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It's important to note that the choice between active

Passive Voice and passive voice depends on the context and the
The passive voice is a grammatical construction in which emphasis you want to give in your sentence. The passive
the subject of a sentence undergoes an action or voice is often used in formal writing, scientific reports,
receives the action performed by the verb. In the or when the focus is on the result or impact of an action
passive voice, the focus is on the recipient of the action rather than the doer.
rather than the doer. It is formed using a form of the Auxiliar resources:
auxiliary verb "to be" (such as "is," "was," "were," "has
been," etc.) followed by the past participle of the main
Here is an example to illustrate the difference between
active and passive voice:
Active voice: The cat chased the mouse.
Passive voice: The mouse was chased by the cat.
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In the active voice, the subject (the cat) performs the
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action (chased) on the object (the mouse). In the
passive voice, the subject (the mouse) receives the
action (was chased) and the doer (the cat) becomes less
important or is omitted.

Here are some key points to remember about the

passive voice:

Formation: Passive voice is formed using a form of the

auxiliary verb "to be" + past participle of the main verb.

• Present simple: am/is/are + past participle

• Past simple: was/were + past participle
• Present perfect: has/have been + past participle
• Past perfect: had been + past participle

Object becomes subject: In the passive voice, the object

of the active sentence becomes the subject of the
passive sentence.

Agent (doer) may be omitted: In some cases, the agent

(the doer of the action) is not mentioned in the passive
voice. However, it can be included using the preposition
"by" to indicate who or what performed the action.

Usage: The passive voice is commonly used when the

doer of the action is unknown, unimportant, or when
the focus is on the recipient of the action.


Active voice: They built a new bridge.

Passive voice: A new bridge was built (by them).

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