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Who are YOU?

What do you really believe-

About yourself- do you consider yourself equal

to others?
About others- are others equal or are you
somehow better or worse?
About God or a supreme being or conscious-
ness- do you acknowledge a power greater
than man, a force of creation that supports life
and that which brings life and happiness?
And ye shall know the Truth and the
Truth shall set you free!
There is a law that governs all of life. It is the
law of the harvest or the law of Karma. What
you do unto others will be done unto you.
Therefore if you would be free, you must allow
and even promote the freedom of others.
If you really believe that all men are created
and endowed by their Creator with unalienable
rights, then you will never be a subject and you
would never subject another.
Love God with all your heart mind and strength
and love your neighbor as yourself. This is the
universal law
Wherefore do unto others as you would have
them do unto you. For the law requires that what
you do unto others will be done unto you.
Who are you? Do you posses the mind of a free
Do you possess a sufficient knowledge of the law
and the will to live it?
Can you, will you, see others as truly equal, love
them, and treat them as you would yourself?
Do you not know that you are in fact an exten-
sion of all that is?
If you would be free, if you would have peace of
mind, if you would create goodness all around
you, then must you not live the universal law?
Freedom is not Free

If man would be ignorant and free he seeks

that which never was and never will be.
Is not the whole of a nation, but the magnifica-
tion of the individuals that make up that whole.
“if a nation expects to be ignorant & free, in a
state of civilization, it expects what never was &
never will be.” Thomas Jefferson
Who are you? What do you really believe? Do
you know how govern yourself? Can you re-
frain from seeking to control and govern oth-
Courageous men and women risked life itself,
often selling themselves into temporary servi-
tude for a chance to live, think, believe as they
chose and to have a piece of the earth upon
which they might build a future. To this new
land of America they flocked. These were
builders and workers, true men and women.
Sadly history tells the same story over and over
how some men think they have the right to rule
and live off the labors of others without con-
sent. Such incursion of European power upon
the liberties and labors of the colonists created
anger and fomented resistance. Such were the
forces which impelled the people to seek Inde-
pendence from European influence.
Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of
Independence which declared the equality of
man and his inherent unalienable rights which
come from Almighty God. Governments are
only legitimate if they secure rights and have
the consent of those governed. Further, it is
the right of the people to alter what isn't serving
them or altogether abolish that government.
Mans right to have a piece of the earth and to
live unmolested in the enjoyment of that which
is his, is the very essence of justice and God's
How did we get to where we are today?
People are by their very nature are mentally
lazy and prone to let others take care of
things that require effort. Fair promises and
contracts with undisclosed provisions, word
art, and deception are at the root of what
has gone wrong in America.
BUT REMEMBER, there is not obligation
when deception is at the root!
Fraud vitiates everything it touches
There is no statute of limitations on fraud
The story of destruction of America can be summed up in
two simple words: UNLAWFUL CONVERSION!
The most important Story you have never been told -
The Mother's Story
What brought about the mother's story - A Brief History

