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Yield Evaluation of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L),

Genotype(HD2967) Under Timely and late Sown Conditions

Compiled and submitted by:

Anuj Raj

(Syst. Id.-2019006826)

(Batch 2019-2023)





Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida-201306


Sharda School of Agricultural Sciences


This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled, “ Yield Evaluation of

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L), Genotype(HD2967) Under Timely
and late Sown Conditions” submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of
Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Agriculture, is based on work carried out by “ Anuj
Raj (2019006826)” under the supervision of Dr. Sunil Jaiswal.

All the help and sources of information received has been duly
acknowledged. No part of this report has been submitted elsewhere for award of
any other degree.

Supervisor Program Coordinator Dean

(Dr. Sunil Jaiswal) (Dr. Sunil Jaiswal) (Prof. Dolly Wattal Dhar)

It is a proud privilege to express my deepest sense of gratitude to Dr. Dolly Wattal Dhar, Dean,
Sharda School of Agricultural Sciences for valuable guidance and constant supervision,
constructive criticism and encouragement throughout the dissertation project.

I do express my indebtedness to my guide Dr. Sunil Jaiswal for providing guidance,

unfailing interest, painstaking and invaluable helps for coordinating the entire research
programme & during the preparation of the project report.

I would like to extend my profound gratefulness to Prof. Kusumakar Sharma, Prof.

Saleem Siddique, Prof. D.S. Rana, Dr. Ashutosh Pandey, Dr. Rajvendra Singh, Dr.Palak
Mishra, Dr. Aastha Gupta and Dr. Swati Hazra for their help and cooperation during the
dissertation project.

I am very much thankful to non-teaching staff, Mr. Raghuveer (Field Assistant), Mr. Deepak
Vedwal (Field Assistant) and Mr. Amit Kumar (Lab Assistant) for their direct or
indirect help in bringing this programme to accomplishment.

Anuj Raj
S.Id.- 2019006826












Wheat is one of the important staple food worldwide. It is the second most important staple
food after rice in India. Wheat has its own critical climatic requirement for growth and
development. For achieving higher yield, wheat need favorable abiotic and biotic requirements
and this is possible if it is sown at optimum time. So, present study was conducted at Crop
cafet eri a, Sharda S chool o f Agri cultural Sciences, Sharda University, Greater Noida
to evaluate high yielding wheat genotype (HD2967) under timely sown (November 18,
2022) and late sown (December 3, 2022) conditions. In this study, different yield
contributing characters were measured.

5 plants per plot were randomly selected excluding border rows to obtain data for plant height,
spike length, spikelets per spike, days to flowering, no. of grain per spike and no. of tillers.
Wheat was harvested from 1 m2 area of each plot to obtain no. of tillers and grain yield. Other
observations like days to heading, flowering, maturity and 1000 grain weight were also

Results outcomes that all genotypes showed reduction in performance under late sown condition
and late sown variety completed its life cycle earlier i n t e r m s o f d a y as compared to
timely sown wheat. So this variety should be sown early for high yield.


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most cultivated cereal crop of the world
including India. It belongs to family Gramineae (Poaceae) and is very important cereal
crop after rice in terms of area and production. It has a wider adaptability and high
yield potential among the cereals. It can be grown not only in tropical zone and sub -
tropical zone, but also in temperate zone. It finds a major place in both time meals of
common population in major wheat growing states. The cultivation of wheat has also
been symbolic of green revolution, self-sufficiency in food and sustained production.
On an average, the kernel contains 12% water, 70% carbohydrates, 12% protein, 2%
fat, 1.8% minerals, and 2.2% crude fibres. As a result of technological innovation,
The production of wheat in the country increased significantly from 5.6 million tons
at the time of independence (1947-48) is now producing 107.86 million tons in an area
of 29.8 million hectares (2020-21) with average productivity of 3.85 tons per hectare.
Wheat is the staple food in more than 40 countries of the world. According to the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the global wheat
production in 2021/22 is projected to reach 778.5 million tons, representing a 1.4%
increase from the previous year. The increase is mainly due to a rebound in production
in some of the major wheat-producing countries, including India, the United States,
and Australia. In terms of wheat consumption, the FAO estimates that the global
consumption of wheat in 2021/22 will reach 760.6 million tons, up by 1.5% from the
previous year. The increase in consumption is driven by population growth and rising
demand for wheat-based products, particularly in developing countries.

