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Lambunao, Iloilo

Module in SS112: Ethics

Name: Renan Sequito

Course and Section: BSCRIM Delta

Unit: 1

Lesson: 1

Name of Activity: *Apply your knowledge*

Question: Upon reading and understanding your notes from Introduction to Lesson 1, what do you think
the discipline of ethics provide to people? Explain your answer.
- Ethics is the discipline of dealing with what is good or bad. It deals moral duty and obligation on what
depends on culture. Ethical behavior is being honest, truthful and doing the right thing even at the
expense of self-interest . And because people grow up with traditions. Traditions are part of culture that
is a system of codes that gives the world meaning and shapes the peoples behavior.

Lesson: 2

Name of activity: *apply your knowledge*

Question: For you, What is being “ethical”?

- For me, that is who is honest and follows good moral standards and obey a law or obligation,
it is equivalent to saying his duty to do so, and use the adjective ethical. Ethical comes from the
greek ethos “moral character” and describes a person or behavior as right in the moral sense,
truthful, fair, and honest.

Lesson: 3

Name of activity: *apply your knowledge*

Questions: Using seven step moral reasoning models explain why you choose your
Step 1: Stop and think - its best to take a moment before making a decisions because it will help
me to my course sometime before taking an action.
Step 2: Clarify goals - it is necessary to check or clarify your aims. I decides to take this course
for something to accomplish. Even if I sacrificed my hobbies to achieved my goals.
Step 3: Determine facts - Before choosing this course I already verified it that the fact I fitted to
be in it.
Step 4: Develop options - if it is exhausted after clearing the terms of goal. Think of other
creative ways and clear my mind.
Step 5: Consider consequences - Due to my choices, I already decide my motives and the
potential consequences of my action
Step 6: Choose - the choice is hard to make but the others who may have knowledge or
experience of the situation. That is where I started making decision.
Step 7: Monitor and modify – I monitor from the others of what is the situation and what are
the consequences is enough for me to modify and take action or behavior as necessary.

Lesson: 4

Name of activity: *apply your knowledge*

Question: what “kind of person” you want to become?

- I want to be a person that is respected. The one whom my family can count on being a
successful someday. A person that can lived through any circumstances of how hard life can be.
Create things, Love somebody and Take responsibility every mistakes you make. Dependable
person who is great at time management, able to handle multiple tasks, hardworking, honest,
experienced is what supposed to call a man. A person with value and Dignity.


Name of activity: *apply your knowledge*

Question: How does ethics shape one’s behavior?

- Ethics are the set off moral principles that guide a person’s behavior. These morals are shaped
by social norms, cultural practices, and religious influence. Ethics reflect beliefs about what is
right, what is wrong, what is just or unjust, what is good or bad terms of human behavior. Like
example, if you value equal rights for all and you go to work for an organization that treats its
managers much better than it does its workers, you may form the attitude that the company is
unfair place to work.

Lesson: 6

Name of activity: *apply your knowledge*

Question: What real moral or ethical dilemma have you faced in life, and how did you resolve
- I was a Deliquent student who likes to create trouble to school or even my family was so
Dissapointed on me. One day I got to know some so called Thugs/Gang. We became friends
that day then we hang out like what a deliquents do, smoking, drinking alcohol and bullying
other person who was weak. Then the rumors goes to my mother that ive been doing
something that a kid was not supposed to do. My mother was so sad that Ive been like this
despite the fact the she was embarrassed to hear that her son was a disgrace. My father was
very disappointed and angry at me. They keep giving me guidance and avoid my friends that
doing bad things. Then one day my dearest friends who was from Elementary came to
challenge our group to a fight, it was a Riot that I started to panicked of what to do, should I
just avoid it or pick a side and then my mind started to think that what will happen to me, to my
family or my future if I start to act aggressive without thinking first. Not before long they got
arrested and detained, that is when I decide my decision that Ill avoid them and my dearest
friend accepted me again and we make a promised that we will now be a good student and a
good person and that we start over like a normal kid.

Name of activity: *Assess your knowledge*

1. For you what is “being good”?

- Being good is who always follow the rules or Law. A person who doesn ’t cheat and don ’t commit crime
or bad things, A respectful and grateful for your fellow is what makes you think you are a good person.

2. Define ethics in your own words.

- Ethics is based on well founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do,
usually in terms of rights, obligation, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.

3. Do you think in your entire existence you have done a “moral act ”? if yes explain it.
- yes, because a moral act is any act done in accordance with mostly accepted and deemed good values
in any society where that act is being performed. Every society has some values, some rules which
determine whether something is good or bad which is the result of numerous factors like history,
culture, religion, tradition, etc.

4. What is the biggest ethical or moral dilemma that you have faced, and how you deal with it?
- I was a Deliquent student who likes to create trouble to school or even my family was so
Dissapointed on me. One day I got to know some so called Thugs/Gang. We became friends
that day then we hang out like what a deliquents do, smoking, drinking alcohol and bullying
other person who was weak. Then the rumors goes to my mother that ive been doing
something that a kid was not supposed to do. My mother was so sad that Ive been like this
despite the fact the she was embarrassed to hear that her son was a disgrace. My father was
very disappointed and angry at me. They keep giving me guidance and avoid my friends that
doing bad things. Then one day my dearest friends who was from Elementary came to
challenge our group to a fight, it was a Riot that I started to panicked of what to do, should I
just avoid it or pick a side and then my mind started to think that what will happen to me, to my
family or my future if I start to act aggressive without thinking first. Not before long they got
arrested and detained, that is when I decide my decision that Ill avoid them and my dearest
friend accepted me again and we make a promised that we will now be a good student and a
good person and that we start over like a normal kid.

5. For you what is freedom?

- freedom was a independence, it means you have the ability to act and speak freely or even go
to where you want.

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