1776 – The Declaration is the document that declared our status as

separate, equal, and free.
1781- The Articles of confederation bound the states together in a
perpetual union
1783 – John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams, all of whom
were esquires, were sent to negotiate the Treaty of Paris.
1787 –1789 The Actual Constitution is created. Money had been
borrowed from France to the tune of 80 million dollars and when it
came time to pay it back no one had sufficient gold to pay it back,
there was no force to collect it and no one stepped up. Under inter-
national law the debt had to be repaid within 70 years. France had
sold the note to the Bank of England which was and is controlled by
the Rothschilds. The Constitution and surrounding treaties essential-
ly put us financially under the control of England and her creditors.
(see the Supremacy Clause)
Our fledgling union of states contracted away nineteen duties ---and
the related rights--- to a British-owned and operated commercial
company. They could hardly tell the rest of the people that after eight
long years of war, they were getting back into bed with the British King
and giving up a large portion of all that they had won, including control
of American commerce, American treaty-making, American trade
policy, American defense capability, and much more. Our states were
thus ahd have been effectively controlled by the British King and
emasculated, indeed, castrated us with international jurisdiction, even
while our country was being born. It was a gross relinquishment of
power, autonomy, and wealth on our part and a liability laced with rich
benefits for the British King and the colonial investment groups--- which
included many famous Americans you might know. The Constitution
tells us how the delegated services are to be provided, organized,
monitored, paid for, how the “Federal Government” is to be “limited”
and all that it is obligated to be and do--- nary a word is said about our
own state and county governments ruling the land jurisdiction. Nary a
word about the exercise of the non-delegated powers retained in the
international jurisdiction of the sea by our union of states. In all of this
mayhem, somehow the land jurisdiction was preserved and this is
a big deal!
By controlling our international defense forces, our foreign
policy, our commerce, our currency, and our trade policies, the
British King or his creditors could do exactly what subsequent
Monarchs have done---- use and abuse our resources, use our
men and boys as gun fodder in wars for profit, use our women
as factory and agricultural slaves, devalue our currency, and
control our votes in every international assembly. From the
Founding Fathers’ side of it, their deal probably saved more
than half the loaf and forestalled yet another war with England.
Thankfully, the founders were able to preserve the land
jurisdiction which meant we could actually own our own
Property in Allodium
Because of the fact that the Land Jurisdiction was preserved,
the founders were able to make one of the greatest decisions in
the history of the world. They determined that property would
be gifted or granted- these land grants were/are called Land

A Land Patent is the conclusive evidence of the right, title and

interest in a particular tract of land granted to a private party by
and from the united states government. In addition, the grantee
also receives all of the authority and Jurisdiction relating to that
land. This is called a absolute or “True Title”.

The Land Patent authority and jurisdiction comes by way of

treaty. Treaties are the supreme law of the land and courts are
bound by the supremacy clause which makes a land patent
superior title throughout the land.
Property in Allodium (cont.)
When a land patent is issued by the united states, to the
grantee that land is granted forever. That is why on every land
patent it states- to their “HEIRS AND ASSIGNS FOREVER'!

“The American people, newly established sovereigns in this

republic after the victory achieved during the revolutionary war,
became complete owners of their land, beholden to no lord or
superior, sovereign freeholders in the land themselves.

These colonists in the original 13 states now held allodial title or

Freehold to the land they possessed. The doors were opened to
the forthcoming public lands for grants of full title. This new and
more powerful title protected the sovereigns from unwarranted
intrusions or attempted takings of their land, and more
importantly secured in them the right to own land absolute in
perpetuity. By definition, the word perpetuity means, continuing
Property in Allodium (cont.)
From the commissioner of General Land Office Book, page 28-
29 (1870)
“The individual title derived from the Government involves the
entire transfer of the ownership and the soil and water.” It is
purely ALLODIAL!
“With all the incidents pertaining to that title as substantial as in
the infancy of Teutonic civilization. Following in the wake of this
fundamental reform in our state land laws are several others
which constitute appropriate corollary.”
“The statute of uses was never adapted in the public-land
states, and hence the complex distinction between uses and
trust has never embarrassed our jurisprudence.”

Only in America could man finally became the king of his own
castle,he could actually enjoy the fruits of his own labor and
create his own little slice of heaven here on earth! The land
Rush Westward was a dream in the making.
1819; The American states passed the Titles of Nobility Amendment to
the original Constitution, putting teeth and penalties into earlier
provisions effectively prohibiting members of the Bar Associations from
holding any public offices

After years of witnessing infiltration of British influence in congress and

witnessing heavy influence by these foreign agents this proposed 13th
amendment was put forth to correct European meddling. TONA was
finally passed by Virginia, the last state needed to ratify on March 12,
1819. TONA is intimately connected to questions of loyalty, honesty,
war and national defense. It is designed to combat internal subversion
and discord sowed by people who are adhering to powers foreign to the
Congress of the United States who flirted with stepping across the bold
Constitutional line of treason.

