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Jolan-Rey B.


Analytical Essay:

The short story "Mythology of Mindanao" portrays a vivid narrative of heroism,

destruction, and redemption, encapsulating elements that reflect the unique
cultural identity of Mindanao. The disharmony in forms and meanings within the
myth serves to underscore the chaos brought about by the monstrous creatures
and the subsequent restoration of peace through the actions of the protagonists.

The myth's Mindanaoan identity is evident through its setting, characters, and
conflict. The mention of landmarks like Mt. Matutun, Mt. Bita, and Mt. Gurayn
situates the story within the geography of Mindanao, grounding it in the physical
landscape of the region. Additionally, the monsters themselves, such as Kurita
and Tarabusaw, embody elements of local folklore and mythology, contributing to
the narrative's authenticity as a Mindanaoan myth.

The central concept that emerges from the story is the theme of resilience in the
face of adversity. Despite the overwhelming devastation wrought by the
monsters, Sulayman and Indarapatra exhibit unwavering courage and
determination to confront the threats and restore peace to the land. Their actions
symbolize the indomitable spirit of the Mindanaoan people, who persevere in the
face of challenges and adversity.

The characters in the story play distinct roles that contribute to the narrative's
development. Sulayman, portrayed as a courageous and heroic figure,
represents the archetype of the noble warrior who embarks on a quest to
vanquish evil and restore order. His brother, King Indarapatra, embodies the
compassionate leader who is driven by a sense of duty and responsibility to his
people. Together, they form a dynamic duo whose actions ultimately bring about
the resolution of the conflict.

The settings of the story, characterized by the mountains and the sea, serve as
both the backdrop for the unfolding events and symbols of the forces at play. The
mountains, where the monsters reside, represent the challenges and obstacles
that must be overcome, while the sea symbolizes the primordial chaos from
which order is eventually restored.

The plot of the story follows a traditional heroic narrative structure, with the
heroes embarking on a perilous journey to confront and defeat the monstrous
threats. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries, each
posing a different challenge to be overcome. Ultimately, through their bravery and
perseverance, they emerge victorious, bringing about the restoration of peace
and prosperity to the land.

The conflict in the story arises from the disruptive presence of the monstrous
creatures, whose rampage threatens the very existence of the people of
Mindanao. This conflict is resolved through the actions of Sulayman and
Indarapatra, who courageously confront and defeat the monsters, thereby
restoring harmony and order to the land.

Upon reading the story, one realizes the significance of collective action and unity
in overcoming adversity. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds,
Sulayman and Indarapatra succeed in their quest through their collaboration and
determination. This underscores the importance of solidarity and cooperation in
times of crisis, reflecting values deeply ingrained in Mindanaoan culture.
In conclusion, "Mythology of Mindanao" is a quintessential example of a
Mindanaoan myth, characterized by its vivid imagery, rich symbolism, and
thematic depth. Through its portrayal of heroism, destruction, and redemption,
the myth encapsulates the cultural identity of Mindanao and conveys timeless
truths about resilience, courage, and the triumph of good over evil.

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