There are various factors responsible for low production of w heat; sowing time and
varietal selection are of primary importance. Wheat has its own definite abiotic and
biotic requirement for its growth and development. Optimum sowing time helps plant
to attain favorable environment. Timely sowing of wheat increases number of tiller,
spikes, grains per spike and grain weight, which ultimately increases the grain yield.

Delay sowing reduces the yield due to decrease in number of tillers, number of grain s
per spike and weight of grain. It has estimated grain yield loss @ 39 kg ha-1 per day
for each day delay in sowing from optimum sowing time. Plant under delay sowing
experiences terminal heat stress. Heat stress affects the various physiological,
biological and biochemical process in wheat. High temperature cause decrea se in
grain filling duration, photosynthetic capacity and rate of assimilate. Many high
yielding varieties that have been recommended in the past are now loosing their yield
capacity due to changes in various edaphic and environmental conditions. However,
wheat production is also facing several challenges, including climate change and its
impact on wheat yields. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has
predicted that the global average temperature is likely to increase by 1.5°C by the end
of this century, which could lead to reduced wheat yields in many regions. Thus,
continuous selection of high yielding varieties that can cope to changing
environmental condition is necessary. In late sowing, the wheat genotype should be
short duration that can escape from high temperature at the grain filling stage.

Population is increasing, by 2050 world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion. To

feed this burgeoning population, production of food grains needs to be increased.
India is already self-sufficient in terms of wheat production but since land is limited
and population is increasing, there is need to increase production of wheat. Breeding
approach (identification of germplasm can be identified or hybridization) is one
option that can be applied to improve the quality and yield of wheat. To address these
challenges, there has been an increased focus on developing climate -resilient wheat
varieties that can adapt to changing environmental conditions. Researchers have also
been working on developing new technologies and management practices to improve
wheat production, including precision agriculture, crop rotation, and integrated pest
management. Keeping this in view, present study was conducted to evaluate high
yielding varieties of wheat under timely and late sown conditions.

The objective of the present investigation is the yield
evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotype (HD
2967) under timely and late sown conditions.

Alam et al. (2016) evaluated the performance of HD2967 under timely and late sown
conditions and found that the genotype performed better under timely sown
conditions, with a higher grain yield and better yield attributes. The study also showed
that late sowing resulted in a delay in crop development and reduced the yield
potential of the genotype.

Asif et al. (2019) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes under late
sown conditions and found that the genotypes showed variation in yield and yield
attributes. The study also found that some genotypes were more tolerant to late
sowing than others, indicating the importance of identifying genotypes with high
adaptability to changing environmental conditions.

Bakhsh et al. (2020) discussed the impact of changi ng environmental conditions on

wheat productivity and highlighted the importance of identifying genotypes with high
adaptability to changing environmental conditions. The article also emphasized the
importance of optimizing management practices, such as so wing dates and irrigation
management, to maximize wheat productivity under changing environmental

Baloch et al., (2012) recorded 7.2% reduction in grains yield as compared to normal
planting time.

Baloch et al., (2012) evaluated different varieties of wheat under timely and late
sowing conditions and recorded that wheat planted in the month of October produced
longer spikes while short spike length were observed in December.

Fayed et al., (2015) conducted an experiment in which he planted vario us varieties of

wheat on different dates- 15 th October, 15 th November and 15 th December and
recorded that grain yield obtained from October sowing give higher as compared to
November and December sowings in Sakha- 93 variety of wheat and grain yield
obtained from November sowing were significantly higher as compared to October

and December sowings in Misr- 1 variety of wheat, so this research determines that
late sowing in December give lowest yield.

Hossain et al., (2018) conducted an experiment to evaluate performance of wheat

under late and timely sown varieties and concluded that performance of all wheat
varieties is better in respect of phenology, yield and yield contributing characters of
all varieties of wheat when sown in timely conditions as compa red to late sown.

Hossain et al., (2018) conducted an experiment to evaluate performance of wheat

under late (30 th December) and timely (20 th November) sown varieties and recorded
that wheat sown under timely sown conditions produced the highest 1000 - grain
weight and least 1000 grain weight was recorded in late sown condition.

Hussain et al. (2018) evaluated the performance of HD2967 under dif ferent sowing
dates and found that the genotype performed better under timely sown conditions,
with a higher yield and better yield attributes. The study also found that late sowing
resulted in a delay in crop development and reduced the yield potential of the

Hu et al. (2020) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes under early
and late sown conditions and found that the genotypes showed significant differences
in grain yield, plant height, and yield attributes. The study also found that some
genotypes were more tolerant to late sowing than others, indicating the importance of
identifying genotypes with high adaptability to changing environmental conditions.