Prior to the civil war this amendment was found in copies of the
Constitution. After the passage of the anti slavery amendment 13, the
original 13th Amendment TONA all but disappeared.
TONA – the actual 13 amendment
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or
retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of
Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or
emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince,
or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the
United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust
or profit under them, or either of them."
The Fomenting of a War
The states were slow to pay and the Revolutionary war debt. Debt, under
international law must be resolved within 70 years.
When pressure mounted to pay the debts the Southern States had no gold, little
manufacturing, the price of their commodities was controlled by Britain, and
divisions over the issue of slavery upon which the South depended, were stirred
up by agents of the Crown who were about to foreclose, divide and conquer the
Lincoln – The beginning of the End
1860- After Failing six times Abe Lincoln, BAR attorney, with the backing of the
Wealthy Big Businesses and Bankers of Chicago, Boston, New York, and
Philadelphia, finally is elected President. He can serve only in the private office of
President of the United States (Trading Company), not as President of the United
States of America, as a result of the Titles of Nobility Amendment.
1863 With his first few executive orders he bankrupted the Original and organic, The
united “States of America”, and its trading companies. And then he, incorporated the
“United States of America,” as a Delaware Corporation. A look a like, sound a like
fraud. A NAME GAME of semantic deceit!
On April 24, 1863 With Executive Order #100 The Leiber
Code, placed the Grand Army of the Republic in charge of the government. He
contrived to start the Civil War, which is never declared by Congress. He put the
Nation under Marshall Rule as is indicated by the Gold Braided flag (Captured Flag -
Admiralty maritime jurisdiction) which has never been rescinded. Making himself
the Commander in Chief and placing the government of “we the people” under
military occupation, officially ending the “REPUBLIC” thus through the
communistic acts of a new President, Civil War was Declared. And, the Republic
DIED! This was no civil war, but a war by the bankers and wealthy elite against the
people of America, and the people lost!
Was Lincoln really the great emancipator?
So much for all men being created Equal
“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of
bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the
white and black races – that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor
of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold
office, nor intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to
this that there is a physical difference between the white and black
races from living together in terms of social and political equality.
And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain
together, there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as
as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior
position assigned to the white race.”

“The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln”,

Roy Basler, ed. 1953 New Brunswick, N.J.,
Rutgers University Press
The Civil War (cont.)
Financing the so-called civil war in the midst of outstanding Revolution-
ary war debt to the Crown (Rothschilds etc.) offered loans from A.M.
Rothschild with exorbitant interest which gave few options other than
perpetual servitude. Lincoln decided to issue credit in the form U.S.
Notes and Demand Notes (Greenbacks). After the Civil War, the U.S.
was in deep debt. The greenbacks Lincoln printed to bypass the
Bankers were bought at a discount by these Banksters after rumors of
U.S insolvency and the debt surrounding these notes was used to put the
United States people on the 150-year path to total enslavement. The
global Cabal-wealthy families and their agents took over.
The 1871 deal to leverage a settlement of the debt basically involved
turning the enumerated governmental functions over to the Crown with
the establishment of a foreign city state (Washinton D.C.) with taxing and
law making powers being made to appear by deceit and by circumvent-
ing Constitutional prohibitions. The Banksters used their agents to as-
sassinate President Lincoln, who might have opposed the deal and took
the reigns.
The Corporations Act of 1870
Both corporate and incorporated entities have to be created by living peo-
ple or Lawful Persons.
There is no provision for a Municipal Corporation to charter other Municipal
Corporations, except as franchises. So a Municipal Corporation has to be
incorporated by a Territorial Corporation or other charter agent.
The Territorial U.S. Government presumed to act "for" us and undertake
the duties of our American Federal Republic, which the Territorial Govern-
ment was never authorized to do ---
The specific unauthorized power that they seized upon in 1870 was the
power to charter corporations.
So they usurped upon an instrumentality of our actual Government in
Breach of Trust and commercial service contract by failing to observe the
limitations of The Constitution of the United States of America, and they
began creating British Territorial Corporations for themselves instead of
American Corporations ---even though they were purportedly exercising
our power "for" us as faithful Trustees and acting in our best interests, etc.
Does that not make all subsequent corporations created by them fraud?
Then the Territorial Corporation chartered in Scotland in 1868 and doing
business as "The United States of America", converted what remained of
The United States Congress into its own Board of Directors.
With Lincoln removed and under military rule. As the 18th Presi-
dent Ulysses S. Grant exited the White House, the 41st Congress
convened on February 21, 1871, to make a ‘deal with the devil’ in
order to pay back the debt to “the government of Great Britain and
Ireland” and other entities owed at the time.
The deal included Congress enacting the territory of Washington,
DC, to become a foreign owned “City State” “created into a gov-
ernmental body by the name of the District of Columbia, which by
name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal pur-

The loophole was found in article 1 section 8 clause 17 of the Con-

stitution for the united States of America allowing congress exclu-
sive jurisdiction over Washington D.C.

