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​STD​ - X ​DATE​- 14/10/ 2020
(Attempt all questions from this section)
Q 1 A Fill in the blanks (5)
1) ________ pigment gives colour to the urine.
2) The impulse or command to start the heart beat arises in the _______.
3) Transpiration helps in creating __________ force.
4) Active transport is one in which the ions outside the roots move in by utilising
5) ___________ produces sex cells or gametes.

B State whether true or false and rewrite the correct statement by either changing
the first or last word. (5)
1) Dark reaction of photosynthesis occurs during the night.
2) The repeating components of each DNA strand lengthwise is called nucleosome.
3) Blood group ‘O’ is called the universal donor.
4) Kidney detoxifies ammonia by converting it to urea.
5) Guttation in plants occurs maximum at mid-day.

C State the odd one out and give the category of the rest​. (5)
1) Root pressure, Turgidity, Capillarity, Adhesion.
2) Stoma, Epidermal cells, Hydathodes, Guard cells
3) Photolysis, Oxygen formation, Glucose formation, ATP formation.
4) Ammonia, Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine.

5) Guanine, Glycogen, Thymine, Cytosine.

D ​Given below are certain terms, in each group arrange and rewrite the terms in
the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence​. (5)
1) Renal artery, Urethra, Ureter, Kidney, Urinary bladder.
2) Clot, Thrombin, Fibrinogen, Prothrombin, Fibrin.
3) Endodermis, Root hair, Xylem, Soil water, Cells of cortex.
4) Metaphase, Cytokinesis, Synthesis phase, Telophase, G​1​ phase.
5) Spongy cell, Stoma, Palisade tissue, Veins, Substomatal spaces.

E Name the following​: (5)

1) Ground substance present in chloroplast.
2) Point of attachment of the sister chromatids with the spindle fibres.
3) Structural and functional unit of the excretory system.
4) Abnormally decreased number in RBC count.
5) The full complement of DNA of an organism.

F Look at the diagram and answer the following questions​. (5)

1) Name the apparatus.

2) What is it used for?

3) What is the role played by the air bubble in this experiment?
4) What is the use of the reservoir?
5) What happen to the movement of the air bubble if the apparatus is kept in
the dark. Give reason for your answer.


(Attempt any 3 questions from this section)
Q 2 A ​Look at the diagram and answer the questions that follow​. (5)

1) Identify the structure shown above.

2) Label parts 1 to 4
3) State the structural difference between the parts labelled 1 and 4.
4) Name the stages involved in urine formation.

B ​Give Reasons​. (5)

1) The blood in the arteries flows in spurts.
2) Marine fish burst when thrown under tap water.
3) Mature erythrocytes lack mitochondria.
4) In some Xerophytes leaves are modified into spines.
5) Leaves of some plants wilt during mid-day and recover in the evening.

Q 3) ​The diagram given below represents circulation in the human body look at
it and answer the following questions​. (5)

1) Name blood vessels labelled 1, 3, 6 and 7.

2) Mention one structural difference between the blood vessels numbered 4
and 5.
3) Mention the importance of the vessel labelled 3.
4) State two functions of the spleen.

B ​Complete the following by filling in the blanks numbered 1 to 10 with the

appropriate word/term​. (5)
Photosynthesis involves light reaction and dark reaction. During light reaction,
the chlorophyll present in the ___(1)_____ gets activated by absorbing light
energy. This energy splits __(2)_____ molecules into its two components
___(3)____ and oxygen and releases two electrons. This process is called
___(4)______. The ___(5)__ ions picked up by NADP to form ___(6)_____. The
ADP is converted to __(7)___ .This process is called ____(8)___. During the
dark phase, the compound produced at the end of the light reaction, reacts
with carbon dioxide to form ___(9)___. This product is converted to starch and
this process is called ____(10)______.

Q 4 A ​The diagram given below represents a plant cell after being placed in a
strong sugar solution. Study the diagram and answer the questions​. (5)

1) What is the state of the cell shown in the diagram?

2) Name the structure that acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
3) Label parts numbered 1 to 5 in the diagram.
4) How can the above cell be brought back to its original condition?
5) State any two features of the above plant cell which is not present in an
animal cell.

B ​Give the exact location of the following​. (5)

1) Tricuspid valve
2) Grana
3) Kidney
4) Hydathodes
5) Gene

Q 5 A) ​Look at the diagram and answer the following questions​. (5)

i) What is the aim of the above seen experiment?

ii) Identify the plant marked ‘X’.
iii) Name the gas ‘Y’ released.
iv) State the missing component in the above experimental set-up.
v) Give a balanced chemical equation of the physiological process seen above.
vi) State two significances of the above seen process to humans.
vii) Name the pigment which helps to carry out the above seen process.

B ​Give the biological or technical terms for the following. (5)

1) The phase of the cardiac cycle in which the auricles contract.
2) Exudation of sap from the injured plant part.
3) Movement of WBCs out of the capillary walls at the site of injury.
4) A solution in which there is no movement of water molecules across the cell
5) The minimum pressure that must be exerted to prevent the passage of the
pure solvent into the solution when the two are separated by a
semi-permeable membrane.
6) The chemical substance used to test the presence of starch in the cell of the

7) The condition in which the blood passes with urine due to some infection in
the urinary tract.
8) The minute openings on the surface of old woody stems.
9) The term associated with having only one set of chromosomes.
10) The hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland which
increases production of urine.

Q 6 A ​The diagram shows a schematic representation of the start of a certain

phenomenon in cell division​. (5)

1) Name the phenomenon seen above.

2) Which is part marked ‘X’?
3) Name the type of cell division in which this
phenomenon occurs.
4) Label parts 1 and 2.
5) What is importance of the above seen phenomenon?
6) Define Karyokinesis.
7) Draw a diagram to show the end result of the above seen phenomenon.
B ​Differentiate between on the basis of the points given in the brackets​. (5)
1) Erythrocytes and Leucocytes (Function)
2) Mitosis in Animal Cell and Mitosis in Plant Cell (Cytokinesis)
3) Atrial Systole and Ventricular Systole (Valves open)
4) Ureter and Urethra (Function)
5) Turgor Pressure and Wall Pressure (Define)


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