Kaur et al. (2021) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes un der late
sown conditions and found that the genotypes showed variation in yield and yield
attributes. The study also found that genotypes with a high number of tillers and
higher thousand grain weight performed better under late sown conditions, indicating
the importance of identifying genotypes with high adaptability to changing
environmental conditions.

Khan et al. (2020) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes under
different nitrogen application levels and found that the genotypes showed significant
variation in grain yield and yield attributes. The study also found that some genotypes
were more responsive to nitrogen application than others, indicating the importance of
identifying genotypes with high nitrogen use efficiency.

Kumar et al. (2017) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes under
timely and late sown conditions and found that the genotypes showed significant
variation in grain yield, plant height, and yield attributes under different sowing
conditions. The study concluded that selecting appropriate genotypes for specific
sowing conditions can be an effective strategy for increasing wheat productivity.

Kumar et al. (2019) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes under
different sowing dates and found that the genotypes showed variation in yield and
yield attributes under different sowing conditions. The study also found that the
genotypes with a high number of tillers and higher thousand grain weight performed
better under timely sown conditions, indicating the importance of selecting
appropriate genotypes for specific sowing conditions.

Kumar et al. (2020) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes under
terminal heat stress conditions and found that the genotypes showed significant
variation in grain yield and yield attributes. The study concluded that identifying
genotypes with high heat tolerance is crucial for maintaining wheat productivity in
regions prone to terminal heat stress.

Kumar et al. (2021) discussed the importance of developi ng high-yielding and

climate-resilient wheat varieties to meet the growing demand for food in the face of
changing environmental conditions. The article highlighted the potential of
biotechnology tools, such as marker-assisted selection, genetic engineering, and
genomics, to accelerate the development of climate-resilient wheat varieties.

Pooja et al., (2018) evaluated two hundred and ten recombinant inbred lines, originated from
the cross between WH 542 cross WH 711 during two years using randomized block design
with three replications. The mean sum of squares due to genotypes were significant for
grain yield per plant, number of tillers per plant, thousand grain weight, number of grains
per ear, plant height, ear length, number of spikelets per ear, biological yield and harvest index
and days to maturity at 1% level of significance and days to heading at 5% level of significance
indicating considerable magnitude of genotypic variability for all the characters understudy.

Poudel et al., (2020) recorded that mean plant height of wheat under timely sown
condition is 17.39% more as compared to late sown conditions.

Sattar et al., (2010) observed that low grain yield in late sown wheat is because of
thermal stress, which causes by higher tem perature (around 32 0 C), which prevailing
during grain filling.

Sharma et al. (2019) evaluated the performance of different wheat genotypes under
drought stress conditions and found that the genotypes showed significant variation in
grain yield and yield attributes. The study also identified some genotypes with high
drought tolerance and suggested that such genotypes could be used for developing
drought-tolerant wheat varieties.

Shirpurkar et al., (2008) concluded that early sowing (8 th November) of wheat gave
significantly more grain yield as compared to late sowing (20 th December) wheat crop.

Siddique et al. (2020) discussed the impact of climate change on wheat productivity
and highlighted the importance of identifying genotypes with high heat and drough t
tolerance. The article also emphasized the importance of optimizing management
practices, such as sowing dates and irrigation management, to maximize wheat
productivity under changing environmental conditions.

Singh et al. (2019) evaluated the performance of HD2967 under drought stress
conditions and found that the genotype showed higher grain yield and better yield
attributes compared to other genotypes under both irrigated and rain -fed conditions.
The study concluded that HD2967 had a high lev el of tolerance to drought stress,
making it a potential candidate for cultivation in drought-prone regions.

Singh et al. (2021) discussed the importance of developing climate -smart wheat
varieties that are adapted to changing environmental conditions. The article
highlighted the potential of genomics-assisted breeding to develop wheat varieties that
are tolerant to heat and drought stress and have higher yield potential. The article also
emphasized the importance of integrating genomic technologies with tr aditional
breeding approaches to develop wheat varieties that can meet the challenges of
changing environmental conditions.