“In essence, Washington, DC, became a wholly owned “port” city under
the authority of the British Crown. This allowed for the subversion of
common law rights and the installing of the Venice-Vatican-British Crown
“admiralty laws” of the seas, joined with fractional fiat credit, putting the
U.S. in bondage to service in perpetuity”.
The Destruction of the Republic
The Corporate Congress acts as officers of a De Facto (without fact), Private for profit
governmental services corporation and not the De Jure government of the people...
With the reconstruction Acts of 1867, Congress created Military Districts, and “Special
Admiralty” Courts, (Gold Fringed Captured War Flag) to deal with the remaining
‘Rebels’ Still at-large. Which is not addressed or allowed under any “constitution.”
1868, The corporate Congress Published its new look a like-sound a like, The
Constitution of“the United States of America” replacing the original organic The
Constitution for the united “States of America”. This new and entirely different
document represented the Articles and By-laws of a De Facto commercial corporation.
There was no need for any “ratification” of Amendments by any “STATES” created as
franchises of the parent company so Secretary of State William Seward simply declared
the new 13th and 14th Amendments “ratified.” Mere lip service was given to the
process by the States.
1868-1875; This new “government” entity then forced the original unincorporated state
governments to write new state constitutions and to assume new Doing-Business-As
names in the form of: State of Wisconsin , State of Connecticut, and so on, seizing
upon the name of the original states, thus operating “Territorial franchises” for itself
under their names: State of Connecticut, and so on. All these semantic deceits were
pulled off on the trusting public via look a like, sound a like, fraud.
● This corporate Congress began borrowing money to manage mu-
nicipal DC and all of the new 14th amendment citizens see Dred
Scott v Sanford- freed slaves. This debt accrued as more money
was borrowed in the name of the United States for D.C. Part of the
1871 deal with the devil. More benefits and regulations were re-
quired for DC's resident/citizens. It had no power to pay back ex-
cept to gain and tax more and more citizens.
● Congress only has authority over citizens who were in the territo-
ries and the residents of DC who were under the 14th Amendment.
NOT state citizens of the Union States. Through a series of events
and trickery more and more people wanted the protection and ben-
efits of US citizenship offered by Congress. The Slaughter House
cases ruling by the US Supreme Court provided 14th amendment
protections and benefits to all who claimed US citizenship. Con-
gress has the power to collect taxes from and to regulate it's citi-
zens residing in the states. Are you a US citizen?
“With the Republic of the United States of America replaced by USA Inc.,
new laws were enacted, from taxation and the creation of the IRS, to
phantom property rights and the “strawman” of bonded Birth Certificates.
In 1913, the Federal Reserve was enacted, creating money out of “thin
air”. With its fractional reserve system, the bankers sought o further en-
slave America with massive debt obligations. By the 1930s, the Rocke-
feller dynasty took over academia and medical institutions, paving the
way for the Big Pharma cartel today.
Unlawful Money Conversion
1913 Federal Reserve, a private entity, was established having power over
the issuing and control of fiat money. This power was given to foreign
creditors managing the foreign soil known as D.C.- .

...The Federal Reserve System is a legal private monopoly of the money

supply, operated for the benefit of the few elite under the guise of protect-
ing and promoting the public interest." The Federal Reserve pays approx-
imately three cents to the US mint for the printing of federal reserve notes
of any denomination. How would you like to get 33 $100 dollar bills for
one dollar silver?

