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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Lời nói đầu

Bộ sách IELTS năm ngoái của mình đã giúp rất nhiều bạn đạt được số điểm mục tiêu mà
không cần phải tốn tiền cho bất cứ khóa học nào. Tiếp nối sự thành công đó, trong cuốn
sách này, mình sẽ giúp các bạn tiếp cận và hoàn thành từng dạng bài trong Ielts Writing.

Bộ sách của mình nói chung và cuốn sách này nói riêng đều nhằm mục đích nâng cao khả
năng tiếng anh của bạn một cách toàn diện đồng thời định hướng các bạn học IELTS
theo các tiêu chí chấm điểm, tư duy ra đề của giám khảo thay vì học tràn lan tránh
việc lãng phí thời gian, tiền bạc.

Mình rất mong nhận được sự phản hồi về ưu nhược điểm của cuốn sách từ các chính bạn
đọc để mình cải thiện chất lượng tài liệu hàng ngày.

Thái Hoàng!

Contact/ Zalo : 0983.66.52.62

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả



Bài thi Writing được chia làm 2 phần, sau khi kết thúc phần thi Listening & Reading, thí
sinh sẽ bước vào làm bài thi Writing trong vòng 60 phút gồm 2 phần, Ielts writing task 1
và task 2, trong đó phần thi task 1 chiếm 1/3 số điểm và task 2 chiếm 2/3 số điểm. Thí
sinh có thể lựa chọn hình thức thi truyền thống trên giấy hoặc thi trên máy tính.

Task 1: thông thường bạn nên dành khoảng 20 phút cho phần Task 1 vì đây là phần
chiếm tỷ lệ điểm ít hơn. Trong phần này, bạn phải phân tích, báo cáo và so sánh số liệu có
thể là biểu đồ dây, cột, tròn, bảng, bản đồ, quy trình hoặc mixed charts. Độ dài 1 bài thi
task 1 ít nhất 150 từ.

Task 2: thông thường bạn nên dành khoảng 40 phút cho phần thi Task 2. Bạn sẽ được cho
một chủ đề có thể về các vấn đề như giáo dục, xã hội, việc làm, môi trường, tội phạm, du
lịch, quảng cáo. Bạn cần viết 1 bài luận tối thiểu 250 chữ để phân tích và phát triển câu trả
lời một cách mạch lạc, liên kết bằng cách sử dụng các ví dụ, dẫn chứng.

Cũng như phần Speaking, nhiều bạn thường cố gắng nhồi nhét quá nhiều từ vựng khó,
nhưng lại không viết theo tiêu chí chấm điểm. Từ vựng là 1 trong 4 yếu tố chấm điểm,
bạn nên nhớ nếu bạn sử dụng từ vựng khó nhưng sai ngữ cảnh, hoặc sai cách dùng thì bạn
vẫn bị trừ điểm.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả



Criteria Detail Comments

Over 150 words Viết ít nhất 150 từ

Viết overview rõ ràng, nêu

Task Clear overall summary
bật được các ý chính.
Số liệu được báo cáo chính
Data is reported accurately

Nên bắt đầu các body

Body graphs start with a
graphs bằng một câu mở
phrase that indicates the data
đoạn – giống câu topic
in the paragraph

Coherence Logical separation of data into Phân chia dữ liệu phù hợp
and Cohesion paragraphs trong các đoạn khác nhau.

Logical paragraph Phát triển các đoạn một cách

development logic

Các từ, cụm từ nối được sử

Linking phrases are used well
dụng phù hợp

Appropriate word choices/ Sử dụng từ vựng, dạng từ

endings/ forms chính xác.

Vocabulary Spelling is correct Viết đúng chính tả

Repetition is avoided Sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa,

(paraphrase) tránh lặp từ

Sentence structures are Các cấu trúc câu đa dạng và

Grammar diverse and correct chính xác.

Articles ( a, an, the) Chú ý các mạo từ


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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


1. Phân tích ví dụ.

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a
European country between 1979 and 2004.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The line graph provides information about the average consumption of beef, lamb,
chicken, and fish, by each person in a nation of Europe from 1979 to 2004. Overall, with
the exception for chicken, which increased, the consumption of all kinds of food
decreased over the whole period. In addition, fish was consumed less than meat in all

Beef and fish were the highest and lowest categories at the beginning of the period
with about 220 and 60 grams eaten by each individual each week, respectively.
Subsequently, the average amount of beef peaked at nearly 250 grams in the 1980s, but
then significantly dropped to approximately 100 grams in 2004. During the same period,
a slight decline to roughly 50 grams, was recorded in the figure for fish.

Lamb and chicken started with similar amounts of roughly 150 grams in the first
year, but showed reverse trends afterwards. There was a gradual fall in the
consumption of lamb to around 60 grams per person per week. The figure for chicken, in
contrast, went up dramatically and overtook that for beef in 1989, at around 200 grams,
before reaching roughly 260 grams per person in 2004, which was the highest point over
the entire period surveyed.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

2. Câu trúc chung của 1 bài line graph


The line graph compares/illustrates/shows/gives information about/ reveals statistics

about/ details changes in/ provides information about + paraphrase đề bài + over a
period of --- years/ over a---- year period/from --- to---, between --- and ---.

The line graph provides information about the average consumption of beef, lamb,
chicken, and fish, by each person in a nation of Europe, from 1979 to 2004


Overall/ Looking from an overall perspective/It is clear/obvious that/ It clearly shows that
+ Xu hướng chung 1+Xu hướng chung 2.

Overall, with the exception for chicken, which increased, the consumption of all kinds of
food decreased over the whole period. In addition, fish was consumed less than meat in
all years.

Body 1:

Chọn, phân tích và so sánh 2 dây, phân tích từng dây một, chú ý các điểm đỉnh, đáy, đầu,

Beef and fish were the highest and lowest categories at the beginning of the period with
about 220 and 60 grams eaten by each individual each week, respectively.
Subsequently, the average amount of beef peaked at nearly 250 grams in the 1980s, but
then significantly dropped to approximately 100 grams in 2004. During the same period,
a slight decline to roughly 50 grams, was recorded in the figure for fish.

Body 2:

So sánh các dây còn lại, phân tích từng dây một, chú ý các điểm đỉnh, đáy, đầu, cuối.

Lamb and chicken started with similar amounts of roughly 150 grams in the first year,
but showed reverse trends afterwards. There was a gradual decline in the consumption of
lamb to around 60 grams per person per week. In contrast, the figure for chicken, in
contrast, went up dramatically and overtook beef in 1989, at around 200 grams, before
reaching roughly 260 grams per person in 2004, which was the highest point over the
entire period surveyed.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

3. Từ vựng, cấu trúc câu cho Ielts writing task 1

v Các từ, cụm từ paraphrase cho nhau.

Có rất nhiều các từ, cụm từ có thể paraphrase lẫn nhau trong writing task 1 nói chung và
line graph nói riêng, các bạn không nên học tất cả các cụm từ đó mà chỉ nên học một
số ít nhưng vận dụng thành thạo chúng. Mình sẽ chia sẻ một số cụm từ thường dùng
để paraphrase trong phần thi Ielts writing task 1 ở bên dưới.

The line graph/the bar chart/ the pie chart/ the table/ the
The graph
map/ the diagram.

reveal statistics about/ detail changes in/ give information

about/ illustrate/ indicate.

Trends in Changes in

Information about Data for/ figures for/ statistics about

Percentage Proportion/rate

Between 1979 and 2004/ over a period of 25 years/ over a

From 1979 to 2004
25-year period

Over/ throughout the From 1979 to 2004/ between 1979 and 2004/ over the
period shown whole/entire period.

People in the US Americans/ people who come from the US

In the UK, US, Japan,

In four different countries
and China.

food, healthcare,
three different categories/ factors

11-20, 21-30, 31-40 age

three different age categories

Chú ý: đây là một số cụm thường dùng, trong quá trình các bạn ôn tập, các bạn nên
lập một bảng tương tự cho riêng bạn, gặp cụm nào thì ghi chú thêm vào bảng để nhớ
lâu hơn và áp dụng linh hoạt những cụm các bạn ghi chú.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

v Paraphrase các chủ điểm chính trong Ielts Writing task 1.

1. Chi tiền cho cái gì đó:

The pie charts below show the average household expenditure in Japan and
Malaysia in the year 2010.

Ø The spending on = the expenditure on = the payment for = the expenses for
Ø The amount/proportion of money which was spent on food/ paid for/ used
for/allocated to food


• The bar charts show the average spending on housing, transport, food, healthcare,
and other goods and services, in Japan and Malaysia in 2010.
• The percentage of money paid for transport by each house in Japan, was 20%.
• Housing accounted for the highest proportion of money spent by Malaysians in 2010,
at 34%.
• The percentage of money spent by an average family in Japan on healthcare was
twice as high as the figure for Malaysia, at 6% and 3%, respectively.
• The average spending on housing in Japan was significantly lower than that in

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

2. Tiêu thụ cái gì đó

The graph below shows trends in US meat and poultry consumption

Ø The consumption of beef in the US = The US beef consumption

Ø The amount/proportion of beef consumed/eaten by Americans
Ø The amount/proportion of beef which was consumed/eaten by Americans


• The graph illustrates the consumption of beef, pork, broilers, and turkey by people in
the US between 1955 and 2012
• The line graph gives information about the amount of beef, pork, broilers, and turkey
consumed by Americans over a period of 57 years.
• In 1976, the amount of beef eaten by each person in the UK was highest, at 90
• US turkey consumption rose slightly by over 6 pounds from around 5 pounds in 1961
to 11 pounds in 2012.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

3. Khí Thải CO2/Waste

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in
the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.

Ø The generation/production of CO2 – CO2 generation/production – CO2 emissions

Ø The amount/percentage of CO2 which was generated/ produced/ released/ emitted
from/by ---
Ø The amount/percentage of CO2 generated/ produced/ released/ emitted from/by ---


• The line chart reveals statistics about the amount of CO2 emitted by each person in
four different nations from 1967 to 2007.
• The average amount of CO2 generated in the UK decreased moderately from 1967 to
• A slight decline was recorded in the figure for CO2 emissions in the UK between
1967 and 2007.
• The average amount of CO2 which was released by Italy experienced a dramatic
increase from about 1 metric tonne in 1967 to over 5 metric tonnes in 2007.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

4. Thất nghiệp : Unemployment

The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between
March 1993 and March 1999.

Ø The rate of unemployment

Ø The unemployment rate
Ø The level of unemployment
Ø The level of joblessness
Ø The proportion/percentage/number of people who were unemployed
Ø The proportion/percentage/number of unemployed people
Ø The proportion/percentage of people without work


• The line graph details changes in the rate of unemployment in the US and Japan from
1993 to 1999.
• The unemployment rate in Japan rose significantly to about 4.7% in 1999.
• The unemployment rate was higher in the US than in Japan in 1993.
• The levels of joblessness in both countries were the same, at 4.5%.
• The proportion of people who were unemployed in Japan remained stable, at around
3.5%, from 1996 to 1998.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

5. Nhóm Tuổi

The graph below shows the percentage of people in the different age groups who
went to the cinema once a month in Great Britain.

Ø The percentage/proportion/number of people aged 7-14

Ø The percentage/proportion/number of the 7-14 age group
Ø The percentage/proportion/number of people who were 7-14
Ø The percentage/proportion/number of 7-14-year-olds
Ø The percentage/proportion/number of 7-14-year-old people


• The line graph gives information about the proportion of audiences across four
different age categories, who went to cinemas once a month in the UK from 1984 to
• The percentage of people aged 15-24 increased significantly from around 18% to
nearly 60%.
• A dramatic rise from 10% to roughly 33% was recorded in the proportion for the 7-
14 age group.
• The percentage of 15-24-year-olds went up sharply from 10% to roughly 33%
between 1984 and 2000.
• The oldest age group experienced a steep increase to approximately 15% in 2000.

6. Các chủ đề khác

Trong khi luyện tập bạn hãy thực hành và ghi lại cách paraphrase các chủ đề khác như
mình đã làm ở trên nhé.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

v Các từ, cụm từ chỉ sự tăng giảm

Năm Tỷ lệ

2000 2005
2003 2007 2008 2009
2001 2004 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Thời gian Tăng/giảm Mức độ tăng/giảm Danh từ

decrease/ decreased
decline/ declined
fall/ fell Sharply (mạnh)
2005-2007 a sharp decrease
go down/ went down Remarkably (đáng kể)
2009-2010 a remarkable decline
reduce/ reduced Significantly (rõ rệt)
a decrease
dropped/collapsed Dramatically (nhanh)
2000-2001 a decline
(giảm cực mạnh) Rapidly (nhanh)
a fall
increase/ increased Steeply (mạnh)
a reduction
rise/ rose Moderately (vừa phải) a drop
2001-2003 go up/ went up Slightly (nhẹ) a significant increase
2004-2005 grow/ grew Marginally (nhẹ) a rapid rise
climb/ climbed Modestly (nhẹ) a steep growth
peaked at ( đạt đỉnh) Gradually (từ từ, đều) an increase
soared (tăng vọt) Steadily (từ từ, đều) a rise
2004-2005 Slowly (chậm) a peak
doubled (gấp đôi)

remained stable/unchanged/ stayed at the same

2007-2009 no change
2001-2005 fluctuated between --- and --- fluctuation

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of
meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.

1. S + V + Adv

The average amount of chicken rose significantly from about 140 grams to 250 grams.

2. There + tobe + a/an + N

There was a steep decline from 150 grams to around 60 grams in the average
consumption of lamb.

3. S + saw/ witnessed / underwent/ experienced

Beef consumption experienced a sharp decrease from roughly 220 grams to 100 grams.

4. A/an + N was recorded/seen

A slight fall of approximately 10 grams from nearly 60 grams was recorded. in the figure
for fish.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

5. S + V + Adv, then continued to V at a higher level (the same direction)

From 1979 to 1994, the weekly consumption of beef decreased from around 220 to 180
grams, then continued to decline at a higher level to over 100 grams in 2004.

6. Before/after + Ving, S + V + Adv

Before decreasing dramatically to roughly 100 grams in 2004, the consumption of beef
increased slightly to peak at nearly 250 grams in 1984 from around 220 grams in 1979.

7. S + V + Adv, but then V + more Adv (the opposite directions)

The consumption of beef increased slightly to a peak of nearly 250 grams in 1984 from
around 220 grams in 1979, but then decreased dramatically to roughly 100 grams in

8. There was a/an + Adj + N, which was followed by a/an adj + N

In 1984, there was a light increase to a peak of nearly 250 grams from around 220 grams
in the consumption of beef, which was followed by a dramatic decrease to roughly 100
grams in 2004.

Liên kết các câu bằng các từ nối

While/ Whilst/ Whereas the average amount of chicken rose significantly from about
140 grams to 250 grams, there was a steep decline from 150 grams to around 60 grams in
the average consumption of lamb.

While/ Whilst/ Whereas beef consumption experienced a sharp decrease from roughly
220 grams to 100 grams, a slight fall of approximately 10 grams from nearly 60 grams
was recorded in the figure for fish.

The average amount of chicken rose significantly from about 140 grams to 250 grams.
However/ In contrast, there was a steep decline from 150 grams to around 60 grams in
the average consumption of lamb.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Phân tích các cấu trúc câu sử dụng trong bài

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a
European country between 1979 and 2004.

The line graph provides information about the average consumption of beef, lamb,
chicken, and fish, by each person in a nation of Europe, from 1979 to 2004. Overall, with
the exception for chicken, which increased, the consumption of all kinds of food
decreased over the whole period. In addition, fish was consumed less than meat in all

Beef and fish were the highest and lowest categories at the beginning of the period
with about 220 and 60 grams eaten by each individual each week, respectively.
Subsequently, the average amount of beef peaked at nearly 250 grams in the 1980s, but
then significantly dropped to approximately 100 grams in 2004. Meanwhile, a slight
decline to roughly 50 grams, was recorded in the figure for fish.

Lamb and chicken started with similar amounts of roughly 150 grams in the first
year, but showed reverse trends afterwards. There was a gradual decline in the
consumption of lamb to around 60 grams per person per week. The figure for chicken, in
contrast, went up dramatically and overtook beef in 1989, at around 200 grams, before
reaching roughly 260 grams per person in 2004, which was the highest point over the
entire period surveyed.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


1. Introduction

Bước 1: phân tích đề bài và biểu đồ, highlight các từ khóa chính.

Bước 2: paraphrase lại đề bài, chú ý các từ khóa chính.

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in
the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.

The line chart reveals statistics about the amount of CO2 emitted by each person in four
different nations from 1967 to 2007.

2. Overview:

Bước 1: Nhìn điểm đầu và điểm cuối của biểu đồ, xác định dây nào tăng lên dây nào
giảm xuống, viết 1 câu thể hiện sự tăng giảm của các dây.

Bước 2: Nhìn vào dây cao nhất và dây thấp nhất, hoặc các điểm nhấn của biểu đồ để tìm
ra điểm nổi bật thứ 2, viết 1 câu thể hiện điểm đặc biệt ở bước 3, chú ý dùng từ nối.

Overall, the amount of CO2 caused by each individual in the UK and Sweden declined, while
the figures for Italy and Portugal rose over the whole period. Furthermore, the UK
generated the highest quantity of CO2 emissions in all years.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

3. Body 1

Bước 1: Chia số dây thành các phần nhỏ, phân tích điểm đầu, điểm cuối, điểm đỉnh, điểm
đáy của từng dây.

Bước 2: Phân tích các dây và thể hiện sự so sánh, tăng giảm.

Body 1: Phân tích:

Ø Dây 1 – giảm đều từ đầu tới cuối, năm 1967 cao nhất
Ø Dây 2 – tăng lên đỉnh rồi giảm mạnh ở cuối chu kỳ

The UK and Sweden experienced a downward trend. In 1967, the yearly amount of
CO2 released by the UK was highest at approximately 11 metric tonnes, and it went
down gradually to around 9 metric tonnes over the next 40 years. The figure for Sweden
rose slightly to a peak of over 10 tonnes in 1977 from roughly 9 metric tonnes in 1967,
before falling dramatically to over 5 metric tonnes in 2007.

4. Body 2

Bước 1: Chia số dây thành các phần nhỏ, phân tích điểm đầu, điểm cuối, điểm đỉnh, điểm
đáy của từng dây.

Bước 2: Phân tích các dây và thể hiện sự so sánh, tăng giảm.

Body 2: Phân tích:

Ø Dây 3 – tăng đều trong cả quá trình

Ø Dây 4 – điểm đầu thấp nhất, tăng mạnh bằng với dây 2

The other nations had an upward trend. Between 1967 and 2007, a significant rise
from the lowest point of over 1 metric tonnes to 5 metric tonnes was recorded in the
average amount of CO2 caused by Portugal. Likewise, there was a twofold increase
from about 4 to nearly 8 metric tonnes in the figure for Italy during the same period.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in
the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.

The line chart reveals statistics about the amount of CO2 emitted by each person in four
different nations from 1967 to 2007.

Overall, the amount of CO2 caused by each individual in the UK and Sweden declined, while
the figures for Italy and Portugal rose over the whole period. Furthermore, the UK
generated the highest quantity of CO2 emissions in all years.

The UK and Sweden experienced a downward trend. In 1967, the yearly amount of
CO2 released by the UK was highest at approximately 11 metric tonnes, and it went
down gradually to around 9 metric tonnes over the next 40 years. The figure for Sweden
rose slightly to a peak of over 10 tonnes in 1977 from roughly 9 metric tonnes in 1967,
before falling dramatically to over 5 metric tonnes in 2007.

The other nations had an upward trend. Between 1967 and 2007, a significant rise
from the lowest point of over 1 metric tonnes to 5 metric tonnes was recorded in the
average amount of CO2 discharged by Portugal. Likewise, there was a twofold increase
from about 4 to nearly 8 metric tonnes in the figure for Italy during the same period.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the
United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007. (cách 2)

The line chart gives information about the average amount of CO2 emitted by each person
in four different nations from 1967 to 2007.

Overall, the UK and Sweden saw a downward trend while the reverse was true for the
other nations. In addition, the highest level was recorded for the UK in all years of the

The UK and Portugal started with the highest and lowest amount at the beginning of
the period with about 11 and 1 metric tonnes, respectively. Subsequently, while the
amount of CO2 caused by each individual in the UK declined gradually to nearly 9
metric tonnes, a dramatic rise to over 5 metric tonnes was seen in the figure for

Sweden came in second with nearly 9 metric tonnes in 1967 whilst Italy ranked third
with around 4 metric tonnes. Afterwards, CO2 emissions released by the former
experienced a slight rise to a peak of more than 10 metric tonnes in 1977, followed by a
considerable decrease to the same as that for Portugal in 2007. In contrast, there was a
double increase to nearly 8 metric tonnes in the figure for the latter, during the same

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the
United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007. (cách 3)

The line chart gives information about the average amount of CO2 emitted by each person
in four different nations from 1967 to 2007.

Overall, the UK and Sweden saw a downward trend while the reverse was true for the
other nations. In addition, the highest level was recorded for the UK in all years of the

In 1967, the UK was the biggest source of CO2 emissions with around 11 metric tonnes
caused by each person each year, which was followed by Sweden with nearly 9 metric
tonnes. While Italy came in third with more than 4 metric tonnes, the lowest was recorded
for Portugal, at a little over 1 metric tonne.

Subsequently, the yearly amount of CO2 released by each individual in the UK

experienced a gradual decrease to about 9 metric tonnes in 2007. Meanwhile, after rising
to a peak of over 10 metric tonnes in 1977, the level for Sweden fell significantly to
approximately 5 tonnes in the final year. During the same period, the respective figures
for Italy and Portugal went up sharply to roughly 8 and 5 metric tonnes.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


The graph below shows the percentage of people in the different age groups who
went to the cinema once a month in Great Britain.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

The line graph reveals statistics about the proportion of audiences across four different
age categories who went to cinemas once each month in the UK from 1984 to 2000.
Overall, all the age groups experienced an upward trend over the entire period. In
addition, the highest percentage was recorded for 15-24-year-olds.

The 15-24 and 35+ age groups started with the highest and lowest proportion with
about 17% and 1%, respectively. Subsequently, while the former saw a significant rise
to nearly 60% in 2000, the figure for the latter remained relatively stable until 1989 before
increasing dramatically to around 15% at the end of the period.

The 7-14 age group came in second with 10% whilst the 25-35 age group ranked
third with roughly 5% in 1984. Afterwards, there was a dramatic growth in the
percentage of 7-14-year-old audiences to a peak of approximately 38% in 1999, followed
by a moderate fall to over 32% in 2000. During the same period, a sharp rise to the same
as that for the youngest age category, was recorded in the figure for people aged 25-35.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


The graph shows waste generation in the UK, measured in millions of tonnes from
three different sources between 1990 and 2005.