Rashid et al., (2004) conducted an experiment in Southern region of Bangladesh to

evaluate yield of wheat under late sowing conditio ns, 15 th December and 30 th
December, and found that grain yield obtained from 15 th December sowing (1.62 tha -1 )
were significantly higher than that of 30 th December sowing (0.98 tha -1 ).

Yadav et al. (2021) evaluated the performance of different wheat genot ypes under
different sowing dates and found that the genotypes showed significant variation in
yield and yield attributes under different sowing conditions. The study also identified
some genotypes with high adaptability to changing environmental condition s and
suggested that such genotypes could be used for developing cli mate-resilient wheat

4.1 Experimental site
A field experiment entitled “Yield Evaluation of Wheat Genotypes under Timely and
Late sowing conditions” was conducted at Sharda School of Agricultural Sciences
(SSAS), Sharda University, Greater Noida, India geographically located at 28° 47' N
latitude and 77° 48' E longitude at an altitude of 200 meter above sea level. The
experimental site falls under the Tropical climate.

4.2 Soil Properties

Soil samples were taken from the field after land preparation. This soil samples was
air-dried, ground well and sieved through 2mm sieve. The soil characteristics were
analyzed in soil laboratory of SSAS Lab, Greater Noida. The soil analysis showed that
the soil was clay loam having 0.47 kg ha-1 nitrogen, 185 kg ha-1 phosphorous, 122.5
kg ha-1 potash and 3.5% organic matter. The soil found acidic with pH 5.3.

4.3 Weather Condition

The maximum and minimum temperature and total rainfall during the c rop growth
period (November 2022 to April 2023) is presented in Table 1 and Fig.-1.

Months Average Temperature (oC) Average Humidity (%)

November (2022) 28 75

December (2022) 14 80

January (2023) 12 87

February (2023) 19 79

March (2023) 22 61

April (2023) 30 40

Table no. 1







40 Average Temperature (oC)

Average Humidity (%)



Fig. 1-Weather Chart

4.4 Experimental design and Planting material

Experimental design: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
Number of Replications: 2
Size of each plot: 3*3 m 2
Environment: Timely sown and Late sown
Planting Material: HD2967
The planting materials (genotypes) were taken from Indain Agricultural Research
Institute (IARI), New Delhi.

4.5 Agronomical Practices
Deep ploughing of land is done by Power tiller. Leveling of land was done manually.
Full dose of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were applied during land
preparation in late sown condition. While in timely sown condition, full dose of
phosphorous, potassium and half dose of nitrogen were applied during land
preparation and remaining half dose of nitrogen were applied after 1st irrigation.
Continuous line sowing method was used and sowing was done maintaining spacing of
20 cm between rows and 10 cm between plants. Planting depth for dwarf wheat considered
to be between 5 and 6 cm. Planting at a depth greater than this results in a poor stand. The
sowing was done on November 18, 2022 and December 03, 2022 for timely sown and
late sown conditions respectively. Irrigation was given at crown root initiation stage
and heading stage and the remaining water requirement was fulfilled by natural
rainfall. Weeding, harvesting and threshing were done manually. Based on the
temperature requirements, it has been discovered that the best sowing time of wheat on 16-
20 th November. A seed rate of 100 kg/ha has been found to be sufficient for most varieties
with moderate tillering and medium sized grains, such as HD2947. Solar or hot-water treatment
was applied to the seed of loose smut-susceptible varieties. Wheat seed was not treated with
Vitavax as it was only used for human consumption or cattle feed.

4.6. Intercultural operations

a. Fertilizer application- At the time of sowing, the total amount of phosphorus and
potassium, as well as half the amount of nitrogen, was applied. The remaining nitrogen
applied during crown root initiation. The NPK fertiliser dose recommended for late-sown
irrigated wheat crop is: N – 60-80 kg/ha, 30-40 kg/ha P2O5, 20-25 kg/ha K2O
b. Irrigation- High yielding wheat variety received five to six irrigations during critical
growth stages, which occur at 21-25 days after sowing (DAS), 45-60 DAS, 60-70 DAS,
90-95 DAS, 100-105 DAS, and 120-125 DAS, respectively. Irrigation at the CRI stage is
c. Roughing- Plants that differed in appearance (offtypes), other crop plants, noxious
weeds, disease-infected plants, and so on were removed. Wheat should be rouged twice,
once at heading and again at maturity, because off-types and other varieties of the same
species are easily identified.

