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Once upon a time in Lalylaland ...

a little caterpillar munched its way through a shiny red-cheeked apple. A lovely little girl
in a bright red cape picked the apple as snack for the way to her grandmother’s cottage.
On the way, she met a friendly wolf who invited her to lunch. And so they picnic happily
ever after.
Crochet hook
2.25 mm (US: B/1, UK: 13), or 2.5 mm (US: -, UK: 12)

Sport/Baby Weight Yarn size 2 - fine

100% mercerized cotton, 50g / 125m (2oz / 137yd),
10x10 cm (4x4 inch) = 26 sts x 36 rows

e.g. Scheepjes Catona, Yarn And Colors Must Have, or

Schachenmayr Catania, or similar yarn :


White 130 Bridal White 30g

Beige 257 Antique Mauve 50g
Red 390 Poppy Rose 30g
Brown 503 Hazelnut 2g
Green 513 Apple Granny 1g
Gray 242 Metal Grey 1g



White 002 Cream 30g

Beige 005 Clay 50g
Red 032 Pepper 30g
Brown 027 Satay 2g
Green 082 Grass 1g
Gray 125 Titanium 1g


1 pair of black safety eyes Ø 6 mm (0.24 inch)
1 pair of black safety eyes Ø 8 mm (0.31 inch)

soft stuffing (e.g., polyfiber fill)

blunt-tipped yarn needle

pins, stitch markers, scissors
craft glue


If made from the recommended yarn the wolf turns
out a height of approx. 20 cm (8 inch).

1. For most parts you start with an adjustable ring („magic ring“ or „magic loop“) and you’ll go on work in a
continuous spiral (except the pattern calls for a slst to close the round). This means, you continue to crochet
directly into the first stitch of the previous round to start the next round.

2. Stitch markers are your friends! Mark the first stitch of a round to keep track of where the round begins.
This helps when counting your stitches to compare with the pattern.

3. Take care to crochet very tight stitches! If you crochet rather loosely, choose a smaller hook size.

4. If the amigurumi will be given to a child under the age of 3, please embroider the eyes with dark gray or black
yarn. Make sure that every piece is securely attached to the body.

5. Most important: Have fun!


-blo = work stitch as indicated through back loop only, example: sc-blo, dec-blo, inc-blo
-flo = work stitch as indicated through front loop only, example: sc-flo, dec-flo, inc-flo
ch = chain stitch
ch1sp = the space below 1 ch stitch
dec = decrease (crochet together 2 sts with 1 sc) → Tutorial A, page 6
dc = double crochet stitch
dc2tog = decrease with a dc (crochet together 2 sts with 1 dc)
hdc = half double crochet stitch
inc = increase (2 sc into the same stitch)
pm = place marker
rnd(s) = round(s)
sc = single crochet stitch, x-shape → Tutorial below
slst = slip stitch
st(s) = stitch(es)
[…] ...x = repeat instructions written in brackets as a sequence as often as given after the closing bracket,
example: [sc 1, dc 2] 5x
°…° = work instructions between °...+...° all into the same stitch or same spot
(…) = total number of sts at the end of a row or rnd


Insert the hook into the indicated stitch. Don’t do yarn over now, but yarn under (!): Grab the yarn from above
with the hook pointing down, pull up a loop through the stitch. Then, finish like a common v-shape sc stitch:
Yarn over, pull through both loops on hook.

01 02 03

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.


01 02
Insert the hook into the front loop of the 1st
stitch and then directly also into the front
loop of the 2nd stitch (3 loops on the hook
→ photo 01). Single crochet as usual: Yarn
over, draw through both front loops on the
hook (2 loops on the hook). Yarn over, draw
yarn through both loops on the hook.

