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Certainly, here is the translation:


My name is John Rey Dob Lorica. I am merely nineteen years

old, the youngest child of Jeorge Lorica and Catherine Lorica,
residing in Barangay Basud, West District, Sorsogon City. I am
the third among four siblings. My father works as a foreman,
while my mother is a housewife. I am currently studying Civil
Technology at Sorsogon State University. I am a diligent student,
striving and aspiring for lofty dreams and goals in life, aiming
to become a successful individual, build my own home, form my own
family, and assist others. I have an inclination towards art as a
means to enrich my life. Volleyball has been a passion of mine
since childhood. If given the chance, I won't squander any
opportunity that awaits in my future.

Presently, I have received an opportunity at school to

better myself and test my capabilities. My current aspiration is
to attain high grades, complete my studies, and assist my
parents. In my younger years, I was a shy child, seldom engaging
with others, especially when visitors came to our house; I would
often stay in my room. Likewise, when visiting others, I would
remain close by, either beside or behind my parents or siblings.
However, as time passed, I overcame my shyness. Relatives advised
me that a person appears better if not shy. Hence, I gradually
learned to interact with other people. I had many interests in my
youth, but playing volleyball gave true meaning to joy in sports
or hobbies in life. I enjoy doing household chores, which serve
as a skill for my future.

Starting my education brought numerous challenges. This

marked the beginning of contemplating solutions to various
issues. This became one of the instruments that led me to grow
into a better and more adaptable person. My experiences in
secondary school are among the most valuable to me. These were
the times when I discovered genuine happiness, meeting people who
I can call true friends, individuals who shared both my sorrows
and joys during our school days. These people have been my
support pillars until now. During this period, I also learned the
importance of education.

Graduating from high school was challenging due to the

hurdles I faced. Despite everything, I managed to overcome and
complete my secondary education. The challenges in my educational
journey didn't end there; alongside finishing high school, I also
entered college, by God's grace.

Absolutely, crafting an "Ideal Self" narrative based on the

provided story:


I am John Rey Dob Lorica, envisioning my ideal self standing

at the summit of success, aged nineteen, navigating life's
vibrant pathways. My parents, Jeorge and Catherine Lorica, have
instilled in me the values of diligence and ambition, sculpting a
portrait of an individual striving for greatness.

In this image of my ideal self, I see a beacon of success,

radiating determination and resilience. My journey began in
Barangay Basud, West District, Sorsogon City, as the third child
among four siblings. With fervor, I embraced education, marching
towards the halls of Sorsogon State University, pursuing Civil

The ideal version of myself is a paragon of dedication,

armed with aspirations that soar high above the mundane. I
envision sculpting a future adorned with accomplishments—
constructing my own abode, nurturing a loving family, and
extending a hand to those in need.

Art has always been my solace, a canvas where I find peace

and expression. Volleyball, an old passion, symbolizes not just a
sport but the embodiment of joy, instilling camaraderie and
sportsmanship within me.

My ideal self is not merely about personal triumphs but an

embodiment of humility and adaptability. Shyness once draped me,
concealing the potential to engage with others. However, time
unfurled this cocoon, revealing a sociable individual, embracing
the wisdom that a person's true essence shines brighter without

Idealism intertwines with reality in my pursuit of

excellence. Challenges molded me, igniting a fire within to solve
complexities, transforming me into a resilient soul with a thirst
for knowledge.

Secondary school unfolded a trove of invaluable experiences,

birthing genuine friendships that weathered the storms of
adolescence. These bonds, solidified in both joy and sorrow,
stand as my unwavering pillars even now.

My ideal self isn't confined to the past but a compass

guiding my journey. Challenges in education were conquered; high
school's pinnacle was scaled, and now, I stand, a college
student, blessed with the opportunity to further my learning.

The ideal John Rey Dob Lorica is an amalgamation of

resilience, humility, ambition, and empathy—a testament to a life
etched with purpose, striving not just for personal glory but to
weave a tapestry of compassion and success within the fabric of

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