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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

Honors 2nds Year & Degree 3rd Year English Grammar Suggestion-20 mark
Prepared By: Bgivb †nv‡mb Lvb(A-z) Suggestion creator
Mobile: 01902-147108
***‡h †Kvb 5 wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|***

****wb‡P Gevi †h MÖvgvi ¸‡jv Avm‡e †mB MÖvgvi Gi iæjm ¸‡jv †`qv n‡jv| Avcbviv PP©v Ki‡jB
GKB wbq‡g Kgb cv‡eb Bbkvjøvn||

**Avi GKwU K_v wcÖq QvÎ-QvÎx fvB-‡evb †Zvgiv MÖvgvi As‡ki Rb¨ weMZ mv‡ji cÖkœ Abvm© Ges
wWMÖxi cÖkœ ¸‡jv PP©v Ki‡jB MÖvgvi As‡k DËi Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
weMZ mvj: Abvm©: 2014,15,16 wWMÖx: 2013,15,17 mvj||

****Rules of WH-Question***

***Grammar Gi GB Ask †_‡K cÖkœ Avmvi m¤¢ebv 99% ZvB wb‡Pi Rulse ¸‡jv PP©v Ki‡Z

 Where=‡Kv_vq,‡Kvb ¯’v‡b,‡Kvb RvqMvq BZ¨vw` A_© cÖKvk K‡i|

 Why=‡Kb,wK‡mi Rb¨,wK Kvi‡Y A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
 What=wK A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
 When=KLb,‡Kvb mgq,‡Kvb mg‡q A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
 How=Kxfv‡e,wK Dcv‡q,KZ cwigv‡Y,KZUv?
 Who=‡K,Kviv,‡Kv‡bv †jv‡Kiv|
 Whom=Kv‡K|
 Which=‡KvbwU|
 Whose=Kvi|
‡hgb: They will stay here for two hours.
= How long will they stay here?

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

 Sub ঠ : W.H+ Verb + Sub + Verb +....?

 Rule 01: because for / to/as ( ) Why ।I

 Rule 02: twice/once/often/every How often ।

 Rale 03: form/in/on/ Where ।

 Rule 04: Cat/last + time, fin + time, /tomorrow/ evening/ morning/ Sunday/
yesterday/ / When ।

 Rule 05: as/by+, tired/ well/ fine/ feel/ cats and dogs/on foot How

 Rule 06: How many+N 36. She off -How long. Cara for+time,/reach

 Rule:07: Sub IC Someone /Somebody /Everyone /Everybody e WH 2. Who +

Verb + Not + Verb এ Present form + ? Sub Nobody /No
one/ None/ Neither WH এ ঠ । 2. Who + ?

 Rule: 08 Sub W.H এ ঠ : 1.W.H + ?

**GB ¸‡jvi e¨venvi ¸‡jv co‡jB 4 gvK© 100% Kgb Avm‡e|

*** Re-arrangement of words***

***Grammar Gi GB Ask †_‡K cÖkœ Avmvi m¤¢ebv 99% ZvB wb‡Pi Rulse ¸‡jv PP©v Ki‡Z
 g‡b ivL‡eb GKwU evK¨ m¤ú~Y Ki‡j Subject+Verb+object jvM‡e| Avi evK¨wU †hb
Aek¨B A_© †evaK nq †m w`‡K †Lqvj Ki‡Z n‡e|
 wb‡Pi iæjm ¸‡jv co‡jB DËi Ki‡Z cvi‡eb|
 Subject+verb+object+adverb.
 there+be verb+noun(plural).
 Subject+verb+gerund.
 Subject+know+how to+verb
 Subject+transitive verb+indirect object+direct object.

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

 Have+subject+verb+object.
 What+noun phrase+it+be verb.
 Subject+should not be+adjective+to+verb.
 Subject+verb+too+adjective+to+verb.
 Lef+indirect object+verb+direct object.
 Subject+should have+verb+past participle.

*** wKQz D`vniY:

1.child mother Loves every her.
Ans: Every Mother Loves Her child.
2. The brave favours fortune.
Ans: Fortune favour the brave. to industry the success key.
Ans: Industry is the key to success.
4.The is capital of Bangladesh.
Ans: Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. in became 1971 Bangladesh.
Ans: Bangladesh Became free in 1971.
6. read regularly a must student.
Ans: A student must read regularly.
7.Beautiful flower is What a it!
Ans: What a beautiful flower it is!
8. sin tell to great lie a is a.
Ans: To tell a lie is a great sin.

Punctuation(weivg wP‡ýi e¨venvi)

1. Full stop(.) 7. Apostrophe comma(`)

2. Comma(,) 8. Dash(-)
3. Semi colon(;) 9. Hypen(-)
4. Colon(:) 10.Inverted comm/Quotation marks
5. Note of Interrogation (?) [` `], [`` ``]
6. Note of Exclamation (!) 11.Brackets[{()}]

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

Full Stop(.)
The full stop represents the greatest pause. (dzj ÷c c~Y© weivg wPý‡K cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i)
This symbol is used; GB cÖZxK e¨eüZ nq
a. At the end of an assertive sentence (Assertive ev‡K¨i †k‡l)
1.Belal is good boy.
b. At the end of an Imperative sentence (imperativee ev‡K¨i †k‡l)
1.Get out from the class.
c. At the end of an optative sentence (optative ev‡K¨i †k‡l)
1.may you be happy.
d. After abbreviation: (Abbreviation – Gi ci
1.He is a B.A/M.A.
Excptions (e¨wZµg)
Kg(kilogram), UNESCO, UN, WASA, CNN,BBC

Comma (,)
The comma represents the shortest pause (Kgv me‡P‡q Kg weivg wPý‡K cÖwZwbwaZ¡
a.To spate three or more word or phrase of the same class, the last two are
connected by and (GKB †kÖwYi wZb ev Z‡ZvwaK word ev Phrase ‡K Avjv`v Ki‡Z e¨eüZ
nq| †kl `ywU and Øviv hy³ nq|
a.Belal, Helal and Karim are my friends.
Semicolon (;)
The semicolon represents a greater pause than the comma and a shorter pause
than the full stop. (Semicolon Kgv †_‡K ‡ewk mgq _vgvq Ges full stop ‡_‡K Kg _vgv‡K
cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i)
a. Between two clauses of a compound sentence when they are not joined by
coordination conjuction.(compound sentence Gi clause ¸‡jv coordination
conjunction Øviv hy³ bv n‡j ZLb Zv‡`i g‡a¨ ‡mwg †Kvjb e¨eüZ nq)|
b. Between tow coordination clauses joined by `and’ , `but’, `still’, yet, etc,
When the subjects are not the same. (and, but , still, yet) BZ¨vw` Øviv hy³
coordination clauses Gi subject Avjv`v n‡j G¸‡jv c~‡e© †mwg †Kvjb nq)