Note: This also works for taller stitches like

hdc, dc, or tr. On flat pieces with both sides
visible, you’d rather use the standard way to


01 02
Change to another color by joining in the
new color during the final step of the last
stitch in the old color as follows: work the
last stitch in the old color until the last two
loops of the stitch are on the hook, then
using the new color, wrap the yarn around
the hook and pull through the 2 remaining
old colored loops on your hook (→ photo
01). The next stitch you make will be the
first stitch in the new color (→ photo 02).


01 02
Sometimes you need to work into just one
front back
part of a stitch. This might be a front loop
loop loop
or the back loop (→ photo 01).

Some instructions also call for working

into the back bumps on the backside of a 2nd
foundation chain (→ photo 02). back bump


Make a slip knot from your yarn (do not place on hook). Insert hook into indicated stitch.
Place the slip knot onto hook and pull the slip knot through the stitch (→ photo 01). Take
care to keep the knot on the back of the fabric. Work into the next stitch, or make the
number of chains as indicated in the pattern (e.g., to start a new round).

Note: You can also just insert the hook into indicated stitch, yo and pull it through the stitch if
you prefer (without making a slip knot).

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

STANDING SC With a slip knot on your hook insert hook into indicated stitch. Yarn over, draw the yarn through the stitch (→ photo
01). Yarn over, pull through both loops on the hook (→ photo 02), finish a single crochet stitch as usual (→ photo 03).
STANDING SLST With a slip knot on your hook insert hook into indicated stitch. Yarn over, draw the yarn through the stitch and through the
loop on your hook in one go.

01 02 03


Skip one stitch. Insert needle into next stitch, pull yarn through. Insert needle into the back loop of the same stitch that the yarn tail
is coming from (→ Photos 01+02). Pull gently. This creates a false stitch (closing stitch) that mimics the skipped stitch (→ Photo 03).

01 02 03
skip 1


Pull the yarn tail through last stitch completely. With a yarn needle, draw the yarn through every remaining front loop - from outside to
inside (→ Photo 01). Pull gently to close the gap (→ Photo 02+03).

01 02 03

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

Secure the safety eye with the washer. Then, carefully heat the plastic shaft behind the washer with a lighter and press the soft plastic
against the washer. Repeat until the melted shank builds a disk behind the washer. CAUTION! Do not touch the heated plastic with your
fingers! It’s very hot!

01 02 03


© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.


I highly recommend to use the x-shape sc for this pattern (→

tutorial, page 5)! It creates tight stitches which are standing
much more on top of each other, compared to the v-shape sc.
Also the shift of the beginning of the rnds will be less.


Make a magic loop from beige, work in a continuous spiral.

01. sc 6 into the loop (6) 02

02.-07. (6 rnds) sc 6

You do not need to stuff the worm. Cut the yarn, close the
rnd through front loops (→ Tutorial G) and weave in the end.

To add eyes on your worm, knot one end of a piece of dark

gray or black yarn. Make sure the knot is very tight. Cut the
short yarn tail close to the knot. Now, thread a needle with
the other end.

Stitch through the “head“ of the worm and come out on the
other side (→ photo 01). Make a 2nd knot very close to the 03
surface to create another eye, cut the yarn close above the
knots (→ photo 02) and seal the knots with craft glue.



Make a magic loop from brown, work in a continuous spiral.

Tip: Do not crochet not too tight to make sure the worm fits
into the whole nicely.

01. sc 9 into the loop (9)

02. change to white, sc 9
03.-08. (6 rnds) sc 9

Slst 1 into the next stitch, cut the yarn and fasten off
invisibly (→ Tutorial F). Pull all the yarn ends towards
outside the wormhole (→ photo 04).

Now, turn the piece upside down.

