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2ND and 3rd TERM

Child’s Name: Khunkham School Year: 2023-2024

Evaluation Key
U = Usually G = Good Progres W = Working on Skill NA = Not Applicable

Social and Emotional Skills

I respect and show concern for people and things around me G

I accept and respond to my teacher’s authority W

I play and share with other children. G

I have a good self-image. W

I am happy and cheerful at school. G

I have appropriate control over my feelings. W
Kunkham started to communicate to other kids and to his teacher. He also started to

become more talkative. He also started to play with other kids.

Work Habits
I get involved in and attend to activities. G
I can follow directions. W
I respond well to teacher’s suggestions. W
I seek only my fair share of teacher’s attention. G
I am a curious child. W
I ask questions. G
I can make choices. W

Remarks: Kunkham likes to do activities.

The teachers concern only, if she doesn’t like the activity, she wanted to throw anything that
she she
will grab.
Fine Motor Skills

Using crayons. U

Using scissors G

Painting G

Pasting G

Puzzles. G

Building with blocks G

Manipulating zippers. W

Manipulating buttons W

Manipulating snaps W

Remarks: Kunkham having a good progress in fine motor skills. He can do by himself all

activities. He started to hold colors and pencils.

Gross Motor Skills

Alternates feet on stairs. W
Skipping W
Jump in place. G
Balance on: Left foot. W
Balance on: Right foot. W
Hop on: One foot. W
Hop on: Two feet. G
Throw a ball forward G
Kick a ball forward. G
I know some colors. U
I know some shapes. U
I know some body parts U

Remarks: Kunkham loves to dance head, shoulder, knees and toes.

We just do by time to time and we don’t let her push too much.
Listening Skills

I listen quietly to stories. G

My attention span is lengthening G

I respond to a story by recalling specific details U

Remarks: Kunkham loves to hear story. He can tell and do the action of the story, if he

he really loves the story

Speaking Skills

I speak clearly. G
I communicate in sentences. G
I can answer some questions. G
I wait for my turn when speaking in a group. W
I can use language to communicate my wants and ideas. W
I am expanding my vocabulary. G

Remarks: Kunkham started to make 1 full sentence in English and in lao. His also started
To make friends with other kids.

Self-Reliance Skills
I can go to the bathroom by myself U
I am learning to dress myself. G
I am learning to brush my teeth W
I make good use of free time. G

Music Skillsw
I participate in group singing. G
I enjoy doing musical activities. G
I am learning to repeat rhythmic patterns. G
Remarks: Kunkham loves to sings a song like “love is gone.”

Art Skills

I participate in art activities. G

I can use my art materials properly. W
I help clean up messes after my art projects. W


English Area

I can recognize alphabet G

I can point an object. W
I can write properly. W
Remarks: Khunkham started to make sentence in English. On writing, his working on wriiting
Letters and numbers without tracing line

Lao Language Area

ຮຽນຮ ູ້ ກ-ຮ

ຄຳສ ັບຄກ
ູ່ ັບຮບພຳບ ກ-ຮ
ເຝິກ ອຳູ່ ນແລະຂຽນຄຳສ ັບ ສະຫຼະxຳ
ຮຽນຮ ູ້ ວ ັນນະຍຸດ x່ ູ່ x່ ູ້

ອຳູ່ ນ ແລະຂຽນຄຳສ ັບ ຕ ົວສະກ ົດ

ັູ້ ສວ
ອຳູ່ ນເປັນສຽງດ ົນຕີ ຕ ົວຢຳູ່ ງ: ອະອຳ ອະອຳ ອະມີສຽງສນ ັ ູ້ ສຽງຍຳວໆ ພຳສຳລຳວ ຂຽນອິຂຽນອີ ຂຽນຢູ່
ູ່ ນອີນນມີ
ເທິູ່ ງ ຈູ່ ຈຳໃຫດ
ູ້ ີ
ອຳູ່ ນເປັນສຽງດ ົນຕີ: ຊ ຊູ່ ຊ.ູ້
ກ ກູ່ ກູ້ .ຈ ຈູ່ ຈ ູ້ . ປ ປູ່ ປູ້ . ມ ມູ່ ມ.ູ້ ພ ພູ່ ພູ້

ເຝຶກຂຽນຄຳສ ັບ: ກຳງຄນ ຢນຍຳມ. ອຳຍຸຍນ ຈນປຳ

ຟັງສຽງຄກ ັນ: ອະອຳ ອະອຳ

ເຝິກອຳູ່ ນປະໂຫຍກ

ເຝິກອຳູ່ ນປະໂຫຍກ: ອຳດີຕີປະຕ. ທະຫຳນຢນຍຳມ. ກະດຳນສີຂຽວ. ມຳລີຖສະບ. ຍຳູ່ ມີກະປ

ົູ້ ຂອງຄຳສ ັບ: ວ ັດ ກ ັດ ມ ັດ /ຂ ັນ ມ ັນ ສ ັນ/ ສ ັກ ຜັກ ຮ ັກ/ ຖ ັງ ຮ ັງ ສ ັນ/ ວ ັດ ຕດ

ພະຍ ັນຊະນະຕນ ັ ອ ັດ…
ທວນຄນ ສະຫຼະ xຳ x່ີ xະ / ມຳລີອຳູ່ ນສະຫຼະ xະ xຳ x່ີ ຢກ
ູ່ ະດຳນ

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