The line graph reveals statistics about the amount of waste from three sources, in the
United Kingdom, from 1990 to 2005. Overall, waste generated from transport increased
while the figures for the other factors decreased, leading to a decline in the overall output.
In addition, households produced the least quantity of waste in most years of the period.

Industry was the highest category at the beginning of the period, at nearly 6 million
tonnes and this underwent a threefold fall to only 2 million tonnes in 2005. Starting at
the same point of 1 million tonnes in 1990, the figures for transport and households
showed opposite trends afterwards. Waste production from transport surpassed the
industry in 2002, at approximately 2.5 million and rose remarkably to nearly 3 million,
making transport become the largest waste source in 2005. In contrast, waste from
families remained stable until 1999 before reducing gradually to 0 tonnes in 2005.

Industry, transport and households generated a total of around 8 million tonnes of waste
in 1990, which remained relatively constant over the next three years. This figure,
however, saw a gradual fall to roughly 5 million tonnes at the end of the period.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph below gives information about the consumption of energy in the USA
since 1980 with projection until 2030.

The line graph reveals statistics about the consumption of six types of energy, in the
United States, between 1980 and 2030. Overall, with the exception for hydropower, the
consumption of all kinds of energy saw an upward trend, but petrol and oil were the most
significant sources of energy. In the future, the trends are expected to continue.

Petroleum and oil were the biggest sources of energy in 1980 with 35 quadrillion units.
Subsequently, it fell slightly to the lowest point of about 31 quadrillion units in 1985
before being expected to hit nearly 50 quadrillion units in 2030.

Natural gas and coal generated the next highest amounts of energy with 25 and over
15 quadrillion units in the first year, respectively, then these figures went up to 25
quadrillion in 2015. Afterwards, whilst coal is predicted to overtake gas and reach about
33 quadrillion units, gas consumption is anticipated to stay at the same level.

Nuclear, renewable energy and hydropower contributed the least energy with
roughly 7 quadrillion units, each. Over the next 50 years, hydropower is projected to
remain relatively stable, but the respective figures for nuclear, solar and wind energy will
reach estimated values of approximately 8 and 6 quadrillion units.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả



Phân tích ví dụ. ( có thể vẽ thành line graph)

The chart shows the proportion of renewable energy in total energy consumption in
4 countries from 1997 to 2010 – (4 lines, 3 năm)

renewable energy consumption









Australia Sweden Iceland Turkey

1997 2000 2010

The bar chart reveals statistics about how renewable energy was utilized by four different
nations in 1997, 2000, and 2010. Overall, there was an increase in the percentage of
renewable energy used by Sweden and Iceland while a decrease was recorded in the
figures for Australia and Turkey. In addition, Iceland had the highest proportion in all

Sweden and Iceland experienced an upward trend over the period. In 1997, the
proportion of sustainable energy consumed by people in Sweden was lowest with about
5%, and it saw a twofold increase to 10% in 2010. Likewise, the highest level in the first
year was for Iceland with around 48%, then it rose dramatically to 70% in the final year.

Australia and Turkey recorded a downward trend. Australia came in third with
exactly 10% while Turkey ranked second with roughly 38% at the beginning of the
period. Subsequently, the use of renewable power in by Australians declined sharply to
approximately 4% in 2010. During the same period, the figure for Turkish peaked at 40%
in 2000 before falling moderately to over 30% at the end of the period.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Phân tích ví dụ - ( có thể vẽ thành line graph)

The charts show the spending of a school in 1981, 1991 and 2001 ( 5 lines, 3 năm)

The three pie charts give information about the proportion of money spent on five
different categories by a school in 1981, 1991 and 2001. Overall, the spending on other
workers’ wages and resources such as books declined while the figures for the other items
rose over the period. In addition, the school spent the most money on salaries for teachers,
but the least money was paid for insurance.

Teachers’ salaries and insurance accounted for the highest and lowest expenses in the first
year with 45% and 2% respectively. Subsequently, the payment for teachers’ salaries
peaked at 50% in 1991 before falling slightly by 5% in 2001. During the same period,
there was a fourfold increase to 8% in the budget on insurance.

Salaries for other workers came in second with 28% at the beginning of the period while
the figures for the remaining categories were the same, with 15%, each. Afterwards, the
spending on wages of other workers experienced a sharp decrease to 15% at the end of
the period. Meanwhile, the expenditure for furniture and equipment dipped to a low of
only 5% in 1991, but then rose dramatically to 23% in 2001. In contrast, there was a
considerable growth to a peak of 20% in 1991 in the budget for resources, followed by a
drop to 9% in 2001.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Phân tích ví dụ - ( có thể vẽ thành line graph)

The table shows oil production in Africa countries from 2000 to 2004 ( unit: barrels)
– ( 4 lines, 5 năm)

Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Nigeria 200,000 220,000 210,000 260,000 278,000

Chad 0 0 0 50,000 220,000

Congo 2,000 1,900 1,800 1,600 1,500

Somalia 9,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 15,000

The table gives information about the amount of oil produced by four different nations in
Africa between 2000 and 2004. Overall, Congo experienced a downward trend in the
production of oil while an upward trend was recorded for the other countries. In addition,
Nigeria was the biggest oil producer in all years of the period.

Nigeria and Chad generated the highest and lowest amount of oil at the beginning of the
period with 200,000 and 0 barrels. Subsequently, the quantity of oil made by the former
rose dramatically to 278,000 barrels after some fluctuation. The latter did not produce oil
until 2003 with 50,000 barrels, and then a significant increase to 220,000 barrels was
recorded, making it become the second largest oil manufacturer at the end of the period.

Somalia ranked second with 9,000 barrels in 2000 while Congo came in third with 2,000
barrels. Afterwards, oil production in Somalia dipped to a low of 8,000 barrels in 2001
before climbing to 15,000 barrels in 2004. During the same period, there was a gradual
decline to 1.500 barrels in the figure for Congo.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


v Phân tích ví dụ

The bar chart below shows the amount of money invested in four categories from
five organizations.

The pie charts below compare water usage in San Diego, California and the

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The table below shows a survey on the preference of different age groups in a
European country on different TV programmes in 2012.

Percentages by age groups

TV programs
11-15 16-20 21-25

Cartoons 29% 18% 4%

Feature films 18% 23% 20%

News 6% 19% 23%

Soap Opera 17% 12% 19%

TV dramas 8% 10% 13%

Sports 22% 18% 21%

• Phân tích các đề bài trên:

Ø KHÔNG vẽ được thành line graph vì không có sự thay đổi của số liệu theo thời
Ø Không có sự tăng lên, giảm đi của số liệu.
Ø Các số liệu thường khá nhiều.

• Kết luận:
Ø Với dạng đề này bạn không thể làm theo cách làm của các bài trước ( có xu hướng),
vì vậy, bạn nên chọn ra 10-12 số liệu chính cho mỗi biểu đồ, rồi sau đó các số liệu
đó với nhau.
Ø Cần highlight các điểm cao nhất, thấp nhất.
Ø Cần gộp các số liệu tương đương nhau hoặc bằng nhau.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

v Các mẫu câu thường được sử dụng với dạng không có xu hướng.

1. So sánh cao nhất, thấp nhất.

The highest/lowest/largest proportion of expenditure was spent on healthcare, which

accounted for 30%.
The highest/lowest/largest proportion of expenditure was spent on healthcare, with 30%.
The highest/lowest/largest percentage of spending was for healthcare, at 30%.
The spending on healthcare was highest/lowest with 30%.
Healthcare accounted for the highest/ lowest percentage of expenditure with 30%.
The proportion of money spent on healthcare was highest/ lowest at 30%.
The highest/lowest item of expenses/expenditure was healthcare at 30%.
Each family in the US paid the highest percentage for healthcare.

2. So sánh 2 dữ liệu cao bằng nhau.

Each family spent exactly the same proportion on food and housing, with/at 20%.
Each household spent an equal proportion of money on food and housing, with/at 20%.
Food and housing accounted for exactly 20%, each.
The figures for spending on food and housing were the same, at 20%.

3. So sánh cao hơn, thấp hơn.

A higher proportion of money was spent on healthcare than food, with 30% and 20%,
Germans spent a significantly higher percentage on healthcare than food, which
accounted for 30% and 20%, respectively.
The expenditure on healthcare was the highest with exactly 30%; however, the rate of
spending on insurance was remarkably lower, at only 10%.
The proportion of spending on healthcare was 30%, was three times/ triple that for
The expenditure on insurance was only 10% which was one third that for healthcare.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

v Thực hành dạng không có xu hướng

The chart below shows the percentage of females aged 16-25 in a particular country
who participated in sports, compared with the percentage of people who watched
them in 2000.

Ø Bước 1: Phân tích đề bài.

Đề này chỉ có một mốc thời gian duy nhất là năm 2000, so sánh tỷ lệ người xem và tỷ lệ
người chơi, vì vậy, sẽ không thể vẽ lại thành line graph như các dạng trước, thay vào đó
bạn phải so sánh xem dữ liệu nào cao hay dữ liệu nào thấp.
Có 2 cách dữ liệu là so sánh dữ liệu theo trục tung hoặc trục hoành – trục dọc hoặc trục
ngang. Nếu so sánh theo trục dọc bạn sẽ so sánh tỷ lệ người xem và tỷ lệ người chơi và
người xem của từng môn thể thao, nếu so sánh theo trục ngang bạn sẽ so sánh tỷ lệ của
các môn thể thao khác nhau. Mình thường so sánh theo trục ngang vì nó áp dụng được
cho nhiều bài hơn, mình sẽ hướng dẫn cách làm theo cả 2 cách ở bên dưới.
Ø Bước 2: paraphrase các keywords của đề bài
• the percentage of females aged 16-25 = the percentage/proportion/rate of female
players/participants/ audiences/viewers who were 16-25/ the percentage/
proportion/rate of 16-25-year-old females. ( các cách rephrase khác về nhóm tuổi bạn
có thể tham khảo thêm ở trang số 8)
• participate in = take part in = play/ attendants/players
• watch/audiences/ viewers

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Ø Bước 3: phân tích số liệu

• Viewers
50%, 15%, 15%, 5%, 10%, 5%
Chia thành 3 nhóm: 50%- cao nhất, 15% theo sau và bằng nhau, 10% và 5% nhóm thấp
• Players
30%, 20%, 21%, 12%, 30%, 15%
Cách 1: Chia thành 3 nhóm: 30% cao nhất và bằng nhau, 20% và 21% theo sau và bằng
nhau, 15% và 12% thấp nhất.
Cách 2: Chia theo cặp: 30% cao nhất và bằng nhau – gấp đôi 15%, 20% và 21% tương tự
nhau – gần gấp đôi 11%

Ø Viết bài
Introduction: Paraphrase lại đề bài bằng cách sử dụng từ, cụm từ đồng nghĩa, các
cấu trúc câu đồng nghĩa.

The bar chart compares statistics about the proportion of 16-25-year-old females in a
nation, who played and watched six different sports in 2000.

Overall summary: Viết 1-2 câu khái quát chung biểu đồ, thông thường sẽ so sánh 1
câu theo phương ngang, 1 câu theo phương dọc.

Overall, all sports attracted more players than viewers, except for tennis. Furthermore,
while tennis was by far the most popular sport for young female adults, badminton was
the least widely chosen.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Body graph 1: chỉ tập trung so sánh tỷ lệ người xem ( viewers) của các môn thể thao
với nhau.

With regard to 16-25-year-old female viewers, the highest proportion was for tennis,
which accounted for half total audiences. This was distantly followed by athletics and
basketball, which both recorded a little over 15%, each. The next highest percentage was
for golf, with 10%, while badminton, and horse riding and racing had the least audiences,
at just under 5%, each.

Body graph 2: chỉ tập trung so sánh tỷ lệ người chơi ( players) của các môn thể thao
với nhau.

Cách 1:

Turning to participants, the highest level were recorded in the percentage for tennis and
golf, with exactly 30%, each, followed closely by athletics and basketball, with roughly
20%. During the same year, house riding and racing attracted approximately 15% of
players, which was slightly higher than the lowest for badminton, at about over 11%.

Với những bước trên bạn sẽ viết được một bài hoàn thiện rất nhanh gọn.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The chart below shows the percentage of females aged 16-25 in a particular country
who participated in sports, compared with the percentage of people who watched
them in 2000. ( CÁCH 1)

The bar chart compares statistics about the proportion of 16-25-year-old females in a
nation, who played and watched six different sports in 2000. Overall, all sports attracted
more players than viewers, except for tennis. Furthermore, while tennis was by far the
most popular sport for young female adults, badminton was the least widely chosen.

With regard to 16-25-year-old female viewers, the highest proportion was for tennis,
accounting for half of total audiences. This was distantly followed by athletics and
basketball, which both recorded a little over 15%, each. The next highest percentage was
for golf, with 10%, while badminton, and horse riding and racing had the least audiences,
at just under 5%, each.

Turning to participants, the highest level was recorded in the percentage for tennis and
golf, with exactly 30%, each, followed closely by athletics and basketball, with roughly
20%. During the same year, horse riding and racing attracted approximately 15% of
players, which was slightly higher than the lowest for badminton, with about over 11%.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The chart below shows the percentage of females aged 16-25 in a particular country
who participated in sports, compared with the percentage of people who watched
them in 2000. (CÁCH 2)

The bar chart compares statistics about the proportion of 16-25-year-old females in a
nation, who played and watched six different sports in 2000. Overall, all sports attracted
more players than viewers, except for tennis. Furthermore, whilst tennis was by far the
most popular sport for female audiences, both tennis and golf were widely chosen by

Starting with tennis and golf, the former showed the highest level in terms of viewers
with exactly 50% which was far higher than that for those taking part in tennis games, at
30%. The latter had the same proportion of players as tennis, but the figure for golf
viewers was only one-third, with 10%.

Turning to other sports, the proportions for females watching athletics and basketball
were similar at around 15%, which was approximately 5% lower than that for players.
Similarly, badminton, and horse riding and racing, had the lowest percentage of
audiences, with roughly 5%, each, but the respective figures for participants of these
sports were far higher, at approximately 11% and 15%, respectively.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The chart below shows the results of a survey about people’s coffee and tea buying
and drinking habits in five Australian cities.

The bar chart reveals statistics from a survey about the proportion of people buying and
drinking coffee and tea, in five cities of Australia, in the last four weeks. Overall, it is
obvious that the percentage of residents going to a coffee store for either coffee or tea was
highest in most cities, followed by instant coffee, and then fresh coffee.

Starting with tea and coffee consumers in coffee shops, in the most recent four weeks,
the highest proportions were for Melbourne and Hobart, at about 64%. This was closely
followed Sydney and Brisbane with around 61% and 56%, respectively, and the lowest
proportion was for Adelaide with approximately 49%.

With regard to instant coffee, people in Brisbane and Hobart bought this kind of coffee
the most, at roughly nearly 54%, followed by exactly 50% in Adelaile. The next highest
level was in Melbourne with nearly 48% while the lowest percentage was recorded in
Sydney with over 46%.

Turnign to fresh coffee, Sydney and Melbourne had the highest figures, at nearly 43%,
which was almost 5% higher than that for Hobart. The lowest percentage of fesh coffee
buyers was recorded in the remaining cities, with 34%, each.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The pie charts below show the average household expenditure in Japan and
Malaysia in the year 2010. ( không có trend)

The spending / expenditure/ payment/ expenses for / the percentage/ proportion of

The pie charts provide information about the yearly spending on five different categories
by each family in Japan and Malaysia in 2010.

Overall, it is readily obvious that the expenditure on accommodation accounted for the
largest proportion in Malaysia while the highest expenses in Japan went on other goods
and services. In addition, both nations spent the least money on healthcare.

Starting with Japan, an average Japanese household used the highest proportion of
money for other goods and services, with 29%, followed closely by foodstuff, with 24%.
The next levels were for housing and transport, with 21% and 20%, respectively while the
lowest percentage of only 6% was paid for healthcare.

Turning to Malaysia, the highest spending was for housing, at 34%, which was slightly
higher than the respective figures for food and other goods and services, at 27% and 26%.
There was 10% of each family’s budget spent on transport, and the lowest expenditure
was for healthcare, at 3%.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five
different countries in 2002. – Không trend
Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category - 2002

The table reveals statistics about the proportion of money spent on three categories of
consumer products and services in five different nations in 2002.

Overall, the highest percentage of money in all nations was for food, drinks, and tobacco,
followed by clothing and footwear products, and the least spending was for recreation and
education. In addition, while Italy had the highest expenditure on clothing and footwear
products, the highest proportions for the other categories came from Turkey.

Starting with foodstuff, beverages, and tobacco, Turkey recorded the highest spending,
with 32.14%, which was twice as high as the lowest figures for Italy and Sweden, at
around 16%. Ireland came in second with 28.91% and Spain ranked third with 18.8%.

Turning to clothing and footwear-related items, the Italians paid the highest proportion
with exactly 9% while the lowest of 5.4% was paid by the Swedish. The figures for the
other countries were similar, at appromimately 6.5%.

With regard to recreational and educational activities, the highest proportion of

expenditure was 4.35% in Turkey, was double that for Ireland and Spain, at roughly 2%.
The remaining nations allocated more than 3% of their budget for this category.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


The charts below show reasons for travel and the main issues for the travelling
public in the US in 2009.

The bar chart compares the proportion of five different reasons why Americans travelled
and the pie chart illustrates six main problems for using public transport in 2009. Overall,
it is obviously apparent that the main reason why people in the US travelled was to
commute to and from work. In addition, public transport fares were the most significant
problem for passengers during the same year.

Starting with the bar chart, in 2009, almost half trips made by US citizens were to go
to and from their workplaces, with 49% which was far higher than the figures for
journeys for purposes of personal reasons and shopping, at 19% and 16%, respectively.
During the same yar, one in ten trips were for social or recreational activities while
visiting friends or relatives accounted for the lowest proportion of only 6%.

Regarding the pie chart, the proportion of problems related to the cost of travelling was
highest, with 36% which was nearly twice as high as that for issues associated with
safety and aggressive drivers. While highway congestion was the main issue for 14% of
the travelling public, the access to public transport and space for pedestrians were the least
important concerns with 8% and 6%, respectively.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The table and pie charts give information about the total value and sources of fish
imported to the US between 1988 and 2000.

The table shows the total value of imported fish in the United States while the three pie
charts illustrate the proportion of fish from three different sources in 1988, 1992, and
2000. Overall, the US spent more and more money importing fish from 1988 to 2000. In
addition, the percentage of fish from Canada experienced a downward trend while an
upward trend was recorded for the other sources.

Starting with the table, starting with 6.57 billion dollars in 1988, the spending on fish
from international markets rose considerably to 8.52 billion dollars in 1992. Over the next
8 years, this country continued to witness a sharp rise of 2.2 million dollars in the
expenditure on foreign fish.

Turning to the pie charts, Canada was the biggest source of fish with 60% at the
beginning of the period, and China supplied the least percentage of fish with only 13%
whilst 27% came from other areas. Subsequently, there was a significant decline to 28%
in the proportion of fish from Canada in 2000, but a dramatic growth to 30% was seen in
the figure for China. During the same period, the proportion of fish from other places
peaked at 46% in 1992 before falling slightly to 42% at the end of the period.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


v Chú ý khi làm bài dạng Map:
Ø Đối với dạng Map, cấu trúc của một bài vẫn chia theo thứ tự, introduction, overview,
và các body graphs.
Ø Nhìn tổng quan biểu đồ, phân tích các sự thay đổi và gom lại theo nhóm sao cho dễ
viết nhất và người đọc cảm thấy dễ hiểu nhất

v Khung một bài Map:

Introduction :
paraphrase lại đề bài, sử dụng các từ vựng của riêng bạn
Nhìn tổng quan, đếm các sự thay đổi, nếu thay đổi nhiều ta chọn các sự thay đổi chính và
diễn đạt.
Body 1&2:
Mô tả các sự thay đổi

v Một số ví dụ về cấu trúc câu thường được dùng trong dạng Map
The library saw/experienced/witnessed a significant change in its layout.
The library was opened/extended/added towards the south.
A meeting room was opened behind the building to cover the entire garden.
The old building was demolished/pulled down/destroyed to make way for/give way to
a new garden/the appearance of a new garden.
The old building was replaced by a new exhibition room.
The exhibition room was moved/transferred to the north of the library
A new building was erected/built/constructed on the site of the old garden.
The period from 2000 to 2010 witnessed/experienced the replacement of the library by a
new meeting room.
There was an appearance of a meeting room in place of the library in the north of the
There was an extension of the library towards the north from 2000 to 2010.
The north of the school witnessed the appearance of a meeting room in place of the
The library which was located/situated in the north of the school near the information
center, was demolished to make way for a meeting room.

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

v Một số danh từ thường dùng

The appearance of /the birth of/the emergence of
The construction of/erection of
The presence of/existence of
The disappearance of
The removal of
E elimination of/demolition of
The replacement of
Khung một bài Map theo cách của bạn sau khi thực hành
















Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 40

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The maps below show changes in the art gallery ground floor in 2005 and present

The pictures show the ground floor of an art gallery at two different stages in its
development: 2005 and at present. It is readily obvious that most features of the gallery
have been altered, except for the three exhibition rooms on the right, and the main
changes involve the replacement and addition of new facilities, making the art gallery
become more modern.

Looking at the left of the map, in 2005, there was a café in the northwest of the gallery’s
ground floor, which has been replaced by a shop. Similarly, a vending machine has been
put on the site of the original gallery office. In the southwest of the floor, the exhibition
room 4 has been separated into a temporary exhibition room and an area for children.

Regarding the centre, a new lift has also been added between the stairs and the
exhibition room 3. Likewise, the receptionist area with a table and two chairs has been
moved to the center from the corner of the entrance hall. Meanwhile, the appearance of a
wheelchair ramp outside the gallery has enabled disabled travellers with their wheel
chairs to enter the floor space.

Turning to the right, no changes are seen in the layout of the exhibition room 1, 2 and
3 on the right side of the ground floor.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 41

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The maps show a road system as it is now and the proposed changes in future to
reduce the number of accidents.

The pictures give information about the layout of a road system at present and proposed
alterations in the future to reduce traffic accidents. Overall, it is readily obvious that most
features on the picture will be changed, except for a school and residential area. The main
changes will involve the appearance of new facilities, making the road system become

Looking at the left side of Forest Road, now, a school in the northwest is connected to a
residential area by Low Lane which intersects with City Road. However, accidents often
occur in Low Lane; therefore, traffic lights will be set up in the crossroad to reduce
possibilities of accidents. City Road will be straightened.

Turning to the right side, a roundabout will be constructed at the intersection of City
and Forest Road in order to protect people from frequent accidents on Forest Road.
Furthermore, due to traffic accidents in the entrance to a supermarket in the northwest
from City Road, a completely new link from the roundabout to the supermarket will be

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 42

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


v Chú ý khi làm bài dạng Process:

Ø Đối với dạng process, cấu trúc của một bài vẫn chia theo thứ tự, introduction,
overview, và các body graphs.
Ø Nhìn tổng quan quá trình, có bao nhiêu bước, gom các bước chính lại trong phần
overview và phân tích từng bước nhỏ trong các body graphs.

v Khung thông thường của một bài Process


The diagram/process/picture illustrates/shows/demonstrates various stages/steps in

producing something/ in the development of something.