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

08. Join red with a standing sc (→ Tutorial E) into the
backloop of any stitch at the rim of the hole (→
photo 05), sc 1 into the same backloop,
[inc-blo] 8x (→ photo 06) (18)

09. [sc 1, inc] 9x (27)

10. sc 27
11. sc 1, inc, [sc 2, inc] 8x, sc 1 (36)
12.-16. (5 rnds) sc 36
17. sc 2, dec, [sc 4, dec] 5x, sc 2 (30)
18. [dec, sc 3] 6x (24)
19. sc 1, dec, [sc 2, dec] 5x, sc 1 (18)

Put the worm into the hole. Then, stuff the apple rather
loosely. (→ photo 07)

20. [dec, sc 1] 6x (12)

21. [dec] 6x (6)

Cut the yarn, close the rnd through front loops (→ Tutorial
G) and weave in the ends. (→ photo 08)


Leaving a long initial yarn tail, make a foundation chain of 6

ch from brown. Work along the back bumps on the back side
of the chain (→ Tutorial C), starting in the 2nd bump: slst 5.

Cut the yarn with a long rest and tie both ends together (→
photo 09).

Thread a needle with one of the remaining yarn tails. Then,

stitch all the way though the apple – from top towards the
bottom – coming out on the other side (→ photo 10+11).
Take care to not stitch through the worm and hole, but only
through the stuffed part!

Now, thread the needle with the 2nd yarn tail. Insert the 08
needle one stitch next to the one of the first yarn tail (→
photo 12), coming out one stitch next to where the first
yarn tail comes out (→ photo 13).

Tie the yarn ends and pull tight to give the apple the right
shape (→ photo 14+15). Then, knot the ends again to fasten
the ends, so that they can’t untie.

Cut the ends above the knot and separate the single threads
of the yarn ends using the yarn needle (→ photo 16).

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

09 10 11

12 13 14

15 17



© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.


Make a foundation chain of 5 ch from green.

Work along chain, starting in the 2nd ch from hook:

slst 1, sc 2, °slst 1 + ch 1 + slst 1° into the last stitch.
Along the other side of the chain: sc 2, slst 1.

Close the rnd with a slst into the first st of the rnd.
Then, ch 1, cut the yarn with a long rest, pull the end through
the last stitch completely and fasten the stitch (→ photo 18).

Thread a yarn needle with the yarn tail. Right next to the
stem, insert the needle into the apple, stitching through the
soft stuffing and coming out through a stitch on the side (→
photo 19).

Pull the thread tight and make a knot very close on the
surface (→ photo 20). Cut the end above the knot and pull,
or push the knot through the stitch back into the apple, so
that it can’t be seen from the outside (→ photo 21).



Make a magic loop from white, work in a continuous spiral.

01. sc 7 into the loop (7)

02. [inc] 7x (14)
03. [sc 1, inc] 7x (21)
04. sc 1, inc, [sc 2, inc] 6x, sc 1 (28)
05. [sc 3, inc] 7x (35)
06. sc 2, inc, [sc 4, inc] 6x, sc 2 (42)
07. sc 42 21
08. [sc 5, inc] 7x (49)
09.-14. (6 rnds) sc 49
15. dec, sc 47 (48)
16. sc 2, dec, [sc 4, dec] 7x, sc 2 (40)

Place the eyes between rnds 12 and 13 with a distance of 10

sts between the eyes (→ photo 21).
10 sts

TIP: It can be difficult to stuff the head evenly once the eyes are
attached. The long shanks inside the head often get in the way

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

during filling and the eyes end up being crooked. To prevent
this, you can flatten them by carefully heating the plastic shaft
behind the washer with a lighter and then pressing the soft
plastic flat against the washer (→ Tutorial H).

17. [dec, sc 3] 8x (32)

18. sc 1, dec, [sc 2, dec] 7x, sc 1 (24)
Stuff the head well.
19. [dec, sc 1] 8x (16)
20. [dec-blo] 8x (8)

Stuff the head a bit more. Then, cut the yarn, close the rnd
through front loops (→ Tutorial G) and weave in the end.


Turn head upside down.

