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I spend most of the day on my phone, most of that

time is spent on social media. Social media has rapidly

advanced since the 2003 MySpace launch. Instagram and
Tiktok are now used to Market your business, spread the
mass word about politics, keep up with friends and family,
etc. I was surprised to find out that facebook is the largest
social media network. Being Gen Z, growing up, Instagram
was the new, flashy social media platform. My first
experience with social media was with facebook before
the allowed age of 13. Social media at that time (12) was
my only way of communication with my friends and I would
spend hours downloading my pictures onto my facebook

While reading the second article, I was shocked by the

initial first statistic shown. This chart showed how many
US adults get their news from social media. Growing up in
this age, the news is hardly watched by anyone that I
know and if they're reading the news, it's because they
clicked a link off of a social media post. Before 2020 it may
have been seen as silly to get your news from social
media, but as platforms like tiktok and instagram keep
growing, they are able to spread mass information across
the globe. This makes it easy to have information and real
life events, (like the war in Gaza) shown on social media in
video and picture form.

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