The diagram/process/picture illustrates/shows/demonstrates the process of producing

something/ how something is produced.


It is obviously apparent that there are five/six different stages in this process/shown on the
picture, which can be grouped into three main steps, beginning with---, then--- and ending

Body graphs:

The process commences/starts by ---

Next, ---

Finally, ---

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 43

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The picture shows the process of producing bricks.

The picture illustrates different stages in the process of producing and delivering bricks to
customers. Overall, there are a total of eight steps in the process of manufacturing and
supplying bricks, which can be grouped into three main stages, beginning with preparing
materials, then producing bricks, and ending by delivering bricks.

Starting with the preparation of materials, the process commences when a digger
excavates clay which is then put on a metal grid to separate small pieces of clay.
Subsequently, clay falls onto a roller and is mixed with sand and water.

Regarding the main production, the mixture of clay, sand and water is shaped into
bricks by either a mould or a wire cutter. Afterwards, bricks are moved to a drying oven
for one to two days. After that, they are fired in a kiln at a moderate temperature (200°C
– 980°C). Then, they are taken to another kiln to be fired at a higher temperature (870°C-
1300°C) before being put in a cooling chamber for two to three days.

The final stages show that bricks are delivered to customers by a truck after they are
packaged together to finish the whole process.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 44

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The diagram below shows how instant noodles are manufactured

The process diagram shows how packets of instant noodles are made. Overall, there are
eight steps, starting with flour being delivered and ending with noodles being put into
packets. In addition, five ingredients are used in the cups of noodles.

The first six steps involve making the noodles out of flour, water, and oil. First, flour
is delivered by trucks and stored in silos. Then, the flour is put into a mixer along with
water and cooking oil. Subsequently, the mixture is rolled into sheets of dough. After
this, the dough is cut into strips, which are then formed into circular discs. Then, these
discs are cooked in oil and then dried.

The final two steps involve packaging the noodles. In the first stage, the noodles are
put into cups and vegetables and spices are added. Subsequently, labels are added to the
cups and then they are sealed, which finishes the whole process.

Source: examiner

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả



Criteria Detail Comments
Over 250 words Viết ít nhất 250 từ
All parts of the topic are Trả lời tốt tất cả các phần
responded to well của chủ đề

Task All parts of the question are Trả lời tốt tất cả các phần
Achievement responded to well của câu hỏi
Main ideas are clear Ideas rõ ràng ( luận điểm)

Explanation/examples of main Giải thích/ ví dụ rõ ràng

ideas are clear ( luận cứ)
Good overall structure Cấu trúc tổng quan essay
The introduction clearly Mở bài rõ ràng, giới thiệu
Coherence introduces the essay cụ thể về bài.
and Topic sentences introduce
Cohesion Câu chủ đề rõ ràng
paragraphs well
Paragraph development is Các đoạn được viết một
logical cách logic
Appropriate word choices/
Loại từ, dạng từ chính xác
endings/ forms
Spelling is correct Viết đúng chính tả
Topic vocabulary Từ vựng theo chủ đề
Repetion is avoided (
Dùng từ đồng nghĩa
Sentence structures are diverse Các cấu trúc câu đa dạng và
Grammar and correct chính xác
Articles ( a, an, the) Mạo từ


Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 46

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Topic: Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass exams,
and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ø Phân tích đề

Đề này gồm có 2 phần: topic và câu hỏi, nhiệm vụ của ban là phải dựa vào topic và trả
lời, giải thích các phần của câu hỏi ( extent, agree or disagree) một cách rõ ràng, logic.

Bạn có thể lựa chọn cách viết hoàn toàn đồng ý, hoàn toàn không đồng ý, hoặc đồng ý 1
phần với bài này.

Ø Phân tích keywords:

students – learners / teach – educate

academic knowledge – academic lessons – academic classes – lessons associated with

academic knowledge – academic education – academic subjects – core/ key/main

skills such as cooking or dressing – cooking, dressing and other practical/

useful/real/necessary skills.

Ø Viết Introduction:

Điểm cốt lõi của một introduction tốt là khả năng paraphrase của bạn, cách paraphrase
cũng giống như trong task 1, mình thường sử dụng từ đồng nghĩa, đảo dạng từ, cấu trúc
câu từ chủ động thành bị động và ngược lại, đảo thứ tự vế trước về sau, đảo thứ tự so

Với introduction, mình sẽ phải viết ít nhất 2 câu, câu 1 rephrase lại chủ đề, câu thứ 2 trả
lời được câu hỏi mà đề bài đưa ra. Một số bạn có thói quen thêm câu general statement
vào introduction đọc nghe có vẻ cuốn hút hơn nhưng theo mình thì không cần, và nó chỉ
khiến bạn mất thêm thời gian chứ không được cộng điểm.

Mình sẽ viết một số introductions khác nhau, áp dụng các quy tắc trên để bạn có thể áp
dụng cho các bài khác nữa nhé.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 47

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic: Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass exams,
and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that cooking, dressing and other life skills should not be taught at school as
academic subjects should be prioritised to help learners pass exams. I completely agree
with this viewpoint because core subjects serve as a key determiner for a better career and

Some people hold the opinion that academic lessons should take precedence over
cooking, dressing and other practical skills in order for learners to achieve high scores. I
somewhat agree with this point of view because academic education is of importance for
students, but life skills are necessary for them to become more comprehensive.

Many are of the belief that schools should only focus on key subjects to help students pass
academic tests, rather than wasting time educating cooking, dressing and other life skills.
In my opinion, academic knowledge is more important, but other practical skills should
also be taught.

Chú ý:

đặc điểm chung của các mở bài trên là mỗi mở bài đều có 2 câu, trong đó câu 1 mình đã
rephrase lại topic một cách đầy đủ, câu thứ 2 mình đưa ra được mức độ đồng ý của mình
đối với topic trên.

Với cách mở bài thứ nhất mình đi theo hướng hoàn toàn đồng ý với topic và sau đó mình
khái quát luôn mình sẽ nói gì ở phần body graphs, đọc xong introduction, người đọc sẽ
hiểu được body graph 1 mình sẽ nói tới việc tập trung vào các môn học thuật sẽ mở
đường cho một sự nghiệp tươi sáng hơn, body graph thứ 2 mình sẽ nói về tập trung vào
các môn học thuật sẽ giúp nâng cao khả năng sáng tạo. Bạn cũng có thể có nhiều ideas
khác ví dụ như các môn học thuật khó nên đòi hỏi nhiều thời gian, hay việc học những
mỗn đó giúp học sinh tự tin hơn nhưng mình sẽ chỉ chọn mỗi body 1 idea duy nhất và giải
thích khi viết one-side essays.

Với cách mở bài thứ hai và ba, mình đi theo hướng đồng ý một phần, đọc xong
introduction, người đọc sẽ định hình được, body 1 mình sẽ viết về tầm quan trọng của
academic knowledge, body 2 mình sẽ viết về tầm quan trọng của life skills. Với cách viết
này mình sẽ chọn 2 ideas cho mỗi body graph khi viết balanced essays.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 48

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Ø Viết câu topic sentence:

Topic sentence là câu khái quát ý chung của cả một đoạn bạn định viết ( lối viết theo kiểu
diễn dịch), câu topic sentence thường ngắn gọn và có liên kết chặt chẽ với mở bài và kết
bài để đảm bảo tính xuyên suốt của cả bài, tránh mất điểm TR và CC.

One-side essays

The main reason is that good academic performances are conducive to better job
opportunities. ( body 1)

Another compelling reason is that highly focusing on core subjects leads to a higher level
of inventiveness. (body 2)

Balanced essays

On the one hand, academic lessons are necessary for a combination of reasons.

On the one hand, advocates of academic education point out a host of reasons.

One the one hand, there are several factors why academic subjects are vital.

One the other hand, I am convinced that educational institutions should encourage
students to take part in non-academic skills.

Nonetheless, I would argue that students should be given opportunities to learn practical

However, I believe that extra-curricular activities are important for students.

Chú ý:

Bạn có nhiều cách khác nhau để viết câu topic sentence của các body graphs tuỳ thuộc
vào chủ đề của đề bài và cấu trúc essay mà bạn muốn hướng tới, một one-side essay hay
một balanced essay. Dù viết cách nào đi nữa, bạn hãy cố viết tổng quan nhất có thể và
bám vào đề bài, đừng viết dài quá sẽ rất dễ bị trùng lặp với các câu giải thích phía sau.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 49

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Ø Viết main ideas và các câu giải thích:

Cách 1: Dùng mệnh đề nguyên nhân – kết quả

If learners just concentrate on key knowledge, they may pass all exams with high scores
and possess a clear advantage when looking for a job in the future.

Since several employers still place great emphasis on certificates, students with high
academic results would find better jobs.

Students would possess good academic results when focusing on core subjects, which
leads to/ which is conducive to / which paves the way for/ which lays the foundations for
a lucrative career thanks to preferences for academic degrees among employers.

The abolition of lessons related to life skills is to blame for a variety of problems in their
later life.

Cách 2: Dùng mệnh đề kết quả- nguyên nhân

Young people become more self-reliant after their graduation because they are equipped
with fundamental skills at school.

New graduates would have various advantages in the future as the increasingly
competitive job market requires not only technical expertise but also soft skills.

Young generations may face a variety of problems due to/ owing to poor basic abilities

Many young students cannot cooperate with their peers and teachers, which is
attributable/ attributed to their lack of interactive activities at school.

Sử dụng examples

Big enterprises in Vietnam, for instance, often prioritise candidates with excellent
certificates when looking for new staff.

One such example of this is that/ For instance/ For example/ To illustrate/ What is more, a
number of university students find it difficult to live alone as they cannot take care of
themselves in the absence of their parents due to poor cooking skills.

It is exemplified by an ever-increasing unemployment rate among graduates who are not

able to meet requirements of companies due to their poorly educated soft skills.

Hãy áp dụng những cấu trúc trên và viết một bài hoàn thiện nhé.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 50

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic: Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass exams,
and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many are of the belief that schools should only focus on key subjects to help students pass
academic tests, rather than wasting time educating cooking, dressing and other life skills.
In my opinion, although academic knowledge is more important, other practical skills
should also be taught.

On the one hand, I am convinced that academic lessons are necessary for a
combination of reasons. First and foremost, students would have good academic results
when solely concentrating on core lessons, paving the way for a lucrative career owing to
preferences for academic degrees among employers. Big enterprises in Vietnam, for
instance, often prioritise candidates with excellent certificates when looking for new
staff. Another compelling reason is that due to time limitations, school time should
focus on academic education to help students improve their results. To illustrate,
academic knowledge is challenging; therefore, most students need to spend a great
amount of time learning with their teachers unless they have no chance at all to pass

On the other hand, students should allocate a suitable amount of time for non-
academic skills. The main supporting point is that if students are proficient at life
skills, they are more comprehensive, leading to a better life. One such example of this is
that they would take advantage of communication and teamwork skills cultivated from
extracurricular activities at school to interact with their colleagues and customers in the
future, which is conducive to more achievements and closer relationships. Furthermore,
young people may become more self-reliant after their graduation because they are
equipped with fundamental skills from school. To illustrate, a number of university
students find it difficult to live alone as they cannot take care of themselves in the absence
of their parents due to poor cooking skills.

To sum up, I believe that academic subjects should be prioritized because of tremendous
merits associated with job opportunities and school records, but learners should spend a
minimal amount of time studying other skills to become more well-rounded and

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 51

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


What extent do you agree or disagree


Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology can

replace their functions.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money maintaining community centres
where books are stored for people to use as most of their functions can be replaced by
modern computers. I completely agree with this point of view because computers are
better in storing information and more convenient for readers than traditional libraries.

The main reason is that computers are considered as an ideal tool for storing
knowledge, which is the main function of brick-and-mortar libraries. This is because
computers with internet access can provide a wealth of information to readers. Therefore,
people can find online documents about the environment, education, technology, and so
on. The website Wikipedia, for example, acts as a valuable source of information related
to all aspects of life. In fact, an increasing number of students in many parts of the world
use their computers to study at home since they can find a lot of suitable books on
Wikipedia to carry out research and enrich their knowledge.

Another compelling reason is that computer technology is highly appreciated by

learners thanks to its convenience. The advent of the Internet and computers has
enabled people, irrespective of their location, to find any books without having to go to a
library. Readers, hence, are keen on learning through their computer, and traditional
libraries would have become redundant. To illustrate, many state libraries in Vietnam
have been changed into labs, classrooms, and other public places due to a decreasing
number of library members as modern students, particularly those who are proficient at
computer skills, are indifferent to reading in these areas despite various campaigns to
encourage them to go there.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that computer technology has various benefits when it
comes to information storage and accessibility; therefore, maintaining public libraries
should be seen as a waste of money.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 52

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Dạng 1: To what extent do you agree or disagree

It is argued that -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

I completely agree/ disagree with this viewpoint because ------------------------------------
-------đại ý body 1----------------- and -----------------đại ý body 2-------------------------------.

The main reason is that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

If/ Since/ This is because, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Another compelling reason for this is that ------------------------------------------------------

If/ Since/ This is because, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In conclusion, I trongly believe that -------------------- tóm tắt body 1 --------------------,--

-------------------------------------------------------------------tóm tắt body 2------------------------

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 53

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Many are of the belief that math acts as a key determiner in a successful business career. I
completely agree with this viewpoint because math-related skills are of necessity for
making decisions and innovative ideas.

The main reason why math is a prerequisite for success is that effective decisions
often originate from math-based skills. Since many managerial functions involve
financial statistics, skills associated with math are necessary for making decisions based
on data. Therefore, if people possess a high level of competence in math, they may have
better strategies related to their budget. For instance, directors may tap into their
analytical skills, honed from learning math, to summarize and analyze figures provided by
accountants and senior managers to calculate the return on investment for a new project.
Thus, they have the most suitable strategic and tactical choice, laying the foundation for
their enterprises’ success.

Another compelling reason is that math-related knowledge is the root of innovative

ideas which are an important element for many achievements. To illustrate, the higher
math proficiency people have, the faster their brain processes information, and the more
creative ideas they generate. Mark Zuckerberg, for instance, has taken advantage of his
creativity to create a more attractive social networking website than any competitor,
paving the way for one of the biggest corporations in the world. His success is mostly
attributed to his incredible innovative thinking cultivated from math lessons since he was

In conclusion, I strongly agree with the view that math is indispensable for a successful
business career path as decision-making skills and inventive plans stem from the process
of learning math. Hence, I recommend all aspiring business people develop their math

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 54

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the protection
of wild animals, and this money could be better spent on the human population.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that it is better to invest in the human race as opposed to wild animal
conservation which is not only time-consuming but also expensive. I somewhat agree
with this viewpoint because spending on humans is more important, but time and money
should also be used for wild animal protection.

On the one hand, time and financial resources need to be better allocated to the
population for a combination of reasons. First and foremost, in most countries, there
are still disadvantaged and homeless people who are struggling to survive due to their
poor financial health. They, therefore, need time and financial support from the state to
overcome their problems and improve living standards. Furthermore, since education
acts as a key determiner in socio-economic development, more time and budgets need to
be spent on educational institutions. This would, in turn, create a civilized society and a
thriving economy, which is conducive to a better life for the whole population.

On the other hand, I believe that time and funding for animal-related projects are
also of necessity. The first supporting point is that as some wild animals are highly
endangered due to human activities, the authorities should spend a minimal level of
expenditure and time on protecting animals from extinction. For instance, harvesting
natural resources and industrial production are main contributions to habitat destruction
which is to blame for the extinction of various species; hence, people should be
responsible for their destruction through animal conservation projects. Another
compelling reason is that human beings may derive great benefits from protecting wild
animals. To illustrate, protecting wildlife also means conserving natural habitats
including important fauna and flora, which is paramount for medicinal research for the
sake of humans.

In conclusion, although humans are the first priority for any investment to improve their
life quality, spending on protecting animals is of necessity for endangered animals and
human survival.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 55

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Dạng 1: To what extent do you agree or disagree

It is argued that ----------------------------------------. I somewhat agree with this

viewpoint because -------vế 1-------, but --------vế 2---------------------------------------------.

On the one hand, ----------------------------------------- for a combination of

reasons. First and foremost, ---------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another compelling reason is that ----------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ one way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On the other hand, I believe that --------------------------------------------------------------

The primary reason is that, ------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Furthermore, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In conclusion, I believe that although -------------------- tóm tắt body 1 --------------------

,---------------------------------------------------------------------tóm tắt body 2---------------------

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 56

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths, rather than soft skills and

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is argued that math acts as a key determiner in a successful business career path, instead
of soft skills and luck. I somewhat agree with this viewpoint because knowledge
associated with math is necessary for doing business, but other factors are more

On the one hand, I agree that math-related knowledge is beneficial for a

combination of reasons. First and foremost, since mathematical knowledge is helpful
for analyzing data related to budget, people who are competent at math often have better
financial decisions. To illustrate, directors would tap into their analytical skills honed
from math lessons, to summarize figures provided by accountants and senior managers to
calculate the return of their investment for a new project. Another compelling reason is
that math helps people improve their creativity which is an important element for any
achievement. For instance, Bill Gates has taken advantage of his innovative ideas to
apply for his technological projects, paving the way for one of the biggest technological
companies in the world.

On the other hand, I still believe that practical skills and fortune play a more vital
role in the success of a person. With respect to the former, the increasingly
competitive business environment requires soft skills to collaborate with others to
succeed. One such example of this is that people who are proficient at communication
and teamwork skills can easily understand and cooperate with their teammates in a team-
oriented environment and compete with other competitors. Regarding the latter, luck is
also considered as a prerequisite for the success of most enterprises. For example, despite
the economic downturn due to the Covid-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical firms grasped
their opportunity to earn a huge amount of money from selling face masks and vaccines
thanks to an escalating demand among citizens in a short time.

In conclusion, though math-based skills are needed for making financial decisions and
inventive plans, I believe that soft skills and fortune are more necessary to succeed in

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Some people believe that a country will benefit greatly if young people study abroad.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?























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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


























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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


“Discuss both views and gives your opinion”

Some people think that printed newspapers are the best way to learn news.
However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

A school of thought holds that the most effective method to keep abreast of current
affairs is to read traditional newspapers while the alternative stance asserts that other
types of media are a better source of information. The purpose of this essay is to
analyze both sides of this contentious argument and then explain why I agree with
the latter view.

On the one hand, proponents of conventional newspapers tend to point out a

combination of reasons. First and foremost, printed news is more accurate and reliable
than the online one thanks to rigorous editing processes. Paper news in Vietnam, for
instance, is checked carefully by a number of editors to ensure the accuracy before being
published, which protects readers from fake news. Another compelling reason is that
there are a variety of advertisements attached to news in other kinds of media, distracting
readers’ attention from important issues. Hence, they miss out on essential news
associated with government policies and the job market, affecting their lives negatively.

On the other hand, I advocate those who believe that people can take in information
more effectively through alternative forms of media. The first supporting point is
that they are much more convenient than newspapers, helping readers update news at the
push of a button. If a person has a smartphone, he can have access to a huge volume of
knowledge without having to buy a printed version. Furthermore, since news published
on other media platforms is often not only hands-on but also lively, learners would have
deeper insights into the news. For instance, thanks to real pictures and live videos about
the Covid-19 pandemic on TV channels in Vietnam, all citizens have been made fully
aware of potential dangers of this disease, paving the way for a successful preventive

In conclusion, I believe that both options have merits. The other media, however, is the
best information source when it comes to convenience and visual news. As long as
readers focus on the main contents and do not pay attention to ads or unreliable news, the
alternative media platforms are a good way for them to update news.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 60

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Dạng 2: Discuss both views and give your opinon

A school of thought holds that -----------------------------------------------------------, while

the alternative stance asserts that ------------------------------------------------------------.
The purpose of this essay is to discuss both sides of this contentious argument and
then explain why I agree with the former/ latter view.

On the one hand, proponents of-----------------------------------------------------------------

tend to point out a combination of reasons. First and foremost, ---------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another compelling reason is that ----------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On the other hand, I advocate those who believe that ----------------------------------------

The primary reason is that ------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Furthermore, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

In conclusion, I believe that both sides are justifiable. However, on balance, although
------------------------------------------- tóm tắt body 1, ---------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------- tóm tắt body 2-----------------------------------------------

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 61

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Some people think that children should aim to do their best at what they are
doing while others believe it is not necessary for them.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

A school of thought holds that children should try their best to achieve their goals in all
kinds of activities while the alternative stance asserts that it is not important. The
purpose of this essay is to discuss both sides of the contentious argument and then
explain why I agree with the former view.

There are those who believe that children should try their best for a host of reasons.
First and foremost, they might have a higher level of motivation towards their goals,
paving the way for more achievements. Gifted students in Vietnam, for instance, are
often encouraged to rank among the best members in their class; hence, they might
demonstrate more determination, laying the foundations for their incredible attainments in
most exams. Another compelling reason is that since various children are endowed with
special skills, they should show their best efforts to reach their full potential. For
example, it would be a real pity when youngsters who have aptitudes for sports, do not
aim to become a sports player, leading to a waste of personal talents.

However, opponents of the above view tend to claim several reasons. The main one is
that most children are already under considerable pressure due to expectations of their
parents for different tasks. They, therefore, need to be given opportunities to enjoy their
activities, rather than trying to become winners for just fulfilling wishes of their parents
who often attach great emphasis on their offspring’s accomplishments. Furthermore,
some children might suffer mental issues if they show their best attempt in all activities.
To illustrate, they may have a sense of depression after falling behind others despite
endless belief and efforts.

In conclusion, I believe that both sides are justifiable. However, on balance, I am

inclined to lean towards the former viewpoint because doing one’s best and striving for
success are important despite potential risks of stress and depression.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 62

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the country,
while some people think it is bad.

Discuss both views and state your opinion.























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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

























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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages’

Research shows that business meetings, discussions and training are happening
online nowadays.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Some studies have proven that a variety of online business activities such as meetings,
conversations, and training are carried out these days. This essay will analyze why I
believe that the drawbacks of this phenomenon are outweighed by its merits.

The appearance of more internet-based business activities is to blame for reduced

productivity and a deterioration in health. With respect to the former, since people
can get distracted by other online programs, the effectiveness of online conversations will
be affected negatively. To illustrate, various employees cannot maintain a high level of
concentration during their whole online training programs due to advertisements
appearing automatically on computers; hence, they miss out on some key points given by
trainers. Regarding the latter, exposure to technological devices to work online would
result in deleterious health effects. In fact, more and more people have suffered back
pains, obesity, and eyesight problems in recent years, which has been attributable to much
more time sitting in front of computers to work online as opposed to face-to-face business
activities. f

Despite the downsides given above, I still believe that the benefits of working online
are more significant. The first supporting point is that not only organizations but also
workers can save a great deal of money. This is because companies and workers would
pay less for facilities like offices, and travelling fees. Furthermore, in some situations,
particularly that require large discussions between people in different countries,
unexpected issues could be tackled faster. One such example of this is that technical
experts working for Mazda car company in the four corners of the world, took advantage
of the Internet to find the best solution for fuel-related problems with new model cars
released in Vietnam last year, unless the image of this company would be affected.