01. Join red with a slip knot (→ Tutorial D) into

the first front loop remaining from rnd 20
(→ photo 22). Work into the remaining front
loops: slst15 (→ photo 23) (15)

02. sc-blo 1, inc-blo, [sc-blo 2, inc-blo] 4x,

sc-blo 1 (20) 24
03. [sc 3, inc] 5x (25)
04. sc 2, inc, [sc 4, inc] 4x, sc 2 (30)
05. [sc 5, inc] 5x (35)
06. sc 35
07. sc 3, inc, [sc 6, inc] 4x, sc 3 (40)
08. sc 40
09. [sc 7, inc] 5x (45)
10. (3 rnds) sc 45
13. [dec, sc 7] 5x (40)

Slst 1, cut the yarn, close rnd invisibly (→ Tutorial F) and

weave in the ends.

Make a magic loop from white.

01. ch 3 (count as 1 stitch), dc 6 into the loop,

fasten the loop, change to red with the next st:

slst 1 into the top of the beginning ch-3

to close the rnd (→ photo 26) (7)

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

From now on, do not close the rnds but crochet in a
continuous spiral.

02.+03. (2 rnds) sc-blo 7

04. sc 7
05. dec, sc 5 (6)
06.+07. (2 rnds) sc 6

Ch 1, fold the open end of the arm, so that 3 stitches line

each other in two layers. Then, go through the pairs of
stitches of both layers at once to close the arm flat:
sc 3 (→ photo 27)

Cut the yarn with a long rest and make another arm the
same way.

Using the yarn tails, sew the arms onto the body between
rnd 02 and 03 of the body (→ photos 28+29).

Weave in the ends inside the body.


Make a magic loop from red, work in a continuous spiral. 28

01. sc 5 into the loop (5)

02. [inc] 5x (10)
03. [sc 1, inc] 5x (15)
04. sc 1, inc, [sc 2, inc] 4x, sc 1 (20)
05. [sc 3, inc] 5x (25)
06. sc 2, inc, [sc 4, inc] 4x, sc 2 (30)
07. [sc 5, inc] 5x (35)
08. sc 3, inc, [sc 6, inc] 4x, sc 3 (40)
09. [sc 9, inc] 4x (44)
10. sc 44
11. sc 5, inc, [sc 10, inc] 3x, sc 5 (48) 29
12. sc 48
13. [sc 11, inc] 4x (52)
14.-16. (3 rnds) sc 52
17. dec, sc 11, dec, sc 5, sc-flo 6, dec-flo,
sc-flo 7, sc 4, dec, sc 11 (48)

Slst 1, cut the yarn, close rnd invisibly (→ Tutorial F) and

weave in the ends inside the hood.

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.


Turn the hood inside out. Join brown with a slip stitch (→
Tutorial D) into the first back loop remaining from rnd 17
(→ photo 30).

Work into the loops, crochet rather loosely:

sc 1, hdc 1, dc 1, dc2tog, dc 3, dc2tog, dc 1, hdc 1, sc 1, slst 1.
(→ photo 31)

Cut the yarn and weave in the ends and turn the hood back
inside in.

Stuff the tip of the hood loosely and place it onto head with
the rim deep in the neck (→ photo 32) and the hair 3 rnds
above the eyes (→ photo 33). Sew the hood in place with a
few stitches, so that it won’t come off.


Make a magic loop from gray, work in a continuous spiral.

01. sc 8 into the loop (8)
02. [inc] 8x (16)
03. sc 16
04. change to white, sc 6, sc-blo 4, sc 6
05. [sc 3, inc] 4x (20)
06.-07. (2 rnds) sc 20
08. sc 2, inc, [sc 4, inc] 3x, sc 2 (24)
09.-10. (2 rnds) sc 24
11. [sc 5, inc] 4x (28)
12.-13. (2 rnds) sc 28
14. sc 3, inc, [sc 6, inc] 3x, sc 3 (32)
15.-17. (3 rnds) sc 32 33
18. [sc 7, inc] 4x (36)
19.-21. (3 rnds) sc 36
22. sc 4, inc, [sc 8, inc] 3x, sc 4 (40)
23.-25. (3 rnds) sc 40
26. [sc 9, inc] 4x (44)
27.-30. (4 rnds) sc 44
3 rnds
Take a short break on the body to add a nasal bridge and
ears. Therefore, safe the last white stitch on a stitch marker.
(→ photo 34)

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.