Jefferson prophetically said that "If the American people ever allow pri-
vate banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will
deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless
on the continent their Fathers conquered."
● 1929 - a well-planned stock market crash diversion, banks pulled cred-
it, depression, no money. The Debt was due and owing.
● New Deal --hand over all our gold. Sign up for Social Security- SS
application declares that you are a US citizen and qualify to take
part in the benefits from all of the Government programs using
bank credit for funding. The DC government was supposed to pay
all of your debts but never did. Promises?
● The debt is now huge, can't be repaid. PEOPLE ARE PLEDGED as
the collateral or surety. ALL PROPERTY of the State of States
claiming legal title is pledged resulting in the fraud of split titles on
all property within the “state” Legal title (ownership) taken and the
people were and are left with only equitable title (right of use) Did
the State ever rightfully have legal title? Were the true owners US
citizens and residents in states having no rights?
● 1933 – The ALL CAPS name is created. Mothers story- Actually
what happens is the afterbirth (a corporate sole) is given the ALL
CAPS name which is deemed dead (study the Dogon people of
● The debt (bankruptcy is reorganized only this time its not just the
government property but all US citizens and their property.
● ARE YOU A US citizen?
War is a Racket!

So great became the control of these Banksters

as Jefferson predicted, that the United States was
dragged into two world wars by means of orches-
trated events such as the sinking of the Lusitania
and Pearl Harbor together with other conflicts Ko-
rea, Viet Nam, Iraq, etc. that Americans, their
safety, and property became game pieces in a
global conquest game. Any challenges to this
power structure and the admiralty laws and cen-
tral bank system supporting them were met with
ferocious attacks.
● 1999 (3rd and final bankruptcy) - NOW! - Follow the pattern! US
Corporations are bankrupt. There are great distractions as the
bankers seek “FORECLOSE”to reset and seize everything. COVID,
Election Fraud massive media distractions. BTW after the 20 year
grace period January 6, 2021 President Donald J. Trump announced
the dissolution of USA Inc. Biden and Pelosi are presiding over a non
● The debt is about to be restructured WORLD WIDE! We were under
a National Emergency. We are still under Military rule and are living
in occupied territory.
● Think about the effect of the orchestrated 1929 stock market crash
and the Great Depression that followed, These events placed the
American people in a state desperation, homelessness, poverty and
even starvation. The minds of all people were focused on survival.
They were then in a condition to accept any handout given by the
government, no matter what the cost to their freedoms.
● Do we not find ourselves in a similar position today?
In this new system, YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, but you will be
HAPPY! Who are you? The US citizens tied to the District are
in bankruptcy. Your titles to your property were taken under the
guise that you are and were US citizens. US citizens can not
own property here! Remember fraud vitiates everything and
there is no statute of limitation on fraud.
From there to here? TRUSTS
Article VI
...Treaties are supreme Law of the Land
Article 1 Section 10
…no bill or law impairing the obligation of contracts
… no bills of attainder i.e. no fines or fees without valid applicable
law and due process. How many of these exist today?Is not the
whole of this matter related to US citizens and municipal codes and
Common Law Trusts (private) can provide insulation-separate use from
ownership. These are formed by private contract and are thus protected
by Article 1, Section 10.
Trusts are comprised of three parties – grantor, trustee, beneficiary.
The essential feature of trusts is the division of property into legal title
(ownership) and equitable title (right of possession)
Statutory trusts (public) have been formed by these foreign powers in D.C.
for and in behalf or their citizens.
These public Trusts like Social Security have been used to literally en-
slave the people who signed up. So benefits and admission of a foreign
citizenship (US citizens = subjects) is the mechanism used to oppress and
enslave people outside of any Constitutional restraints- free is NEVER
A person by receiving the “benefits”, accepts the terms of the
trust, whether the terms are disclosed or not. Again, by opera-
tion of trust law, acceptance of benefits is acceptance of terms-
which may include a duty to obey codes or statutes.
This is a form of unilateral contracting. Have you not noticed,
that almost always your signature is required in order to receive
the benefit, but no bank or government ever signs anything????
Government lawfully cannot take away our
rights, but we can voluntarily, through igno-
rance, give or contract them away!
Trusts are the fundamental mechanism by which the govern-
ment circumvents its Constitutional limits and entices admission
of subject status as US citizens overlooking the real nature of
Americans as sovereigns belonging to land in a geographical
state, with full capacity and rights.
The problem lies in our ignorance of trading our rights for benefits, or that a trust re-
lationship is behind government benefits. We we are almost never privy to the pro-