In conclusion, I would restate that the disadvantages of online business, in terms of the
effectiveness and health issues, are eclipsed by the advantages related to less costs and
urgent measures.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 65

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả



It is a fact that -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

This essay will analyze why I believe that the inconveniences of this trend are
outweighed by its merits.

On the one hand, ----------------------------------------------brings a host of

drawbacks. First and foremost, -------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another compelling reason is that ----------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

One the other hand, in spite of the downsides given above, I believe that the benefits
are more significant. The primary reason is that, ---------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Furthermore, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In conclusion, I believe that the disadvantages associated with ----------------------------

---------------------------------- tóm tắt body 1 ---------------------------- are eclipsed by
various advantages related to -------------- tóm tắt body 2-------------------------------------

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 66

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Some countries allow old people to work to any age that they want.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true that the elderly in several parts of the world are given opportunities to work until
they are ready to retire. In my opinion, the merits of this trend prevail over its downsides.

Not only society but also individuals derive great benefits from allowing old
generations to continue their work. From a social perspective, since older employees
have accumulated a great deal of experience, they may contribute to a highly-skilled
workforce, which is the prerequisite for the development of a nation. To illustrate, old
people who are proficient at their field often pass on their precious skills to their younger
counterparts who are the future of any society. At a personal level, if elderly citizens still
continue working after their retirement age, they are more self-reliant, and release the
financial burden on young generations. They, for instance, can earn money to cover their
basic needs, as opposed to relying on their children’s financial support.

Nonetheless, some minor drawbacks stem from permitting old people to work after
their retirement age. First and foremost, as older staff have permission to work later, a
higher unemployment rate among younger ones is inevitable due to the lack of vacancies.
For example, new medical graduates may have to struggle to find a job to cover their
living costs due to preferences for experienced candidates among employers.
Furthermore, elderly workers might suffer various health issues when trying to fulfill
their company’s requirements. One way of explaining this is that their physical fitness is
not good enough to assume their duties as they did in the past, and they still have to work
hard to achieve their personal targets at work.

In conclusion, I believe that the great benefits associated with an effective labor force
and an independent life overshadow some inconsiderable consequences related to
unemployment rates and health problems. Therefore, senior citizens should be encouraged
to stay in the workforce for as long as it pleases them.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 67

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

In many places, people’s lifestyle is changing rapidly, and this affects family

Do you think the advantages of those developments outweigh the disadvantages?






















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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


“Positive or Negative development”

There are more workers who work from home and more students who study from
home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily accessible and
Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Thanks to the easier affordability and availability of computers, employees and learners
are able to work and study at home instead of going to their workplaces and educational
institutions. This essay will analyze some of the principal reasons why I believe that
this should be considered as progress.

The main reason is that working at home is much more convenient for employees.
Owing to the widespread popularity and affordability of modern computers in the four
corners of the world, people have been able to come into contact with others such as
customers and partners without having to travel to other areas. Various international
enterprises, for instance, are developing online jobs, which allows their staff to take
advantage of computers to interact with foreign clients as opposed to flying to other
nations. Another example is that online discussions with colleagues can be hold any time
at home, allowing companies to solve urgent problems faster, regardless of their time and

Moreover, studying at home on computers helps students learn effectively in a

comfortable environment. This is because computers equipped with internet access may
provide a huge volume of knowledge related to all aspects of life; therefore, paving the
way for new horizons. Also, in the absence of teachers, students are more likely to be
more comfortable, which is important for creative ideas. For example, various students
choose to study on online websites such as Wikipedia since they can take advantage of
specific information divided into different categories to study logically, and think outside
the box without any pressure from teachers.

In conclusion, I believe that distance learning and working are seen as a very welcome
development because of the convenience and effectiveness for both workers and learners
in a comfortable environment.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 70

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả



It is a fact that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

In my opinion, this trend should be considered as a very negative/ positive/ welcome/
worthwhile development because ---------------------------đại ý body 1----------------- and
-----------------đại ý body 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------.

The main reason is that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

If/ Since/ This is because, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Another compelling reason for this is that ------------------------------------------------------

If/ Since/ This is because, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In conclusion, I believe that that ---------paraphrase lại topic-----------because ------------

-- tóm tắt body 1 --------------------and----------------------tóm tắt body 2-----------------------

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 71

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Advertisements are becoming more and more common in our everyday life.

Is it a positive or negative development?

It is a fact of modern life that commercials have been becoming increasingly popular in
people’s lives. Despite some minor inconveniences, the popularity of advertisements
should be better considered as a very welcome development thanks to various merits.

The appearance of more and more advertisements is disadvantageous for a

combination of reasons. First and foremost, advertising is likely to be a potential tool
for producers to exaggerate attributes of their products, which is to blame for a number of
problems. To illustrate, gullible customers would buy low-quality products whose values
are overstated on social networking websites like Facebook. Furthermore,
manufacturers may have to pay a great deal of money for advertising campaigns, leading
to escalating costs. One way of explaining this is that sellers would pass on advertising
fees to end consumers in forms of higher prices of their items.

Nonetheless, the ubiquity of commercials is conducive to a more convenient life and

numerous job opportunities. With respect to the former, clients would be well
informed about information associated with most kinds of goods thanks to an ever-
increasing number of advertisements. They, therefore, may find the most suitable
products for their family without having to go to stores. Regarding the latter, the
development of the advertising industry paves the way for new vacancies for a huge
number of people. For instance, young graduates who are endowed with special skills
like designing or editing can look for high-paid jobs in marketing companies, laying the
foundations for their better future.

To sum up, in spite of some inconsiderable drawbacks associated with exaggeration and
higher prices, the appearance of more and more advertisements should be seen as progress
when it comes to the convenience and lucrative careers related to this trend.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 72

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả



It is a fact that ------------------------------------------------------------------. In my opinion,

despite a number of inconveniences, this trend should be considered as a very
welcome development.

On the one hand, --------------------------------- is negative for a combination of

reasons. First and foremost, --------------------------------------------To illustrate/ For
instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is that/ Hence/
compelling reason is that ----------------------------------------------------------------To
illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

One the other hand, in spite of the downsides given above, I believe that this trend
should be considered as progress. The primary reason is that -----------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Furthermore, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In conclusion, I believe that although ------------------------tóm tắt body 1------------------,

------------rephrase topic-----------------is a worthwhile development because --------------
----------------------------------------------tóm tắt body 2---------------------------------------------

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 73

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the usage of
others is rapidly declining.

Is this a positive or a negative development?

Several main languages are used more and more by people in different parts of the world
while others are spoken less. In my opinion, despite some minor merits, this trend should
be considered as a very unwelcome development due to various inconveniences.

The dominance of a few languages brings potential benefits. First and foremost, the
ever-increasing use of primary languages leads to a more convenient life in the globalized
world. For instance, people, regardless of their nationality, can easily come into contact
with each other without any language barrier, paving the way for more effective
conversations. Another compelling reason is that the popularity of main languages
might help not only the authorities but also individuals save fees associated with language
education. To illustrate, the government may allocate less money to the teaching of new
languages, and learners also focus on key languages as opposed to wasting money for
various ones.

In spite of the positive points given above, the increasing usage of main languages is
seen as an adverse trend with many negative repercussions. The main reason is that
a language is not only a compound of spoken words but also a gateway to cultural and
historical values of a particular society. Hence, the less widespread use of other languages
means that precious features associated with cultures and history are unlikely to be passed
on to young generations by their older counterparts. Furthermore, as some primary
languages are increasingly dominant, various indigenous citizens from ethnic minorities
face a variety of problems. One way of explaining this is that if they are not endowed
with special skills for learning new languages, they will have fewer opportunities in a
multilingual community.

In conclusion, I believe that although the increasing popularity of certain languages brings
conveniences and financial merits, it should not be welcomed due to the disappearance of
interesting cultural and historical features, and issues for many speakers of minority

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 74

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots.

Is this a negative or positive development?
























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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


























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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


“Two-part questions’

In many countries, the quality of life in large cities is becoming worse.

What are the causes for this problem? What measures do you think should be taken
to tackle the problem?

There has been a deterioration in living standards of citizens in metropolitan areas in

various nations. The purpose of this essay is to discuss some of the principal reasons
for this phenomenon, and suggest possible solutions to address the issue.

The degradation of living conditions can be explained by a combination of factors.

The main reason is that the environment in large cities has been being contaminated due
to toxic chemical waste produced by more and more factories, leading to a variety of
health issues. For example, there has been an ever-increasing number of patients suffering
from cancer and other diseases, which is attributable to environmental pollution. Another
radical reason is that since living costs have been on the rise in many big cities, the
quality of life among metropolitans has been affected negatively. For instance, it is much
more difficult for citizens in densely populated cities such as Hanoi, to afford a house
than in the past due to higher prices for everything.

Some methods could be taken into account to solve the problem of the worse life
quality. An effective measure is to impose a higher tax charged on manufacturers whose
production waste causes damage to the environment. Therefore, enterprises are more
likely to improve their waste disposal process, ensuring a better environment for citizens.
Another possible solution is to launch government sponsored campaigns encouraging
urban citizens and companies to move to smaller regional towns. This would result in
lower prices of products in large cities thanks to lower demand and population density,
improving the affordability for citizens and their living conditions in general.

In conclusion, the environmental contamination and high costs of living are to blame for
the lower quality of life, but tax policies as well as relocation campaigns are efficient and
should be considered to solve the above issue.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 77

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả




It is a fact that -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

This essay will first analyze some of the main reasons/ problems and then suggest
possible solutions to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

----------------rephrase the topic------------------can be explained by a combination of

reasons/ can lead to a host of issues. First and foremost, ------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another compelling reason is that ----------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Some measures should be taken into consideration to deal with the problem. An
effective way is that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another possible method is that ------------------------------------------------------------------
To illustrate/ For instance/ One way of explaining this is that/ One such example of this is
that/ Hence/ Therefore,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

In conclusion, ------------- and ------------(tóm tắt body 1) are to blame for/ are the main
causes for -------------------/ problems associated with ----------(tóm tắt body 1)----------
can be anticipated. However, some solutions such as---------------- tóm tắt body 2 ----------
-------------- are efficient and should be taken into account.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 78

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other transport

Why it is not popular in many countries and how to increase its popularity?

Riding bikes is not widely chosen by people in various parts of the world although it is far
better for the environment than other methods of getting around. This essay will discuss
some of the principal reasons for this unpopularity and then suggest measures to
encourage more cyclists.

People in many nations are indifferent to cycling due to a combination of reasons.

First and foremost, riding bicycles is much more time-consuming, and requires more
energy than other modes of transport. Hence, if people have to go anywhere, they would
rather choose cars or motorbikes which help them save time and energy for other
purposes, than ride a bike. Another radical reason is that since life is becoming
increasingly competitive and challenging in various areas, people are less
environmentally conscious. Therefore, they focus on economic aspects to cover their
living costs as opposed to thinking about cycling for the sake of the environment.

Some measures should be taken into consideration to promote a cycling culture. An

effective solution is to launch a bike-sharing scheme, allowing people to use bikes
flexibly without any fees; thus, they may consider riding bikes more and more. For
instance, in Amsterdam, the authorities advise their citizens to take advantage of free
bikes in hundreds of bike stations, paving the way for one of the most bicycle-friendly
cities all over the world. Another possible method is to run environmental campaigns to
encourage the whole population to use bicycles to contribute to environmental protection.
For example, by carrying out some projects related to the close relationship between
cycling and the quality of air, Da Nang has an ever-increasing rate of cyclists this year.

In conclusion, the inconvenience of bikes, coupled with less concern about the
environment are to blame for the indifference to bikes. However, a project for free usage
of bicycles and an environmental program are efficient to promote the popularity of bike

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 79

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention in school.

What are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?
























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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Topic 1: In many countries, the quality of life in large cities is becoming worse.

What are the causes for this problem? What measures do you think should be taken
to tackle the problem?

There has been a deterioration in living standards of citizens in metropolitan areas in

various nations. The purpose of this essay is to discuss some of the principal reasons for
this phenomenon, and suggest possible solutions to address the issue.

The degradation of living conditions can be explained by a combination of factors.

The main reason is that the environment in large cities has been being contaminated due
to toxic chemical waste produced by more and more factories, leading to a variety of
health issues. For instance, there has been an ever-increasing number of patients suffering
from cancer and other diseases, which is attributable to the environmental pollution.
Another radical reason is that since the living costs have been on the rise in many big
cities, the quality of life among metropolitans has been affected negatively. To illustrate,
it is much more difficult for citizens in densely populated cities such as Hanoi, to afford a
house than in the past due to higher prices for everything.

Some methods could be taken into account by the authorities to solve the problem of
the worse life quality. An effective measure is to impose a higher tax charged on
manufacturers whose production waste causes damage to the environment. Enterprises,
therefore, are more likely to improve their waste disposal process, ensuring a better
environment for citizens. Another possible solution is to launch government sponsored
campaigns, encouraging urban citizens and companies to move to smaller regional towns.
This would result in lower prices of products in large cities thanks to lower demand and
population density, improving the affordability for citizens and their living conditions in

In conclusion, the environmental degradation and high costs of living are to blame for
the lower quality of life, but tax policies as well as relocation campaigns are efficient
and should be considered to solve the above issue.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 82

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 2: In many countries, people are spending more hours in the workplace.

What are the reasons?

Is it a positive or negative development.

It is true that people in various parts of the world are spending an increasing amount of
time at work. The purpose of this essay is to analyze some of the main reasons for this
phenomenon, and then explain why this should be considered as progress.

Longer hours are being spent in the workplace due to a combination of factors. The
main reason is that since the job market has become increasingly competitive, employees
have to spend more hours competing with others. In fact, people in Vietnam, particularly
young graduates, are ready to work overtime to improve their skills; therefore, preventing
them from becoming redundant. Another compelling reason is that as people place greater
emphasis on their career achievements, they spend an ever-increasing amount of time
working to reach their goals. No matter how many hours they spend, they just work hard
towards their targets to gain success.

The trend towards using more time in companies is a very welcome development. At
an individual level, working parents have a chance to earn more money; hence, laying the
foundations for their children’s future. This is because they can take advantage of their
savings to pay for better schools and healthcare services to ensure their children’s well-
rounded development. From a societal perspective, a hard-working workforce is the
determining factor for a thriving economy. Take Japan as a typical example, this country
is famous for hard-working people working late in the evening on a daily basis, and this
has led to one of the biggest economies in the world.

In conclusion, the competition and greater focus on results are the main causes for more
and more time spent at work, and I believe that it is a worthwhile development thanks to a
wide range of benefits for only individuals but also the community.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 83

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 3: In many countries, people are spending more hours in the workplace.

What are the reasons?

Is it a positive or negative development.

People in various parts of the world are spending an increasing about of time at work. The
purpose of this essay is to analyze some of the main reasons for this phenomenon, and
then explain why this should be considered as progress.

Longer hours are being spent in the workplace due to a combination of factors. The
main reason is that since the job market has become increasingly competitive, employees
have to spend more hours to compete with others. In fact, people in Vietnam, particularly
young graduates, are ready to work overtime to improve their skills; therefore, preventing
them from becoming redundant. Another compelling reason is that the costs of living
have been on the rise in recent years, and people have been under considerable pressure to
earn enough money for their lives. Therefore, they spend much more time to work to earn
additional income to support their family and cover basic needs in their lives.

The trend towards using more time in companies is a very welcome development. At
a societal level, employees try to work harder in the competition with others, paving the
way for more motivation for economic growth. It has been exemplified by the incredible
economic development of Vietnam in recent years, which has been attributable to a
productive workforce spending more and more time on their professions. From an
individual perspective, working parents have a chance to earn more money; hence, laying
the foundations for their children’s future. This is because they can take advantage of
their savings to pay for better schools and healthcare services to ensure their children’s
well-rounded development.

In conclusion, the competition at work and higher living costs are the main causes for
more and more time spent in the workplace, and this should be seen as a worthwhile
development thanks to a wide range of benefits for not only the society but also future

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 84

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 4: Research shows that business meetings, discussions and training are
happening online nowadays.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Some studies have proven that a variety of online business activities such as meetings,
conversations, and training are carried out these days. This essay will analyze why I
believe that the drawbacks of this phenomenon are outweighed by its merits.

The appearance of morre internet-based business activities is to blame for reduced

productivity and a deterioration in health. With respect to the former, since people
can get distracted by other online programs, the effectiveness of online conversations will
be affected negatively. To illustrate, various employees cannot maintain a high level of
concentration during their whole online training programs due to advertisements
appearing automatically on computers; hence, they miss out on some key points given by
trainers. Regarding the latter, exposure to technological devices to work online would
result in deleterious health effects. In fact, more and more people have suffered back
pains, obesity, and eyesight problems in recent years, which has been attributable to much
more time sitting in front of computers to work online as opposed to face-to-face business

Despite the downsides given above, I still believe that the benefits of working online
are more significant. The first supporting point is that not only organizations but also
workers can save a great deal of money. This is because companies and workers would
pay less for facilities like offices, and travelling fees. Furthermore, in some situations,
particularly that require large discussions between people in different countries,
unexpected issues could be tackled faster. One such example of this is that technical
experts working for Mazda car company in the four corners of the world, took advantage
of the Internet to find the best solution for fuel-related problems with new model cars
released in Vietnam last year, unless the image of this company would be affected.

In conclusion, I would restate that the disadvantages of online business, in terms of the
effectiveness and health issues, are eclipsed by the advantages related to less costs and
urgent measures.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 85

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 5: Some people work for the same organization all their working life. Others
think that it is better to work for different organizations.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

There are those who remain at the same workplace until retirement while the alternative
stance asserts that altering companies is a more viable option. The purpose of this essay is
to discuss both sides of this contentious argument and then explain why I lean towards the
latter view.

A school of thought holds that staying with the same organization for one’s whole
working life is justifiable due to a combination of factors. The main reason is that
long-term employees have gotten accustomed to their enterprise for an extended period of
time, leading to a profound understanding of how it operates. They, therefore, become
more proficient at work and enjoy a wide range of perks, including better promotion
prospects and incentives. Another compelling reason is that people would have more
chances of recognition, paving the way for greater job security. Several employers, for
instance, decided to dismiss most short-term staff in response to the global financial
meltdown in 2008, but they valued loyalty and ensured positions of long-term ones.

Nonetheless, proponents of job-hopping tend to point out potential merits of

individuals’ independence and varying skills. With respect to the former, if job
hoppers try their hand at different jobs, they would become more independent. This is
because they have opportunities to collaborate with more colleagues and adapt to various
work environments, which motivates them to be flexible and stand by themselves.
Regarding the latter, employees can acquire a variety of skills to become more versatile.
To illustrate, several executives have been working in different fields, and big
corporations, thus, offer them job opportunities with a lucrative income now as they are
incredibly knowledgeable in all related fields.

To sum up, I believe that both options have merits. However, although the insights into a
particular line of work and loyalty are often highly valued by some entrepreneurs, I am
inclined to believe that people should alter their jobs because of benefits related to
increased self-reliance and expertise in diverse fields.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 86

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 6: Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology

can replace their functions.

To what extent you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money maintaining community centres
where books are stored for people to use as most of their functions can be replaced by
modern computers. I completely agree with this point of view because computers are
better in storing information and more convenient for readers than traditional libraries.

The main reason is that computers are considered as an ideal tool for storing
knowledge, which is the main function of brick-and-mortar libraries. This is because
computers with internet access can provide a wealth of information to readers. The
website Wikipedia, for example, acts as a valuable source of information related to all
aspects of life; therefore, people can find online books about the environment, education,
technology, and so on. In fact, an increasing number of students in many parts of the
world use their computers to study at home since they can find a lot of suitable documents
on Wikipedia to carry out research and enrich their knowledge.

Another compelling reason is that computer technology is highly appreciated by

learners thanks to its convenience. The advent of the Internet and computers has
enabled people, irrespective of their location, to find any books without having to go to a
library. Readers, hence, are keen on learning through their computer, and traditional
libraries would have become redundant. To illustrate, many state libraries in Vietnam
have been changed into labs, classrooms, and other public places due to a decreasing
number of library members as modern students, particularly those who are proficient at
computer skills, are indifferent to reading in these areas despite various campaigns to
encourage them to go there.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that computer technology has various benefits when it
comes to information storage and accessibility; therefore, maintaining public libraries
should be seen as a waste of money.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 87

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 7: Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other transport

Why it is not popular in many countries and how to increase its popularity?

Riding bikes is not widely chosen by people in various parts of the world although it is far
better for the environment than other methods of getting around. This essay will discuss
some of the principal reasons for this unpopularity and then suggest measures to
encourage more cyclists.

People in many nations are indifferent to cycling due to a combination of reasons.

First and foremost, riding bicycles is much more time-consuming, and requires more
energy than other modes of transport. Hence, if people have to go anywhere, they would
rather choose cars or motorbikes which help them save time and energy for other
purposes, than ride a bike. Another radical reason is that since life is becoming
increasingly competitive and challenging in various areas, people is less environmentally
conscious. Therefore, they focus on economic aspects to cover their living costs as
opposed to thinking about cycling for the sake of the environment.

Some measures should be taken into consideration to promote a cycling culture. An

effective solution is to launch a bike-sharing scheme, allowing people to use bikes
flexibly without any fees; thus, they may consider riding bikes more and more. For
instance, in Amsterdam, the authorities advise their citizens to take advantage of free
bikes in hundreds of bike stations, paving the way for one of the most bicycle-friendly
cities all over the world. Another possible method is to run environmental campaigns to
encourage the whole population to use bicycles to contribute to environmental protection.
For example, by carrying out some projects related to the close relationship between
cycling and the quality of air, Da Nang has an ever-increasing rate of cyclists this year.

In conclusion, the inconvenience of bikes, coupled with less concern about the
environment are to blame for the indifference to bikes. However, a project for free usage
of bicycles and an environmental program are efficient to promote the popularity of bike

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 88

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 8: Some people think that printed newspapers are the best way to learn news.
However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media

Discuss both views and give your opinion?

A school of thought holds that the most effective method to keep abreast of current
affairs is to read traditional newspapers while the alternative stance asserts that other
types of media are a better source of information. The purpose of this essay is to
analyze both sides of this contentious argument and then explain why I agree with the
latter view.

