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How has this assignment helped you engage in your chosen

outcome? Did you write about one of the goals in the outcomes, or
did you apply the skills talked about in each one?
While completing group activity 2, I was able to engage in the
Multiple ways of Writing outcome by integrating multimodality in
order to support the organization of rhetorical moves. In this
assignment I was able to apply the outcome of Multiple ways of
Writing into the assignment.

2. Choose one (or both)

o What is something, whether it be a concept or a personal
realization, that you learned while engaging in this
assignment? Or, if you didn't learn anything, what did you
find useful about this exercise?
o How does this assignment or activity connect with other
course outcomes or build towards upcoming major

While completing this assignment, I was able to have a personal

realization. I realized on how common rhetorical moves are used in
letters that are sent to people while the person sending it doesn’t
even recognize that they are using common rhetorical moves when
sending the letter.

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