjoy

outdoor activities and can cause unpleasant smells and odors. This can
reduce the quality of life for citizens of Hanoi.
- Increased social tensions and conflict: Air pollution can lead to
increased social tensions and conflict. For example, citizens may be
angry or frustrated about the government's inaction on air pollution, or
they may blame each other for contributing to the problem.
- Damage to cultural heritage: Air pollution can damage cultural
heritage sites, such as temples and monuments. This can harm tourism
and the local economy.
Vocabulary Definition Vietnamese
Stroke a medical emergency that occurs Đột quỵ
when the blood supply to part of
(n) the brain is interrupted or
reduced, preventing brain tissue
from getting oxygen and
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Bệnh phổi tắc nghẽn mãn
Disease (COPD) is an umbrella
(n) term that encompasses several
long-term lung conditions,
including emphysema, chronic
bronchitis, and chronic asthma.

Bronchitis a respiratory condition that Bệnh viêm cuốn phổi

occurs when the bronchial tubes,
(n) which carry air to and from the
lungs, become inflamed and
produce mucus.
Dementia a general term used to describe a Chứng mất trí
decline in cognitive function
(n) that interferes with daily life and
autism spectrum a condition related to brain Rối loạn phổ tự kỷ
development that impacts how a
disorder person perceives and socializes
(n) with others, causing problems in
social interaction and
Miscarriage the spontaneous loss of a Sự sẩy thai
pregnancy before the 20th week.
susceptible to likely or liable to be influenced Dễ bị
or harmed by a particular thing
Photosynthesize refers to the process by which Quang hợp
plants and some bacteria
(v) synthesize sugars or other
substances by means of
foreign investment capital flows from one country Đầu tư nước ngoài
to another, granting foreign
(n) investors extensive ownership
stakes in domestic companies
and assets.
crops and livestock Crops: plants that are grown for Mùa màng
food, fuel, or fiber.
(n) Livestock: farm animals that are
raised for the purpose of
providing meat, eggs, milk,
fiber, skin, feathers, and other
Inaction lack of action where some is Tình trạng không hành
expected or appropriate
(n) động

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