On the one hand, there are those who think that reading conventional newspapers is
the best way to update news. The principal reason is that printed news is more accurate
and reliable than the online one thanks to a rigorous editing process. Paper news in
Vietnam, for instance, is checked carefully by various editors to ensure the accuracy
before being published, which protects readers from fake news. Moreover, there are a
variety of advertisements attached to news in other types of media, distracting readers’
attention from important issues. Hence, they miss out on essential news associated with
government policies and the job market, affecting their lives negatively.

On the other hand, I advocate those who believe that people can take in information
more effectively through other forms of media. The first supporting point is that they
are much more convenient than newspapers, helping readers update news at the push of a
button. If a person has a smartphone, he would have access to huge storage of knowledge
related to different fields on user-generated sites such as Wikipedia without having to buy
a printed version. Another compelling reason is that since news published on other media
platforms is often not only hands-on but also lively, learners would have a deeper
understanding of the news. One such example of this is that thanks to real pictures and
live videos about the Covid-19 pandemic on TV channels in Vietnam, all citizens have
been made fully aware of the dangers of this disease, leading to a successful preventive

In conclusion, I believe that both options have merits. The other media, however, is the
best information source when it comes to convenience and visual news. As long as
readers focus on the main contents and do not pay attention to ads or unreliable news, the
media is a good way for them to update news.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 89

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 9: In some parts of the world, it is increasingly popular to research the

history of one's own family.

Why do people want to do this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

More and more research is carried out by people, in several countries in the world, into
the history of their own family. This essay will discuss some of the principal reasons for
the popularity of studies of family history, and then state that it should be considered as a
very welcome development.

The ever-increasing popularity of research on historical aspects of families can be

explained by a combination of factors. First and foremost, learning historical events
associated with families helps people avoid many problems. For instance, in some
countries such as China and Vietnam, young generations are being encouraged to find out
how their ancestors overcame various issues to lay the foundations for later generations,
which prevents them from similar mistakes. Another possible reason is that people put
more emphasis on family traditions and identities. They, hence, discover more about what
happened with their family in the past to prevent the values of their origins from erosion.

The trend towards learning more about the history of families is seen as progress.
The main reason is that if younger generations know about their family-related mistakes
in the past, they will have a better life. Inherited diseases, in fact, are less likely to affect
citizens now thanks to historical information about health issues with their predecessors’
lives, leading to higher living standards. Moreover, studying historical events that
happened among a family is an ideal way to educate the young. To illustrate, by listening
to historical stories given by grandparents, children have a closer insight into interesting
cultures passed on to different generations; hence, they would take pride in their origins.

In conclusion, the awareness about historical mistakes and family values leads to an
increasing number of studies related to the history of families, and this should be
considered as a positive trend thanks to the better quality of life and valuable features.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 90

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 10: There are more workers who work from home and more students who
study from home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily
accessible and cheaper.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Thanks to the easier affordability and availability of computers, employees and learners
are able to work and study at home instead of going to their workplace and educational
institutions. This essay will analyze some of the main reasons why I believe that this trend
should be considered as a worthwhile development.

The main reason is that working at home is much more convenient for employees.
Owing to the widespread popularity and affordability of modern computers in the four
corners of the world, people have been able to come into contact with others such as
customers and partners without having to travel to other areas. Various international
enterprises, for instance, are developing online jobs, which allows their staff to take
advantage of computers to interact with foreign clients as opposed to flying to other
nations. Another example is that online discussions with colleagues can be held any time
at home, allowing companies solve urgent problems faster regardless of the time.

Moreover, studying at home on computers helps students learn effectively in a

comfortable environment. This is because computers equipped with internet access may
provide huge storage of knowledge related to all aspects of life; therefore, paving the way
for new horizons. Also, without control by teachers, students are more likely to be more
comfortable, which is important for creative ideas. Various students, for example, choose
to study on online websites such as Wikipedia since they can take advantage of specific
information divided into different categories to study logically, and think outside the box
without any pressure from teachers.

In conclusion, I believe that distance learning and working are seen as a very welcome
development because of a higher level of convenience and effectiveness for both workers
and learners in a comfortable environment.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 91

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 11: There are more workers who work from home and more students who
study from home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily
accessible and cheaper.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Thanks to the easier affordability and availability of computers, employees and learners
are able to work and study at home instead of going to their workplace and educational
institutions. This essay will analyze some of the main reasons why I believe that this trend
should be considered as a worthwhile development.

The main reason is that working at home is much more convenient for employees.
Owing to the widespread popularity and affordability of modern computers in the four
corners of the world, people have been able to come into contact with others such as
customers and partners without having to travel to other areas. Various international
enterprises, for instance, are developing online jobs, which allows their staff to take
advantage of computers to interact with foreign clients as opposed to flying to other
nations. Another example is that online discussions with colleagues can be hold any time
at home, allowing companies solve urgent problems faster regardless of the time.

Moreover, distance learning, promoted by computer technology, has great potential

to widen educational opportunities to more students, particularly those who are
living in remote areas. In fact, many countries choose to invest in computers and the
Internet in regional locations to educate rural students at home, rather than building more
schools and hiring more teachers, leading to more opportunities for learners. To illustrate,
this program has proved to be successful in Vietnam as the number of illiterate children
has been on the decrease. This success has been attributable to the appearance of
computers provided by the government, which help students approach virtual lessons
easily unless they would drop off schools due to geographical constraints.

In conclusion, I believe that working or studying from home are a welcome development
because workers benefit from the convenience and students in remote locations also have
easier access to education.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 92

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 12: Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working
parents believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their
children, while others think childcare centers provide the best care.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A school of thought holds that children having both parents working, should be looked
after by other members of their family while the alternative stance asserts that childcare
centers are the best option for their offspring. The purpose of this essay is to discuss both
sides of the contentious argument and then explain why I agree with the latter view.

On the one hand, there are those who believe that mothers and fathers can ask other
members of their family for childcare support. The main reason is that since some
members, particularly grandparents, have already experienced parenthood, they could
take advantage of their parenting skills to look after their offspring properly. For instance,
if children suffer minor health problems, they can use traditional methods to protect
children as opposed to taking medicine which may take its toll on children’s health in the
long term due to side effects. Moreover, family members often take care of their flesh and
blood in earnest, which dispels any worries about violence against children that might
occur in daycare centers. This, therefore, ensures the emotional and physical development
of children.

On the other hand, I advocate the view that parents should send their children to
childcare centers. The first supporting point is that staff and teachers are proficient at
childcare as most of them have been well educated about this job in educational
institutions. Hence, they have suitable teaching methods to encourage children’s strengths
and limit their weaknesses, which may benefit children in their later life. Another reason
is that children can develop interpersonal and other vital skills by various interactive
activities with their teachers and peers. One such example of this is that babies studying in
kindergartens are often more talkative and have better communication skills than those
just staying at home with their older generations.

In conclusion, I believe that both options are justifiable. However, on balance, although
family members have advantages related to their experience and efforts, I am inclined to
believe that children should be taken to pre-school centers to have the most appropriate
care and develop essential skills.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 93

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 13: Some people think the government funding should not be used for
supporting art and culture, while others think supporting cultural activities may be
beneficial for the population and culture.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many are of the belief that art and culture – related projects should not be funded by the
state, while others think that the society and culture benefit from government-sponsored
cultural campaigns. This essay will discuss both sides of the argument, and then explain
why I agree with the latter view.

Critics tend to point out a host of reasons why it is not necessary to allocate state
budgets for activities associated with art and culture. The main reason is that since
other urgent projects have not been tackled, it is not suitable to pay money for artistic or
cultural activities. For instance, if the authorities use financial resources for the
construction of more schools in rural areas as opposed to culture, more and more regional
students will approach education instead of dropping off schools due to financial
problems. Moreover, investing in science to create new inventions is more important than
promoting traditional culture. This is because scientific research, mostly prompted by the
government, acts as a determining factor to boost the economy, paving the way for better
living standards for the whole population.

However, a school of thought holds that financing cultural campaigns brings

benefits to not only the community but also the culture. The first supporting point is
that the population would get closer to each other when taking part in cultural activities,
leading to a more meaningful life. One such example of this is that on tet holiday, people
in Vietnam often gather in public areas to celebrate the new year together by watching
firework displays funded by national budgets. Another viable reason is that in order to
maintain the cultural diversity, it is vital to support cultural projects financially. By
organising various festivals, the authorities may encourage their citizens from different
cultures to exchange and preserve valuable features passed on to many generations.

In conclusion, I believe that both options are justifiable. However, on balance, I am

inclined to believe that the financial assistance from the state will be an ideal way to
connect inhabitants and preserve interesting cultural aspects.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 94

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 14: Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are
more important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new

Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative development?

These days, the importance of official academic degrees are often valued over practical
experience or special characteristics when employers seek new candidates. This essay will
discuss some of the main reasons for this, and then explain why it should be considered as
a negative development.

The preference for formal academic certificates is explained by a combination of

factors. First and foremost, since academic degree holders often have in-depth knowledge
about a particular major, they are more likely to work more effectively. Samsung, for
instance, has gained a leading edge in telecommunications by hiring graduates with the
látest 5G knowledge. Moreover, a qualification is also seen as an important indication of
efforts and intelligence after many difficult experiences at college. Hence, companies
often prioritise these graduates whose levels of determination and cleverness have been
verified by teachers as opposed to other counterparts.

This phenomenon has a number of downsides. A compelling reason is that people with
hands-on experience and personal attributes would have great potential to contribute to
any organisations. To illustrate, if workers possess problem solving and teamwork skills,
they can adapt to a new environment and cooperate with colleagues faster to deal with all
issues in their company. To illustrate, although academic graduates have a profound
understanding of their field, it does mean that they have high levels of competence at
work. This has been exemplified by the high rate of unemployment among university
graduates in Vietnam due to their lack of practical experience.

In conclusion, recruiters attach more emphasis to academic qualifications owing to the

belief in the necessity of candidate’s knowledge and verification of educational
institutions, and this should be considered as a very negative trend because it is a real pity
to underestimate the value of practical experience and special qualities.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 95

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 15: Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are
more important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new

Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative development?

These days, the importance of official academic degrees are often valued over practical
experience or special characteristics when employers seek new candidates. This essay will
discuss some of the main reasons for this, and then explain why it should be considered as
a very welcome development.

The preference for formal academic certificates is explained by a combination of

factors. First and foremost, since academic degree holders often have in-depth knowledge
about a particular major, they are more likely to work more effectively. Samsung, for
instance, has gained a leading edge in telecommunications by hiring graduates with the
latest 5G knowledge. Moreover, a qualification is also seen as an important indication of
efforts and intelligence after many difficult experiences at college. Hence, companies
often prioritise these graduates whose levels of determination and cleverness have been
verified by teachers as opposed to other counterparts.

The trend towards putting more emphasis on academic degrees than other factors
can be seen as progress. The first supporting point is that academic knowledge is the
root of scientific breakthroughs which are vitally important in any fields. By hiring
pharmacists graduating from famous universities, medical companies in Vietnam has
created new medicine-related inventions, contributing to a better healthcare system.
Another radical reason is that the priority for academic graduates would encourage young
generations to apply themselves to improve their knowledge. This could result in a more
well-educated workforce, paving the way for a thriving economy.

In conclusion, recruiters attach more emphasis to academic qualifications owing to the

belief in the necessity of knowledge and determination verified by teachers, and this
should be a positive trend because scientifically proven inventions and a productive
workforce bring tremendous benefits to society.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 96

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 16: Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the
protection of wild animals, and this money could be better spent on the human

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that it is better to invest in the human race as opposed to wild animal
conservation which is not only time-consuming but also expensive. I somewhat agree
with this viewpoint because spending on humans is more important, but time and money
should also be used for wild animal protection.

On the one hand, time and financial resources need to be better allocated to the
population for a combination of reasons. First and foremost, in most countries, there
are still disadvantaged and homeless people who are struggling to survive due to their
poor financial health. They, therefore, need time and financial support from the state to
overcome their problems and improve living standards. Furthermore, since education
acts as a key determiner in the socio-economic development, more time and budgets need
to be spent on educational institutions. This would, in turn, create a civilized society and a
thriving economy, which is conducive to a better life for the whole population.

On the other hand, I believe that time and funding for animal-related projects are
also of necessity. The first supporting point is that as some wild animals are highly
endangered due to human activities, the authorities should spend a minimal level of
expenditure and time on protecting animals from extinction. For instance, harvesting
natural resources and industrial production are main contributions to habitat destruction
which is to blame for the extinction of various species; hence, people should be
responsible for their destruction through animal conservation projects. Another
compelling reason is that human beings may derive great benefits from protecting wild
animals. To illustrate, protecting wildlife also means conserving natural habitats
including important fauna and flora, which is paramount for medicinal research for the
sake of humans.

In conclusion, although humans are the first priority for any investment to improve their
life quality, spending on protecting animals is of necessity for endangered animals and
human survival.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 97

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 17: The skills that a person needs to be truly successful in the world today are
not learned at universities.

To what extent do you agree or disagree

It is argued that these days, characteristics which are conducive to success, are often
cultivated in real life as opposed to in higher education. I completely agree with this point
of view because activities outside universities are an ideal vehicle to improve essential
skills, and universities almost only focus on theoretical knowledge.

The main reason why I agree with this statement is that people are often equipped
with practical skills in other areas instead of at college. For example, career success is
one of the most common ways to be generally successful, and skills to achieve this are
best learnt at work, not at university. If people work for a company, they will have a
chance to be a member of a team, which helps them improve their communication and
teamwork skills for a successful career. Hence, in order to become successful, people
need to be equipped with a variety of skills through practical situations in their lives as
opposed to relying on knowledge from tertiary education.

Another compelling reason is that higher education often places emphasis on

theoretical lessons rather than important life skills. This is because learning academic
knowledge is considered to be time-consuming and difficult; hence, students do not have
enough time to learn other useful skills. It has been exemplified by the high level of
unemployment among young graduates in Vietnam, who have been not able to find a job
due to the lack of experience and job-related qualifications. This has been linked a part to
the ineffective education system forcing learners to study a lot of subjects instead of
encouraging them in extracurricular activities to accumulate other skills.

In conclusion, life outside colleges provides the best conditions for people to hone their
attributes to gain success because tertiary education only attaches importance to academic
lessons. It seems to me that a combination between some organizations and universities
will be the best method to help students become more well-rounded, which paves the way
for more success in the future.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 98

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 18: Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass
exams, and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many are of the belief that schools should only focus on key subjects to help students pass
academic tests, rather than wasting time educating cooking, dressing and other life skills.
In my opinion, though academic knowledge is important, other practical skills are
essential and need to be educated.

On the one hand, academic lessons are necessary for a combination of reasons. First
and foremost, students would possess good academic results when solely concentrating
on core lessons, paving the way for a lucrative career thanks to preferences for academic
degrees among employers. Big enterprises in Vietnam, for instance, often prioritise
candidates with excellent certificates when looking for new staff. Another compelling
reason is that academic education is not only challenging but also time-consuming while
most other skills can be learnt at home. Classes associated with academic knowledge,
therefore, should take precedence over any other skills unless it is impossible for learners
to pass exams.

One the other hand, I am convinced that educational institutions should encourage
students to take part in non-academic skills. The main supporting point is that if
students are proficient at life skills, they are more comprehensive, leading to a better life.
One such example of this is that they would take advantage of communication and
teamwork skills cultivated from extracurricular activities at school to interact with
colleagues and customers, which is conducive to more achievements and closer
relationships. Furthermore, young people may become more self-reliant after their
graduation because they are equipped with fundamental skills at school. To illustrate, a
number of university students find it difficult to live alone as they cannot take care of
themselves in the absence of parents due to poor cooking skills.

To sum up, I believe that despite tremendous merits of academic subjects associated with
job opportunities and school records, learners should study other skills to become more
well-rounded and independent.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 99

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 19: In the past, knowledge was contained in books. Nowadays, knowledge is
uploaded to the internet.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Knowledge = information, outweigh =eclipse =prevail over/ books = physical books/

uploaded/updated/the internet =online websites

It is true that most information today is often updated on online websites as opposed to
traditional books which were widely used in the past. This essay will explain why I
believe that the merits of this trend are overshadowed by its obvious drawbacks.

The transformation from storing knowledge in traditional books to online platforms

is advantageous for a combination of reasons. First and foremost, the advent of
technological devices with internet access has allowed people to upload huge storage of
knowledge related to different fields. Users, for instance, can easily find relevant
information on space exploration from a wide range of sources such as Wikipedia.
Furthermore, online knowledge is often universally accessible, widening great potential
for more and more readers to access knowledge. People living in faraway areas, in fact,
are often reluctant to go to libraries or book stores to buy a new edition of a book due to
geographical boundaries, while they would, however, read an online version, regardless
of their location.

Despite the benefits given above, the downsides associated with the widespread
popularity of online knowledge are more significant. The principal negative point is
that this would lead to an over reliance on computers and other technological devices,
resulting in various health issues. It is exemplified by an ever-increasing number of
shortsighted children in recent years, which has been attributable to more and more time
reading lessons online rather than taking in knowledge from books. Another compelling
reason is that as people are entitled to update information by different ways, readers may
find it hard to find the most reliable source. Therefore, they may choose inaccurate
knowledge which is either deliberately exaggerated or altered for immoral purposes on
the Internet.

In conclusion, I would like to restate that the merits associated with more opportunities
for readers to learn a wealth of information, irrespective of their country, are prevailed by
its disadvantages related to health problems and unreliable knowledge.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 100

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 20: Some people think that developing countries need financial aid from
international organizations. Others think that advice and practical aid are more

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A school of thought holds that financial assistance from global organizations are of
importance for less developed nations while the alternative stance asserts that opinions
and practical actions are more necessary for such countries. The purpose of this essay is
to discuss both sides of this contentious argument and then explain why I agree with
the latter view.

On the one hand, there are those who think that worldwide corporations should
support developing communities financially. The main reason is that since the quality of
life in such societies has deteriorated, they need money to invest in better facilities for a
better life. The living standards in Vietnam, for instance, have been improved
dramatically in recent years thanks to loans from the IMF for more hospitals, schools, and
other social services. Another compelling reason is that the government can take
advantage of new financial resources to pump into industrial zones, encouraging more
and more factories. Citizens, therefore, have more employment opportunities for their
living, which is conductive to a better society.

On the other hand, I advocate the view that comments and practical acts play a more
important role in helping underdeveloped nations. The first supporting point is that
most developing societies do not have good policies due to their shortage of experts in
core fields. Hence, ideas and comments of professionals from worldwide organizations,
who are proficient at their fields, are valuable for these communities for suitable long-
term decisions. Moreover, if developing countries face some urgent situations, practical
support is more necessary than money. To illustrate, the Ebola pandemic has been
eliminated from Africa thanks to the appearance of hundreds of doctors from the World
Health Organization, unless it would have killed millions of people.

In conclusion, I believe that both options have merits. However, I am inclined to

believe that developing nations need experience and practical help for their long term
development and emergency circumstances.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 101

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


The graph below shows the percentage of people in the different age groups who
went to the cinema once a month in Great Britain.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

The line graph reveals statistics about the proportion of audiences across four different
age categories who went to cinemas once each month in the UK from 1984 to 2000.
Overall, all the age groups experienced an upward trend over the entire period. In
addition, the highest percentage was recorded for 15-24-year-olds.

The 15-24 and 35+ age groups started with the highest and lowest proportion with
about 17% and 1%, respectively. Subsequently, while the former saw a significant rise
to nearly 6%, the figure for the latter remained relatively stable until 1989 before
increasing dramatically to around 15% at the end of the period.

The 7-14 age group came in second with 10% whilst the 25-35 age group ranked
third with roughly 5% in 1984. Afterwards, there was a dramatic growth in the
percentage of 7-14-year-old audiences to a peak of approximately 38% in 1999, followed
by a moderate fall to over 32% in 2000. During the same period, a sharp rise to the same
as that for the youngest age category, was recorded in the figure for people aged 25-35.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 102

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The bar chart shows the percentage of young people in higher education in 2000,
2005 and 2010.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant

The percentage of university students








Country A Country B Country C Country D

2000 2005 2010

The bar chart provides information about the proportion of young people in tertiary
education in four different nations, from 2000 to 2010. Overall, country B experienced a
plateau in the percentage of university students while an upward trend was recorded for
the other nations. Furthermore, country D had the highest figure in all years.

Starting with countries A and D, in 2000, the percentage of college students in the former
was the lowest, with about 35%, and it rose dramatically to around 57% in 2010.
Likewise, starting with roughly 45% in the first year, there was a significant increase in
the figure for the latter to 60% which was the highest in 2010.

Turning to the other nations, country B ranked third in 2000 with 40% while country C
came in second with approximately 43%. Subsequently, whilst the proportion of young
generations in college education in country B remained relatively stable, the rate for
country C went up slightly to nearly 46% in 2005, but then stayed at the same level until

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 103

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The line graph shows the percentage of New Zealand population from 1950 to 2050.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

population growth








1950 1990 2000 2050

0-14 25-37 38-45 over 65

The line graph reveals statistics about the growth of the New Zealand population, across
four different age categories, between 1990 and 2050. Overall, the 0-14 and 38-45 age
groups are predicted to have an upward trend, while the reverse is expected for the other
groups. Furthermore, the highest growth was for the oldest group, and this trend will
continue in the future.

The oldest and youngest groups had the highest and lowest percentages at the beginning
of the period with 60% and around 5%, respectively. Subsequently, the former
experienced a slight increase to a peak of 70% in 1990 before being guessed to fall
gradually to 55% in 2050. In contrast, the figure for the latter remained relatively stable
until 1990, and then rise gradually to a projected value of 20% at the end of the period.

The 38-45 group came in second with about 25% and the 25-37 group ranked third with
approximately 20% in the first year. The percentage for people aged 38-45 went up
dramatically to peak at nearly 50% in 1990, but it is expected to decline slightly to 40%.
However, a significant decrease to 0% is projected in the figure for 35-37-year-olds.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 104

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph below shows the percentage of people in different age groups in one city
who attended music concerts between 2010 and 2015.










2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

16-24 25-44 45-54 55-64 75+

The line graph reveals statistics about the proportion of people across different age
categories in a particular city who joined in music concerts, from 2010 to 2015. Overall,
the 16-24, 45-54 and over 75 age groups saw an upward trend, while the figures for the
other groups remained stable over the period. Furthermore, young citizens attended music
shows more than older people in all years.

Starting with the young age groups, in 2010, the percentage of 25-44-year-olds was
highest with over 50%, and it dipped to a low of 40% in 2011, before rising back to over
50% in 2015. The 16-24 and 45-54 age groups started with exactly the same proportion of
40% in the first year. Subsequently, while the former experienced a dramatic growth to
70%, there was a slight fall to 30% in 2012 in the figure for the latter, followed by a
significant rise to nearly 50% in 2015.

Turning to the old age groups, roughly 25% of people aged 55-64, attended music
concerts in 2015, and this peaked at nearly 30% from 2011 to 2013, but then declined
slightly to under 25% in 2015. The lowest in the first year was for the oldest age group
with only 10%, and it saw a twofold increase to over 20% in the final year after some

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 105

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March
1993 and March 1999.