Make a magic loop from beige and work in a continuous


01. sc 6 into the loop (6)

02. [sc 2, inc] 2x (8)
03. sc 8
04. [sc 3, inc] 2x (10)
05. sc 10
06. [sc 4, inc] 2x (12)

Ch 1, fold the open end of the ear, so that 6 stitches line

each other in two layers. Then, go through the pairs of
stitches of both layers at once to close the ear flat: sc 6

Cut the yarn and pull the end through the last stitch
completely. Make another ear the same way (→ photo 35).


Hold the head with the nose down.

01. Join beige with a standing sc (→ Tutorial E) into 36

the first front loop remaining from rnd 04 (→
photo 36), sc 3 along the remaining front
loops, ch 1, turn (4)

02.-25. (24 rows) sc 4, ch 1, turn

26. sc 4

The bridge should turn out the same length as the head.
(→ photo 37). If necessary work one more row, or undo a
row to get the right length. Then, cut the yarn and pull the
end through the last stitch completely.

Now, press the snout flat so that the bridge of the nose is
centered on the head. The 4 sts of the last row of the nasal
bridge are now in front of 4 corresponding sts in the center
of the edge of the white head piece.

Join the first and the 4th pair of stitches with a stitch
marker to keep the bridge in place (→ photo 38).

On the edge of the head, starting in the first free stitch next
to the nose bridge, count 9 sts to the right. Place a marker

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

in the 9th stitch. These stitches should be exactly at the side
in the “crease” of the flat head. (→ photo 39)


Pick up the last white stitch, which you’ve saved on a

stitch marker before.


34. In this rnd you’ll attach the ears and the nasal 39
bridge as you go.

sc 6, change to beige, sc 1 into each st until you

reach the first marker (= approx. 9 sc),
9 sts
remove the marker.

Take the first ear and hold it in front of the head

piece, with the back side of the last row of the ear lining the
next 7 sts on the edge of the head (→ photo 40).

Then, crochet together the corresponding sts on both

layers: inc into the first pair of sts, sc 6 (last sc into the ch 1
you’ve made before the last row on the ear → photo 41), sc
2 along the white edge. inc

Now you should have reached the first marker on the nasal
bridge. Remove the markers as you go.

Crochet together the corresponding sts on both layers: sc 4

(→ photo 42), sc 2 along the white edge.

Take the second ear and hold it in front of the head piece,
with the back side of last row of the ear lining the next 7 sts
on the edge of the head.
Crochet together the sts on both layers:
sc 6, inc into the last pair of sts (= the turning ch 1).
turning ch = 7th stitch

Finally along the remaining sts on the white edge:

sc 1 into each stitch until end of the rnd
(= approx. 7 sc / → photo 43) (46)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Now, press the head flat and place the eyes between the 6th
and 7th white round (counted top down) with a distance of
12 sts between the eyes (→ photo 44).

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

If the shank of your safety eyes is long enough, push it
through both white layers and fasten the washer on the
other side (→ photo 45). If it’s to short to go through both
layers, push it through one layer only and fasten the washer
inside the head.

TIP: For extra security, you can flatten the shaft of the safety
eyes by gently heating the plastic shaft behind the washer with
a lighter and then pressing the soft plastic flat against the
washer (→ Tutorial H).

35. sc 5, inc, sc 21, inc, sc 18 (48)

36.-37. (2 rnds) sc 48
38. [sc 11, inc] 4x (52) 43
39.-41. (3 rnds) sc 52
42. sc 6, inc, [sc 12, inc] 3x, sc 6 (56)

Weave in all the yarn ends remaining of ears and nose

bridge on the inside of the head/body.

