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Subject: Request for Collaboration: Farsi Literature Department Student for

Transliteration Opportunity

Farsi Literature Department,

I trust this email nds you well. My name is Kavi, and I am reaching out to you on behalf
of a unique and exciting opportunity that involves collaboration between your esteemed
Farsi Literature department and a project I am currently undertaking.

I am in the process of transliterating a screenplay based in Iran, and I nd myself in need

of individuals with a deep understanding of Farsi literature to assist in this endeavor.
Having learned about the excellent reputation of Farsi Literature program, I am eager to
explore the possibility of working with students from your department who may be
interested in a paid opportunity to contribute their skills and expertise.
The project revolves around a recently acquired electronic copy of a censored and
banned Persian book within Iran. With the assistance of an Iranian immigrant in Turkey,
coincidentally a former school classmate in sociology, I obtained the book, crossing
borders to receive this valuable piece of literature. Utilizing half of my earnings from an
internship, I have reached out to Iranian refugees and immigrants in my community,
attempting to bridge the language and cultural gap.

In connecting with an incredibly educated individual, I discovered her ability to

transliterate and convey the screenplay's ideas with political and personal inferences.
Collaborating with the Farsi community in my state, I gained insights into the techniques
employed by Asghar Farhadi in his screenplay, particularly in how he utilizes silence,
camera movements, textured faces, colors, and sounds. This collaborative e ort has
allowed me to observe the intricate details of everyday life causing chaos, mirroring
Farhadi's approach.

The ongoing progress of completing the uno cial transliteration under my supervision
has been an enriching experience, and the entire community, including writers, diaspora
poets, and artists, has embraced the work as their own. They have expressed the
intention to present it to screenwriter Asghar Farhadi for o cial publication, bearing my
name and representing the Indo-Farsi literature community.

I believe that involving students from Farsi Literature department in this project would not
only provide them with a unique and practical opportunity but also contribute to the
success of this transcultural and transformative initiative.
I am open to discussing this further at your earliest convenience. I would be grateful for
the opportunity to meet with you or any interested students to discuss the project details
and explore the potential for collaboration.
Thank you for considering my proposal, and I look forward to the possibility of working


Kavi Kumaresan

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