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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

The colone is a longer pause than the semicolon. (Colon n‡jv ‡mwg †Kvjb
†_‡K `xN© weiwZ)
a. To introduce a list. ‡Kv‡bv ZvwjKvi m~Pbv Ki‡Z|
b. After the greetings in a business letter. (Business letter G m¤¢vl‡Yi ci)
c. To sepatrte titles or numbers (Title Ges Number - ‡Z Avjv`v Ki‡Z)
d. Conversation Gi mgq speaker Ges Zvi D×…wZ‡K Avjv`v Ki‡Z|
Note of interrogation (?)
The note of interrogation is the question mark. This symbol is used GB
cÖZxK e¨eüZ nq|
a. After WH questions. (WH-questions Gi c‡i|)
b. After a `Yes/No question (Yes/No question Gi c‡i|)
c. After a tag question( Tag question – Gi c‡i)
d. In brackets to express doubt.(eÜbxi g‡a¨ m‡›`n _vK‡j Zv cÖKvk Ki‡Z)

Note of Exclamation (!)

The symbol is used GB cÖZxK e¨eüZ nq|
a. After an exclamatory sentence( Exclamatory sentence -Gi c‡i)
b. After an Exclamatory word of phrase. (Exclamatory word ev phrase Gi c‡i)
c. After a person when someone greets him /her by using the words or phrases
such as : Hello, hi, etc
Apostrophe Comma (`)
a. This symbol sometimes is used with `s’ in order ot form the possessive case
of a singular noun (Person ). (Singular e¨w³evPK Noun Gi possessive case MVb
Ki‡Z GB cªZxK gv‡S gv‡S Ôs’ Øviv e¨eün nq|)

b. If the plural number of a noun is formed with `s’ or `es’, then only the
apostrophe comma is used to from the possessive casw of tha plural noun.
hw` †Kvb noun Gi Plural number `s’ es’ Øviv MwVZ nq ZLb †mB plural noun- Gi
possessive case MVb Ki‡Z †Kej Apostrophe comma e¨eüZ nq|)

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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion
GB cÖZxK e¨eüZ nq:
a. To indicate significant pause.(‡Kvb Zvrch©c~Y© weiwZ eySv‡Z)
b. To resume a list of subjects.(A‡bK¸‡jv KZ©v‡K GKmv‡_ ¸wQ‡q wb‡Z)
c. Before the author name and after the direct.
d. Before words in Apposition(Apposition - Gi k㸇‡jv c~‡e©)
e. To indicate the repetition of and idea. (‡Kvb aviYvi cybive„wË Ki‡Z)
The hyphen is a shorter line than the dash. (Hyphen n‡jv dash – Gi †QvU
(W¨vk Gi e¨envi)
a. To connect the parts of a compound word.(‡Kvb compound k‡ãi Ask¸‡jv †hvM
Ki‡Z nvB‡db e‡m|)
b. To divide the word at the end of line.(jvB‡bi †k‡l †Kvb kã‡K fvM Ki‡Z)
c. In compound numbers from twenty one to ninety-one (compound Number a
twenty one ‡_‡K ninety one ch©šÍ)
d. After the prefixes like `ex’, self, etc.
Inverted Comma or Quotation Marks (‘ ’) (`` ’’)
The inverted commas or quotation marks are used.
a. To indicate quotation is a sentence.(ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ †Kvb wKQy DׄZ n‡j)
b. To enclose the title of a prose, poem, article, book, etc. (‡Kvb prose, poem,
article, book, BZ¨vw`i bvg eySv‡Z)

c. To draw attention to a word (‡Kvb k‡ãi g‡bv‡hvM AvK©lY Ki‡Z)

Brackets [{()}]
The brackets are used:
a. In parenthesis
1. We invited Mr. Sami (he is a renewed professor) to attend the party

Note: Parenthesis - Gi A_© n‡jv Kgv,W¨vk eÜbx Øviv Avjv`v Kiv evK¨ ga¯’
evK¨/ evK¨vsk
b. To enclose stage direction .(stage wb‡`k©bv‡K enclose Ki‡Z)
Use of capital letters
A capital is used (‡jLvi mgh eo nv‡Zi Letter e¨eüZ nq)

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion
a. To begin a sentence (evK¨ Avi¤¢ Ki‡Z)
b. To begin each line of a poem.(KweZvi cÖ‡Z¨K jvBb ïiæ Ki‡Z)
c. To begin first word of a quotation in a sentence.( quotation G †Kvb ev‡K¨i
cÖ_g word ïiæ Ki‡Z|)
d. For good and for the pronoun relation to him.( Avjøvni bvg Ges Zvi c~‡e©
pronoun Gi cÖ_g Aei capital Letter nq|)
Rule-1: ‡Kvb Sentence Gi cÖ_g word Gi cÖ_g Letter memgq capital letter nq|
Rule-2:me ai‡Yi Proper noun Ges Proper Adjdective Gi cÖ_g capital letter
Rule-3:Bs‡iwR KweZvi cÖ‡Z¨K jvB‡bi cÖ_g capital letter nq|
Rule-4:w`b, gvg, evi, HwZnvwmK NUbvi cÖ_g capital letter nq|
Rule-5:Dcvwa, c`wei cÖ_g capital letter nq|
Rule-6:c‡Îi m‡¤^va‡b©i †ÿ‡Î capital letter nq|
Rule-7: b`x, weL¨vZ feb ev cÖwZôvb ms¯’vi bvg Gi mgq capital letter nq|

Exercise of Punctuation
a. I came to Dhaka early in this morning I sent you a telegram before
starting from home he said did you receive it in time he asked no I
b. do never eat anything for luncheon she said oh don not say that I
answered generously I never eat more than one thing .
c. give me a few grains of corns im dying of hunger said the grasshopper
but what did you do in the summer dint you store up any grain the ant
remarked no I was too busy.
d. why dont you attend classes regularly the teacher said to rohan you
cant expect good results unless you attend classes.