43.-45. (3 rnds) sc 56
46. [sc 13, inc] 4x (60)
47.-49. (3 rnds) sc 60
50. sc 7, inc, [sc 14, inc] 3x, sc 7 (64)
51.-53. (3 rnds) sc 64
54. [sc 15, inc] 4x (68)
55.-70. (16 rnds) sc 68
71. sc 44, leaving the rest of the rnd unworked.

There should be approx. 8 rounds of the body visible below

the nose, when you fold the white head part at the level of
6 rows
the ears (→ photo 46). If necessary, crochet one or more
straight rounds in addition to reach the right length.
12 sts

Slst 1, cut the yarn, close rnd invisibly (→ Tutorial F) and

weave in the ends.


Make a magic loop from beige and work in a continuous


01. sc 6 into the loop (6)

02. [inc] 6x (12)
03. sc-blo 12
04.-06. (3 rnds) sc 12
07. dec, sc 10 (11)

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

08.-10. (3 rnds) sc 11
11. dec, sc 9 (10)
12.-14. (3 rnds) sc 10
15. dec, sc 8 (9)
16.-18. (3 rnds) sc 9
19. dec, sc 7 (8)
20.-26. (7 rnds) sc 8

There’s no need to stuff the arms. They should be stiff

enough to keep the shape. If they are not, stuff the lower
part of the arm only.

Ch 1, fold the open end of the arm, so that 4 sts line each
other in two layers. Then, go through the pairs of stitches of 47
both layers at once to close the arm flat: sc 4.

Cut the yarn with a long rest and pull the end through the
last stitch completely. Make another arm the same way. (→
photo 47)

Sew the arms onto the back side of the body between the
4th and 5th beige rnd counted top down (→ photos 48+49).


Make a magic loop from beige and work in a continuous


01. sc 6 into the loop (6)

02. [inc] 6x (12)
03.-05. (3 rnds) sc 12
06. [dec, sc 4] 2x (10)
08.-10. (3 rnds) sc 10
11. [dec, sc 3] 2x (8)

Ch 1, fold the open end, so that 4 stitches line each other

in two layers. Then, go through the pairs of stitches of both
layers at once to close the tail flat: sc 4 (→ photo 50)

Cut the yarn with a long rest and pull the end through the
last stitch completely.

Using the yarn tails, sew the tail onto the rim on the back
side of the body. (→ photo 51)

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

50 51 52

53 54 55

sew sew



Make a foundation chain of 5 ch from red. Work into Sew the center of the head onto the chest with a few
the back bumps along the back side of the chain (→ stitches. Place these sewing stitches under the nasal
Tutorial C), starting in the 3rd bump from hook: dc 3. bride, so that they will be invisible (→ photo 55).

Ch 1, cut the yarn with a long rest and pull the end Next, sew the nasal bridge onto the snout with just a
through the last stitch completely. (→ photo 52) few stitches.

Sew the tongue onto the side of the snout between

the 6th and 10th white rnd, counted bottom up (→ CHEEKS
photo 53).
Embroider cheeks with red, or pink underneath the
eyes of the wolf and Red Riding Hood.

Do not stuff the body. Press the head and body of the
wolf flat. Fold the white head part of the wolf at the
level of the ears.

Sew the sides of the first 3-4 rows of head onto the
body so that the head stays in position (→ photo

© 2022 LYDIA TRESSELT, LALYLALA CROCHET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior permission in writing from the author.

#lalylala #lalylalanestingtoy

There is a material kit available for this lalylala pattern, coming with
everything needed to make your own nesting toy set. →


The design and pattern are copyright and must not be reproduced for
resale! You cannot sell finished toys made from this pattern. For your
personal use (non-profit) or for charity purposes you are permitted to make
as many items from this pattern as you like.


All rights reserved. No part of this pattern may be published, resold, reproduced (in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise), shared, translated or altered without prior
permission in writing from the author.


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