visions of the trust requiring performance when enticed to reach out our hands to
take the benefits offered.
Thanks to FDR and the crooks working with him, virtually all people were tricked
into volunteering to be surety for the corporate debt . “The New Deal” was a raw
deal, because all property was deemed to be vested in the state and converted to a
suretyship for a debt owed by the foreign city state pretending to be our legitimate
government. The geographical states are still intact, but all of the persons migrated
to the situs and jurisdiction of D.C. in order to get the candy.
This series of deceptions and fraudulent undisclosed contracts has resulted in the
presumption that legal title (ownership) to all property is held by the state (creditors
of the state) and the right to use (equitable title) only is granted to the people. As
long you obey the trust terms you can use the property. Thus by operation of trust
law and our willingness to contract, by trickery full title has been divided and legal
title retained by the state for the creditors.
Consider FRN's, whose is it and who uses it? If you buy something with someone
else's money, who holds the legal title? Nothing you have ever bought with an FRN
do you own, you only have the conditional right of use. As it turns out these re-
quirements or conditions include obedience to every statute, code, and regulation
ever written. NICE huh!
Split title is the loss of full ownership and the characteristic of every totalitarian
Full title makes you a sovereign, split title makes you a slave
It is well established that "United States", a.k.a., US, U.S., USA, Ameri-
ca, government, and federal government, et al as well as almost all state
and local governments are corporations. The significance of this is that,
as corporations, these entities do have authority to implement laws for
their employees, but no more authority to implement their laws against
Americans than does Walmart. Are we taking benefits of some trust? Are
there contracts we've signed as surety for the "STRAW MAN" with these
governmental entities? Done without full, open and honest disclosure. IS
tracts binding us to these entities (bankers), are actually presumptive. We
have been told that the STRAW MAN is us and we have signed as surety
or accommodation party for THEIR artificial entity, acting as a transmit-
ting utility, or as they term it, the office of "person". This deception clev-
erly uses the same descriptive alphabetical denoted letters as the name
given to the living breathing people, privately at birth, but with one dif-
ference - the form of identification changes the symbolic alphabetical
Are you the ALL CAPS NAME? Did you create it? If you use their
property NAME, do you not have obligations under trust law?
Who are you?
If we are truly free, we are sovereign. Is a debtor ever sovereign? Can a
subject citizen ever claim the rights of a free man? Are the Crown of Eng-
land (and its Fiscal Agent the IMF) or its creditors legitimate PRINCI-
PAL of all the People on the soil (State Nationals, not US citizens) by
means of any trickery of language? In reality, the IMF was the Creditor
of the UNITED STATES INC, a corporation, but you were NEVER law-
fully or legally the debtor party, nor does anyone have a right to take your
property as collateral without your full consent . The Creditors of the
UNITED STATES designed invisible contracts/trusts to ensnare God's
children, as subjects. The Creditors of the UNITED STATES implement-
ed the invisible contracts/trusts through apparent 'color of law' and the
people erringly, and unknowingly agreed by way of acceptance due to
misinformation.( false education). We, as God's children are heirs to the
Earth by divine decree. The people of the earth, have been duped into
voluntarily giving up their substance and energy to the mythical creations
of corporations, both public and private which have been designed to ul-
timately to enslave us.
Judicial Fraud – the Department of NO Justice
Courts have been converted to Article 1 courts (admiralty maritime
jurisdiction) where you are presumed guilty until proven innocent, are
entitled to no due process, and are not under the protections of the
You are deemed incompetent, a minor, and a ward of these courts. You
cannot present yourself, so you must be re-presented by a BAR (British
Accredited Registry) attorney.
These courts operate on hearsay, tacit agreements, presumptions, and
assumptions. No fact or truth is tried there.
These courts are banks, with the purpose of taking money from you and
from your cestui que vie trust. Innocence or guilt is of no importance in
these courts.
Your chance of being successful in these courts is extremely low.
Justice does happen from time to time but only to keep the ILLUSION of
justice alive!
Voter Fraud
Upon conversion from your rightful status as an American State National,
to a US citizen or citizen of the United States you were enfranchised as a
voter in that system. That is akin to being a share holder in Walmart cor-
poration, but you are not on the board of directors. The only voice you
really have is in voting in people who will decide the benefits you receive
and how much you will have to pay or give up to receive them. US citi-
zens have congressionally granted civil rights, not unalienable rights pro-
tected by the Constitution. As a US citizen any such rights can be taken
away with the stroke of a pen.