Changing Word
 GLvb †_‡K 4 (Pvi) gvK© cv‡eb Bbkvjøvn
Changing word ej‡Z GKwU Word -‡K GK Parts of Speech ‡_‡K Ab¨ parts of
Speech-G iƒcvšÍi Kiv‡K eySvq|
Present Participle
Rule-1: wb¤œwjwLZ Noun ¸‡jvi Av‡M Ôem’ prefix ‡hvM K‡i verb Kiv nq-

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion
Noun Verb
Power (ÿgZv) Empower(ÿgZvm¤úbœ)
Rule-2: wb¤œwjwLZ Noun k㸇jvi †k‡l Ôise’ ‡hvM K‡i Verb ‰Zwi Kiv nq-
Noun Verb
Memory(¯§„wZ) Memorise (gyL¯Í Kiv)

Rule-3: wKQz wKQz word – Gi †k‡l en ‡hvM K‡i verb MVb Kiv nq-
Noun Verb
deep (Mfxi) deepen(Mfxi Kiv)
Rule-4: wKQz wKQz g‡a¨ Vowel cwieZ©b K‡i verb MVb Kiv nq|h_v:
Noun Verb
Choice(cQ›`) Choose(cQ›` Kiv)
Rule-5:wb¤œwjwL k㸇jvi mv‡_ ify/fy ‡hvM K‡i verb ‰Zwi Kiv nq:
Noun Verb
Example(D`vniY) Exemplify (D`vniY

Rule-6:wb‡Pi k㸇jvi Av‡M `be’ ‡hvM K‡i verb MVb Kiv nq|
Noun Verb
Fall(cwZZ Befall (NUv)

Verb nB‡Z Noun MVb

Rule-1:Verb Gi †k‡l de _vK‡j de- Gi RvqMvq sion/tion ‡hvM K‡i Noun MVb Kiv nq|
Verb Noun
Provide(mÂq) Provision(mÂq)
Rule-2 ‡Kvb †Kvb verb Gi †k‡l ment ‡hvM K‡i noun MVb Kiv nq|

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion
Verb Verb
Agree (ivwR Agreement (m¤§wZ)
Rule-3:verb Gi †k‡l fy _vK‡j Zvi RvqMvq fuction/fication ‡hvM K‡i noun MVb Kiv nq|
Verb noun
Notify (weÁwß Notification (weÁwß)
Rule-4:verb Gi mv‡_ wewfbœ suffix ‡hvM K‡i noun MVb Kiv nq|
Verb noun
Create (m„wó Creation (m„wó)
Rule-5:verb Gi †k‡l te/t _vK‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© tion ‡hvM K‡i Noun MVb Kiv nq|
Verb noun
Expect (Avkv Expectation (cÖZ¨vkv)

Adjective ‡_‡K Noun MVb

Rule-1: Adjective Gi †k‡l ure _vK‡j Dnvi Ôe’ Gi cwie‡Z© ity/ety ‡hvM K‡i noun MVb
Kiv nq|
Adjective Noun
Sure (wbwðZ) Surety(wbðqZv)
Rule-2: Adjective Gi †k‡l hood/dom ‡hvM K‡i noun MVb Kiv nq|
Adjective Noun
False(wg_¨v) Falsehood (wg_¨v K_v)
Rule-3:Adjective Gi †k‡m al/el/il/le/ile BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Zv‡`i †k‡l ty ev ity ‡hvM K‡i
noun MVb Kiv nq|
Adjective Noun
Moral (‰bwZK) Morality (‰bwZKZv)
Rule-4:Adjective Gi †k‡l ar/or _vK‡j Zvi †k‡l ity ‡hvM K‡i noun MVb Kiv nq|

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion
Adjective Noun
Regular Regularity
(wbqwgZ) (wbqgvbyewZ©Zv)
Rule-5:Adjective Gi †k‡l ant/nt _vK‡j ant/nt Gi RvqMvq cy/ce ‡hvM K‡i noun ‰Zix
Kiv nq|
Adjective Noun
Absent(Abycw¯ÍZ) Absence (Abycw¯ÍZ)
Noun ‡_‡K Adjcetive MVb
Rule-1:Noun Gi †k‡l ce/cy ‡hvM _vK‡j Zv cwieZ©b K‡i ent/ant/nt/t ‡hvM K‡i adjective
MVb Kiv nq|
Noun Adjective
Decency Decent (f`ª)

Rule-2:Noun Gi †k‡li Aÿi cwieZ©b K‡i ful ‡hvM K‡i adjective MVb Kiv nq |
Noun Adjective
Duty (`vwqZ¡) dutiful (`vwqZ¡evb)

Rule-3:wKQz wKQy Noun Gi †k‡l ce/c/e/f cwieZ©b K‡i al/tial ‡hvM K‡i adjective MVb Kiv
Noun Adjective
clinic(wPwKrmv Clinical (wPwKrmv
cÖwZôvb) m¤úwK©Z)
Verb n‡Z Adjective
Rule-1: Verb Gi †k‡l able ‡hvM K‡i adjective MVb Kiv nq|
Verb Adjective
Attain (cvIqv) Attainable (cvIqvi

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

Rule-2:Verb Gi †k‡l e ev` w`‡q †mLv‡b able ‡hvM K‡i adjective MVb Kiv nq|
Verb Adjective
Desire (Avkv Clinical (Avkvi †hvm¨)
Rule-3: Verb Gi †k‡l ate _vK‡j Zv ev` w`‡q ive suffix ‡hvM K‡i adjective MVb Kiv
Verb Adjective
Narrate(eY©bv Narrative(eY©bvg~jK)

 Synonyms And Antonyms

Synonyms n‡jv mgv_©K kã| cÿvšÍ‡i, antonyms n‡jv wecixZ kã|

ÔÔil’ ‡hv‡M wecix kã MVb:
evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
h_v_© Legitimate Illegitimate
D`vi Liberal Illiberal
`in’ ‡hvM wecixZ kã MVb:
evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
cÖ‡hvR¨ Applicable Inapplicable
wbwðZ Definite Indefinite
Ôim’ ‡hv‡M wecixZ kã MVb:
evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
AbyZß Penitent impenitent
µwUk~b¨ Perfect Imperfect
Ôun’ ‡hv‡M MwVZ wecixZ kã:
evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
DbœZ Developed Undeveloped
RbwcÖq Popular Unpopular

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

Ôdis’ ‡hv‡M MwVZ wecixZ kã:

evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
Avwef©ve Appearance Disappearance
AbyivM Affection Disaffection