4.7. Pest and diseases
Aphids and Fusarium head blight (Scab) were common insect pest and disease
respectively found in the wheat field.

i. Aphid
 Dirty white eggs are laid along the veins of
 There are four nymphal stages (instars). Except
for the increase in size during subsequent
instars, each stage has a similar appearance.
The first, second, third, and fourth nymphal
stages each last 1-2, 2, 2, and 3 days. The
nymphs and females resemble each other, with
the exception that the latter are larger. It
breeds quickly in cold weather and reaches its
peak population in February-March, when the
ears ripen.
Fig.2- Aphid
 Aphids are small, soft-bodied, pearl-shaped insects with two cornicles (wax -
secreting tubes) projecting from the fifth or sixth abdominal segment. Aphids
are a dark green colour. Both apterous (wingless) and alatae (winged) species
 They go through 4-5 nymphal instars in their development and have a nymphal
period of 5-7 days. Both forms mate within a day or two of the last moult and
begin reproducing young. Although apterous forms produce significantly more
young than alatae, their life span is significantly shorter.
 The presence of viviparous apterous forms is common in the field.

Symptoms of damage
 The nymphs and adults, like other aphids, suck sap from plants, particularly
from their ears.
 During cold and cloudy weather, they appear in large numbers on young leaves
or ears.
 The damage is exacerbated in years of cloudy weather. A heavily manured,
well-irrigated, and succulent crop will keep the pest for a longer period of time.
 Spray 200-250 gm/ha of Dimethoate or Oxydemeton methyl, or
monocrotophos.or chloropyriphos 1200ml/ha. The above spraying should be
done by dissolving it in 600 - 700 litre of water.

ii. Fusarium head blight (Scab)

Symptoms of damage
 The most common symptom of FHB is premature
bleaching or blighting of heads.
 Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused by the fungal plant
pathogen Fusarium graminearum (Gibberella zeae).
 During wet weather, there may also be whitish,
occasionally pinkish, fluffy fungal growth on infected
heads in the field.
 The first symptoms of Fusarium head blight occur
shortly after flowering.
 Diseased spikelets exhibit premature bleaching as the
pathogen grows and spreads within the head. Fig.3- Fusarium head blight

 One or more spikelets located in the top, middle, or bottom of the head may be
 Over time, the premature bleaching of the spikelets may progress throughout
the entire head.


 Foliar sprays with a triazol fungicide work best when applied at or within a
week of early flowering.
 Crop Sequence and tillage help it in controlling.

4.8 Observation to be Recorded

Five plants per plot were randomly selected excluding border rows to obtain data for
plant height (PH), spike length (SL), spikelets per spike (SPS), weight of grains per
spike (WGPS), number of grains per spike (NGPS). The other observations taken from
field are as follows:

Days to Heading (DTH): DTH of each plot was recorded as the duration in days from
sowing to the time when more than 50% of the plants in a plot had ear half emerged.

Days to Flowering (DTF): DTF of each plot was recorded as the duration in days
from sowing to the time when more than 50% of the plan ts in a plot had started

Days to Maturity (DTM): DTM of each plot was recorded as the duration in days
from sowing to the time when more than 80% of the plants in a plot had spike and flag
leaf turned golden yellow and the grain is not dented b y thumbnail.

Grain Yield (GY): Crop was harvested from 1 m 2 area of each plot. The grain yield
obtained from 1 m 2 is converted to kilogram per hectare (kg ha-1 ).

Thousand Grain Weight (TGW): 1000 grains were counted at random from bulk
produce of each plot and weight was recorded in gram on electronic balance.

5. Results

Timely Sown (HD2967)

Temperature Humidity
Parameters Days/Date
(°C) (%)
Days to heading 83 DAS (8 February
18.9 72
(50%): 2023)
Days to flowering 96 DAS (21 February
19 74
(50%): 2023)
130 DAS (27th March
Days to maturity 31.5 34
132 DAS (29th March
Harvest: 28 38
Table 2: Days to heading, days to flowering and days to maturity under
timely sown condition

Late Sown (HD2967)

Temperature Humidity
Parameters Days/Date
(°C) (%)
Days to heading 81 DAS (21st February
19 74
(50%) 2023)
Days to flowering 98 DAS (10th March
24 58
(50%) 2023)
118 DAS (31st March
Days to maturity 31.5 37
121 DAS (3rd April
Harvest 37.5 33
Table 3: Days to heading, days to flowering and days to maturity under
late sown condition

