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Evaluation of Experience

- Insight learned from all the phase of work immersion

Work immersion is one of the competent that the Grade 12 student must undergo a training in a
span of days. As Grade 12 student of Technical, Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) – Home
Economics of Hawan National High School, I done my work immersion at Jaja Bakery and
Rakdell Inn with a span of 10 days, with a total of 5 days of work immersion, respectively. With
this experience, I gained a lot of knowledge from the two different work place.
From the experience, I realize that the work immersion serves as a foundation for an
effective problem-solving, strategic, and successful future by equipping the student trainees with
a holistic understanding of the field chosen. Work immersion enhances communication skills, as
work immersion delve deep on how to understand the perspective, need and expectations of the
customers especially in the food and service industry. Also, the immersion allows me to step on
the shoes of the others, by experiencing the others hard work, I was enabled to comprehend the
experience and hard work of the others in the work place. I was be able to comprehend the pain
points of the personnel at the their work place, on how they maintain their tasks and ensuring the
quality of their service to the customers. Moreover, I was be able to see the importance of
collaboration, trust-building and a cohesive and productive work environment in the work
setting. Lastly, I was be able to instill the sense of accountability to my responsibility, enhance
my commitment and dedication to every task that assigned and given to me.
- Problem encountered during the work immersion
Based on my experience in the environment of work immersion, I didn’t encounter any of the
challenges that may occur in the work place. As I be able to finish the tasks assigned to me
flawlessly. The one thing that I observed into my self is that, I was lack of confident in every task
I made, I overthink that if I execute my task I may fail or succeed yet I still work out to improve
this one area of my progress. With the proper guidance of my co-worker, I was be able to step-
out little by little from the feelings of backing off from my tasks. And after the work immersion,
I was be able to come out from my comfort zone, and face my tasks with confidence and
commitment to finish the tasks with respect.
- Suggestion/Recommendation
 Improve the time/duration of the work immersion. Through this way the trainees with not
just learn the basics of their chosen field yet also to improve the fundamentals of the
chosen career career/track of the students in the future.
 Must have a better communication outlet in the workplace. By this there will be no
boundaries between the trainers and the trainees during the work immersion.

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