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The descendants of Tambun Bungai's ancestors lived in the village of Rangan Marau.
This place is in the upper reaches of the Joroi River, a tributary of the Barito river. The village is
headed by Lambung's son in law Sempung and his wife, Nyai.
One day Lambung and several men from the village of Marau went hunting in the forest.
On their way, they met a group of hunters from Mahakam. Their meeting caused hostility
because the Mahakam group wanted to kill them. Then they fought in the forest. The power of
dexterity of Lambung they won in fights but they did not kill them, they were told to go home to
tell the people in their village, Mahakam Village.
Several years later, there was a news that the Mahakam people would take revenge by
way of headhunting (looking for human heads) to Rangan Marau Village. Receiving this news,
the people of Rangan Marau led by Sempung gathered all the villagers of their village to agree to
move from Rangan Marau village to a safer place. Before making the agreement, they did
Manajah Antang (traditional ceremony), which is asking God for guidance in which direction
they should move to a good place by means of an eagle. In Manajah Antang they provided three
directions, Katingan River, Samba River and Kahayan River.
Finally, the eagle showed the direction of the Kahayan River for where their lived. They
carried all the valuable properties they had, while what was worthless they burned. On a good
day, they left Rangan Marau.
After decades of wandering in the dense forest, they came to the Miri River, a branch of
the Kahayan River. They called the place Marangai (which means relief). At Marangai, the
villagers stopped and built a large raft to use their way down the Kahayan River.
After the raft was finished, Sempung and his wife arranged a place so that all villagers
had a place in the raft. To find a good place to live, Sempung brought a rooster that he got from
Tanah Kasambungan when he first wandered. This rooster has supernatural powers because it
could give good signs to his master. The crowing chicken named Atung Sempung would give a
sign, whether the raft stopped by or continued.
After everyone had their place in the big raft, they went down the Miri River. The raft
went down and some of the strong men rowed the raft, while others beat the gongs, kenong and
kettledrums so that they would not feel tired. After three days and three nights, they arrived at
the mouth of the Miri River and Atung Sempung crowed. Sempung ordered Kaja and her family
went to the land to live there. Kaja and her family were the first to lived in the Kahayan river
which is called Tumbang Miri.
They continued along the Kahayan River until they reached Liang Narui and Piak and his
family started life in Liang Narui that called Batu Tamarang Kandang. In Tumbang Habaun
Rangan Bintang (habaun means front or estuary), Atang Rangan Bintang and his family came
down and started life there. Then, Isuh Batu Nyiwuh and his family got off at a place called Batu
Nyiwuh. After short time, Etak and his entire family started life in a place called Tewah Village.
Arriving at the mouth of the Pajangai River, Atung Sempung's rooster crowed seven
times again. The large raft was then stopped at a place called Tumbang Pajangai. Sempung and
his wife, Nyai, lived there. The sons of Sempung and Nyai are Bungai and Rambang. Lambung,
Sempung's father in law, was a little old at that time but still healthy. Sempung and his wife, Nyai
and their slaves lived in a place called Tumbang Panjangai. Those who lived in this village are
called Tatum (ancestors) by the Dayak Ot Danum, Central Kalimantan.
After that the raft was stopped by crows Atung Sempung and Nyohungan and their
families lived in this place and this place is called Saran Rangan. After that, Sarun Nukan and
his family and slaves got off at a place called Tumbang Manyangan. In Robohu Tutung Pitu, or a
bay connected to seven bays, namely Batu Palangka close to Kuala Kurun, Basir Anju, a
traditional healer and his family stopped and stayed there. Not long after, the raft stopped at
Tampang Dirung Tingang, which is now known as Kuala Kurun, Rating and his family lived
there. Arriving at a place called Tarawan, Mina Biran and her entire family came down and lived
in that place. After short time, in Tutuk Busung Tangkahen Tintu Rantau, Ringkai Tumbung and
her entire family settled there. At that time there was only one family left in the raft, the Rakou
family. Rakou became the first descendant to live in the downstream of Kahayan River, was in
Tumbang Rungan Village, the most upstream descendant was in Tumbang Miri.

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