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1. What is your preferred flower type when purchasing for a special occasion?

a) Roses
b) Lilies
c) Daisies
d) Other (please specify)

2. How important is floral scent when choosing flowers?

a) Very important
b) Somewhat important
c) Not important
d) I don't consider scent

3. How often do you buy flowers for yourself or others?

a) Weekly
b) Monthly
c) Occasionally
d) Rarely

4. What size of flower arrangement do you usually prefer?

a) Small
b) Medium
c) Large
d) Depends on the occasion

5. What colors do you most prefer for floral arrangements?

a) Bright and bold
b) Soft pastels
c) White and neutral
d) Varied and mixed

6. How do you prioritize the freshness of flowers when making a purchase?

a) Extremely important
b) Important
c) Somewhat important
d) Not important
7. What factors influence your choice of a flower vendor?
a) Price
b) Location
c) Reputation
d) All of the above

8. How do you usually transport your purchased flowers?

a) Car
b) Public transportation
c) Walking
d) Other (please specify)

9. Do you prefer buying seasonal flowers or those available year-round?

a) Seasonal
b) Year-round
c) No preference

10. What occasions prompt you to buy flowers the most?

a) Birthdays
b) Anniversaries
c) Holidays
d) Just because

11. How important is eco-friendliness in the packaging of flowers for you?

a) Very important
b) Important
c) Not very important
d) I don't consider it

12. Which social media platform do you most use to discover new flower trends?
a) Instagram
b) Facebook
c) Pinterest
d) Twitter
13. How likely are you to explore unique flower varieties that are not commonly found?
a) Very likely
b) Somewhat likely
c) Not very likely
d) Not at all likely

14. Do you prefer buying flowers from a physical store or online?

a) Physical store
b) Online
c) Both equally
d) Depends on the situation

15. What is your budget range when purchasing flowers?

a) Low (up to $20)
b) Medium ($20-$50)
c) High ($50-$100)
d) Premium (above $100)

16. How important is the arrangement design in your flower purchase decision?
a) Very important
b) Important
c) Somewhat important
d) Not important

17. How would you rate the importance of customer reviews when choosing a flower

a) Extremely important
b) Important
c) Somewhat important
d) Not important

18. What additional features would enhance your flower-buying experience?

a) Subscription services
b) Loyalty programs
c) Personalized recommendations
d) All of the above
19. Which factors would make you switch from your current flower vendor to a new one?
a) Better prices
b) Higher quality
c) Better customer service
d) All of the above

20. Do you prefer locally sourced flowers over imported ones?

a) Yes, always
b) Yes, sometimes
c) No preference
d) No, I prefer imported flowers

21. How do you feel about purchasing potted plants compared to cut flowers?
a) Prefer potted plants
b) Prefer cut flowers
c) Like both equally
d) Don't have a preference

22. What influences your decision to buy flowers as a gift for someone else?
a) Recipient's preferences
b) Occasion
c) Availability
d) All of the above

23. How likely are you to buy flowers based on current floral trends?
a) Very likely
b) Somewhat likely
c) Not very likely
d) Not at all likely

24. What is your preferred method of payment when buying flowers?

a) Cash
b) Credit/debit card
c) Mobile payment apps
d) Other (please specify)
25. How important is the convenience of the flower vendor's location to you?
a) Very important
b) Important
c) Not very important
d) I don't consider it

26. Which type of flower arrangements do you find most appealing?

a) Classic bouquets
b) Modern and artistic arrangements
c) Wildflower-style arrangements
d) Custom arrangements

27. How do you usually learn about promotions or discounts from flower vendors?
a) Email newsletters
b) Social media posts
c) In-store signage
d) Word of mouth

28. Would you be interested in eco-friendly packaging options for flowers even if it comes
at a slightly higher cost?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

29. How do you typically handle the disposal of flowers once they have wilted?
a) Composting
b) Recycling
c) Garbage disposal
d) Other (please specify)

30. What type of flower-related events or workshops would you be interested in attending?
a) Floral arrangement workshops
b) Flower gardening seminars
c) Flower photography classes
d) All of the above

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