Even worse, your vote gives your full and complete consent to the very
system that has robbed and enslaved you. Why do you think there is such
a push for voters to be registered?
● Perhaps the Revolution was not fought for the generic freedom we
typically think of, but more likely for the full title to property, be-
cause if you don't have full title you can't be sovereign and will
never be free!
● Due to our ignorance the fraud perpetrated on us We are right back
to where we started all those years ago.
● We are in fact, slaves in the country our forefathers settled
● Trusts result in a split title,become aware.
● Common Law Trust law is performed by private contract and there-
fore under Article I, Section 10, supersedes the Constitution and a
way for you to control title to property.
● Trusts are the fundamental mechanism by which the government
circumvents its Constitutional limits and reverses the status of
Americans from sovereigns to subjects.
● Much of what is going on today in the US is based on split title and
fulfills the10 planks of the communist manifesto. If you claim US
citizenship and partake of the benefits and spoils of the state, you
are subject by your own volition. You are one less supporting the
principles of liberty and true equality. Are you not then supporting
So, Who are YOU?
Are you the ALL CAPS entity? Are you an American? Are you a US cit-
izen or citizen of the US, a foreigner residing in a state? Are you a “per-
son”? Are you an employee?Are you a debtor or a creditor? Are you a
slave or a sovereign? Are you part of a movement to strip your neighbor
of livelihood and property for the benefit of the whole, or are you stand-
ing independent as a sentinel for freedom of the soul and all that belongs
to it? Will your children look back on you and praise or curse you? Who
are you, really? How do you assume among the powers of the earth, the
separate and equal station to which you are entitled by God and your very
nature? . Are you that ALL CAPS name having beneficial interest which
would imply that you are an employee, officer, (person) subject to all
statutes, codes and regulations? Are you a surety for the ALL CAPS
name and obligations belonging thereto? Are you taking benefits that are
sure to enslave you?
Your declaration and stance as to who and what you are is crit-
ical, unless you wish to go along with who you appear to be
and who they presume you to be!
What do you REALLY believe?
Do you really believe that all men are created equally or is that just lip service?

Do you really believe that God is your lawmaker or man?

Do you believe that to be free, you must allow others the same freedom?

Our beliefs create a predicable reality

If you believe that some are better than others, you will not long be free

If you believe that God is your lawmaker, you will only have love your neighbor and
do no harm and you will reject any man made law contrary to God's.

If you believe man is your lawmaker you will soon have many ridiculous , insane
laws to follow and you will be fined for not following them. (Sound familiar?)

Are you willing to allow others to be free or do you feel justified in controlling

How determined are you to adhere to the principles you claim to believe?
Our beliefs and chosen course will determine our future and the future for our posterity for
untold generations. We must choose wisely.

Let it be known that it is our intention to maintain a course as free men and women,
unmolested, without discrimination, maintaining our unalienable rights, and to do the best we
can to secure these things for our neighbors and future generations.

If you are in agreement with these principles, it would seem extraordinarily prudent to join us in
the cause of Freedom while you still can.

As you turn off the mainstream media and actually take the time to study these issues
principles and concepts you will come to know the truth. We believe that you will be just as
concerned as we are for our future and the future of our posterity and in fact the whole human
family. We invite you to join with us in standing for truth and freedom. We look forward to you
adding your voice of concern to ours. - “And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make
you Free.”

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated
contest of freedom - go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or
arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly
upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”
Samuel Adams
If you do nothing you allow others to
determine your fate.
Who are you?
What can I do?

Please go to the “remedy” portion of this web site to see what

you can do?

Who are YOU???

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