The line graph reveals statistics about the the level of joblessness in the US and Japan,
from March 1993 to March 1999. Looking from an overall perspective, it is obviously
apparent that while the US undertwent a downward trend in the proportion of people who
were unemployed, an upward trend was recorded for Japan. Furthermore, the gap between
the two nations narrowed towards the end of the period.

Starting with the US, in 1993, exactly 7% of Americans were unemployed, and this
figure declined significantly to around 5.5% in 1995. Subsequently, despite a plateau
from 1995 to 1996, the unemployment rate in the US went down stepply to just over 4.0%
in 1999.

Turning to Japan, the rate of unemployed people was approximately 2.3% at the
beginning of the period, but then this saw a gradual rise to 3.5% in 1996. This figure
remained relatively stable until 1997, which was followed by a sharp increase to roughly
4.7% at the end of the period. The period from 1998 to 1999 marks the point at which the
rate of unemployment in Japan overtook that for the US, at 4.5%.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 106

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March
1993 and March 1999.

The line graph reveals statistics about the the level of joblessness in the US and Japan
from March 1993 to March 1999. Looking from an overall perspective, it is obviously
apparent that while the US undertwent a downward trend in the proportion of people who
were unemployed, an upward trend was recorded for Japan. Furthermore, the gap between
the two nations narrowed towards the end of the period.

In 1993, exactly 7% of Americans were unemployed, and this was significantly higher
than that for Japan, at about 2.3%. Over the next 2 years, while the rate of unemployment
in the US declined dramatically to roughly 5.5%, the figure for Japan, by contrast,
experienced a gradual rise to approximatly 3%.

Subsequently, the level of joblessness among Americans remained relatively constant intil
1996 before falling steeply to only over 4% at the end of the period. Japan, however,
recorded a sharp growth to nearly 4.7% in 1999 despite a plateau between 1996 and 1997.
The period from 1998 to 1999 marks the point at which the rate of unemployment in
Japan overtook that for the US, at 4.5%.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 107

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The graph gives information about coffee production in 4 different countries from
1990 to 2010.

The bar chart provides information about the amount of coffee produced by Brazil,
Colombia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, between 1990 and 2010. Looking from an overall
perspective, it is obvious that the production of coffee in all nations increased over the
entire period, except for Colombia. Furthermore, Brazil was the biggest coffee producer
in all years.

Brazil and Vietnam had the highest and lowest amounts at the beginning of the period
with about 0.7 and 0.1 million tonnes, respectively. Subsequently, the coffee production
in Brazil rose dramatically to roughly 1.9 million tonnes, and the figure for Vietnam
remained stable until 1995 before rising gradually to approximately 0.3 million tonnes in

Colombia ranked second with 0.6 million and Indonesia came in third with 0.2 million
tonnes in 1990, but showed opposite trends afterwards. While there was a double decline
to about 0.3 million tonnes in the amount of coffee made by Colombia, a twofold growth
to 0.4 million tonnes was recorded in the figure for Indonesia in 2010.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 108

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The chart below gives information about the age of women in Australia when they
give birth to their first child in 1966, 1986 and 2006

The bar chart reveals statistics about the proportion of first-time mothers across different
age categories in Australia from 1966 to 2006. Overall, the percentage of mothers who
were 24 years old and under experienced a downward trend while the reverse was true for
the older age groups. Furthermore, the oldest age group had the lowest figure in all years.

The under 19 and 19-24 age categories showed a decreasing trend. The former started
with about 35% in the first year, and it declined nearly threefold to just around 12% over
the next 40 years. Likewise, the highest in the first year was for the latter with roughly
62%, but then this saw a dramatic fall to approximately 28% in 2006.

The other age groups had an increasing trend, the percentage for 25-30-year-olds
ranked second in 1996, at about 36%, then it rose sharply to a peak of 50% in 1986 before
falling to around 38% in 2006. By contrast, after dipping to a low of approximately 2% in
1986 from 4% in 1966, the figure for the oldest age group recorded a growth to over 5%
in 2006. Meanwhile, significant rises from roughly 12% and 8% to 45% and 30% were
recorded in the levels for the 30-34 and 34-39 age groups, respectively.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 109

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The pie charts show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of
France in two years.

The pie charts detail changes in the proportion of energy generated from five different
sources in France in 1995 and 2005. Overall, it is obvious that with the exception for
petroleum which saw a downward trend, all energy sources had an upward trend from
1995 to 2005. Furthermore, coal and gas were the biggest sources of energy in both years.

Starting with coal and gas, the former had the highest proportion in 1995 with 29.8%, and
it rose slightly to 30.93% in 2005. Likewise, there was a slight increase from 29.63% to
30.31% in the figure for the latter during the same period.

Turning to the other types of energy, a dramatic decline from 29.27% to 19.55% was
recorded in the percentage of petroleum production. Nuclear power, in contrast, saw a
nearly twofold growth from 6.4% to 10.1% between 1995 and 2005. During the same
period, the other contributed the least despite a remarkable climb. This accounted for the
lowest percentage in the first year with 4.9% and then reached 9.10% in 2005.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 110

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The table below shows information and predictions regarding the change in the
percentage of the population aged 65 and above in three countries

The table reveals statistics about the proportion of people aged 65 and over in Canada,
Germany and the UK in 1988, 2000, and 2030. Overall, the percentages of old citizens
aged 65 or more, in all countries, experienced an upward trend, but Germany had the
highest figure from 1998 to 2000. These trends are expected to continue in the future.

In 1988, the highest percentage of the old population was for Germany with 20.35%,
followed distantly by Canada with 16.45% while the UK had the lowest figure with only
14.25%. Over the next 12 years, whilst the UK saw a plateau, the respective figures for
Germany and Canada rose significantly to 25.53%, and 20.65%.

In 2030, it is anticipated that there will be a significant growth in the percentages for all
nations. The figure for Germans aged 60 or more will still rank first with a projected
value of 30.65%, while Canada and the UK are also anticipated to undergo rises to
26.35% and 20.45%, respectively.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 111

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The bar chart below shows the amount of money invested in some categories from
five organizations.

millions of euros









Organization A Organization B Organization C Organization D Organization E

Machinery Building Staff Training Research

The bar chart reveals statistics about the amount of money invested in machinery,
building, staff training and research by five different organizations. Overall, it is obvious
that organization B allocates the highest amount of its budget to every category. In
addition, building is invested the most by all organizations, except for organization A.

Starting with machinery and building, the highest amount of money used for machines
is from organization B with about 130 million euros, followed by 80 million by
organization A and around 70 million by organization C. The figures for the other
organizations are the same with exactly 40 million. Organization B also has the highest
investment in building, at over 170 million, organization C comes in second with 80
million, while the other organizations record similar levels with approximately 50 million,

Turning to staff training and research, organization B allocates the highest level of
about 150 million to staff training whilst organization A ranks second with 100 billion
which is over twice as high as that for the other organizations. The biggest investment in
research is 160 billion by organization B, which doubles the expenditure by organization
A. The next highest level is for organization C, at nearly 70 million, and the figures for
the remaining organizations are roughly 30 million, each.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 112

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The percentage of people by age group in one country in 2015, who used mobile
phone for four situations.

mobile phone usage





Public transport street restaurant family dinner

18-29 30-49 50-64 65+

The bar chart reveals statistics about the proportion of mobile phone users across four
different age categories of a particular nation, in four situations in 2015. Overall, younger
people used mobile phones more than their old counterparts. Furthermore, people used
cell phones the least during family dinners, except for the oldest group.

Starting with young users, the percentage of 18-29-year-old users in public vehicles was
highest, at 90%, followed by 80% of users on streets and around 72% in restaurants, while
the lowest was for those using phones when having dinners with their family, at about
12%. Meanwhile, the highest proportion for 30-49-year-old people used cell phones on
streets, at roughly 85%, but the lowest was recorded for family dinners with under 10%.
The other situations had exactly the same figure of 80%.

Turning to the older age groups, in 2015, half 50-64-year-olds used phones in public
vehicles, followed by those using on streets, and in restaurants, at 40% and 30%,
respectively. The lowest was recorded for family dinners with just approximately 7%.
During the same year, the oldest group used phones the most in public transport with
nearly 20% which was twice as high as that for the other situations.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 113

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The chart below shows the average hours spent per day in leisure and sports

The bar chart provides information about the average amount of time spent on six
different kinds of activities by two age categories, in 2015. Overall, older people spent
more time watching TV programs, reading, relaxing and thinking than their younger
counterparts while the reverse was true for the other activities. Furthermore, both age
groups used the highest amount of time for watching TV.

Regarding the 15-19 age group, the highest amount of time was spent on watching TV
shows with 2.4 hours per day, followed distantly by playing games or relaxing on
computers with 1.1 hours. The next highest levels were for social activities and
communication, and sport, exercise and recreation with 0.8 and 0.6 hours, respectively,
while only 0.2 hours were for reading and 0.1 hours were for relaxing and thinking.

People aged 75 and over also used most time for TV shows with 4.5 hours. Reading
ranked second with exactly 1 hour each day, which was five times higher than that for
sports, exercise and recreation, at 0.2 hours. The figures for the other activities were
similar and ranged from 0.5 to 0.7 hours.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 114

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The charts give information about world forest in five different regions.

The pie charts reveal statistics about the proportion of global forests in five different areas
and the level of timber in such regions. Overall, Africa accounts for the highest
percentage of forests in the world while Asia contributes the lowest level. In addition,
most timber comes from North America and the least is for Africa.

Regarding forests in the five regions, Africa has the highest proportion with 27%, closely
followed by North America with 25%. The respective figures for South America and
Europe are 18% and 16% whilst Asia makes up the lowest of only 14%.

Turning to the level of timber in each area, the highest percentage is for North America
with 30%. The next highest level is for South America, at 23% whereas Europe comes in
third with 20%. There is 18% of wood which is recorded in Asian nations, and this is
twice as high as the lowest proportion of timber in African countries, with only 9%.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 115

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The table below shows the average weekly salaries of men and of women working in
different occupations.

The table gives information about the weekly amount of money earned by males and
females across five different professions in 2015. Overall, men working in all occupations
made more money than women each week. In addition, professionals received the highest
salary while the lowest was for manual workers.

Starting with men, professionals had the highest level of income with 2000 dollars each
week, followed distantly by technicians with 1400 dollars. The next highest levels were
for administrative and service workers with 1350 and 1300 dollars, respectively whilst
manual labourers earned the least with just 1100 dollars per week.

Turning to women, the highest amount of money was still made by professionals with
1800 dollars which was nearly twice as high as the second highest level of administrative
staff, at 1000 dollars. People working in the service sector earned 950 dollars and
technical staff received 900 dollars per week, whereas manual workers also had the
lowest salary of 850 dollars.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 116

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The pie and bar charts below show the percentage of water consumption and use in
Australia in 2004.

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of water used for five sectors and the bar chart
gives information about how residential water was used for different purposes by
Australian families in 2004. Overall, households used the highest percentage of water in
Australia. In addition, bathrooms and gardens accounted for the highest levels of water
consumption by families while the lowest was for kitchens.

Regarding the pie chart, 70% of water was used for residential purposes with 50% for
houses and 20% for apartments, which was almost seven times higher than that consumed
by industrial zones and companies, with 11% and 10%, respectively. The next highest
percentage was for the usage of water by the state at 6% whilst the lowest was recorded
for other purposes with only a half (3%).

Turning to the bar graph, gardens made up the highest water consumption with 28%,
closely followed by bathrooms with 1% less. One fifth of residential water was for
washing clothes, and this was 5% higher than the proportion for toilets (15%) and double
that for kitchens (10%).

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 117

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The charts show the information about the use of Internet in five countries in
Europe in 2000.

The bar chart reveals statistics about the proportion of people from five different nations
who used the Internet and the pie chart illustrates the average amount of money spent on
online shopping in 2000. Overall, Sweden had the highest percentage of internet users
while the lowest was for Spain. In addition, the British paid the most and the Spanish paid
the least for online shopping.

Starting with the bar graph, the highest proportion of people using the Internet was
recorded in Sweden with 35%, followed by the UK and Germany with 20% and 15%,
respectively. The next highest level was for France with 10% which was double the
lowest figure for Spain with only 5%.

Turning to the pie chart, the highest expenditure on online items was 87 euros per
person in the UK while Sweden ranked second with 76 euros, and France came in third
with 57 euros. Each German spent an average of 46 euros buying things on the Internet
whereas the lowest spending was for Spaniards with only 10 euros.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 118

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The chart and table below give information about what nursing graduates did after
finishing their course in the UK in 2009.

The pie chart provides statistics about different choices of nursing students after their
graduation and the table illustrates the proportion of those working in the health sector in
2009. Overall, the majority of nursing graduates chose to work in the health sector. In
addition, hospital nurses accounted for the highest percentage in the health sector.

Starting with the pie chart, the proportion of people working in the health sector was
highest at 84%, followed distantly by those working and studying after university
education with 8%. The next highest level was for unemployed people with 4% which
was twice as high as that for those pursuing further education and having other choices, at
only 2%, each.

Turning to the table, most people working in the health sector were hospital nurses with
72.9% while midwives and community nurses came in second and third with 12.4% and
10.3%, respectively. Mental nurses and paramedics made up the lowest proportions, at
0.4% for the former and 1.3% for the latter, whilst 2.7% of people had other choices.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 119

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The plans below show a school library five years ago and the same library now

The maps illustrate different changes in the layout of a school library as it was five years
ago and at present. Overall, every feature of the library has altered for 5 years, except for
a meeting room and an area for booking shelves. The main alterations involve the
replacement and transformation of facilities, making the library more modern.

Looking at the left of the library, we can see that the classroom in the west of the
library has been replaced by a recording studio. Meanwhile, the room for the borrowing
and returning desk has been separated into two smaller rooms with different functions. No
change has been recorded in the location of the meeting room.

Turning to the center, the shared studying tables have been turned into private ones.
Furthermore, the booking shelves in the South have been removed to make way for desks
for laptop users, but the ones in the North have remained the same.

With regard to the right side, the desks in the northeast are now only used for laptops,
not computers. In addition, there has been an appearance of a conference room in the site
of the old office in the southeast of the library.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 120

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The maps show the changes of an office building between the present and the future.

The picture gives information about the layout of an office building at present and
proposed changes in the future. Looking from an overall perspective, it is obviously
apparent that every feature of the building for offices will be altered except for a
storeroom and an entrance. The main alterations involve the appearance and relocation of
facilities, making the building become larger.

Looking at the above side of the picture, a grassland area in the Northwest will be turned
into an area with outdoor seats, but the entrance leading to this area will be the same. In
addition, a kitchen and canteen in the north will be replaced by two offices, while a
storeroom will remain the same. A toilet will be moved to the Northeast corner which is a
grassland area now, and a new coffee machine is planned to be put between the storeroom
and toilet.

Turning to the below side, a range of chairs will be put in the Southwest and the Southeast
corners. In addition, four small offices will be merged into two bigger ones and there will
be a movement of the main entrance to the center.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 121

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The maps below show changes to the ground floor plan of a university department in
2000 and 2015.

The pictures provide information about different changes in the layout of a ground floor
of a university department at two stages: 2000 and 2015. Looking from an overall
perspective, it is obviously apparent that most features of the ground floor were changed
from 2000 to 2015, except for the main entrance and three seminar rooms. The main
alterations involve the appearance of new facilities, making the department become more
modern and larger.

In 2000, the department had a total of three main seminar rooms with the first two rooms
on the left and the other on the right of the corridor. There were also a library and an
office which were next to the third seminar room and opposite the first seminar room. A
variety of trees were also planted on the right of the department.

Over the next 15 years, two new seminar rooms were constructed next to the seminar
rooms 2 and 3. In addition, the office occupied the whole area of the old library, while the
trees were cut down to make way for an appearance of a new building for a new library
and IT center which are separated by a corridor. Finally, a new car park was erected on
the right of the main entrance leading to the main corridor.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 122

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The diagram below shows how ethanol fuel is produced from corn

The illustration shows different stages in terms of how ethanol fuel is made from corn and
distributed to gas stations. Looking from an overall perspective, it is obviously apparent
that there are nine steps in the process of producing corn ethanol, which can be grouped
into three main steps, beginning with preparing materials, then producing ethanol and
ending by delivering to users.

Starting with the preparation of materials, the process commences when corn is harvested
and then stored in a warehouse. Subsequently, a milking machine is responsible for
crushing corn into tiny pieces.

Regarding the main production, corn pieces are mixed with water before being cooked in
four hours. The mixture is then fermented for 48 hours and separated into either solid or
liquid products. After that, the liquid is purified during a period of 5 hours to become
clean ethanol.

The two final stages illustrate that purified ethanol is stored in barrels and transported by
a truck to gas stations.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 123

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The diagram below describes how stormwater is recycled in an Australian city.

The picture gives information about the process of recycling stormwater in a city of
Australia. Looking from an overall perspective, it is obvious that there are three main
steps in terms of how to recycle stormwater, starting with collecting water, then handling,
and finishing by providing water to households.

The process commences when rainwater is collected through systems of drains, then
water goes through a tube to a recycling plant which has four different phases. In the first
phase, plastic and rubbish are eliminated from the flow of water and small particles are
removed in the second phase. Bacteria and viruses are isolated from water in the next
phase while molecules and salt are taken out in the final one.

The next stage reveals that chlorine is mixed with recycled water with 4 mg per liter
before being kept in water storage. Finally, water is provided to families and finishes the
whole process.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 124

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The diagram gives information about the process of making carbonated drinks.

The picture gives information about how carbonated beverages are produced and
provided to customers. Looking from an overall perspective, it is obvious that there are a
total of five main stages in the process of manufacturing carbonated drinks, which can be
grouped into three main stages beginning by cleaning water, producing carbonated water
before delivering it through supermarkets.

The process commences when raw water goes through a filter before being softened and
added with chemicals in order to clean raw water. Next, this mixture is pumped into a
tank where it is heated by electric heaters. Afterwards, a cooling pipe is responsible for
cooling evaporated water which is then moved to another tank where carbon dioxide is
added to this mixture.

The next stage shows that carbonated water is transferred to another tank and mixed with
color, syrup, and flavour. Subsequently, this is filtered and filled into bottles and cans
before being packaged in the form of boxes and transported to supermarkets.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 125

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Dạng 1:

Some people believe that reading stories from a book is better than watching TV
or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or

It is argued that reading stories from a printed book should take precedence over other
recreational activities such as watching TV programs or playing games on computers. I
somewhat agree with this viewpoint because despite several benefits associated with
books, other forms of entertainment such as TV shows and computer games are better
and should be prioritised.

On the one hand, stories from traditional books are useful for children for a
combination of reasons. First and foremost, if children spend time reading printed
stories, they will improve fundamental knowledge. For instance, thanks to stories
associated with the flora and fauna of different areas, they will have closer insights into
nature, which lays the foundations for their development in the future. Another
compelling reason is that reading books helps children improve their concentration
which is an important factor in anyone’s life. One way of explaining this is that readers
may have to focus on every single world unless it is impossible for them to understand

On the other hand, I still believe that children should be encouraged to watch TV or
play games. The primary reason is that the content of stories of TV programs is often
carefully selected and vividly designed, helping children study more effectively. To
illustrate, thanks to reality TV shows related to practical life skills, children learn how to
protect themselves from dangers when going out rather than just relying on theoretical
knowledge from books. Furthermore, playing games also requires them to react quickly
and collaborate with others to use a variety of strategies to become winners. They,
therefore, enhance important skills such as fast reflexes, teamwork and logical thinking
skills, which paves the way for their future success.

In conclusion, I believe that although stories in books are helpful for children to improve
their background knowledge and concentration, TV shows and games provide a higher
level of effectiveness in learning and important skills for the future.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 126

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Dạng 2:

In order to be successful in sport, some people think you have to be physically

strong. Others say that mental strength is more important.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A school of thought holds that physical strength is of necessity for success in sports
while the alternative stance asserts that mental factors play a more important role. The
purpose of this essay is to discuss both sides of the contentious argument and then
explain why I agree with the latter view.

On the one hand, supporters of physical conditions tend to point out a host of
potential reasons. First and foremost, since most sports are physically demanding,
people with good health possess a clear advantage. For instance, thanks to a very
powerful and muscular physique, Christiano Ronaldo maintains a high level of physical
strength during the whole match of 90 minutes, paving the way for various incredible
victories and personal achievements. Another potential reason is that it is easier to
become winners in some special sports if players are physically advantageous. It is
exemplified by extraordinary records in athletics tournaments created by Usain Bolt,
which is attributable to his endowed long legs.

On the other hand, I advocate those who think that mentality is more important
than any other factor. The primary reason is that sports are highly competitive and
require practice for a long time. Hence, if sports players fail to keep their determination,
they will give up their passion in a short period of time. Furthermore, since sports
competitions are extremely stressful, having a strong will is considered a prerequisite for
success. One such example of this is that in spite of physical disadvantages, Lionel
Messi and his teammates have become football legends thanks to their endless will.

To sum up, both sides are justifiable. However, on balance, I am inclined to believe
that mental strength is the key determiner to a successful sports career as it helps players
maintain their goals for a long time and overcome all challenges.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 127

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Dạng 3:

In some countries, men and women are having children late in life.
( Do you think the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages)

It is a fact of modern life that deferring childbearing is widely chosen by fathers and
mothers in several parts of the world. In my opinion, the drawbacks of this trend are
overshadowed by its merits.

Giving birth late is to blame for a host of problems. First and foremost, delaying
childbirth might put not only mothers but also infants at risk. It is exemplified by a
higher mortality rate of infants whose mothers are old as their health is not as good as that
of younger ones. Furthermore, since parents have babies at an old age, they will have to
face a variety of problems in the long term. One way of explaining this is that as fathers
and mothers get older, their children are not mature enough to take care of their older
generations, leading to potential health problems.

Despite the downsides given above, I still believe that the benefits of late parenthood
are more significant. The primary reason is that as parents have their late childbirth,
they spend more time developing their career, which lays the foundations for their
children’s future. A prime example is that a great number of young people choose to
study abroad to approach high-quality education systems thanks to financial resources of
their parents who spent their young ages working and accumulating money for their
offspring. Another potential advantage is that couples have opportunities to enjoy their
life rather than taking care of their babies after getting married. To illustrate, they take
advantage of their free time to travel and participate in activities with like-minded friends,
leading to a sense of satisfaction in their life.

In conclusion, although families face some risks associated with health problems and their
long-term future, I believe that positive points related to financial background and
happiness are more considerable.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 128

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Dạng 4:

Films were produced by big companies in the past, but today people are able to
make a film.
Do you think this trend is positive or negative?


It is a fact that people now can create their own movies rather than relying on big film
studios as in the past. In my opinion, despite several inconveniences of this trend, it
should be considered as a positive development because of various merits.