Conditions/ Timely Sown Late sown
Parameters Data recorded (Average)
Plant height (cm) 91.4 75.6
No. of tillers 8.5 6
Biological yield (g) 42.39 25.22
Spike length (cm) 10.16 9.2
No. of Spikelets per spike 20 18
No. of grains per spike 53 50
Grain weight per spike (g) 2.3 2.1
1000 grain weight (g) 43.35 42.75
Grain Yield/Plant(g) 15.86 19.34
Harvest Inde(%) 41 41
1 Sq. M
Total no. of tillers 280 367
Grain weight (g) 547 422
6.44 t/ha or 6440 6.38 t/ha or 6380
Final Yield
kg/ha kg/ha

Table 4: Average value of all parameters under timely and late sown

The observation recorded was analysed and results are presented below:

Days to heading:

Mean days to heading in late sown condition is 2.43% lesser than timely sown.

Days to flowering:

Mean days to flowering in late sown condition is 2.06% lesser than timely sown.

Days to maturity:

Mean days to maturity in late sown condition is 9.6% lesser than timely sown.

No. of tillers:

Under timely sown condition, maximum no. of tillers recorded was 13 while minimum
no. of tillers was 5. Under late sown condition maximum no. of tillers recorded was 7
while minimum no. of tillers was 3. Mean no. of tillers in late sown condition is
34.4% lesser than timely sown.

Biological yield:

Under timely sown condition, maximum biological yield recorded was 66.9g while
minimum biological yield was 17.96g. Under late sown condition, maximum
biological yield recorded was 31.28g while minimum biological yield was 20.72g.
Mean biological yield in late sown condition is 50.7% lesser than timely sown.

Spike length:

Under timely sown condition, maximum spike length recorded was 11.86 cm while
minimum spike length was 8.66 cm. Under late sown condition, maximum spike
length recorded was 11.1 cm while minimum spike length was 5.33 cm. Mean spike
length in late sown condition is 9.91 % lesser than timely sown.

Number of Spikelets per spike:

Under timely sown condition, maximum no. of spikel ets per spike recorded was 23
while minimum no. of spikelets per spike was 17. Under late sown condition,
maximum no. of spikelets per spike recorded was 21 while minimum no. of spikelets
per spike was 16. Mean no. of spikelets per spike in late sown condition is 10.52 %
lesser than timely sown.

No. of grains:

Under timely sown condition, maximum no. of grain s recorded was 63 while minimum
no. of grains was 46. Under late sown condition, maximum no. of grains recorded was
65 while minimum no. of grains was 20. Mean no. of grains in late sown condition is
5.82 % lesser than timely sown.

Grain weight per spike:

Under timely sown condition, maximum grain weight per spike recorded was 3.26g
while minimum grain weight per spike was 1.97g. Under late sown condition,
maximum grain weight per spike recorded was 3.7g while minimum grain weight per
spike was 1.6g. Mean grain weight per spike in late sown condition is 8.55 % lesser
than timely sown.

Plant Height:

Under timely sown condition, maximum plant height recorded was 95 cm while
minimum plant height was 90 cm. Under late sown condition, maximum plant height
recorded was 80 cm while minimum plant height was 64 cm. Mean grain weight per
spike in late sown condition is 18.9 % lesser than timely sown.

1000 grain weight:

Mean 1000 grain weight in late sown condition is 1.23 % lesser than timely sown.

No. of tillers and grain weight in 1 m 2 :

Mean no. of tillers (1 Sq. m) in late sown condition is 26.89% more than timely sown.
Mean grain weight (1 Sq. m) in late sown condition is 25.79% lesser than timely

Fig.4- Flowering Stage

Fig.5- Fully Mature

Fig.6- Harvested

6. Conclusion:

From the above study, it can be concluded that wheat under timely sown condition
performed slight better than wheat sown under late sown condition. All parameters’
values including no. of tillers, biological yield, no. of grains, no. of spikelets per
spike, plant height, spike length, grain weight per spike and 1000 grain weight were
slightly more under timely sown wheat as compared to late sown wheat. This
happened because of varied climatic condition under timely and late sown condition.
Wheat sown on 3 rd December received higher temperature as compared to the wheat
sown on 18 th November. Due to heat stress, late sown wheat completed its life cycle
earlier and its yield also got reduced as compared to timely sown condition. As
compared to other varieties, HD2967 showed less difference in performance under late
sown condition as compared early sown conditions.

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