Ôanti’ ‡hv‡M MwVZ wecixZ kã:

evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
Pig ch©vq Climax Anti-climax
Nwoi KvUvi w`K Clock wise Anti-clock wise
Ômis’ ‡hv‡M MwVZ wecixZ kã:
evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
AvPiY Conduct Misconduct
‡mŠfvM¨ Fortune Misfortune

Ôir’ ‡hv‡M MwVZ wecixZ kã:

evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
wbqwgZ Regular Irregular
`vwqZ¡ Responsible Irresponsible
Ôde’ ‡hv‡M MwVZ wecixZ kã:
evsjv A_© kã wecixZ kã
wmsnvm‡b emv‡bv Enthrone dethrone
wbqš¿Y Kiv Control Decontrol

Suffix `less’ ‡hv‡M MwVZ wecixZ kã:

 Care+less=careless (AmZ©K)
 Use+less=useless (AcÖ‡qvRbxq)
 Coloruful+less (isnxb)
 Fearful+less (fqnxb wbf©xK)
 Faith+less (wek¦vmnxb)
 Mercy+less (wb`©q)

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

*** wKQz ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Antonyms ‡`qv n‡jv:

***g‡b ivL‡eb mvaviYZ k‡ãi Av‡M ( Un,Mis,Dis,Im,Ill) hy³ K‡i Antonyms Kiv nq|

Word Antonym Sentence

Trust(wek¦vm Kiv) Mistrust She looked at the stranger with
Kind Unkind Be kind to unkind people.
Idle Active How does he stay Active?
Beautiful Ugly He look like ugly.
Confirm cancel He cancel this schedule.
Honest Dishonest He is a dishonest man.
polite uncivil He is uncivil to his team.
Accept Reject He reject her proposal.
Busy Idle He idle for her work.
Strong Weak He is too weak to walk.
Pure Impure Impure water is a cause of
Cheap Costly The price is very costly to buy.
Modern outdated This style is outdated.
Fertile Sterile This is a sterile land.
Happy Unhappy She is an unhappy Girl.
Dark Bright The sky is Bright.
Famous Notorious He is a notorious person.
Violence Peace All people want peace.
Hate Love Love is Divine.
Forgive punish He should be punished.
Issue Start Start the work.

*** GB ¸‡jvi cvkv-cvwk weMZ mv‡j Avmv Abvm© I wWMÖx cixÿvq Avmv Antonyms ¸‡jv
wk‡L ivL‡e|

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

 wb‡P wKQz ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Kv‡iKk‡bi iæjm Ges D`vniY †`qv n‡jv Practice K‡i wb‡e mevB|

 One……. One`s, everyone….. his.

Incorrect: One should know his follies.
Correct: One should know one`s follies.
Incorrect: One should do his duty.
Correct: One should do one`s duty.
Incorrect: Everybody was paid one`s salary.
Correct: Everybody was paid his salary.
 Let Gi c‡I memgq objective from nq|
Incorrect: Let you and I go our for a walk.
Correct: Let you and me go out for a walk.
Incorrect: Let you and I go there.
Correct: Let you and me go there.
 Singular sub+singular verb+singular Possessive.
Incorrect: Each of the members has submitted their report.
Correct: Each of the members has submitted his report.
 as though, as if, wish BZ¨vw`i c‡i be verb e¨envi Kivi cÖ‡qvRb n‡j were e¨envi
Ki‡Z nq|
Incorrect: He talks as if he is a learned man.
Correct: He talks as if he were a learned man.
 Zzjbv eySv‡Z comparative Gi than Gi ci GKB noun Gi cybve„wË cwinvi Kivi Rb¨
Av‡Mi As‡ki noun wU singular n‡j that of Ges plural n‡j those of e¨envi Ki‡Z
Incorrect: The climate of Cox`s Bazar is better than Dhaka.
Correct: The climate of Cox`s Bazar is better than that of Dhaka.
Incorrect: The roads of Dhaka are better than Barishal.
Correct: The roads of Dhaka are better than those of Barishal.
 Till/Until/Unless Gi c‡i clause wU KL‡bv negative (not) nq bv|
Incorrect: Stay here until I do not come.
Correct: Stay here until I come.
Incorrect: Do not come unless you are not requested.
Correct: Do not come unless you are requested.

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Incorrect: Wait here until I do not come.

Correct: Wait here until I come.
 Insist+on+possessive+verb+ing.
Incorrect: Father insists me to read.
Correct: Father insists on my reading.
Incorrect: He insisted me to go there.
Correct: He insisted on my going there.
Incorrect: He insisted me to go.
Correct: He insisted on my going.

 or Junior, senior, superior, inferior BZ¨vw` Latin Comparative Gi c‡I

than bv n‡q to nq|
Incorrect: You are junior than me by four years.
Correct: You are junior to me by four years.
 Discuss, comprise, resemble, resign BZ¨vw` verb Gi c‡i †Kvb preposition e‡m
Incorrect: The girl resembles to her mother.
Correct: The girl resembles her mother.
Incorrect: He resigned from the post.
Correct: He resigned the post.
Incorrect: Mr. Ali has resigned from his post.
Correct: Mr. Ali has resigned his post.
Incorrect: We discussed about the problem.
Correct: We discussed the problem.
Incorrect: They will discuss about the matter.
Correct: They will discuss the matter.
 Simple Sentence Gi 2q verb D‡Ïk¨ hy³ n‡j to+verb Gi base form nq|
Incorrect: He went to market buying a shirt.
Correct: He went to market to buy a shirt.
Incorrect: John went to Scotland for playing golf.
Correct: John went to Scotland to play golf.