The popularity of personal films brings several problems. First and foremost, since
films are personalized without state control, audiences might be affected by inappropriate
content. Nowadays, various young viewers, even children, often watch violent films
produced by individuals to attract viewers on Youtube to make money, which is to blame
for negative attitudes towards life. Furthermore, when more and more movies are made
by the public, large companies may have to face financial problems due to the lack of
audiences. Many people, for instance, choose to stay at home to watch movies on their
technological devices as opposed to watching films produced by big film studios in the

In spite of the downsides given above, I still believe that the appearance of personal
films is a very welcome development. The main supporting point is that a variety of
people are endowed with special skills for acting and editing skills, but do not have a
chance to work for a professional enterprise. Hence, it will be a real pity if they do not
take advantage of their potential talents and creativity to make interesting movies.
Moreover, individual movies are also an ideal tool to educate audiences thanks to
educational values. Films associated with nature and humans, for instance, might provide
viewers with profound insights into other places.

In conclusion, I would like to restate that the escalating popularity of individual films is
seen as progress because of tremendous benefits related to the self-reliance of personal
film producers as well as valuable lessons learned from such movies.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 129

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Dạng 5:

People are having more and more sugar-based drinks.

What are the reasons? What are the solutions to make people drink less?


It is a fact that sugary beverages are consumed more and more by consumers. The
purpose of this essay is to analyze some of the principal reasons for this phenomenon
and then suggest possible methods to reduce the consumption of such drinks.

The ever-increasing consumption of sugary drinks can be attributed to a

combination of reasons. First and foremost, economic development has led to
escalating demand for such drinks. In fact, more and more food and beverage companies
have been being established to serve more and more consumers in the modern world.
Furthermore, due to the fast pace of life, people often resort to sugar-related drinks to
recover their energy and release stress despite long-term negative effects. One way of
explaining this is that beverages containing sugar often promote emotion and brain
activities immediately, helping people highly concentrate on working and studying.

Some solutions can be taken into account to reduce sugar-related drinks. An

effective measure is for the government to impose higher taxes charged on manufactures
of sweet products. Therefore, such enterprises may have to pass on these taxes to
customers in form of higher prices, which may hinder the consumption among buyers.
Another potential method is to run awareness campaigns showing a close connection
between negative consequences and sweetened beverages. People would, in turn,
consume less to protect themselves from diseases associated with this type of drinks such
as obesity.

To sum up, the economic progress, coupled with immediate effects of such products are
to blame for the popularity of sugary refreshments, but tax policies and social campaigns
are suitable to deal with the given problem.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 130

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Many are of the belief that math acts as a key determiner in a successful business career. I
completely agree with this viewpoint because math-related skills are of necessity for
making decisions and innovative ideas.

The main reason why math is a prerequisite for success is that effective decisions
often originate from math-based skills. Since many managerial functions involve
financial statistics, skills associated with math are necessary for making decisions based
on data. Therefore, if people possess a high level of competence in math, they may have
better strategies related to their budget. For instance, directors may tap into their
analytical skills, honed from learning math, to summarize and analyze figures provided by
accountants and senior managers to calculate the return on investment for a new project.
Thus, they have the most suitable strategic and tactical choice, laying the foundation for
their enterprises’ success.

Another compelling reason is that math-related knowledge is the root of innovative

ideas which are an important element for many achievements. To illustrate, the higher
math proficiency people have, the faster their brain processes information, and the more
creative ideas they generate. Mark Zuckerberg, for instance, has taken advantage of his
creativity to create a more attractive social networking website than any competitor,
paving the way for one of the biggest corporations in the world. His success is mostly
attributed to his incredible innovative thinking cultivated from math lessons since he was

In conclusion, I strongly agree with the view that math is indispensable for a successful
business career path as decision-making skills and inventive plans, stem from the process
of learning math. Hence, I recommend all aspiring business people develop their math

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 131

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths, rather than soft skills and

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is argued that math acts as a key determiner in a successful business career, instead of
soft skills and luck. I somewhat agree with this view because knowledge associated with
math is of necessity for doing business, but the other factors are more important.

On the one hand, I agree that math-related knowledge is beneficial for a

combination of reasons. First and foremost, learning math helps people improve their
creativity which is an important element for any achievement. Bill Gates, for instance,
has taken advantage of his innovative ideas learned from math to apply for his
technological projects, paving the way for one of the biggest corporations in the world.
Another compelling reason is that since mathematical knowledge is necessary for most
activities of a company, a person who is competent at math has more advantages to
become successful. One such example of this is that directors would tap into his logical
thinking skills cultivated from math lessons to analyze data provided by accountants to
make the best financial decision for his enterprises.

On the other hand, I still believe that soft skills and luck play a more important role
in the success of a person. With respect to the former, the increasingly competitive
business environment requires soft skills to cooperate with others. To illustrate, people
who are proficient at communication and teamwork skills can easily understand and
collaborate with their teammates in a team-oriented environment to compete with their
competitors, laying the foundation for new achievements. Regarding the later, luck is
also considered as a prerequisite for the success of any enterprise. For example, despite
the economic downturn due to the Covid-19 pandemic, medical firms have grasped their
opportunity to earn a huge amount of money from selling face masks and vaccines thanks
to escalating demand among citizens in a short time.

In conclusion, though math-based skills are needed for inventive plans and monetary
choices, I believe that soft skills and luck are more necessary to succeed in business.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 132

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Some people think that children should aim to do their best at what they are
doing while others believe it is not necessary for them.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

A school of thought holds that children should try their best to achieve their goals in all
kinds of activities while the alternative stance asserts that it is not important. The
purpose of this essay is to discuss both sides of the contentious argument and then
explain why I agree with the former view.

There are those who believe that children should try their best for a host of reasons.
First and foremost, they might have a higher level of motivation towards their goals,
paving the way for more achievements. Gifted students in Vietnam, for instance, are
often encouraged to rank among the best members in their class; hence, they might
demonstrate more determination, laying the foundations for their incredible attainments in
most exams. Another compelling reason is that since various children are endowed with
special skills, they should show their best efforts to reach their full potential. For
example, it would be a real pity when youngsters who have aptitudes for sports, do not
aim to become a sports player, leading to a waste of personal talents.

However, opponents of the above view tend to claim several reasons. The main one is
that most children are already under considerable pressure due to expectations of their
parents for different tasks. They, therefore, need to be given opportunities to enjoy their
activities, rather than trying to become winners for just fulfilling wishes of their parents
who often attach great emphasis on their offspring’s accomplishments. Furthermore,
some children might suffer mental issues if they show their best attempt in all activities.
To illustrate, they may have a sense of depression after falling behind others despite
endless belief and efforts.

In conclusion, I believe that both sides are justifiable. However, on balance, I am

inclined to lean towards the former viewpoint because doing one’s best and striving for
success are important despite potential risks of stress and depression.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 133

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Some countries allow old people to work to any age that they want.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true that the elderly in several parts of the world, are given opportunities to work until
they are ready to retire. In my opinion, the merits of this trend prevail over its downsides.

Not only society but also individuals derive great benefits from allowing old
generations to continue their work. From a social perspective, since older employees
have accumulated a great deal of experience, they may contribute to a highly-skilled
workforce, which is the prerequisite for the development of a nation. To illustrate, old
people who are proficient at their field often pass on their precious skills to their younger
counterparts who are the future of any society. At a personal level, if elderly citizens still
continue working after their retirement age, they are more self-reliant, and release the
financial burden on young generations. They, for instance, can earn money to cover their
basic needs, as opposed to relying on their children’s financial support.

Nonetheless, some minor drawbacks stem from permitting old people to work after
their retirement age. First and foremost, as older staff have permission to work later, a
higher unemployment rate among younger ones is inevitable due to the lack of vacancies.
For example, new medical graduates may have to struggle to find a job to cover their
living costs due to preferences for experienced candidates among employers.
Furthermore, elderly workers might suffer various health issues when trying to fulfill
their company’s requirements. One way of explaining this is that their physical fitness is
not good enough to assume their duties as they did in the past, and they still have to work
hard to achieve their personal targets at work.

In conclusion, I believe that the great benefits associated with an effective labor force
and an independent life overshadow some inconsiderable consequences related to
unemployment rates and health problems. Therefore, senior citizens should be encouraged
to stay in the workforce for as long as it pleases them.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 134

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

A few languages are increasingly spoken in different countries, while the usage of
others is rapidly declining.

Is this a positive or a negative development?

Several main languages are used more and more by people in different parts of the world
while others are spoken less. In my opinion, despite some minor merits, this trend
should be considered as an unwelcome development due to various inconveniences.

The dominance of a few languages brings potential benefits. First and foremost, the
ever-increasing use of primary languages leads to a more convenient life in the global
village. For instance, people, regardless of their nationality, can easily come into contact
with each other without any language barrier, paving the way for more effective
conversations. Another compelling reason is that the popularity of main languages
might help not only the authorities but also individuals save fees associated with language
education. To illustrate, the government may allocate fewer financial resources to the
teaching of new languages, and learners also focus on key languages as opposed to
wasting money for various ones.

In spite of the positive points given above, the increasing usage of main languages is
seen as an adverse trend with many negative repercussions. The primary reason is
that a language is not only a compound of spoken words but also a gateway to cultural
and historical values of a particular society. Hence, the less widespread use of other
languages means that precious features associated with cultures and history are unlikely to
be passed on to young generations by their older counterparts. Furthermore, as some
main languages are increasingly dominant, various indigenous citizens from ethnic
minorities face a variety of problems. To illustrate, if they are not endowed with special
aptitudes for learning new languages, they will have fewer opportunities in a multi-lingual

In conclusion, I believe that although the increasing popularity of certain languages brings
conveniences and financial merits, it should not be welcomed due to the disappearance of
interesting cultural and historical features, and issues for a lot of speakers of minority

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 135

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

In some countries, only a few young people go to classical music concerts or play
classical music.

Why is this the case? Should young people be encouraged to attend those concerts
and learn more about classical music?

It is true that attending classical music performances and playing classical music are not
widely chosen, by the majority of the young, in some parts of the world. The purpose of
this essay is to analyze some of the principal reasons for this before suggesting that this
kind of music and concerts is valuable for young generations and should be encouraged.

The indifference to traditional music can be attributable to a host of reasons. First

and foremost, a minority of young people choose classical styles of music as they have
more and more choices of entertainment. For instance, they often relax in newly built
shopping malls and cinemas to have fresh experiences, as opposed to attending a
conventional music show, which was one of their limited choices in the past.
Furthermore, due to the appearance of other genres of music which are more lively and
attractive, young audiences are indifferent to the classical one. To illustrate, rock music
is increasingly popular as its interesting and high melody is more suitable for youngsters
to get rid of stress in their fast-paced life than the low tones of traditional songs.

Nonetheless, young audiences should be motivated to participate in classical music

concerts and play classical instruments. The primary reason is that classical music may
act as an ideal way to connect people of different ages, which is conducive to less
generation gaps. By attending a classical show, young music lovers might have
opportunities to discuss and have cherished memories with their like-minded but older
counterparts. Another compelling reason is that traditional music genres often represent
cultural and historical features, which paves the way for better insights into conventional
values among the young. If people, for example, learn how to perform a classical music
concert related to wars, they will understand how their ancestors overcame difficult
problems to lay the foundations for their future.

In conclusion, the popularity of more recreational options, coupled with the boredom of
listening to classical music are to blame for the reluctance to listen to classical genres of
music among young audiences. However, they should be motivated to learn and play this
kind of music to alleviate gaps between generations and improve their knowledge.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 136

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn literature at

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend time teaching literature at high school. I
somewhat agree with this viewpoint because although literature education is quite
meaningless and time-consuming for some students, others should be encouraged to study
this subject for various merits.

On the one hand, literature education is sometimes unnecessary for a combination of

reasons. First and foremost, literature is not an important part of the school curriculum
as most universities prioritise students who are proficient at other subjects. Architectural
colleges, for instance, often value the importance of math over literature as students are
expected to take advantage of formulas cultivated in math lessons to create their designs,
laying the foundations for a good career in the future. Furthermore, if learners want to
have a good command of this subject, they have to spend a great deal of time analyzing
every single word to understand the true meanings of long essays and poems. However,
granted, they are good at this subject, but their effort is considered as a waste of time as
the content in literature books is not directly linked with their future job.

On the other hand, I believe that literature classes should be promoted for various
benefits. The main supporting point is that studying literature is an ideal way to have
profound insights into the history and cultures of particular areas. For example, thanks to
poems and essays written in the past, students have an understanding of their ancestors'
lives and interesting features passed on to different generations. Another compelling
reason is that though literature is a theoretical subject, it indirectly helps learners
improve certain fundamental skills which are a prerequisite of a successful life. One such
example of this is that they may make use of logical thinking and debating skills for
various tasks and occasions in their life.

In conclusion, I believe that the irrelevance to further education and job opportunities
makes literature become a redundant subject at high school, but students should still be
encouraged to learn this subject because of tremendous historical and cultural values, and
important skills.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 137

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Some people think that hosting an international sports event is good for the
country, while some people think it is bad.

Discuss both views and state your opinion.

A school of thought holds that a nation derives certain benefits from organizing global
sports competitions while the alternative stance has a negative attitude towards such
events. The purpose of this essay is to analyze both sides of the contentious argument
before explaining why I agree with the former view.

Advocates of becoming the host of international sports events tend to point out a
combination of merits. First and foremost, the home country may have enormous
potential for economic development when holding such events. For instance, as foreign
fans flocked to South Korea to attend the 2002 FIFA World Cup, they paid a great deal of
money for accommodation, souvenirs, and so on, which acted as an economic boost in the
local area. Another compelling reason is that interesting features might also be
promoted and introduced to fellow citizens, paving the way for the development of the
tourism industry. To illustrate, overseas audiences often take part in different activities
with local citizens and develop a positive impression of the host country, leading to more
trips in the future.

Nonetheless, some opponents of worldwide events associated with sports claim

potential financial issues. They think that such events require a great deal of money,
which takes its toll on the state budget. China, for instance, ran up huge debts after the
2018 Olympics as billions of dollars were invested to serve sports players. However,
Granted, the host nation has to allocate a huge budget to necessary facilities, but they can
take advantage of those facilities to educate local younger generations for a long time
after the event.

To sum up, I believe that both sides are justifiable. However, on balance, I am inclined to
lean towards the first view because the home country has possibilities to develop their
economy and tourism while the negative view about finance seems to be unconvincing
because of the long-term education for the young.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 138

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

In some countries, more and more adults continue to live with their parents even
after they have completed education and found jobs.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

It is a fact that living with fathers and mothers after graduating and having a profession
is increasingly chosen by people from some parts of the world. This essay will analyze
why I believe that the inconveniences of this trend are outweighed by its merits.

On the one hand, the increasing number of adults living with older generations brings a
host of drawbacks. First and foremost, if young adults lived under the same roof with
their dads and moms, they would have a number of conflicts due to generation gaps. For
instance, while the young are keen on watching movies on their shared television to
relax, the elderly prefer watching news programs to keep abreast of current affairs.
Furthermore, young adults might become much less self-reliant when living with their
older counterparts. To illustrate, they may rely on parents for financial support and
household chores, which is to blame for a passive lifestyle.

On the other hand, the benefits of this phenomenon prevail over its downsides given
above. The first supporting point is that if young workers live with their dads and
moms, they can learn valuable lessons. One such example of this is that parents, in
Vietnam, often take advantage of their dinner time to pass their precious knowledge
associated with cultures and traditions on to their offspring as an ideal way to maintain
national identities. Another radical reason is that as parents might suffer from health
issues due to their old age, support from other family members is vitally important. In
fact, various victims of heart diseases have been saved thanks to offspring taking parents
to hospitals on time.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that arguments and an overdependence among

young people that stem from living with parents after finishing educational programs and
looking for a job, are overshadowed by many advantages related to traditional knowledge
and medical care.

Contact/ Zalo : 0983665262 | Page 139

Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Many people are travelling to other countries.

Why? Is it a positive or negative development?

It is a fact that overseas trips are widely chosen by various people. This essay will analyze
some of the principal reasons for this and then suggest that it should be considered as a
very welcome development despite minor financial issues.

The preference for international travel can be attributed to a host of reasons. First
and foremost, since local people have been familiar with most tourist attractions in their
home country, travelling overseas is an ideal way to broaden their horizons. They, for
instance, are often interested in alien cultures and lifestyles of exotic ethnic minorities in
a far-away community, as opposed to aspects of their home country, which they have
already known. Another compelling reason is that owing to economic growth, people
spend more money visiting foreign societies to enjoy their life. It has been exemplified
by an increasing number of visits to Europe made by Vietnamese citizens thanks to their
better financial health recently.

The popularity of worldwide journeys should be seen as progress. This is because

insights into another society and first-hand experiences might make visitors’ lives become
more meaningful. To illustrate, discovering is perceived as a natural instinct of human
beings; hence, the more areas they conquer, the more valuable knowledge they gain, and
the higher level of satisfaction they have. Nonetheless, trips to foreign communities
might lead to a financial burden in the future as people would have to pay a great deal
of money for expensive airplane tickets, accommodation and so on. Granted, tourists
allocate money to such items, but they contribute to the development of the international
tourism industry, and knowledge and activities in other parts of the world are priceless.

In conclusion, new horizons and economic development are the main causes why a
variety of people choose overseas travel. This trend is a double-edged sword but it should
be welcomed due to the dominance of its merits.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

People are living longer after they retire.

What are the problems? What can be done to solve the problems?

It is true that people have more retirement time after they stop their official jobs. The
purpose of this essay is to analyze some of the main issues that stem from this
phenomenon before suggesting possible solutions to deal with the given problems.

A combination of matters can be anticipated since people live longer after their
retirement. At an individual level, the older people are, the more health problems they
have, leading to poor living standards. They, for instance, often suffer back pains and
symptoms of brain-related diseases, which might hinder them from getting around and
communicating with others. From a societal perspective, the aging population may
result in increased financial burdens on the state, and less investment in young
generations. One way of explaining this is that as the officials may have to face budget
deficits due to higher pensions for retired citizens, fewer financial resources are allocated
for education and other essential needs for the young.

Some measures should be taken into consideration to address such issues. An

effective method is for the government to construct more nursing centers which provide
high-quality healthcare services to ensure optimum physical conditions for the elderly.
They, therefore, have a social and healthy life in community centers with their old-age
friends, paving the way for a higher sense of satisfaction and happiness. Another ideal
way is that a higher retirement age based on health and working conditions should be
considered to alleviate pressure on the state’s coffers. To illustrate, old workers with
good physical strength still continue to contribute to the economy, and the amount of
money paid for retired inhabitants will reduce.

In conclusion, the longer life span among retired citizens is to blame for their lower
quality of life and monetary problems; however, the authorities can invest in healthcare
facilities and retirement policies to tackle the above situation.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


The graph below gives information about the percentage of people living in
Australia who were born in Asia, the UK, and other regions.







1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011

UK Asia other total


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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The bar chart below shows the passenger kilometres traveled by different means of
transport in the UK in 1990 and 2000









bicycle motorbike air bus rail total

1990 2000


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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The pie charts below show the main reasons why students chose to study at a
particular UK University in 1987 and 2007

(1): Quality of resources (2): suitable degree courses (3): close to parental home (4):
quality of teaching (5): good sports & social activities


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The table shows the percentage of students using the Internet in four countries.


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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The table below shows the information on visitor statistics in 1996, 1998 and 2000
for six World Heritage sties in Australia. Unit: thousands

Sites 1996 1998 2000

Great Barrier Reef 1,167 2,950 3,200

Central Eastern
810 790 770
Rainforest Reserve

Blue Moutains 526 565 581

Tasmaninan Wilderness 450 475 483

483Shark Bay 84 102 89

Macquaire Island 0.350 0.310 0,330


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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The bar chart shows the proportion of people using some types of media to get daily
in 2011.

Media usage
10 --17 18--29 30 --49 50--64 65+

social networking microblogging radio


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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The pie charts below show the average household expenditure in Japan and
Malaysia in the year 2010. ( không có trend)


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The pie charts show the average spending on food in the world in 2008 compared to
two countries; China and India.


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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

The table below shows a survey on the preference of different age groups in a
European country on different TV programmes in 2012.

Percentages by age groups

TV programs
11-15 16-20 21-25

Cartoons 29% 18% 4%

Feature films 18% 23% 20%

News 6% 19% 23%

Soap Opera 17% 12% 19%

TV dramas 8% 10% 13%

Sports 22% 18% 21%


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The chart below gives information about the amount of time children spend with
their parents.


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The diagrams give information about changes in a student accommodation.


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The plans below show a public park when it first opened in

1920 and the same park today.


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The pictures below show the process of making clothes from recycled plastic bottles.


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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Some people think that sending criminals to prison is not effective. Education and
job training should be used instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?





















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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Environmental protection is the responsibility of politicians, not individuals as

individuals can do too little.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?






















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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


People believe that individuals who make a lot of money are the most successful.
Others say that those who contribute to society like scientists, teacher are the most

Discuss both and give your opinion?





















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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Many people believe that it is easier to have a healthy lifestyle in the countryside.
Other believe that there are health benefits of living in cities.

Discuss both views and give your opinions.























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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a result,
people eat more food produced in other regions than local food.

Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?






















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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments,
such as the South pole.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?























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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Fossil fuel is the main source of energy. In some countries, the use of alternative
sources of energy is encouraged.

To what extent do you think is it a positive or negative development?






















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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than that of
young people in many countries in the future.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?






















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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Some businesses find that their new employees lack basic interpersonal skills such as
cooperative skill.

What are the causes of this and suggest possible solutions to this problem?





















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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending a short time in
communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building

Why do they do that? Who benefit more from this, the community or these young





















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Detail Example

company/ factory/ công ty, xí nghiệp, đơn

enterprise/ business/
vị kinh doanh, tổ chức, Multi-national companies often place
firm/ organization/
corporation tập đoàn. importance on degrees; therefore, job
seekers with good academic
multinational/ performances, would have a clear
international/ foreign
nước ngoài/ nội địa advantage when looking for a job.
local/ domestic (a)

employer / recruiter / người sử dụng lao

manager/ owner/ boss/ động, tuyển dụng, quản
director/ superior lý, chủ sở hữu/

employee/ staff / job nhân viên, người tìm Employees who work in a positive
seeker/ subordinate việc, cấp dưới working environment with good
managers, often have a higher sense of
highly qualified/skilled những nhân viên giỏi,
job satisfaction than those working
staff/ professionals chuyên gia giỏi
with uncooperative colleagues.
job hunter/ job hopper người tìm, nhảy việc

Job satisfaction/ sự hài lòng về công

motivation việc/ động lực

permanent job/ stable công việc lâu dài

temporary job/
unstable job công việc tạm thời Most candidates often look for
permanent jobs as opposed to
promotion prospect triển vọng thăng tiến temporary ones, paving the way for
career prospect triển vọng nghề nghiệp long-term promotion prospects and
job security recognitions.
sự đảm bảo về công
recognition việc
incentive/ bonus sự công nhận

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

phần thưởng

Job hoppers now are trying to

work experience kinh nghiệm làm việc accumulate a great deal of work
accumulate (v) tích luỹ experience in different organizations,
pension hưu trí rather than, thinking about a stable job
with a pension after their retirement
retire (v), retirement về hưu

an increasingly thị trường lao động

competitive job market ngày càng cạnh tranh As the global job market has become
a thriving economy increasingly competitive, having a
nền kinh tế phồn thịnh
well-educated workforce is a clear
a prosperous nation đất nước phồn thịnh
advantage to create a thriving
a well-educated lực lượng lao động economy and a prosperous nation.
workforce được đào tạo tốt

Many people apply themselves to

Job opportunities cơ hội việc làm develop practical skills to become
versatile (a) đa di năng more versatile, and then flock to
flexible (a) linh hoạt densely populated cities in search of
more job opportunities.

