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25th, December 2023.

Whatever reason you have obsessed with many factors of life, especially money which are prominent to
our fundamental needs, you still can strive, grow, and variously improve your values. One of the ways to
do this is by aiming at your own goal, for instance, enrolling in the university that you want, though it
seems useless, is heavily influenced by the crowd. Because of the social construct so deeply embedded
in the certificate you have that cause the first impression meanwhile the last by people towards what
you’ll perform. But you can achieve what you want without health in general, including both mental
health and physical health, therefore, studying nutrition, diet, and biology can help you build a strong
schedule in life as well as support others who struggle with their difficulty. Firstly, by knowing and
controlling what you’ll digest, consume, and maintain, you have a chance to stabilize your daily
mechanism which affects the rest of your actions and partially predict your future’s success. Secondly,
you find the way to help your family become healthier, happier, and more connected, you are the main
factor to bring the joyful air into your family due to your ability to establish habits and orders. Those
reasons are enough to indicate the important of learning and practicing what you already have rather
than manipulating the knowledge that you vaguely known.

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