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 preper Gi ci `ywU Verb _vK‡j ing nq Ges gvSLv‡bi than D‡V wM‡q to e‡m|
Incorrect: I Prefer read than write
Correct: I prefer reading to Writing.
Incorrect: Riya prefers to sing than to dance.
Correct: Riya prefers singing to dancing
Incorrect: The girl prefers dance than sing.
Correct: The girl prefers dancing to signing.
Incorrect: The teacher prefers to write than to dictate.
Correct: The teacher prefers writing to dictating.
 Avail+reflexive+of.
Incorrect: He will avail the opportunity.
Correct: He will avail himself of the opportunity.
 Infrom+e¨w³+of.
Incorrect: Inform this matter of the principal.
Correct: Inform the principal of this matter.
Incorrect: You should inform the matter to your father.
Correct: You should inform your father of the matter.
 know, teach, learn, explain Gi c‡i how to+verb &Gi base form nq|
Incorrect: The girl knows to drive a car.
Correct: The girl knows how to drive a car.
 wb‡Pi appropriate preposition ‡_‡K GKwU Correction Avm‡eB:-
Charged with—Awfhy³, stick to—AUj _vKv, accused of--Awfhy³, open at--wbw`©ó we›`y&,
come of- Rb¥MÖnb Kiv, on foot- cv‡q nvUv, lough at – we`ªæc Kiv, Admit of-AeKvk _vKv,
Angry at- e¯‘i Dci ivM, Angry With- e¨w³i Dci ivM, Absent from- Abycw¯’Z _vKv,
Think about--‡Kv‡bv wel‡q wPšÍv Kiv, key to- PvweKvwV, appear at/sit for- cixÿvq
 wb‡Pi Word ¸‡jvi GKwU _vK‡j AciwU wjL‡Z nq:
Withness= evidence . quote=from memory, Learn=by heart, devoted to=
addicted to, Invent= discover , Invention= discovery, each other= one another,
due to= owing to, no less=no fewer.
17. Incorrect: He feels comparatively better today.
Correct: He feels better today.
Incorrect: Karim told me a lair.
Correct: Karim called me a lair.

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Do you finish the work yet. (yes, No Question Gi MVb K‡i n‡e)
Correct: Haven`t you finshed the work yet. (mvnvh¨Kvix verb+sub+verb+….)
Incorrect: Would you mind to sing a song.
Correct: Would you mind singing a song?

Right form of verb

Right From of Verb

English Grmmar Class

A Class By Emran Suggestion
Important Top Rules
me‡P‡q mnR Dcv‡q †kLvi †Póv|
**gvÎ 8 wU Rules ØvivB Right From of Verb Gi
mgm¨v mgvavb Kiæb!
1.Right From of Verb wK?
Right From of Verb n‡jv wµqvi mwVK iæc| Avi Verb ‡K
ejv nq Sentence Gi ü` ¯ú›`b| A_©vr Verb Gi mwVK iæc ev MVb‡K
ejv nq Right From of Verb.

2. Verb Gi mwVK From KqwU?

 Verb Gi Base from: V1( eat,go) Present From.
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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

 Verb Gi mv‡_ s,es hy³(eats,goes)

Verb Gi Past From: V2(ate,went)
 Verb Gi Past participle: V3 (eaten,gone).
Gerund From: Verb+ing -Present
Infinitive From: To+V1( to eat, to go)

3.To be Verb ‡Kvb ¸‡jv?

To be Verb n‡jv (am,is,are.was,were,Shall
be,Will be,Have been,Hase been,had
been,shall/will have been.
4. To Have Verb ‡Kvb ¸‡jv?
Have,has,had,Shall/will have.
5. To Do Verb ‡Kvb ¸‡jv?
6.Modal or Semi Modal Verb ‡Kvb ¸‡jv?
might,must,need,dare,used to,ought to,am to,
is to ,are to, was to,were to,have to,has to,had to

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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion


# Modal verb Gi ci verb V1(base) from n‡e|

#Modal Verb Gi mv‡_ be hy³ _vK‡j Verb Gi V3 from n‡e|
#Modal Verb Gi mv‡_ Have hy³ _vK‡j Verb Gi V3 from n‡e|
For Example:
a) He might have(here) the name of sultan.
b) It can easily be (Solve) within seconds.
c) They must (following) the rules of behave follow.
d) You Have to (came) here on time.


# To Do verb Gi ci verb V1(base) from n‡e|

#To Have Verb _vK‡j Verb Gi V3 from n‡e|

For Example:

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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

a) She did not (phoned) me last night.

b) Have you ever (is) in dinajpur?
c) Rupa had (has) her meal.


# Prepostion+(V1+ing) n‡e|
#To +V1 n‡e|
#Exceptional: (With a View to,get used to,addicted to,be
used to,look forward to) GB ¸‡jvi ci V1+ing) n‡e|
For Example:
a) To(buy) a pen,she went to new market.
b) For(buy) a pen,she went to new market.
c) With a view to (buy) a pen,she went to new market.
= Buying.


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# To Be Verb+(V1+ing)= Active n‡e|

A_v©r To verb Gi c‡i hw`Verb Uv active nq ing from n‡e|
#To Be verb+v3= passive n‡e|
Avi hw` verb Uv passive nq V3 from n‡e|

Note: Active I Passive wPbvi Dcvq?

Subject hw` wb‡R KvR K‡i Zvn‡j Active Voice n‡e|
Subject hw` wb‡R KvR bv K‡i Zvn‡j Passive Voice n‡e|

For Example:
a) Sugar is(import) from Brazil.
b) (import) Sugar from Brazil.


**Singular KLb Avi Plural KLb nq?

#Subject singular n‡j Verb Singular nq|
#Subject plural n‡j Verb Plural nq|

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#Body( Someboady,Any
g,Any thing), G¸‡jvi c‡i Verb memgq singular nq|
Note: is/was/has/does GB ¸‡jv singular Auxiliary
Verb. For Example: Someone is/are coming.


GLv‡b verb cÖ_g prep Gi Sub ‡K follow Ki‡e|
AZGe, #Subject singular n‡j Verb Singular nq|
#Subject plural n‡j Verb Plural nq|
For Example:
The Houses of salam in Dhaka is/are big.
= are.


hLb Verb Gi mv‡_ s/es nq|

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Sentence Gi g‡a¨ generally, regularly, normally, daily,

everyday, always, etc. adverb _vK‡j †m evK¨vwU Present
Indefinite Tense nq Ges subject 3rd person singular A_©vr
he, she, it ‡Kv‡bv e¨w³i bvg, †Kv‡b e¯‘i bvg n‡j verb Gi mv‡_
s/es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|

For eample:
1, Nila (take) coffee regularly.
Ans: takes
2, He always (try) his level best.
Ans: tries
ARvbv K_v:

* Verb Gi †k‡l ss, sh, ch, gh, o, x, zz _vK‡j es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|

* Verb Gi †k‡l y _vK‡j Ges y Gi consonant _vK‡j y _vK‡j y Zy‡j ies

‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|

* Dc‡ii `yBwU wbqg Qvov Ab¨vb¨ mKj †ÿ‡Î verb Gi mv‡_ s ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|

‡Kv‡bv sentence Øviv hw` wPišÍb mZ¨ (Universal truth) ev Af¨vmMZ
Kg© (Habitual fact) ‡evSvq, Zvn‡j †mB sentence wU present
indefinite tense nq| †mB Rb¨ subject (3rd person) n‡j verb Gi
Gimv‡_ s/es hy³ Ki‡Z nq|

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For example:
1, The earth (move) round the sun.
Ans : moves.
2, We know that ice (float) on water.
Ans: floats.