Longer working hours and higher

levels of stress are caused by/ stem
from/ derive from poor working
Working conditions điều kiện làm việc conditions and problem-solving skills.
Hence, providing superior working
conditions are a prerequisite for
superior performance

As women often take maternity

leave, they have less opportunities to
maternity leave nghỉ thai sản
have top-level positions/ executive-
level roles.

academic subjects/ Students attach importance to

lessons/ classes/ môn học thuật academic subjects, which is believed
education kết quả các môn học to bring tremendous contribution to
academic performance/ thuật their latter life; however, employers
results/ standards are looking for candidates with
practical knowledge which is better
practical knowledge kiến thức, kinh nghiệm honed through other activities.
hands-on experience thực tế Academic subjects are considered to

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

realistic knowledge be the key determiner to students’

future career.

Proficient staff may pass on their

graduates hands-on experience to young
người đã tốt nghiệp graduates.
người chưa tốt nghiệp Young graduates may grasp great
undergraduates potential opportunities to learn from
highly skilled executives.

higher education
giáo dục đại học Knowledge at university is believed to
tertiary education bring fundamental contributions to
third level education their future career.

educational institutions cơ sở giáo dục

education system hệ thống giáo dục thanks to the new school curriculum,
students in Japan are able to take part
school curriculum chương trình giáo dục in more extracurricular activities to
become more comprehensive, leading
extracurricular to one of the best education systems
hoạt động ngoại khoá
activities in the world.

if the government abolishes highger

education tuition fees, more and
tuition fees học phí
more students have opportunities to
have a university degree.

Due to intense study schedules,

intense/ hectic study students do not have enough time to
lịch học dày đặc
schedules take part in extracurricular

As a language is not just a group of

spoken words but the key to
someone’s culture; hence, the annual
the annual extinction sự mất đi nhiều ngôn extinction of many languages is a
of many languages ngữ hàng năm considerable problem. ( Source: Chris)

The teaching of languages and local

languages are actually mutually-
reinforcing developments. ( Source:

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


offline classes
face-to-face classes
brick-and-mortar It is argued that E-learning should
education take precedence over brick-and-
lớp học trực tiếp mortar education because students
traditional classes
can improve communication skills
physical classrooms through interactive activities in face-
virtual education to-face classes.
web-based classes

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Detail Example

If young people are entitled to

awareness courses, they will be more
Social evils tệ nạn xã hội
aware of social evils such as drug and
alcohol addiction/ abuse.

socio-economic (a) kinh tế xã hội If the authorities allocate more

financial resources to education, they
invest in will create a civilized society and a
well-educated workforce, leading to
pump money into many socio-economic benefits.
pour money into
allocate financial dành tiền cho cái gì đó
The flow of migrant money has a huge
resources to socio-economic impact on the
set up a special fund to receiving nations as they can invest in
starting up companies. (source:
set up state funding for
official guide to ielts)

older generations thế hệ lớn tuổi

ancestors tổ tiên
offspring con cái
Research into/on the history of a
descendants hậu duệ, con cái family helps young generations realize
youngsters người trẻ various difficulties their ancestors
young generations thế hệ trẻ experienced to lay the foundations
for their offspring.
toddlers trẻ nhỏ
infants trẻ sơ sinh
preschool age tuổi trước khi đi học

negative behaviour since parents do not instill the values

of respect and civility into their
deference = respect hành vi tiêu cực
children, they might have negative
civility = politeness behaviour on a daily basis.

optimum/ optimal In the fast-paced world, working

điều kiện sống tối ưu parents tend to try their hand at
living conditions
different jobs to earn money and

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create optimum living conditions for

their children.

rights and young generations have their own

quyền lợi và nghĩa vụ
responsibilities rights and responsibilities.

disadvantaged thiệt thòi a new educational program has been

underprivileged không may mắn set up for economically disadvantaged
homeless vô gia cư students. ( source: từ điển cambridge)

the general public’s national budgets should be better spent

health on healthcare and campaigns to
sức khoẻ cộng đồng
motivate healthy lifestyles for the
the societal health sake of the general public’s health.

a public awareness
campaign a public awareness campaign would
a government be effective to raise awareness among
những chiến dịch tuyên
sponsored awareness people about the depletion of natural
campaign resources and then they would use
a public education alternative energy sources.

wealth inequality
sự chênh lệch giàu the state should impose some policies
income disparity/ nghèo to reduce wealth inequality.

family bonds/relations/ parents should encourage children in

mối quan hệ gia đình
relationships taking part in family bonding
activities to strengthen their family
family bonding những hoạt động gắn
activities kết gia đình relationships.

as the cost of living has been on the

high living costs rise, parents tend to be caught up in
chi phí sống tăng cao
the cost of living their jobs and do not have enough
time for their family.

small family units

nuclear families Many people choose to live in nuclear
extended families families, leading to further
generational gaps

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

generational gaps
the gap between family

In the past, fathers often took on the

role of breadwinners while mothers
assumed household chores, but the
recent decades have seen a reverse
household chores công việc nội trợ trend in the roles of genders due to the
growing financial contribution of
women. To illustrate, some females
choose to go to work while males
accept the role of househusbands.

parenting skills kỹ năng làm cha mẹ

some young married couples decide to
childbearing sinh nở delay their childbearing due to their
lack of parenting skills.
parenthood thời kỳ làm cha mẹ

The high-speed of
modern lifestyles
lối sống nhanh we are living in a multicultural
the fast-paced lifestyle
society with a fast-paced lifestyle.
the fast pace of life

Multicultural society xã hội đa văn hoá

the global village As citizens of the global village, we

toàn cầu hoá cannot ignore our obligations to others
the globalisation ( source: cambridge dictionary)

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Detail Example

the government chính phủ

new policies would be counter-
the state nhà nước productive if the government does not
the authorities chính quyền value the benefits of the society over
upper social classes.
policies chính sách

state coffers
ngân khố quốc gia The excessive investment in railway
national budgets lines would result in state deficits;
hence, putting more burden on
budget deficits thâm hụt ngân sách
national coffers.
budget surplus thặng dư ngân sách

industrialised countries những nước đã phát

developed nations triển
developing countries những nước đang phát Industrial resources would migrate
less developed nations triển from developed nations to
những nước kém phát underdeveloped ones, leading to a
underdeveloped mutually-reinforcing developments.
countries triển.

agriculturally based xã hội phụ thuộc vào

societies nông nghiệp

The state should levy a tariff on fast

thuế Junk food should be taxed at a
tariff higher rate.
(Source: Chris)

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Detail Example

a dependence on The widespread popularity of

technology technology would encourage a
phụ thuộc vào công
an over reliance on dependence on technological
overly addicted to devices, which is to blame for a
technological devices variety of health problems.

The advent of more technological

an ever increasing use việc sử dụng công nghệ
breakthroughs would lead to an ever
of technology nhiều
increasing use of technology.

traditional newspapers
báo truyền thống, báo
conventional news
printed news

social media The growing popularity of online

news keeps readers up to date with
online platforms tin tức trên nền tảng latest information associated with a
online news/ websites online variety of fields, but some reporters
internet-based news often exaggerate or even distort their
news in order to draw attention from
exaggerate (v) phóng đại more audiences.
distort (v) xuyên tạc
convey / broadcast (v) truyền đạt thông tin
disseminate (v) truyền đạt thông tin

The Internet provides users with

a wealth of online
access to a wealth of information
rất nhiều thông tin associated with different fields.
huge storage/volume
readers can tap into limitless sources
of knowledge
of information on the Internet.

readers can keep abreast of current

keep abreast of current cập nhật những tin tức
affairs on newspapers.
affairs mới nhất
It keeps readers up to date on/with
up-to-date information thông tin cập nhật
new developments.

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state-of-the-art (a) Computers have brought cutting-edge

cutting-edge (a) hiện đại, thời thượng technology into the classroom (
high-tech (a) source: cambridge dictionary)

outdated (a) the obsolete technology has a

obsolete (a) cũ kỹ, lỗi thời stultifying effect on the development
old-fashioned (a) of this company.

advertisements quảng cáo
advertising companies often have to
commercial breaks pay high marketing costs for short
quảng cáo giữa giờ commercial breaks to advertise the
commercial campaigns
các chiến dịch quảng attributes and functions of their
advertising campaigns products.

promotional programs

marketing budgets/ ngân sách, chi phí

costs quảng cáo

Through various promotional

consumerism tiêu dùng quá nhiều programs, companies introduce their
products to customers, which may
throw-away society một xã hội lãng phí result in consumerism and a throw-
away society.

sedentary lifestyle một lối sống thụ động The escalating popularity of
direct interaction tương tác trực tiếp technology may encourage a
dependence on technological
physical activities hoạt động thể chất devices, which is often to blame for
a sedentary lifestyle and the lack of
physical activities. One such example
of this is that youngsters often
immerse in (v) đắm chìm vào cái gì đó immerse themselves in online
programs, rather than, playing sports
with their friends as they did in the

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Detail Example

Developing commercial revenues

has become more challenging for
airports due to a combination of
factors, such as increased
commercial revenues doanh thu thương mại competition from internet shopping
and new security procedures that
have had an impact on dwell time of
passengers. ( The official guide to

soft skills are one of the determining

factors taken into consideration when
employers looking for new candidates.
những yếu tố quyết Transport system is considered as one
determining factors
định of the key determiners taken into
consideration by investors when
looking for potential business

The global economic meltdown leads

The global economic to various problems among the
sự suy thoái kinh tế
meltdown/ downturn disadvantaged due to their poor
financial health.

international multinational companies often
companies công ty đa quốc gia exaggerate the attributes and
functions of their products; hence,
global companies gullible customers would buy
worldwide companies unnecessary items.

gullible customers những khách hàng khờ

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exaggerate (v) phóng đại hoá

printed newspapers traditional news is often more

traditional news báo truyền thống reliable than online versions thanks to
conventional news the rigorous editing process.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Detail Example

Educational level
Educational nền tảng học vấn
People argue that educational level is
prisoners a key determiner of potential
inmaters criminal behaviour, leading many to
criminals suggest reorienting prisons to focus on
tù nhân helping inmaters earn degrees
người phạm tội ( source:

offender profiles It is difficult for an ex-prisoner to

hồ sơ phạm tội
criminal records find a job due to his criminal record.

break the law (v)

commit a crime (v) phạm tội
Criminals who commit crimes need
comit an offence (v) to be imprisoned for their illegal
activities unless they will continue to
tội ác break the law.
illegal activities
hành vi phi pháp

prison/ jail sentences

death penalties
capital punishments hình phạt tù
capital punishments should be
sentence criminals to tử hình applied for serious criminals, such as
dealth (v) xâm hại tình dục murderers and rapists, to eliminate
capital offence them from society.
sexual offences

murderers kẻ giết người

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

rapists kẻ hiếp dâm

weapons vũ khí
chemical weapons vũ khí hoá học The new agreement between many
countries would hinder them from
nuclear weapons vũ khí hạt nhấn using nuclear weapons.
biological weapons vũ khí sinh học

social evils tệ nạn xã hội

drug abuse lạm dụng ma tuý Low-educated youngsters are often
not fully aware of social evils such as
alcohol addiction nghiện rượu drug abuse or alcohol addiction,
which might, therefore, lead to a
juvenile delinquency phạm tội vị thành niên higher level of juvenile delinquency.
crime prevention chống lại tội phạm

if prisoners are educated through

government sponsored awareness courses and vocational
awareness courses những khoá học về programs, they would be aware of
vocational training/ nhận thức their mistakes and cultivate
courses đào tạo nghề fundamental skills to look for good
vocational education jobs to become productive members
of society after being released.

defendants bị cáo
The defendant is accused of/charged
victims nạn nhân with a range of crimes, from theft to
be accused of murder. ( source: cambridge
bị cáo buộc dictionary)
be charged with

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả


Vocabulary (Paraphrase) Detail Example

climate change biến đổi khí hậu

global warming sự nóng lên toàn cầu global warming may lead to
global temperature nhiệt độ toàn cầu the rise in sea levels.

ocean/ sea levels mực nước biển

flood prevention techniques phương pháp chống lụt

The government should
sự phá huỷ nặng nề consider previously used flood
massive destructions
những sự kiện thời tiết prevention techniques to limit
extreme climatic events massive destructions of
khắc nghiệt
droughts floods.
khô hạn

environmental pollution
environmental contamination
ô nhiễm môi trường
environmental damage
environmental risks

environmental degradation
environmental deterioration chất lượng môi trường
the degradation/ deterioration đi xuống Fossil fuels are to blame for the
of environmental quality environmental contamination;
hence, the government
fossil fuels encourages people in using
fossil-based fuels more and more renewable
energy sources which cause
carbon-rich fuels less CO2 emissions to the
carbon-intensive energy năng lượng hoá thạch environment.
green energy năng lượng bền vững
sustainable energy
renewable energy
alternative energy

exhausted emissions/ fumes

khí thải CO2
greenhouse/ CO2 emissions

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

non-biodegradable (a) không thể phân huỷ

The throw-away society is the
unrecyclable (a) không thể tái tạo root of many problems due to
biodegradable (a) có thể phân huỷ the increasing use of non-
biodegradable materials.
recyclable (a) có thể tái tạo

energy crisis
khủng hoảng năng
energy shortage
lượng The government should allow
energy scarcity companies to find untapped
energy resources in response
previously unexplored areas
những nơi chưa khám to the current energy crisis.
untouched areas
untapped resources

những nơi không thể due to harsh living conditions,

inhabitable environment many are of the belief that we
sống được
inhospitable environment should find other habitable
điều kiện sống khắc environments to ensure our
harsh living conditions nghiệt survival.

phương pháp tiết kiệm

energy-saving methods
năng lượng
People are using some energy-
văn hoá tự cung tự cấp saving methods to ensure a
a culture of self-sufficiency stable and affordable power
một nguồn cung năng supply.
a stable and affordable power
lượng ổn định và hợp

The use of diesel generators

diesel generators động cơ diesel would lead to significant
carbon emissions.

Một kế hoạch, chương Take an urban bike-sharing

An urban bike-sharing
trình sử dụng xe đạp scheme which was considered
scheme (n)
chung /regarded / known as an
answer to the threats of air
Những mối đe doạ liên pollution and consumerism in
Threats of air pollution and quan tới ô nhiễm Copenhagen as a typical
consumerism không khí và tiêu dùng example, the city council
quá đà. launched a variety of
campaigns to encourage
Environmentally conscious = Thân thiện với môi citizens in using shared
environmentally friendly trường, quan tâm với bicycles on streets. Therefore, it

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

môi trường became one the two most

cycle-friendly capitals where
Những thành phố inhabitants are aware of the
khuyến khích người sử importance of environmentally
A cycle-friendly capitals
friendly vehicles such as
dụng xe đạp
bicycles. ( source: Cam 15)

Environmentalists point out

Những người bảo vệ that the construction industry
Environmentalists (n)
môi trường has already contributed to the
pollution of the city.

freshly deforested cropland đất trồng trọt mới bị The population explosion leads
(n) chặt phá to an increased demand for
freshly deforested cropland to
deforestation ( n) phá rừng grow food

But while deforestation can

certainly lead to economic
Biodiversity (n) sự đa dạng sinh học benefits for farmerst, it also
puts biodiversity at risk. ( Ielts
trainer 2)

environmental contamination
environmental pollution (n) Apllying large quantities of
environmental degradation ô nhiễm, phá huỷ môi fertilizer leads to the
(n) trường contamination of local rivers/
environmental devastation (n) environmental contamination

environmental problems/
threats (n)

It would be much more

environmentally sustainable
environmentaly sustainable if people could use solar energy
môi trường bền vững
(a) instead of fossil-based fuels
which lead to environmental

Thuộc về tổ tiên As these ancestral species

Ancestral (a), ancestors (n) settled on the individual
Môi trường sống đặc islands, the different
Unique environment
biệt populations adapted to their

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

unique environments, giving

In the absence of predators Không có thú ăn thịt rise to at least 14 subspecies. (
Source: Cambridge)

This historical exploitation

sự khai thác lịch sử was exacerbated when settlers
Historical exploitation (n) came to the islands. They
phá huỷ môi trường destroyed their habitat to clear
Destroy the habitat
sống land for agriculture.

Endangered (a)

The regeneration of an
endangered species (n) Nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
Some wild animals are highly
On the verge/ brink of endangered; hence, the
extinction government need to invest in
conservation programs to
những chiến dịch bảo prevent them from extinction.
conservation programs
vệ động vật

wild animals động vật hoang dã

thuốc được chiết xuất

animal-derived medicine
từ động vật animal-derived medicine
should be banded because we
can use alternative sources of
flora thực vật
fauna động vật

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Lời nói đầu .......................................................................................................................... 2
TỔNG QUAN VỀ IELTS WRITING................................................................................. 1
GIỚI THIỆU ...................................................................................................................... 1
IELTS WRITING TASK 1 ................................................................................................. 2
UNIT 1: PHƯƠNG PHÁP LÀM BÀI LINE GRAPH.................................................... 3
UNIT 5: THỰC HÀNH DẠNG MULTIPLE CHARTS .............................................. 37
UNIT 6: THỰC HÀNH DẠNG BÀI MAP & PROCESS ............................................ 39
UNIT 7: THỰC HÀNH DẠNG BÀI MAP & PROCESS ............................................ 43
IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................................... 46
CÁC CẤU TRÚC CẦN CÓ ĐỂ VIẾT ESSAY. ............................................................ 47
DẠNG 1: WRITING TASK 2......................................................................................... 52
What extent do you agree or disagree ........................................................................... 52
DẠNG 2: IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................ 60
“Discuss both views and gives your opinion” ................................................................ 60
DẠNG 3: IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................ 65
“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages’ ......................................................... 65
DẠNG 4: IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................ 70
“Positive or Negative development” .............................................................................. 70
DẠNG 5: IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................ 77
“Two-part questions’ ....................................................................................................... 77
BÀI MẪU IELTS WRITING TASK 2 .......................................................................... 82
Topic 1: In many countries, the quality of life in large cities is becoming worse. ..... 82
What are the causes for this problem? What measures do you think should be taken
to tackle the problem? ..................................................................................................... 82
Topic 2: In many countries, people are spending more hours in the workplace. ...... 83

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

What are the reasons? ..................................................................................................... 83

Is it a positive or negative development. ........................................................................ 83
Topic 3: In many countries, people are spending more hours in the workplace. ...... 84
What are the reasons? ..................................................................................................... 84
Is it a positive or negative development. ........................................................................ 84
Topic 4: Research shows that business meetings, discussions and training are
happening online nowadays. ........................................................................................... 85
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? ......................................... 85
Topic 5: Some people work for the same organization all their working life. Others
think that it is better to work for different organizations............................................ 86
Discuss both sides and give your opinion. ..................................................................... 86
Topic 6: Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology
can replace their functions. ............................................................................................. 87
To what extent you agree or disagree? .......................................................................... 87
Topic 7: Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other transport .................. 88
Why it is not popular in many countries and how to increase its popularity? .......... 88
Topic 8: Some people think that printed newspapers are the best way to learn news.
However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media ........ 89
Discuss both views and give your opinion? ................................................................... 89
Topic 9: In some parts of the world, it is increasingly popular to research the history
of one's own family. ......................................................................................................... 90
Why do people want to do this? ..................................................................................... 90
Is it a positive or negative development? ....................................................................... 90
Topic 10: There are more workers who work from home and more students who
study from home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily
accessible and cheaper..................................................................................................... 91
Do you think it is a positive or negative development? ................................................ 91
Topic 11: There are more workers who work from home and more students who
study from home. This is because computer technology is more and more easily
accessible and cheaper..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Do you think it is a positive or negative development? .....Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

Topic 12: Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working
parents believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their
children, while others think childcare centers provide the best care. ........................ 93
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ............................................................ 93
Topic 13: Some people think the government funding should not be used for
supporting art and culture, while others think supporting cultural activities may be
beneficial for the population and culture. ..................................................................... 94
Discuss both views and give your opinion. .................................................................... 94
Topic 14: Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are
more important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new
employees. ......................................................................................................................... 95
Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative development? ...................................... 95
Topic 15: Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are
more important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new
employees. ......................................................................................................................... 96
Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative development? ...................................... 96
Topic 16: Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the
protection of wild animals, and this money could be better spent on the human
population. ........................................................................................................................ 97
To what extent do you agree or disagree? ..................................................................... 97
Topic 17: The skills that a person needs to be truly successful in the world today are
not learned at universities. .............................................................................................. 98
To what extent do you agree or disagree ....................................................................... 98
Topic 18: Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass
exams, and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught. .......................... 99
To what extent do you agree or disagree? ..................................................................... 99
Topic 19: In the past, knowledge was contained in books. Nowadays, knowledge is
uploaded to the internet. ............................................................................................... 100
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? ............................................ 100
Topic 20: Some people think that developing countries need financial aid from
international organizations. Others think that advice and practical aid are more
important. ....................................................................................................................... 101
Discuss both views and give your opinion. .................................................................. 101

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Group: Cộng Đồng Ielts Việt Nam
Written by Thái Hoàng Logic & Hiệu Quả

BÀI MẪU THAM KHẢO - IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ........................................... 126
BÀI TẬP WRITING TASK 1....................................................................................... 142
BÀI TẬP WRITING TASK 2 – DẠNG 1 .................................................................... 156
BÀI TẬP WRITING TASK 2 – DẠNG 2 .................................................................... 160
BÀI TẬP WRITING TASK 2 – DẠNG 3 .................................................................... 164
BÀI TẬP WRITING TASK 2 – DẠNG 4 .................................................................... 168
BÀI TẬP WRITING TASK 2 – DẠNG 5 .................................................................... 172
VOCABULARY............................................................................................................... 176
WORK- EDUCATION ................................................................................................. 176
SOCIETY ....................................................................................................................... 180
GOVERNMENT ............................................................................................................ 183
TECHNOLOGY/ MEDIA/ ADVERTISING .............................................................. 184
BUSINESS ...................................................................................................................... 186
CRIME ........................................................................................................................... 188
ENVIRONMENT/ ANIMALS ..................................................................................... 190

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