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Gisell: In our childhood, we listened to things about ethics and the importance of this
word in our lives, but sometimes we didn't understand what this word means. The most
important point is that you can develop your idea about ethics in some aspects, but
first two important questions:
-What does ethic means?
-Why ethics are important in things like business, in our personal life and our academic
Juana: When we talk about ethics, at a point, we need a thing in morals, because
ethics is a reflection of the morals and for other side, ethic try to establish rules about
the things that are considered positive or good actions and the things that are
considered like bad and negative actions, an example:
-You have been stealing from your grandmother because you needed to buy new
- You made plagiarism due to you didn´t do your work on time.
- Your friends had discriminated to your classmate as a result of a bad answer in the
- Your boss was thinking that the employees don't matter and for that reason he had
authority abuse.
Juana: All these examples show us things that are unethical in different aspects like in
our personal life, in business or work, and in our academic life, but we need to talk
about these topics and in that way, you can understand.
Daniela: Ethics in our personal life is the thing that helps us to speak, think and act
positively, while we can choose our values like honesty, which is a value that contains
ethics. But on many occasions, we make unethical things when we decided to act for
our benefit and it doesn't matter the things we should do, we can see this when:
- If you treat good others, they will treat you good.
If you honor your parents, they will be proud of you.

Gisell: when we talk about ethical academic life, we follow rules that involve the
teachers, directives, the students, the parents, and others. This one, is important to our
behavior in many things, like our behavior in the classroom, not using plagiarism as a
method of getting good grades, and having a respectful relationship with teachers and
classmates, and others.
-if you as a teacher don't act with responsibility or respect in front of your students, you
can change the way how the student sees the ethic around them and yours.
-If there is respect, students do not intimidate.
-We can learn some things if we don't use plagiarism.
Juana: Ethics in business implies the adoption of business policies and practices that
promote the ethical conduct of individuals and organizations. This process is unethical
when we see things like; authority abuse, the "hard fraud" in the industry, corporate
bribery, and other things.
-If you are dedicated to your work, you will have more recognized.
-If you are honest, there will be more trust with customers.

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