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 wb‡P wKQz ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Right form of verb iæjm Ges D`vniY †`qv n‡jv Practice K‡i
wb‡e mevB|

Rule::- Singular sub+S hy³ verb. Plural Sub+S gy³ verb.


Rule:would you mind, cannot help, with a view to, used to, Preposition(on, of, form,
without) Possessive form(him, our, her, their, its), Simple Sentence 2q verb
D‡Ïk¨wenxb, While+verb BZ¨vw` _vK‡j verb +ing Ki‡Z nq| ev‡K¨i †k‡l verb _vK‡j
verb+ing nq|
1) Would you mind (have) a cup of tea?
2) Cannot help(laugh)
3) I went to new market with a view to (buy) a new shirt.
4) Upama is used to (swim) in the river.
5) One should not say anything without (know).
6) I Saw two boys (swim) in the pond.

Answer: 1. Having, 2. Laughing, 3. Buying, 4. Swimming, 5,

knowing, 6.Swimming

Rule::- would you mind, cannot help, with a view to, used to, Preposition(on,
of, form, without) Possessive form(him, our, her, their, its), Simple Sentence 2q
verb D‡Ïk¨wenxb, While+verb BZ¨vw` _vK‡j verb +ing Ki‡Z nq| ev‡K¨i †k‡l verb
_vK‡j verb+ing nq|
7) Fifty miles (be) a long distance.
8) A pair of shoes (be) on the table.
9) The Arabian Nights (be) my favorite book.
10) The fruit (taste) sweet.
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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

11) Charity (begin) at home.

12) The poor to (to be) born to suffer.
13) The rich (be) not always happy.

Answer: 7) Is, 8)is, 9)is, 10) tastes, 11) begins, 12) are, 13) are

*would that----Could+verb
* lest------Should+verb.
14. Would that I (enter) the room.
15. Walk fast lest you miss the train.

Answer: 14. Could enter, 15. Should miss.

*yesterday/since/, last+time, it is high time+Sub-------Verb Gi c‡i past form n‡e|
*Just, Just now, already, yet, lately, recently, ever, never----have/has+verb P.P.
Have/has+verb P.P

for since+time -------------------------have been/has been+verb+ing

16) I (dream) a bad dream last night.
17) He (come) home yesterday.
18) It is high time she (change) her habit.
19) Five year have passed since he (leave) the country.
20) I not yet finish the work.
21) He (buy) a car recently.
22) The rivers has (overflow) its banks.
23) They (learn) English for seven days.
24) It (to rain) since morning.
25) The patient (to die) before the doctor came.
26) The bell rang after he (reach) the college.
27) He talked as if he (know) everything.
Answer:16. Dreamt, 17. Came, 18, changed, 19. Left, 20, have not yet finished, 21, has
bought, 22. Overflowed, 23, have been learning, 24.has been raining, 25. Had died, 26.
Had reached, 27. Had known.

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Rule:- ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z If _vK‡e|

V2/had/were-----------would base.

Had+verb P.P---------would have+verb P.P

28) If I had camera, I (take) a snap.

29) If I were a king I (help) the poor.

30) If I (be) you, I woul help her.

31) Had I been a rich man, I (help) the poor.

Answer:- 28. would take, 29. Would help, 30. Were, 31. Would have helpe

Rule:- Past indefinite (v2) +that+……Next+time, day by day _vK‡j Answer n‡e: would
+verb (‡hwU verb ‡`qv _vK‡e †mwU w`‡Z n‡e)|

Past indefinite (v2)+that+……. Before/already _vK‡j Answer n‡e: had +verb

32) He said that he (come) the next day.

33) He said that Bangladesh (develop) day by day.
34) He said that he (meet) her before.
35) Selina said that she already (finished) all her course.
Answer: 32. Would come, 33. Would develop, 34. Had met, 35. Had already

Changing Word Rule & Practice

1. Noun Rule & Practice: k‡ãi †k‡l ment, tion, try, th, sion, ness, hood, ship,
dom, ce, ism, ist, er, or tude, ure, all(verb+all) ing(gerund) hy³ K‡i noun Ki‡Z
Word Noun Sentence
1 Achieve Achievement We have achievement.

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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

2 Apply Application Her application is not so good.

3 Appreciate Appreciation Her appreciation is known to all.
4 Beautiful Beauty Your new shirt is beauty.
5 Believe Belief She has a belief in my honesty.
6 Choose Choice Her choice is not so good.
7 Classify Classification Her classification is known to all.
8 Confess Confession Her confession is known to all.
9 Defendant Dependence Her dependence is not so good.
10 Die Death Death is preferable to dishonor.
11 Difficult Difficultly Her difficulty is known to all.
12 Erode Erosion The problem of soil is erosion
13 Guide Guidance Her guideless is known to all.
14 Honest Honesty Her honesty is known to all.
15 Know Knowledge Her knowledge is not so good.
16 Poor Poverty Her poverty is not so good.
17 Protect Protection We have no protection.
18 Reveal Revelation Is was a revelation to me.
19 Sing Signature His signature is complex.
20 Social Society We live in society.
21 Treat Treatment His treatment is not so good.
22 Wise Wisdom His Wisdom is known to al.
23 Try Trial Please give me a trial.
24 Capable Capability Her capability is known to all.
25 Depress Depression I have no depression
26 Dramatic Drama The Humble is a drama
27 Driver Driver My brother is a driver.
28 Exist Existence Allah has existence everywhere.
29 Free Freedom We enjoy our freedom.
30 Hungry Hunger She was faint with hunger.
31 Improve Improvement Her improvement is known to all.
32 Productive Production He has no production
33 Real Reality He refuses to face reality.
34 Refuse Refusal His refusal made me sad.
35 Work Work I have a work.
36 Stop Stoppage The journey has no stoppage
2. Verb Rule & Practice: k‡ãi †k‡l en, ise/ize, ify, ish ate, ed/de hy³ K‡i verb
Ki‡Z nq| Avevi KL‡bv KL‡bv k‡ãi Av‡M en, em, be hy³ K‡i verb Ki‡Z nq|
Word Verb Sentence
37 Beauty Beautify He should beautify the garden.
38 Civilization Civilize We should civilize our nation.

