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Speech for the Session (from the side of Emethy)

Greetings everyone. My name is Abhisekh, and I am the counsel for Hawkers
Publishing House
A very warm and Cordial greeting to everyone present here. Before proceeding, I
would like to express my sincere gratitude to both distinguished mediators for their
excellent introduction and for setting the direction of this session. I hope their efforts
have Inspired trust between the parties to speak Without any hesitation. It is also
worth mentioning the warm welcome you extended to make us feel at ease.
Appreciate any special remark by the mediator or opposite party
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank O client Name for taking the time
out of her busy schedule to participate in this negotiation process, which shows her
commitment to impending dispute amicably and through non-legal means. Having
said that, allow me to clarify my capacity here. As a counsel, I am only here in an
advisory capacity and shall only be dealing with the technicalities and intricacies of
the proposals we lay on the table today. The power to accept or reject any offer
partially or completely shall only Rest with my client, Mr. Abishekh. I also
acknowledge the importance of creating an environment that supports open
dialogue, where each party can express their ideas and proposals effectively. To
achieve this, we may need to exchange information through questions. And hence, I
hope everyone here does not hold any objections to this practice of inquisitory
approach. I would like to invite Mr. Gunther to provide a broad overview of the
relevant facts, share his intentions, and outline his expectations for this valuable
dispute resolution----------------- session.

A warm greeting to every one of you present here. My name is Ravindra I am
here as a Representative of Hawkers Publishing House. Thank you, Abhisekh,
for that wonderful introduction. Now I deeply value our partnership with our
Authors which is why when Abhisekh told me about this mediation process, I
quickly jumped on the idea however I had some reservations regarding the
same but the wonderful explanation about mediation by X and Y You guys are
clear of my all doubts and now I am enthusiastic to explore the solutions that
we reach here today.
Now, opposite counsel name, I think you and I are both aware of how things have
gotten down that led us to this table but to set the record straight and to be on an
equal footing with everyone else I would like to begin by recalling the scheme of
events, I would like to begin by giving a brief introduction about our firm and
the work that we do Today, I proudly stand before you as a representative for
Hawkers Publishing House - a dynamic and prestigious publishing entity rooted
in a rich history of excellence, imagination, and ingenuity. Since our humble
beginnings as the 'Intellectual Press' in 1557, we have evolved into the
formidable Hawkers Publishing House in 1950, weathering countless challenges
and emerging even more resilient. Along this journey, we have formed deep
partnerships with brilliant authors who entrust us with their works, their
visions, and their goals. We started with 15 authors and now we have a team of
72 Authors
However, like any journey, we have faced moments of uncertainty and conflict.
The emergence of digitization in the early 2000s presented us with both
opportunities and obstacles as we navigated a rapidly changing landscape
while staying true to our fundamental beliefs and values. At our company, the
protection and well-being of our authors are paramount. We highly value the
integrity and security of our authors and are dedicated to ensuring their peace
of mind.
The launch of Hawk Web in 2022 marked a significant advancement towards
this goal and exemplified our dedication to pushing boundaries and embracing
the immense potential of technology to enhance the reading experience and
forge connections between authors and readers in innovative ways. It became
popular all over the world after its launch our authors also benefitted from this
Their bookselling and profits also increased.
As we continue to innovate, it's important to acknowledge the inherent risks
that come with progress. Unfortunately, a recent incident involving the
unsanctioned release of unpublished material has caused tension in our
partnership, causing distress for our authors and questioning our dedication to
principles of transparency, responsibility, and ethical conduct.
We deeply regret that our recent incident of unauthorized release of
unpublished content may have caused distress or dissatisfaction. Our sincere
apologies go out to those affected by this situation and we are truly sorry for
the impact it had on the authors, their works, and our reputation. We took
swift action to rectify our mistake by promptly removing the unpublished
original work. We also suffered reputational harm because of this leak and
Facing Criticism from all over the world.
We are also aware of the concerns that the introduction of AI tools has sparked
among our valued authors about their job security. We would like to make it
clear that the implementation of AI-generated content is not meant to
undermine the creativity and skill of our writers. Rather, our goal is to elevate
the quality and variety of content on our platform, giving our readers even
more to explore and enjoy.
We want to sincerely assure each one of you that your job security is our top
priority. The incorporation of AI tools is not intended to undermine the
contributions of our talented authors, but rather to enhance your capabilities
and offer valuable support in content creation.
We also acknowledge the valid concerns surrounding the AI-generated content
on our platform and its potential resemblance to the works of other authors.
These concerns are not taken lightly, and we are dedicated to enhancing our AI
algorithms for producing original and unique content. At HPH, we prioritize
transparency and authenticity, and we are steadfast in our commitment to
uphold these values throughout our platform.
In an earlier instance of Royalty sharing clause dispute, we worked
collaboratively with you to sort out differences very amicably and I am Hoping
the Same from this session also.
We are confident that, through honest dialogue, mutual respect, and
collaborative effort, we can emerge from this mediation session stronger, wiser,
and more united than ever before.
Now Abhisekh you wanna summarise or add something to my statement

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