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Social Media For the past decade, technology has evolved immensely and with it the
internet was born. The internet has been useful to us for so many reasons such as
connecting us to our loved ones, search about one’s different interests, for students and
professionals they can do research, to name a few. For short, the internet helps us
connect and share information (Sheppard, 2014) with anyone.
In a report called Digital in 2017 it showed the number of hours Filipinos spend on social
media platforms, such as Facebook, which is averaging from 4 hours and 17 minutes,
while 15 to 24 years old Filipinos are the biggest consumers of information technology (10
Eye-Opening Facts about Social Media in PH, 2016; ‘Filipino youths are biggest Internet
users’, 2014). Moreover, millenials in the age range of 20 to 29 years old followed by 13
to 19 years old age group are the top users of one of the most-used SNS today,
Facebook (Castro, 2016).
Among the different social media platforms available, studies show that Facebook,
Instagram and Snapchat (Lenhart, 2015) are the top three SNS most popular and most
used among teenagers. Not only do teens participate in one social networking site but
71% of their population are actively participating in other SNS. While in a recent survey in
the Philippines, it showed that the top 5 SNS are Facebook, Facebook Messenger,
Skype, Viber and Google.

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