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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

39 Development Develop We should develop our country.

40 Decision Decide Decide yourself
41 Education Educate We Should educate our children.
42 Large Enlarge We should enlarge our duty.
43 Modern Modernize We should modernize our culture.
44 Rich Enrich He should enrich English
45 Success Succeed We should succeed our life.
46 Sure Ensure He should ensure the deal.
47 Weak Weaken He should not weaken in learning English
48 Education Educate He should characterize the issue.
49 Answer answer He should answer the question.
50 Character Characterize He should characterize the issue.
51 Ability Enable We should enable our body.
52 Advice Advise Father advised me.
53 Clear Clarify Clarify the matter.
54 Conclusion Conclude We should conclude our answer.
55 Friend Befriend We should befriend the poor man.
56 Life/living live We live in society.
57 Noble Ennoble Education ennoble our mind.
58 Payment Pay We should pay the bill.
59 Relationship Relate Please relate a story.
60 Safe save We should save our nation.
61 Short Shorten We should shorten our answer.
62 White Whiten We whitened wall properly.
63 Written Write I write a letter.
3. Adjective Rule & Practice :- k‡ãi †k‡l able , tory, tive, ful, ed, nt, ish, less,
ary, ar, ing (participle) all(noun+all) hy³ Ki Adjective Ki‡Z nq|

Word Adjective Sentence

64 Book Bookish The idea is bookish.
65 Courage Courageous Be courageous.
66 Culture Cultural I attend the cultural function.
67 Duty Dutiful She is dutiful worker.
68 Education Educational She is an educational person.
69 Friend Friendly She is friendly person.
70 Heath Healthy She is very healthy.
71 Pleasure Pleasurable She is a pleasurable man.
72 Pride Proud I am proud of you.
73 Society Social Man is a social being.
74 Trouble troublesome We had a troublesome journey.
75 Curiosity Curios I am curious.
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Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

76 Danger Dangerous Tiger is dangerous.

77 Heartily Hearty He is very hearty
78 Ordinarily Ordinary He is very ordinary.
79 Use Useful The pen is very useful.
4. Adverb rule & practice: Adjective Gi †k‡l ly hy³ K‡i Adverb Ki‡Z nq| †UKwbK
Av‡M †`L‡Z n‡e Word ‡Kvb Parts of speech G i‡q‡Q| hw` Adjective G _v‡K Zvn‡j
ïay ly hy³ Ki‡j Adverb n‡q wKš‘ hw` noun, Verb G _v‡K Zvn‡j cÖ_‡g Av‡M Word wK
†K Adjective Ki‡Z n‡e Zici ly hy³ K‡i w`‡jB Adverb n‡q hv‡e|
Word Adverb Sentence
80 Warm Warmly We welcomed him Warmly.
81 Brief Briefly Tell the story briefly.
82 Feeling Feelingly Please speak feelingly.
83 History Historically This is historically incorrect.
84 Natural Naturally He is naturally beauty.
85 Success Successfully Karim did the work successfully.
86 Thoughtful Thoughtfully He finished the work.
87 Moral Morally He did the work morally.
88 Usual Usually He did the work usually.
89 Kindness Kindly He helped the poor kindly.


Articels কে Adjective বলা হয় ।

Note: কে word কোন Noun বা Pronoun কে Modify েরে অর্াৎ

থ Noun বা Pronoun
সম্পরেথ বােতি ির্য কেয় িারে Adjective সবরল।

Note: Modify অর্ তবরেতিি

থ েো।

*** Article কেরহিু Noun কে তনতেষ্ট বা অতনতেষ্ট েরে বঝায় িাই Article কে
Adjective বলা হয়।

Rule: Articale সাধােণি Noun এে সামরন বরস তেন্ত কোন বােয েতে Adjective বা
Adverb র্ারে িাহরল Article টি Noun এে সামরন না বরস Adjective বা Adverb এে
সামরন বসারি হয়।

She is a Very beautiful Girl.

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Noted: শুনস্থান কে স্থারন র্ােুে না কেন বযারেে Noun এে উ঩ে তিতি েরে
Article বসারি হয়। Adjective বা Adverb এে তিতি েরে Article বসারনা োরব না।

Article 2 প্রোেঃ

1.Indefinite Articles _______A/An

2.Definite Article_______The.

Note: Noun টি Singular হরল A/An বসারি হয় । আে Noun টি plural হরল The
বসারি হয়।

Main Rule Of Articles:

 1. Indefinite Article _____A/An: অতনতেষ্ট + Countable + singular

 2. Definite Aertcle_____The ; তনতেষ্ট সেল কেরে।

Note: বারেে বাাংলা অর্ েেরল

থ টি , িা র্ানা, খাতন ,ে আসরল Aerticle the বসারি হয়।

**Vowel(A.E.I.O.U) এবাং েরেে উচ্চােণ Vowel (Sound) এে মি হরল An বসারি


Note:Vowel Sound 5টি ের্া ; এ, ই , এয়া,অ,আ ।

Short-Cut : Vowel(A,E,I,O,U) বযতিি এবাং েরেে উচ্চােণ Vowel Sound এে মি

েরে বসরব। তনতেষ্ট কবাঝারল The বরস।এবাং vowel (A,E,I,O,U)ও েরেে উচ্চােণ
Vowel এে মি হরল An বরস।

No Article :

**when we talk about things in general with countable and uncountable noun
continents, countries,cities,with meals, with foreign languages, with sport
র্ােরল No Article হরব।

***তনরেে Word গুরলাে ঩ূরব কোন

থ Article বরস না।

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**িািা(Bangla, France etc) খােয (bread,meat,etc), গ্যাস (oxygen, hydrogen etc)

কোগ্রবতে (malaria, cancer,AIDS) অেৃেয (information, Advice), িেল বস্ত্র (sand,
rice,flour) র্ারে েতে, ঩াঠ্য তবিয় (physics, history, chemistry ), প্রেৃতি (sunshine,
darkness), কখলাধুলা,(football, cricket, chess) এই word গুলুে ঩ূরব কোন
থ বরস না।

***তনরে েেগুরলাে আরগ্ Article the বরস।

েন্দ্র ,সূে থ , সাগ্ে , মহাসাগ্ে , নেী , ঩বিথ , কেণী , তে঩ ঩ুঞ্জ, উ঩সাগ্ে , উিে ,েতেণ
,঩ূব ,থ ঩শ্চিম জাতি,সম্প্রোয়, ধম গ্রনহ
থ ,েতব, জাহাজ,িাতেখ,আে কিাগ্ তলে নাম-
এে আরগ্ The বসারি হয়।

কেমনঃ the moon ,the sun, the red sea, the Atlantic ocean ,the Padma ,the
Persian Gulf, the north, the south ,the east , the west, the earth , the Muslim,
the Holy Quran ,the Daily Star, the Amir, the 24th October the United Kingdom.

