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Teacher’s Copy

T his book contains

A) Whole year Micro Schedule

B) Lesson Plan

C) Notes of Lesson

D) Worksheet

E) Feedback of the Teacher about the Class

F) Home learning Activities prescribed

G) Suggestions to Asynchronous learning

Name of the Teacher

Name of the Subject ENGLISH

Class CLASS 10
Lesson & Topic* : LESSON: TRIUMPH OF SURGERY Date :

TOPIC : Tricki the pampered dog

Number of Students Present : Number of Students Absent :

Names of the Students Absent :

 In the previous class we have learnt about the various characters in the story.
Recapitulation of concepts of
the previous class*  What do you think the story is about?
 What kind of a person do you think Mrs. Pumphrey is?
 To enable students to realize the consequence of misuse of money by
Learning objectives of the
current class* rich people like Mrs. Pumphrey who overfed her pet and made him
 To enable students to learn reading critically & develop the confidence
to ask & answer questions.
 To promote the habit of self-learning & reduce dependence on the
Learning Outcomes of the  Student will be able to analyze the various characters in the story
current class*
 Students will be able to understand the consequences of misusing of

Vocabulary, terminology and

phrases* 1. Lumbago [luhm-bei-gow]: acute or chronic pain
[synonyms: back ache, slipped disk, back pain]
The man has lumbago. He can't bear it.
A bad attack of lumbago unfitted him for work in the garden
2. Wrung [ruh-ng]: To squeeze
[synonyms : twisted, pressed, squeeze out]
The dress is being wrung by the man.
She wrung her hands in agony, distressed that she could not at once
repair the evil she had done.
3. Listless [lis-les]: lacking energy and enthusiasm
[synonyms : unwilling, languish, spiritless]
He's seemed listless and a little depressed ever since he got
his test scores
As the match continued, she grew listless and made a number of
Teaching aid
Planned phases of the Duration* Details* /resources/Activity
class* (in min) supporting the learning
outcomes of the

 Recapitulation
 Introducing new words
(Beginning)  Reading Paragraph 1 & 2
 Silent Reading
 Loud Reading

The story starts when Mrs. Pumphrey, a

rich lady takes her dog out for a walk. A
nearby veterinary doctor who knows the

Details of the class* lady sees the dog and is shocked as he

notices that the dog looks like a bloated
sausage with a leg at each end.
20 Mins
The doctor advises her to stop giving
(Middle) him unhealthy things to eat but Mrs.
Pumphrey is not able to refuse him. Soon
he falls sick and the doctor is called.
(What is it that a student
The narrator, Mr. Herriot then somehow
needs to learn/know in order
to demonstrate the set of this takes Tricki, the dog to the hospital even
session’s learning outcome?)
though he knows that Mrs. Pumphrey is
not ready to leave her dog and nearly
fainted just by hearing these words. Then
he takes the dog along and puts a bed for
him in his surgery. The dog doesn't move
much nor eats anything for the first two
1. Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
A: Mrs Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he is unwell. He has refused to eat food and had bouts
of vomiting. She feels that he is suffering from a serious health issue such as malnutrition.

2. What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?

A: Mrs Pumphrey starts giving him extra snacks like malt, cod-liver oil and Horlicks, apart from his main
meals, to improve his condition. She also continues to satisfy his sweet tooth with cream cakes and
chocolates. She does not give him any exercise, considering his listlessness as well. She is not wise in
doing so because overfeeding Tricki is worsening his conditions instead of improving it. It has made him
very fat and lazy

3. How did Mr. Pumphrey and her servant behave when Tricki was being sent to the surgery?
A: The entire staff was roused, maids rushed in and out bringing his day bed, night bed, cushion, toys.
Everybody was in tears. Mrs. Pumphrey gave a desperate cry, when Tricki was sent to surgery.

4. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey make a frantic call to Mr. Herriot? OR What was Tricki’s ailment? How did
it worry Mrs. Pumphrey?
A: Mrs. Pumphrey had a dog named Tricki. Indirectly, she was responsible for the dog’s illness. She gave
him little extra between meals i.e., malt, cod-liver oil, etc. He was not given any physical exercise. So,
the dog fell ill and started vomiting also. It made Mrs. Pumphrey so much worried that she had to call the
veterinary surgeon, Dr. Harriot for his treatment.

5. Why was Dr. Herriot confident that Tricki will be in hospital soon?
A: Dr. Herriot was shocked to see Tricki’s condition. He knew that the latter would soon be hospitalised
as he was unable to move. He had become hugely fat, like a bloated sausage and his tongue lolled from
his jaws.

6. How would you describe the behavior of the rich woman Mrs. Pumphrey’s, pampering and over
feeding Tricky?
A: Mrs. Pumphrey behaved in a very silly and thoughtless manner by over pampering Tricky. Indirectly,
she was responsible for his ill health. It was totally a waste of money. But this behaviour is very common
among rich people. It is a general problem of those who live alone.

7. What suggestions were given by Dr. Herriot to Mrs. Pumphrey at the initial stage?
A: Dr. Herriot suggested Mrs. Pumphrey to cut down on the sweet things and not to give extra food to
him. He also suggested her to give him more exercises and keep him on a very strict diet.

Teaching aid
Planned phases of the Duration* Details* /resources/Activity
class* (in min) supporting the learning
outcomes of the
End of the Class*
(End) 8 Mins  Mrs Pumphery was a wealthy
woman. She loved her dog too much. THE FOOTPRINTS
• She gave him some little extras WITHOUT FEET
between meals to build him up, malt,
cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks
at night.
• She gave him lot to eat but no
• Once he became ill & she was
worried & made a frantic call to
Harriot who was a vet.
• James already had given suggestions
regarding Tricki’s balanced diet. But
she never followed it.
• He was a vet. He was shocked to see
Tricki hugely fat, like a bloated
sausage with a leg at each corner.
 End of the class Quiz

CLASS & SEC: _____________ NAME:_________________

I. Extract Based Questions:

1. I was really worried about Tricki this time. I had pulled up my car when I saw him in the street with his
mistress and I was shocked at his appearance. He had become hugely fat, like a heated sausage with a leg at
each corner. His eyes, bloodshot and rheumy, stared straight ahead and his tongue lolled from his jaws.
(a) Who is I referred in the above extract?
(b) Why was he worried?
(c) Which word in the above extract means the same as excessively?
(d) Why was the author shocked?

2. Mrs. Pumphrey hastened to explain, He was so listless, Mr. Herriot. He seemed to have no energy. I thought
he must be suffering from malnutrition so I have been giving him some little extras between meals to build him
up, some malt and cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night to make him sleep-nothing much really.
(a) What did Mrs. Pumphrey want to explain and to whom?
(b) Why was she giving little extra between meals to him?
(c) Which word in the above extract means the same as Tacking energy and enthusiasm?
(d) What did Mrs. Pumphrey think?

II. Answer the following:

1. What was Tricki’s ailment? How did it worry Mrs. Pumphrey?

2. How would you describe the behavior of the rich woman Mrs. Pumphrey’s, pampering and over feeding

Describe activities to What are the ways we can keep our pets healthy?
challenge more abled

Describe activities to support slow What do you feed your pet to maintain its good health?
learners of the current class*
ICT Links*

Art & Craft Activity supporting Collect different pictures of different breeds of dogs
learning of the current concept*
Music/Dance or theatre/ role play Create a scene with the dialogues between Mrs.Phumprey and Mr. Herriot before
Activity supporting learning of the taking the dog to the Surgery
current concept*

 R.K Gupta, Golden English Communicative

Additional reading resource in the  Together with-English Language and Literature
library or eBooks*  Arihanth Publishers-NCERT Solutions
 Oswal School books, Oswal publications

Extensive Reading
A Dog Named Duke by William D Ellis
End of the class Quiz* (Check Quiz Time:
the learning)
1. What problem does Mrs Pumphrey think Tricki has?
a) Diarrhoea b) malnutrition
c) Allergies d) all of the above
2.Did Mrs Pumphrey cut down on sweets as was advised?
a) Yes b) no
c) only for a while d) she was not advised anything like that
3. Who is Hodgkin?
a) dog owner b) gardener
c) Veterinary surgeon d) Dog
7- What was the dog unable to play?
a) ring-throw b) walk
c) hide and seek d) all of the above
8- What did the doctor advice?
a) cut his food b) give him more exercise
c) keep him on a very strict diet d) all of the above
9- Was the narrator waiting for a call from Mrs Pumphrey?
a) No b) yes c) Maybe d) maybe not
10- What is the meaning of 'distraught'?
a) Bend b) worried c) Upset d) both b and c


Were the lesson objectives

realistic and realized?

Was there a need to make

changes to the plan? If so,
describe why?

Any occurrence
Home learning Activity: Answer the following briefly

a) Give two reasons why Tricki was fat.

b) Why was Mrs. Pumphery over feeding her dog?

c) Why was Mrs Pumphery worried?

Asynchronous methods prescribed for learning* :
 A power point presentation about the author
 A YouTube video on the lesson []

Rubric (what is expected of the student to get a particular grade on an assignment)* :

 Student should be able to explain the obsession of Mrs.Phumphrey
 Student should be able to tell the reason behind the ill condition of Tricki
* Art & craft – clay modelling, Charts, 3D Animations, 3D Printing, Robotics, etc.

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