 Article Prectice:

1.__(a)Sun carbons has been declared as(b)__World Heritage site by(c)__UNESCO.

There is (d)__great variety of plants and wild animals in this mangrove forest. This
forest is specially known around (e)__world for the royal Bengal Tigers.
Answer,(a)the (b)a(c)the(d)a(e)the
2. William words worth,(a)__second son of (b)__attorney-at-law read in
(c)__university named Cambridge. He wrote a remarkable poem on (d)__French
Revolution.(e)__English are proud of him.
3.Ferdousi was one of (a) _greatest poets of Persia. He wrote (b)_shahanama in
honour of sultan Mahmud. It is (c)_ epic . (d)_Sultan promised him to give him (e)
_piece of gold for each verse.------------
Answer, (a)the(b)the(c)an(d)the(e)a.
4. Bob Collins has recently become(a)__minister in (b)__new government. He was
(c)__professional footballer of the 1960s.He is supposed to be(d)__most skillful
player of his generation. He became (e)__Member of Parliament in 1990.
5.One of(a)__snake charmers was playing on(b)__flute and(c)__other was beating a
drum. As(d)__music grew louder and louder, more people from here and there

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

Answered, (a)the(b)a(c)the(d)the(e)the.
6. Everybody knows that sincerity is(a)__key to success.(b)__person can prosper in
life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c)__rules of sincerity can
never go(d)__long way in this world. There are (e)__lot of examples of this.
Answered, (a)the(b)a(c)the(d)a(e)a.
7. Mount Everest has always fascinated climbers. It is in(a)__Himalayas it is
(b)__highest mountain in(c)__world. It was named after (d)__It was Cyborg Everest.
He was (e)__first man to survey the Himalayas. In 1841.
8. At (a)__meeting held yesterday (b)__workers of (c)__factory, problems and
discussed them. They requested (d)__chairmen to prepare(e)__
Answer, (a)the(b)the(c)the(d)the(e)a
9. A university plays (a)__unique role in shaping(b)__man’s life. It gives(c)__not only
a good career but also (d) enlightened mind. In fact, (e)__educated have a Nobel
Answer, (a)a(b)a(c)a(d)an(e)the .
10. Tea is (a)__good drink. A cup of tea removes tiredness .It is (b)__proved malaria.
But tea is not free from abuse. (c)__person taking tea does not feel without it. Bear
in mind, tea contains (d)__element of caffeine .It may after man in various ways.
Answer, (a)a(b)*(c)a(d)an(e)a.
11. Education is (a)__backbone of(b)__nation. No nation can prosper keeping large
section of her population illiterate ,primary educations from fever, she makes life,
(e)__educated citizen can read books, newspaper etc.
Answer, (a)an(b)an(c)the(d)the(e)a

***Translation Bangla to English***

 Translation ûeyû Kgb Av‡m Lye Kg ZvI wb‡P K‡qKUv †`qv n‡jv PP©v K‡i iv‡Lv:Ñ

*** মহৎ ই ই ,
ম ৎ

Answer: Honesty is a great virtue. A man having such a virtue is fortunate. Everyone resp him.
Nobody dislikes him. Honest man is badly needed in the present context of Bangladesh We need
honest people for our overall development.

*** ম
চ -

Answer: Education is the backbone of a nation. No nstion can be prosperous with education. The
duty of teacher in respect of this matter is more. The students also have de Bangladesh is
advancing in the field of education.

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

*** ম হ ই ম ই হ
চ ম ই

Answer: Industry is the mother of good luck. Whether it money or education, nothing is without
diligence. Those who are idle lag behind forever. All who rose to eminence in sco were
industrious. In fact, industry is the key to success.

*** ই চমৎ ই হ ই হ
ই ই
Answer: Reading books is an excellent habit. There is no alternative to it. One has to books to
acquire knowledge. Many people do not read books. But there is no alternativ reading.

*** ম ই
ম চ
চ হ হ

Answer: Adulterated food is the name of panic now. Most of the foods beginning from child food
are no safer now. The dishonest businessmen mix adulteration in foods having to get more profit.
Social movement is essential for saving from this. The common people be conscious in this
connection Raqibul24 Handy Page No 68
*** চ । - ম
চ হ ম হ হ হ হ ম । ম
, ম । ম ম
ম ম চ
Answer: is the key to prosperity. The more advanced a country in education and culture is, the
more prosperous it is in all respects. But education must be geared to the needs of the age, and it
must be of highest Standard. Unfortunately, the standard of our education is not up to the mark to
meet the demand of the age and it is below. Standard. Should we fail improve the standard of our
education, we will fail to keep pace with the other countries.

***ম । চ । ইম হ ম ম
। ম ই ই ই ম চ হ ।

Answer: Man cannot live alone. He wants company. For this man has been living together long
since. One cannot do whatever he likes in the society. He has to abide by law and order.

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb

Honours & Degree English Grammar Suggestion By Emran Suggestion

*** । -
হ । ; ই । চই
ম । ম হ হ ।
Answer: Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Although some mills and factories have grown
up, the country has not yet been industrialized. Its agriculture is not self dependent either. Rather
the whole of it dependent on rain. Cloud is necessary for rain. When there is no cloud, there is no

***১৬ ম । ১৯৭১- ই ম
। ম ই হ । হ
চ । হ , , ম

Answer: 16 December is a red- letter day in our national life. We achieved Independence in this
day on 1971. This Independence was achieved in exchange of great sacrifice and blood. It is told
that it is easy to achieve liberty but difficult to preserve it. Tolerance, respect to others and
patriotism are very essential virtues for preserving liberty. Every citizen needs to acquire these

***ই ম ই চ
ই ম ই ম ম
ম - চ
Answer: English is an international language. It is a well-known language in the educa society all
around the world. Without knowing English, we cannot keep pace with developed countries of
the world. We cannot trade, commerce and international Relation through English.

*** D‡cvwiD³ MÖvgvi AvB‡Ug ¸‡jvi iæjm ¸‡jv PP©v Ki‡jB Kgb cv‡e Bbkvjøvn***

************************* The End****************************

Avgv‡`i mKj Kgb Dc‡hvMx mv‡Rkb †c‡Z †hvMv‡hvM Kiæb: Bgivb


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